Wroclaw 17th June, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WNZKŚ.2421.16.IGRR.2015.JR For performing an expertise regarding the application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project and integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT. The task will be implemented under the project LIFE12 ENV/PL/000056 „Air Pollution and biometeorological forecast and Information System (LIFE-APIS/PL” (LIFE-APIS). I. ORDERING PARTY University of Wrocław Faculty of Earth Science and Environmental Management, Institute of Geography and Regional Development Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 50-137 Wrocław NIP 896-000-54-08 Estimated contract value does not exceed 30 000 euro. The provisions of the Public Procurement Act dated 29h January 2004 (consolidated text dated 2010, The Journal of Laws, No. 113, item 759), pursuant to art. 4, clause 8, do not apply to this Contract. II. THE SUBJECT OF REQUEST 1. The object of request is performing an expertise regarding the application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project and integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT. The task will be implemented under the project LIFE12 ENV/PL/000056 „Air Pollution and biometeorological forecast and Information System (LIFE-APIS/PL” (LIFE-APIS). 2. Names and codes according to the Common Procurement Vocabulary CPV: 73300000-5 Design and execution of research and development 3. III. Detailed specification of the subject of this RFP is attached as Annex 1. TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF THE TASK Time limit for completion of the task: - First stage: application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project - by 31.12.2015 - Second stage: integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT - by 31.03.2016 IV. INFORMATION ABOUT CONTRACTOR The expert should have experience in using the HYSPLIT model for air quality modeling. The experience should be supported by proved evidence such as minimum 3 scientific publications (indexed in the ISI databases) in last 4 years. Moreover the expert should have experience in an integrated Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and HYSPLIT modeling approach. V. DESCRIPTION OF PREPARING THE OFFER 1. The offer ought to be made in writing in Polish or English. 2. Offer ought to be made as per tender form attached to this offer enquiry request and: -be stamped by contractor -have a date of preparation -include contractor’s: address, phone number, e-mail address, NIP number -include signatures of persons authorized to represent the contractor VI. PLACE AND DEADLINE FOR OFFER SUBMISSION 1. The offer should be submitted at the Purchaser’s headquarter: Dziekanat WNZKŚ ul. Kuźnicza 35, 50-138 Wrocław via e-mail (joanna.rozycka@uni.wroc.pl), mail, courier or in person, with the description ” ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE WNZKŚ.2421.16.IGRR.2015.JR”, By the deadline 25th June, 2015 r. by. 1000 2. Offer evaluation will take place on 26th June, 2015, and the results will be announced in Ordering Party’s headquarter and on the website www.uni.wroc.pl. 3. Offers submitted after the deadline will not be considered. 4. Offer can be changed or withdrawn before the deadline. 5. Ordering Party may require explanations concerning the content of submitted offers, during examination and evaluation process. 6. VII. Request for proposal is found at: www.uni.wroc.pl OFFER EVALUATION Ordering Party will evaluate the valid offers based on the following criteria: Price – 100% Price need to include all costs associated with the implementation of the order and the conditions set by the Ordering Party. VIII. INFORMATION ABOUT THE SELECTION OF OFFERS 1. Information about the best offer selection will be send via e-mail and on the website: www.uni.wroc.pl 2. IX. The contract will be concluded with Contractor, which submitted the best offer. OTHER PROVISIONS The Ordering Party reserves the right to cancel the request without giving a reason. X. ENTITLED CONTACT PERSON A person authorized to provide additional information is: Joanna Różycka joanna.rozycka@uni.wroc.pl X. ANNEXES 1. Contract subject detailed specification 2. Offer form sample 3. List of experiences and publications made by the expert 4. Contract form sample Approved by Dziekan WNZKŚ prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Jary ANNEX 1 TO REQUEST OF PROPOSAL NR WNZKŚ.2421.16.IGRR.2015.JR DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECT OF CONTRACT 1. The object of contract The object of contract is performing an expertise regarding the application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project and integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT. The task will be implemented under the project LIFE12 ENV/PL/000056 „Air Pollution and biometeorological forecast and Information System (LIFE-APIS/PL” (LIFE-APIS). The LIFE-APIS project received funding under the LIFE+ programme. The coordinating beneficiary of the Project is the University of Wroclaw, the co-beneficiary is the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Environment Protection in Wroclaw. The main aim of the project is to develop an alert system that will provide information on the risk of critical and alarm levels exceedance of air pollutants, as well as forecast biometeorological conditions in advance. The task will include performance of a study for the Ordering Party in the field of application of the HYSPLIT dispersion model and integration of the WRF mesoscale chemical transport model for high resolution domains applied in the project in order to forecast air pollutants concentrations for areas with high risk of critical levels exceedance (so-called hot spots) in the Lower Silesian voivodeship. 2. Detailed scope of work The object of contract includes performing a study on applying the HYSPLIT model for the selected domains and developing a method allowing the use of meteorological information and pollutant concentrations provided by the WRF-Chem model for the area of Lower Silesian voivodeship by the HYSPLIT model and generating 48-hour air pollutants concentration forecasts for four designated areas within the voivodeship. The integration should be performed taking into account the following criteria: - forecasts will be performed for the following pollutants: tropospheric ozone (O3), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2); - spatial resolution of the forecasts will be lower than 1 km x 1 km and temporal resolution of 1 hour; - the HYSPLIT model will be run for four spatial domains, covering the following cities: Wroclaw, Legnica, Walbrzych and Jelenia Gora. Anthropogenic emission data, including point and area sources of pollutants, that serve as input information for the HYSPLIT model, will be provided by the Ordering Party. Time limit for completion of the task: First stage: application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project - by 31.12.2015 Second stage: integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT - by 31.03.2016 Company Stamp ANNEX 2 TO REQUEST OF PROPOSAL NR WNZKŚ.2421.16.IGRR.2015.JR ……………………………………………………………. 1. Name of Expert ........................................................................................................ 2. Name of Contractor (fill in the case of company):............................................................... 2. Address: .................................................................................................................................. E-mail.................................................... Phone number .................................................... Fax number ......................................................... OFFER FORM SAMPLE In response to request for proposal for performing an expertise regarding the application of the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) dispersion model to the domains selected for the project and integration of the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRFChem) chemical transport model with HYSPLIT. The task will be implemented under the project LIFE12 ENV/PL/000056 „Air Pollution and biometeorological forecast and Information System (LIFE-APIS/PL” (LIFEAPIS), in accordance with the requirements set out in the Detailed Description of the Contract , I offer net tax ( gross ............................................ PLN %) ............................................ PLN ............................................ PLN (written: …………………………........................................................................................................) 1.We declare, that the price includes all the costs of the contract 2. We declare that we consider ourselves bound by this tender for the period indicated in the call for proposals . 3. We declare that we obtained all necessary information to prepare this offer. 4. We declare, that we have necessary knowledge, experience, technical background and personnel to complete the contract. 5. We declare that we are in an economic and financial situation to complete the contract. 6. We declare that we are not in the course of insolvency proceedings in bankruptcy or liquidation. 7. We declare that guarantee the performance of the whole of this contract in accordance with the contents of the request of proposal. 8. We declare no persona or capital links to the Customer. ............................................... (place, date) ..................................... (signatures of authorized representatives along with company stamp) Company Stamp ANNEX 3 TO REQUEST OF PROPOSAL NR WNZKŚ.2421.16.IGRR.2015.JR ……………………………………………………………. LIST OF EXPERIENCES AND PUBLICATIONS MADE BY THE EXPERT Name of the expert Publications Experience (copies must be attached) (according to pt. IV of request of proposal) 1. ………………………….. 2. …………………………… 3. ……………………………