Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 Sampling Water 1. Beginning Ideas The Key question of this experiment was “does the sample of water violate the standard for the maximum amount of phosphate in drinking water?” At the start of this experiment, the students were told that they would be able to use a spectrophotometer and Ammonium Vanadomolybdate to measure the amount of phosphate in the unknown samples of water. The students were also told that the maximum phosphate level in drinking water is 0.30 mg/L. The problem was that the units given from the spectrophotometer and the units given in the max phosphate level were not transferable. The solution found was that the students could measure predetermined molar solutions of phosphate in the spectrophotometer and then compare the unknown samples to the known samples. The equation M1V1=M2V2 is used to decide how solution should be mixed to for the necessary molarities from the given concentration of potassium phosphate (0.1M) which created the known samples. The known samples made were 1x10-6, 5 x10-6, 1 x 10-5, 5 x10-5, 1 x 10-4, 5 x 10-4.In order to change the transmittance given by the spectrophotometer into absorbance the equation A=-log(%T/100) is used. To perform the experiment in a timely manner, each student from each group was assigned a different concentration to make, leaving the group will all 6 concentrations. 2. Tests Creating the needed concentrations of Potassium Phosphate solutions started the experiment. To create these the students used the equation M1V1=M2V2. M1 was the molar of the stock solution, M2 was the wanted molar of the new solution, V2 was the total volume of the ending solution (the size of the volumetric flask) and V1 was (the solution to the equation) which was the amount of stock solution needed. The solution with a concentration of 1x10-4 was created in a 50mL volumetric flask which was the V2.. The molars of the ending solution and the stock solution were converted from mol/L to mol/mL and the results were M1=1 and M2=0.1. From there it was calculated that 5mL of stock solution would be needed in order to make 50mL of the 1x10-4 mol/L solution. The 5mL of stock solution was collected in a volumetric pipet and transferred to the volumetric flask. Then the rest of the flask was filled with 45mL of DI water to dilute the stock solution. Each solution was created that way. Once all of the six solutions were created, they were measured using the spectrophotometer. The spectrometer was zeroed out by letting the spectrophotometer be set to 0% transmittance with nothing in the chamber of the machine. Then a blank was inserted into the machine and the spectrophotometer was set to100% transmittance. The Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 blank was created with 10mL if DI water and 5mL of Ammonium Vanadomolybdate in a cuvette. This is done because the Ammonium Vanadomolybdate has a faint color to it without anything done to it and must be factored out of the readings. The students made sure to wipe down the cuvette before each reading to ensure accuracy. Then, 10mL each sample concentration of was added to 5mL of Ammonium Vanadomolybdate and tested in the spectrophotometer. The Transmittance given by each concentration was recorded, and then converted into absorbance. Next the two unknown samples were also mixed, 10mL of solution with 5mL of Ammonium Vanadomolybdate and measured in the spectrophotometer. These two samples were calculated into absorbance and then placed accordingly within the absorbances of the known concentrations. The results were complied in a graph, which demonstrated Beer’s Law. 3. Observations Table 1 Transmittance of Known Samples mL of M of Potassium Phosphate Concentration 10mL 1 x 10-6 10mL 5 x 10-6 10mL 1 x 10-5 10mL 5 x 10-5 10mL 1 x 10-4 10mL 5 x 10-4 Table 2 Transmittance of Unknown Samples Unknown Sample mL of Sample mL AV # 1 10 5 2 10 5 mL of AV % Transmittance 5 5 5 5 5 5 100% 98% 95% 87% 74% 34% % Transmittance 93% 39% 4. Evidence The transmittance found for each solution was then calculated to obtain the absorbance of each. The equation used to find absorbance is A=log(%T/100). The absorbances were calculated for both the known and unknown concentration samples and recorded. Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 Table 3 – Calculated Absorbance of Known Samples Concentration (mol/L) % Transmittance -6 1 x 10 100% 5 x 10-6 98% -5 1 x 10 95% 5 x 10-5 87% -4 1 x 10 74% -4 5 x 10 34% Calculated Absorbance 0 8.77 x 10-3 2.23 x 10-2 6.05 x 10-2 1.31 x 10-1 4.69 x 10-1 Table 4- Calculated Absorbance of Unknown Samples Unknown Sample # % Transmittance Calculated Absorbance 1 93% 3.15 x 10-2 2 39% 4.9x10-1 After the absorbance was calculated for each concentration it was graphed according to Beer’s law. Beer’s law is the relationship between absorbance and concentration and is given by A=Ebc. The graph shows this relationship along the best-fit line between all of the points. From the best-fit line the concentrations of the unknown samples can be approximated. The unknown sample 1 has an absorbance of 0.0315 and according to the best-fit line the concentration is approximately 0.00001 mol/L. According to the best-fit equation however the concentration is 2.6 mol/L, which is most likely an error in the computer’s equation. Likewise, the unknown sample 2 had a concentration of 0.49 and according to the best-fit line the concentration is approximately 0.0005. This is true because is close to the outlier of the graph, which was thrown out, but had similar values to the unknown sample. The equation of the best-fit line gave a concentration of 17.18 mol/L, which is also likely to be an error. Table 5- Beer’s Law Graph Calibration Curve 0.16 0.14 y = 0.0314x - 0.0496 0.12 R² = 0.8568 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 0.0000010.000005 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 -0.04 Calibration Curve Linear (Calibration Curve) 0.0005 Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 In addition, to finish the calculations, the given maximum of Phosphate in water is 0.30 mg/L was converted to mol/L to compare to the samples of water. To do this the 0.30 was divided by 1000 to put it in g/L and then divided by the molar mass of KH2PO4, which resulted in 2.2x10-6 mol/L. 5. Claim Using Beer’s Law, which related concentration and absorbance, the concentrations of phosphate in the unknown water samples were evaluated. The maximum amount of phosphate was given to be 2.2x10-6 mol/L while the water samples were 1x10-5 and 5x10-4 . The samples exceeded the maximum and therefore violated the allowed amount of phosphate in water. 6. Reading Testing water samples for impurities is a very important process that is done on a daily basis everywhere. In the experiment the level of potassium phosphate in samples of water was the impurity being measured. This is relevant because phosphate is one water impurity that is extremely common due to fertilizers, wastewater, treatment plants, soaps etc. (Dixon, pg. 106) A suitable way of measuring the amount of phosphate in samples of water is spectrophotometry. In any spectrometer the light of a specific wavelength, (400nm was used in the experiment), is passed through a sample and the transmitted light is measured. The measurement changes based on how much light was absorbed by the sample and this is displayed by and % transmittance (Nivaldo, 568). In order to measure the amount of phosphate in a sample using a spectrophotometer however colorimetric methods must be used. In the experiment, Ammonium Vanadomolybdate, which is a color-producing agent, was used to color the different concentrations of phosphate. The higher the concentration of phosphate was in the solution, the darker the Ammonium Vanadomolybdate turned the solution and the less transmittance was measured by the spectrophotometer (Dixon, pg. 108). For the experiment different concentrations of potassium phosphate solutions were needed in order to compare the unknown solutions and determine approximate concentrations of each. These solutions were created using a stock solution of potassium phosphate and the dilution equation. It would also have been very practical to use serial dilutions to conserve resources in the lab. In order to do a serial dilution, the highest concentration needed for the experiment would be created using the dilution formula and then every lesser solution after that one would be created from the previous solution. This conserves the amount of the stock solution and creates all the needed concentrations as well (Dixon, pg. 108). Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 Once all of the concentrations were made and the % transmittance was measured in a spectrophotometer, the values were converted to absorbance and the related to concentration using Beer’s law. The formula used to convert % transmittance into absorbance is A=-log(%T/100) which can be manipulated in many ways. Beer’s Law is A=Ebc where A is absorbance and has no units, E is molar absorbity with the unit of mol-1 cm-1, b is the pathlenght which is in cm (usually set at 1 cm), and c is the concentration of the solution in mol L-1. This law was shown in the experiment by creating a graph of absorbance and concentrations and a trend-line was drawn. From that line the unknown concentrations were easily distinguishable (Sheffield). 