Farnham Green Primary School – Theme Curriculum Year 3 Term

Farnham Green Primary School – Theme Curriculum
Year 3
Main Focus
Term Spring 2
History – Roman Invasion
Title: The Romans Are Coming!
Secondary Focus
Geography – Roman Roads
Overview of Topic:
The unit will start with the discovery of Roman artefacts, including Roman coins and a Roman mosaic, on the school playing
fields. Pupils will be asked to research this find and place Roman invasion of Britain in the British History Timeline. The unit
poses the following historical questions: What made the Roman army so effective? What was the impact of Roman roads to the
Roman rule of Britain and to the Roman Empire? How important was art in Roman life? What was the legacy of Roman rule
(what can we see today that they left behind?) What was the cultural influence of Roman myths? In mathematics pupils will
study Roman numerals and compare the Roman number system with our Base 10 number system
Project brief: Roman Mosaic
Children will visit the remains of a Roman villa in Kent and see a Roman mosaic in situ. They will design and make a class mosaic
as part of the Enterprise Curriculum. The design will include a character from a Roman myth studied in literacy. In Science
pupils will study the properties of rocks and soil. They will carry out experiment on the properties of materials to find the most
appropriate material for a Roman mosaic tile. In ICT pupils will create the design of their Roman mosaic and include the findings
from their scientific research. To conclude the topic, pupils will act as tour guides for parents and show the remains of a Roman
mosaic ‘discovered’ in the playing fields of Farnham Green.
Creative Learning Journey
The learning targets to be covered in this theme include…
Sc 44
Decide what evidence to
collect with support
Sc 45
With support, decide what
equipment and materials to
use and how to use them
Sc 46
With support understand the
importance of a fair test
Observe the result of changing
one factor with support
Make systematic observations
Sc 48
and measurements including
the use of ICT with support
With support check
observations and
Sc 49
measurements by repeating
With support compare
conclusions with prediction.
Sc 53
Identify whether any further
predictions can be made
Use scientific language to
explain observations
Sc 54
measurements or conclusions,
with support
Evaluate own and others work
identifying limitations and
Sc 55
suggesting improvements with
Stunning Start
Discovery of Roman artefacts on the
school playing fields
Sc 47
Develop their understanding
that the past can be divided
into different periods of time
Use dates and vocabulary
relating to the passing of time
Recognise similarities and
differences between periods of
Identify the different ways in
which the past is represented
Use sources of evidence
including ICT to find out about
events, people and changes
Explore ideas and collect visual
and other information for their
Investigate and create textures
for different purposes
Comment on similarities and
differences between their own
and others work
adapt and improve their work
Communicate knowledge and
understanding in a variety of
Marvellous Middle
Visit to a Roman villa in Kent.
Pupils should be taught to:
compare and group together different kinds of rocks on
the basis of their appearance and simple physical
describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when
things that have lived are trapped within rock
Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic
Fabulous Finish
Children act as tour guides and show
parents around the site discovered on
the playing field. Display of the mosaics
in situ. Read Roman myths to parents.
Linked with work in geography, pupils should explore different
kinds of rocks and soils, including those in the local
Pupils might work scientifically by:
observing rocks, including those used in buildings and
exploring how and why they might have changed over
Thematic Focus
Literacy link
Embedded writing
Numeracy Link
Enterprise Link
Using a hand lens or microscope to help them to identify
and classify rocks according to whether they have grains
or crystals, and whether they have fossils in them.
research and discuss the different kinds of living things
whose fossils are found in sedimentary rock
Explore how fossils are formed.
explore different soils and identify similarities and
differences between them
Investigate what happens when rocks are rubbed
together or what changes occur when they are in water.
Raise and answer questions about the way soils are
History – Roman Invasion of Britain, the Roman army, Roman roads, Roman mythology, Roman art and
mosaics, Roman buildings.
Myths and Legends. A study of Roman myths
Language Play
Writing a Roman myth. Roman poems.
Area and perimeter of the school playing field.
Count Roman soldiers – group them into cohorts of 10 and legions of 100
The Roman numeral system and a comparison with our Base 10 system.
Rocks measures, weights, graphs
Making a Roman mosaic.
Visit to the Roman Villa in Kent.
Roman mosaics
Rising Stars Switched on to ICT Year 3
We are Researchers
Research, presentation
• use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are
selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital
• select, use and combine a variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of digital devices to design
and create a range of programs, systems and content that
accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data and information
Outdoor PE – Net wall games
Indoor PE -Gymnastics
Drugs PC 27, 28/ Environment PC27, 82
Anti-bullying week -17th- 21st November 2014
R:\Medium term Planning\Medium Term Planning 2013-2014\Spring term 2014\Spring 2\Y3Spr2Romans