1 Appendix S1: Do pellet transects mirror changes in moose populations estimated from 2 aerial surveys in the study area? 3 4 This figure shows data from stratified random block aerial surveys (red circles), and aerial 5 surveys based on a subset (open squares) of the SRB survey. The subset was flown due to 6 financial constraints but acted as calf and adult composition surveys. The pellet transect 7 abundance value was set to the 2003 population estimate from the aerial surveys, and relative 8 change was plotted. It seems the relative change indexed by pellet surveys mirrors the change 9 shown by both the complete and subset SRB surveys. Error bars in all cases are 90% CIs. Error 10 bars for the SRB surveys include sampling variance and variance from sightability correction 11 factors based on Quayle (2001). Additional details are provided in Serrouya et al. (2011). 12 13 14 Quayle, J.F., MacHutchon, A.G. & Jury, D.N. (2001) Modeling moose sightability in southcentral British Columbia. Alces, 37, 43-54. 15 16 Appendix S2: Linking moose abundance to catch per unit effort data. 17 18 19 In the treatment area, the correlation between hunter success (CPUE) and census population size 20 is 0.91. These data were collected annually in the treatment area from 2003 – 2010. The moose 21 population estimate was based on methods outlined in Serrouya et al. 2011, and % hunter 22 success was estimated from hunter questionnaires (BC Ministry of Environment data files). 23 24 25 Appendix S3: R code for the difference equations rm(list=ls(all=T)) 26 27 year <- c(seq(2003,2012,1)) 28 obs <- c(1650.0,1632.4,1223.0,1122.9,806.0,681.8,448.7,577.0,483.8,466.3) 29 30 N <- 1650 #Initial moose population 31 km2 <- 1100 #winter study area size 32 33 #####Parameters 34 a <- 0.016160309 # use 0.004098 for a Type I Functional response; Messier (1994) data. 35 th <- 0.112271518 # use 0 for a Type I Functional response; Messier 1994 data. 36 37 preg <- 0.897 #proportion pregnant based on captured moose 38 AF <- c(0.48,0.48,0.48,0.57,0.48,0.48,0.48,0.48,0.48) #proportion adult females in the 39 population 40 Ndh <- c(164,250,128.2,46,29,27,48.9,27.1,40.1,18.5) # moose hunting deaths from #Provincial 41 surveys 42 dc <- 0.02346 # condition/accident death rate from radio collared moose 43 Nb <- c() # No. births 44 Ndn <- c() # Calf deaths 45 Ndc <- c() # condition/accident deaths 46 Ndp <- c() # Wolf predation deaths 47 c1 <- c() 48 c2 <- c() # wolf type II numerical response # wolf type I numerical response 49 50 table <- data.frame() # empty data frame of annual time steps 51 52 for (i in 1:(length(year))) 53 54 { 55 56 Nb[i] 57 Ndn[i] <- Nb[i] * (1- (log(N[i])*(-0.13)+1.245) )# density dependent calf mortality 58 Ndc[i] <- N[i]*preg*AF[i] # No. births <- N[i]*dc 59 60 c1[i] 61 Fuller et al. 2003 62 c2[i] 63 Messier et al. 1994 <- 3.5+3.3*((6*N[i])/km2) <- 58.7*(N[i]/km2-0.03)/(0.76+N[i]/km2) # wolf type I numerical response from # wolf type II numerical response from 64 65 66 Ndp[i] <- a*N[i]/(1 +a*N[i]*th)*c2[i] # deaths from predation under a type II numerical 67 response and a type II functional response; replace c2 with #c1 if using a type I wolf numerical 68 response 69 70 71 72 N[i+1] = N[i] + Nb[i] - Ndn[i] - Ndc[i] - Ndh[i] - Ndp[i] # Main equation. Remove #Ndp or Ndh 73 to treat these as compensatory, as per Table 2. 74 75 timestep <- data.frame(Year=year[i],Observed = obs[i], Predicted=N[i],Births = Nb[i], 76 Calf_deaths = Ndn[i], condition_deaths = Ndc[i],hunt_deaths = Ndh[i] , Pred_deaths = Ndp[i]) 77 78 table <- rbind(table,timestep) 79 80 } 81 82 table 83 84 table$Resids <- (table$Predicted-table$Observed)^2 # note that residuals here will not match 85 #exactly those from Fig. 4 because Fig. 4 metrics were based on median values from 10,000 86 #bootstrap iterations 87 table$PR <- table$Pred_deaths/table$Predicted*100 # The predation rate (PR) 88 table 89 # time lags can easily be incorporated into the above code. Other parameters for a #and th are in 90 #Appendix S4. 