________________________________________ Supplementary material Vibrational Dynamics of Azide-Derivatized Amino Acids Studied by Nonlinear Infrared Spectroscopy Masaki Okuda,1 Kaoru Ohta,2 and Keisuke Tominaga1,2 1Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Rokkodai-cho 1-1, Nada. Kobe 657-8501 Japan 2Moleuclar Photoscience Research Center, Kobe University, Rokkodai-cho 1-1, Nada. Kobe 657-8501 Japan e-mail: tominaga@kobe-u.ac.jp 1 ________________________________________ We performed simulations of the linear absorption spectra and its 2D-IR spectra of the N3 anti-symmetric stretching band of N3-Ala and N3-Pro which contains two components (N3,low and N3,high bands) with the procedure developed by Fenn and Fayer [1]. We calculated the linear absorption spectra and its 2D-IR spectra as follows: I tot,linear ( ) a1I1,linear ( ) (1 a1 ) I 2,linear ( ) S1,linear ( ) S2,linear ( ) (1) Stot, 2 DIR (1 , 3 ;T ) f1 (1 )S1, 2 DIR (1 , 3 ;T ) (1 f1 (1 )) S2, 2 DIR (1 , 3 ;T ) (2) where Ii,linear() and Si,2D-IR( ) are the ith component of the linear absorption spectrum and 2D-IR spectrum, respectively, and a1 is a weighting factor for component 1. The term f1(1) in eq. (2) is calculated as follows: f1 (1 ) S1,linear (1 ) S1,linear (1 ) S1,linear (2 ) (3) where Si,linear(1) is the linear absorption spectrum of the ith component defined in eq. (1). In these simulations, we set the parameter a1 of the peak intensity of N3,low band A2 for N3-Ala and A1 for N3-Pro given in Table 2. Because the spectral signatures due to the chemical exchange process between two transitions are not seen clearly in the off-diagonal regions of 2D-IR spectra in our experimental time window (see Fig. 7), we neglect it in the simulations. We assumed that the vibrational energy relaxation time and rotational relaxation time of N3 anti-symmetric stretching mode do not significantly depend on the observed wavenumber in the IR pump-probe measurements, and we used the experimentally obtained time constants T12 and TR given in Table 3 as those of N3,low and N3,high band. Moreover, we assumed that the functional forms of the correlation function C(T) of N3,low and N3,high bands can be expressed as follows: C (T ) (T ) / T2 21 exp T / C 22 (3) We used the parameters given in Table 4 as the parameters in FFTCF of N3,low band. We 2 ________________________________________ varied the parameters of N3,high band to reproduce the line shape of N3,high band. To look at the dependence of the simulated results on the parameters of N3,high band, we performed simulations using different sets of parameters of N3,high band. The parameters of N3,high band used in the simulations are given in Table S1. Figure S1 shows the linear absorption spectra of the N3 anti-symmetric stretching band of N3-Ala and N3-Pro simulated for each set of parameters of N3,high band. As shown in Fig. S1, the measured IR spectra of N3-Ala and N3-Pro are well reproduced by a sum of N3,low and N3,high bands. Figures S2 and S3 display the 2D-IR spectra simulated at T = 0.2 ps and 1 ps of N3-Ala and N3-Pro, respectively. Figure S4 shows CLSs of N3-Ala and N3-Pro calculated from the 2D-IR spectra of N3,low, N3,high and whole bands. As shown in Fig. S4, the values of CLSs for whole band are similar to those for N3,low band, and we observed weak dependence of the simulated CLSs on the parameters for FFTCF of N3,high band. To see the relative contributions of the 2D-IR spectra of N3,high band to that of the whole band, we took the slices of the 2D-IR spectra of N3,low, N3,high and whole bands at two different 1 frequencies. Figure S5 and S6 display the slices of the 2D-IR spectra at T = 0.2 ps and 1 ps at frequencies indicated by the dotted black lines in Fig. S2 and S3. As described in Fig. S5 and S6, it is found that the traces of the 2D-IR spectrum of N3,low band have stronger intensity than those of N3,high band, and is similar to those of whole band. These results indicate that the 2D-IR spectrum of the whole band is mainly characterized by that of N3,low band. Therefore, in spite of the presence of second transitions, we concluded that the experimentally obtained CLS of N3-Ala and N3-Pro still represents FFTCF for stronger transition. 3 ________________________________________ Figure captions Figure S1. Linear absorption spectra of (left) N3-Ala and (right) N3-Pro in H2O simulated with (a) parameters 1, (b) parameters 2, and (c) parameters 3 in FFTCF given in Table S1. Red line indicates the experimental data. Green and pink lines are the simulated absorption spectra of N3,low and N3,high bands, respectively, and blue line corresponds to the sum of the two bands. Figure S2. Simulated 2D-IR spectra of N3-Ala in H2O with (a) parameters 1, (b) parameters 2, and (c) parameters 3 in FFTCF given in Table S1 at T = 0.2 ps (left) and 1 ps (right). Green lines represent the center lines of the 2D-IR spectra. Dotted black lines indicate the frequencies where slices of the 2D-IR spectrum are taken. Figure S3. Same as Figure S2 except for N3-Pro in H2O. Figure S4. CLS (solid line with close circles) of (left) N3-Ala and (right) N3-Pro at each population time simulated with (a) parameters 1, (b) parameters 2, and (c) parameters 3 in FFTCF given in Table S1. Red close circles and blue squares indicate CLS for N3,low and N3,high bands, respectively, and green triangles represent CLS for whole band. Figure S5. Slices of the 2D-IR spectra of N3-Ala in H2O at T = 0.2 ps and 1 ps simulated with (a, d) parameters 1, (b, e) parameters 2, and (c, f) parameters 3 in FFTCF given in Table S1 at the (left) lower and (right) higher frequencies indicated by the dotted black lines in Fig. S2. Red and blue lines indicate the component of N3,low and N3,high band, respectively, and green line is the sum of the two components. 4 ________________________________________ Figure S6. Same as Figure S5 except for N3-Pro in H2O. 5 ________________________________________ Figure S1. 6 ________________________________________ Figure S2. 7 ________________________________________ Figure S3. 8 ________________________________________ Figure S4. 9 ________________________________________ Figure S5 10 ________________________________________ Figure S6. 11 ________________________________________ Table S1. Parameters in the FFTCF of N3,high band used for the simulation of linear absorption spectra and 2D-IR spectra of N3-Ala and N3-Pro in H2O. Solute Parameters 2* / ps 1 / ps-1 C / ps 2 / ps-1 / cm-1 Ala Pro Parameters 1 0.7 4.2 1.5 3.6 79.5 Parameters 2 0.7 3.0 0.75 3.9 78.9 Parameters 3 0.7 3.0 0.325 4.7 78.9 Parameters 1 1.2 3.1 1.0 1.5 47.7 Parameters 2 1.2 2.8 0.5 2.1 47.8 Parameters 3 1.2 2.8 0.25 2.4 47.8 We assumed the form of FFTCF as follows : T 0 (T ) / T2 21 exp T / C 22 . : full width at the half maximum of the calculated N3,high band. 12