English Language Learning Proficient Standards for High-school ( B1 level) Communicative Domain Standard 1.Reception of different literary and nonliterary types and genre to use appropriate strategy for information, orientation, action, and conversation. Indices Communicative Domain The student: 1.1 Understands general meaning of an oral or written text of moderate length, even through some of them contain some new words and expressions. 1.2 Identifies and differentiates different styles of written/oral texts. 1.3 Identifies the authors’ point of view and assumes a critical position towards his opinion. 1.4 Analyzes descriptive, narrative, informative, argumentative text to understand its main and specific ideas. 2. Reception of various oral messages in different communicative situations 1.5 Identifies social/ political/ cultural information which helps to construct his /her own identify interpretation. 1.6 Values reading as a source to get the information on different subjects to enrich his/her knowledge. 1.7 Makes interferences based on text information. 1.8. Uses varied strategies of reading comprehension according to his/her set goal and text type. 1.9 Understands variety of informative texts from different sources. 1.10 Identifies text elements to appreciate social/ cultural events of allophone country. 1.11 Identifies arguments and conclusions from an argumentative text on a familiar topic. 2.1 Understands instructions to execute daily routines. 2.2 Identifies the main idea with no prior topic awareness. 2.3 Identifies oral communication connectors to get the meaning. 2.4 Identifies people, situations and topic of conversation with more complicated grammar and vocabulary. 2.5 Identifies oral message purpose. 2.6 Shows a respectful attitude and tolerance while listening 3. Written message production appropriate to a given communicative situation 4. Oral message production appropriate to a given communicative situation 5. Providing written communication interaction and speaking with other interlocutors. 2.7 Uses strategies adequate to message or conversation purpose and type (use prior knowledge, body language, pictures, etc.) 2.8 Understands general meaning of oral message with limited familiar lexis. 2.9 Uses context images and information for better oral message comprehension. 3.1 Plans, reviews and creates written texts with his mates and teacher’s support. 3.2 Expresses opinions on his/her society/culture through written texts. 3.3 Writes different-length texts of and more complex grammar forms and structures. 3.3.1 Structures his/her elements according to formal language elements (punctuation, orthography, syntax, coherence and cohesion). 3.3.2 Elaborates projects, advertising spots and writes summaries, reports, essays emphasizing other subject knowledge. 3.3.3 Writes different- length- and -form texts according to reader’s level. 3.3.4 Values writing as a means of ideas and thoughts expression on him/herself and his/her world. 3.3.5 Edits texts to express preferences, opinions, decisions, suggestions or actions. 4.1. Retells detailing experiences, stories, happenings or facts on listener’s interest or one of his/her own. 4.2 Makes oral presentations on topics of personal interest and according to curriculum requests. 4.3 Uses metalinguistic elements such as gestures, intonation for a more explicit and clear reception. 4.4 Can confidently express him/herself in different situations. 4.5 Supports, arguments, debates, criticizes opinions, plans, projects, ideas of his/her own and of his/her mates. 4.6 Expresses opinions on peoples’ life styles and culture, based on prior read, written or listened texts. 5.1 Edits his/her own texts and other functional, complex, grammar/punctuation/ lexis/ orthography/ logically structured texts. 5.2 Summarizes a text in a certain number of words, using adequate language, synonyms, antonyms, idioms. 5.3 Edits titles of diverse formal and informal correspondence. 5.4 Elaborates a range of daily life documents (letters, advertising, requests, CVs, emails, declarations, mandates, certificates, etc.) 6.1 Identifies global meaning and some details from a discourse 6. Providing oral, formal delivered in a literary or colloquial language on a curriculum and informal topic. communicative interaction 6.2 Relates oral message ideas, opinions, and points of view and arguments them to express personal attitude towards. 6.3 Offers and solicit answers on different topics, using adequate functional language and respecting sociocultural norms determined by the interlocutor’s role and relationships. 6.4 Uses functional language to discuss alternatives, provide recommendations, to negotiate agreements in prior prepared debates. 6.5 Spontaneously gets involved into different interested topics, using clear and simple language. 6.6. Orally describes hopes, ambitions, dreams, future projects, using simple and clear language. 6.7 Answers and asks questions according to language, context and interlocutor. 7.1 Orally explains informal message, current use documents 7. Linguistic mediation of oral and written language in (e.g. pancards, menus for foreigners in their country of origins, etc.), using a common language. different communicative situations 7.2 Orally explains a scheme, a table, a diagram, a drawing, using a common language. 7.3 Transfers information from one oral/written text into tables, schemes, drawings, report, projects, presentations, diagrams. 7.4 Reformulates direct speech into reported speech on daily topics. 7.5 Edits text oral/written summary, general meaning and details of a familiar topic text (letters, informative texts, newspaper articles, etc.). 8.1 Applies simple and complex grammatical structures for 8. Applying foreign language linguistic norms in his/her clear message expression (even though making sequence of tenses or irregular verbs errors in clauses, etc.) diverse oral/written communicative situations. 8.2. As a rule clearly pronounces, no matter of a foreign accent. 8.3 Communicates via email, chat, Skype, other socializing sites with other countries mates to enrich and improve his /her acquisitions. 8.4 Proves total dominance of grammar, syntax, and use of the foreign language while creating texts, creative works. 8.5 Incorporates rhetoric resources as parallelism, repetition, analogy to clarify and support his/her ideas. 8.6 Demonstrates dominance of each sentence element structure function. 8.7 Reproduces complex and memorized syntactical structures and grammatical forms within oral/written communication on different topics. 9. Respecting verbal and no- 9.1 Adequately uses non-verbal expression to strengthen oral/written discourse in accordance to context and audience. verbal etiquette in various oral/ written communicative situations. 9.2 Demonstrates values acquisition though his/her positive expression on human ethical behavior, values and virtues. 9.3 Spontaneously, confidently and correctly manifests him/herself in diverse oral communication contexts such as dialogues, debates, panels to express socio-communicative rules usage. 10.1 Strengthens dominance of deductive and inductive methods 10. Applying oral/written message/texts coherence and through oral argumentation. cohesion norms. 10.2 Shows oral expression dominance in new contexts of mass information means such as video-/phone-conference. 10.3 Uses adequately graphical and technological resources to fortify the ideas into an oral expression, while respecting coherent message norms. 11.1 Produces literary texts, stories, poems and others, based 11. Applying oral/written on his/her own reading experience. texts/discourse thematic development norms. 11.2 Uses exact language and sensorial details in writing. 11.3 Develops ambiances and characters from narrator’s different points of views (protagonist, witness, omniscient and observer). 11.4 Uses divers esthetical and rhetorical elements to reach written text effectiveness, such as for e.g. view point, characterizing, style, etc. 12. Diverse reading strategy 12.1 Compares and contrasts written works characteristics such as contracts, warranties, books, etc. of literary and nonliterary texts, oral message/discourse listening strategy (methodological standards). 12.2 Analyzes and assesses the way in which the organization models, main ideas repetition and syntax affect the content of the text. 12.3 Recognizes and analyzes the narrative, descriptive, expositive and argumentative text structure and elements. 12.4 Evaluates literary text philosophical, political, religious and ethical influences. 13.1 Edits diverse types of narrative compositions: retelling, 13. Using diverse written text and oral discourse production strategies. news and autobiography. 13.2 Realizes independently developed and task-oriented assimilated strategies transfer over texts/discourses. 13.3 Uses diverse strategies to ease communicative challenge. 13.4 Uses strategies to naturally begin, maintain or close up an interesting discourse.