91 92 plot(table$Predicted,table$Observed) 93 Appendix S4. Estimate of the rate of foraging efficiency (a) and handling time (Th) from 94 Holling’s disc equation 95 96 97 The nls package in R was used to estimate two parameters, a and Th, based on Holling’s disc 98 equation. For parameter estimation, moose density was multiplied by 1100 to represent the actual 99 abundance of moose in the study system, so that a and Th were directly usable in the difference 100 equations. The value 1100 was used because the moose winter range covers 1100 km2 in the 101 treatment area. a and Th were estimated with and without the “local data” to be used in the 102 different model scenarios (see Methods). Using Messier’s data, a = 0.0166 and Th = 0.112. 103 Using Messier’s plus the local data: a =0.0176, Th = 0.110. Using only the local data, a = 0.0224 104 and Th = 0.114, but a is highly non-significant as would be expected with few data and none near 105 the low range. The solid line predicts the Disc equation kill rate for Messier (1994) plus the local 106 data collected in the treatment area. For the Type I FR models, Th was set to 0 (by definition), 107 thus a was estimated to be 0.0041. Messier presented his winter kill rates as moose killed / wolf / 108 100 d, but scaled this to an annual rate by multiplying by 3.65, then by 0.71 based on an 109 approximation that summer kill rates are lower. We did the same here, so the a and Th 110 parameters are scaled to an annual rate. It is noteworthy that Vucetich et al. (2011) used the same 111 0.71 value to calculate annual predation rates, and suggested that it represented a suitable 112 approximation for wolves in Banff and Yellowstone National Parks. 113 114 Appendix S5: Density dependent compensatory predation function 115 In the main analysis predation was either completely compensatory, or completely additive 116 (Table 2). Yet, even though per capita predation rates can take various forms (density dependent 117 or independent), animals lost to predation can have a lower impact on the population growth rate 118 at higher prey densities, because animals lost to predation may be nutritionally mediated (Mech 119 2007). In other words, a proportion of predation may be more compensatory and higher prey 120 density, rather than completely compensatory or not. Vucetich et al. (2005) appeared to show 121 that wolf predation on elk was completely compensatory, but it is likely that such an effect is 122 density dependent. To account for this possibility, we used a monotonic equation (i.e. x / (1–x)) 123 to model compensation, where compensation would be greater at higher ungulate density. We 124 minimized the sums of squares between the observed and predicted moose abundance – the 125 predicted relationship was based on the Type II Functional and Type II numerical response – 126 because it was shown to have the best predictive ability. Yet, we tried to improve the best 127 predicted relationship by including a hypothetical compensatory component, given that there is a 128 theoretical underpinning for such a process. This approach may bias the results in favour of 129 finding a compensatory component, but as the results show, compensation was not needed to 130 explain the dynamic. 131 Using least squares minimization between observed and predicted moose abundance, the 132 compensation function was estimated to be: 133 PC = 1.88*MA / (1 – 1.88 * MA * 19.5) 134 where PC is the proportion of mortality that is compensatory, and MA is moose abundance. The 135 value 1 was subtracted from PC, and the resultant was multiplied by the number of deaths due to 136 predation (Table 2) to obtain the adjusted predation number, which was then considered additive. 137 Parameters in the above equation were estimated using the NLS function in R. For the range of 138 moose abundance observed in the treatment area from 2003 – 2012, the PC would vary from 139 approximately 0.01 at 400 moose, to 0.08 at 1650 moose. 140 141 References 142 Mech, L.D. (2007) Femur-marrow fat of white-tailed deer fawns killed by wolves. Journal of 143 144 145 146 Wildlife Management, 71, 920-923. Vucetich, J.A., Smith, D.W. & Stahler, D.R. (2005) Influence of harvest, climate and wolf predation on Yellowstone elk, 1961-2004. Oikos, 111, 259-270.