Weekly Summer News June 12, 2015 Dear Parents, Hip

Weekly Summer News
June 12, 2015
Dear Parents,
Hip-hop hooray, as promised we have honored our commitment of enhancing PWA’s technology across
the building. We purchased the projectors for the elementary teachers earlier this year and have signed
the contract to install cameras downstairs on the infant/toddler preschool wing for $13,600. This year we
raised $4,674.00 through fundraising. Next year we hope to continue raising money to cover the costs of
the cameras and installation. Our goal is to install cameras throughout the building in phases. Thank you
to everyone who participated in our fundraisers for the year and helping us enrich Prince William
The Kindergarten graduation was spectacular. Our rising 1st graders did a wonderful job with their
performances and graduation ceremony. Thank you to all of the teachers, parents and staff who
volunteered time and resources to ensure the ceremony was a success.
Important Dates
June 18: Field Day and Last Day of School
June 19: Teacher Workday
June 22: Summer Camp Begins!!!
Field Day
We are looking forward to field day on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Thank you to all who have signed up to
volunteer. For those of you who have not, there is a sign-up sheet at the front desk. If you have any
questions, please see Mrs. Lindsay or email her at office@princewilliamacademy.com.
Please be reminded that all non-PWA children must be chaperoned by an adult 18 years or older during
the annual Field Day.
Teacher Workday
Friday, June 19th will be a teacher workday. Prince William Academy will open for childcare only. This
day is reserved for camp preparation! A sign-up sheet will be available next week if you are planning to
send your child.
Summer Enrichment Camp
Be sure to register for summer camp! Summer Enrichment Camp begins June 22. During the summer,
we offer academics (math, language, reading, grammar) taught by experienced teachers in the mornings
and the afternoons are reserved for enrichment activities. In the afternoon students participate in the
world language program, technology, physical education, art, weekly field trips and athletic activities like
swimming and bowling. We host guest performers and stage special events through-out the summer,
including fun and exciting field trips.
For more information and to register for summer enrichment camp please see Mrs. Lindsay. You can
also email her at billing@princewilliamacademy.com. If your child is attending summer camp and has a
swimming pass, please be sure to bring it during summer camp. We will send a reminder.
Multi-Sport Camp
This summer PWA will offer a multi-sport camp during the month of July. Mrs. Loreto, our P.E. teacher will
run the camp, scheduled during aftercare hours. Registration forms are available in the front office.
We have a handful of yearbooks available for sale in the front office. They are $25.00 each.
Prince William Academy wants to ensure that we are meeting your needs. If you have any ideas,
suggestions or concerns please email us or drop your idea in the suggestion/tuition box box next to the
front door.
School Supply Kits
Prince William Academy is offering school supply kits through SchoolKidz, for the 2015/2016 school year.
The supplies will be delivered to the school in time for the first day of classes! All orders must be placed
online atwww.shopttkits.com by June 26, 2015. Prince William Academy's account number is 85287.
Pricing and ordering information is attached.
Please email the office with any questions.
Safety in the Parking Lot
Please be mindful of parking and driving in the driveway. Our parking lot is one way; please follow the
sign and drive less than 5 miles per hour around the circle for the safety of our staff and students. We ask
that parents/guardians hold their child's hand to ensure safety and to prevent accidents. Please do not let
children walk or stand in the roadway alone. Additionally, parking or leaving your car in the fire lane is not
permitted. Handicapped and Veteran parking spaces are reserved for the individuals who fit the criteria.