7. Reflection The beginning ideas of this experiment were proven to be suitable. Creating concentrations of potassium phosphate and pairing them with a color producing agent such as Ammonium Vanadomolybdate is a good way to determining the concentration of unknown samples. It was shown by the evident of the experiment that the samples of water did in fact violate the maximum amount of phosphate allowed in drinking water. This was done by calculating the concentrations of the unknown using the Beer’s Law graph and then converting the given maximum amount of phosphate into the correct units. The concentrations were created using the dilution formula, M1V1=M2V2. The absorbance was calculated from the % transmittance using the equation A=-log(%T/100). During this experiment much error was possible. With the calculations of the concentrations of the unknown solutions, the equation of the best-fit line should have given the concentration by entering the absorbance of the sample into the equation for y and then solving for x. This however was not accurate. This was a systematic error that was most likely due to a mistake in the computer-formulated equation. This was corrected, for the most part, by making approximations according to the best-fit line of the graph instead of using the formula. Due to this error, the concentrations are not as accurate as they could but are still precise. Other errors that might have occurred were inconsistency in making exact concentrations because the same person may not have made all of the concentrations themselves, which would be a random error; as well as faulty spectrophotometers that may not have given accurate readings, which would be a systematic error. 8. Writing In conclusion, this experiment was done to measure impurities in a water sample, practice in making solutions of different concentrations, using a spectrophotometer, and using graphing techniques. These are very Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 important skills to have as a chemist. Spectrometers may be used to measure many different things such as concentrations, and reaction rates. Graphing is an important technique that will always be used to present and compare results of experiments. Making solutions is important in preparing for any experiment involving aqueous solutions, which is most. In terms of real life situations, measuring the purity of water is very important. With 2/3 of the world covered in water, very little of that is actually clean enough to drink. Without ways to test for dangerous substances in water, people would become very sick all over the world just from drinking water, an element of life itself. Phosphate is just one of the many toxins that get into water and can make it undrinkable. Therefore, water tests are extremely important to everyday life! 9. Post Lab Questions a. Why would we care about the amount of the PO4 3- found in natural drinking water? The amount of PO4 3- found in natural drinking water is very important because phosphate is a dangerous toxin in water that can make it unsafe to drink. A standard has been set that states the acceptable amount of phosphate in drinking water before it becomes dangerous. If the amount of phosphate exceeds this standard then it should not be consumed until it is purified and therefore it is important to know how much PO4 3- is in the water. b. If you really wanted to be sure your water was drinkable, what further purification step(s) would you take? In order to ensure that water is drinkable a purification step that may be taken is testing of the pH levels in the water. Water should be neutral at 7 but if it is more acidic or basic then it may contain unwanted impurities such as bacteria. c. Blue light has a wavelength between 450-495 nm. Why don’t we measure the absorbance of a blue solution within this wavelength range? It would not be suitable to measure the absorbance of a blue solution within the wavelength of blue light because blue is the mixture of colors that is being reflected off of a substance and measuring a blue light on that substance would not give an accurate reading of light. Works cited Tro, Nivaldo J. Chemistry: a Molecular Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011. Print. Dixon, Donovan. Chemistry 2046L. Eden Prairie, MN: Bluedoor, LLC, 2011. Print Sauntee Braddock 02.12.2012 CHM 2046L Lab 6 University, Sheffield. “Beer’s Law-Theoretical Principles.” Http:// Web. 12 Mar. 2012 <>.