Ned Levine, PhD 8422 Bluegate Street Houston, TX 77025 (713) 592-8021 DEGREES PhD in Social Psychology-Sociology. London School of Economics and Political Science. 1967. BA in Psychology (Distinction). University of California, Berkeley. 1962. EMPLOYMENT Director. Ned Levine & Associates: Los Angeles, Honolulu, Washington, DC, Houston. 1977present. Transportation Safety Coordinator, Houston-Galveston Area Council, Houston, TX. April 2001February 2007. Associate Researcher and Lecturer, Urban Planning Program, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of California at Los Angeles. 1980-1994. Member of the Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. 1981 to 1983. Project Director, Institute for Social Science Research, University of California at Los Angeles. 1977-1980. Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 1973-1976. Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Brunel University. Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. 1969-1973. Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University. Ankara, Turkey. 1967-1969. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Enfield College of Technology (now Middlesex University). Enfield, Middlesex, England. 1964-1967. AWARDS Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Dedication to Traffic Safety and Injury Prevention for the Houston-Galveston Area and Texas. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Region VI. 2007. 1 Certificate of Appreciation for Service to the Houston-Galveston Area Council. 2007. Vice Presidential Award (National Partnership for Reinventing Government) for contribution to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Demonstration Project. 2000. PUBLICATIONS AND PREPARED MANUSCRIPTS Criminal Justice & Community Security Ned Levine (2014). CrimeStat IV: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 4.0). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. July. Documentation includes 32 chapters (of which Dr. Levine wrote 27), 3 appendices, two CrimeStat Libraries, and 9 sample datasets. Program and documentation are found at: Rohit Shenoi, Ned Levine, Marcella Donaruma-Kwoh, Lyn Ma, J. Hunter, & Angelo Giardino. (2013). “The spatial relationship of child homicides to community social factors in Harris County, Texas”. Sage Open, 3 (April), 1-14. Ned Levine and Patsy Lee (2013). “Crime travel of offenders by gender and age in Manchester, England”. In Michael Leitner (ed), Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies, Springer. 145-178. Abstract presented in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation.Volume I: Conference Overview and Plenary Papers, 2011, 29. Ned Levine and Phil Canter (2011). “Linking origins with destinations for DWI Motor Vehicle Crashes: An application of crime travel demand modeling”. Crime Mapping, 3, 7-41. Ned Levine and Richard Block (2011). “Bayesian Journey to crime estimation: an improvement in geographic profiling methodology”. The Professional Geographer, 63(2), 213-229. Ned Levine (2010). CrimeStat III: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 3.3). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. July. Documentation includes two update chapters to version 3.3, chapters 1-17 plus appendices and sample data sets. Program and documentation are found at: Ned Levine (2009). “Introduction to the special issue on Bayesian journey to crime modeling”. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 6 (3), 167-185. Ned Levine and Patsy Lee (2009). “Bayesian Journey-to-Crime Modeling of Juvenile and Adult Offenders by Gender in Manchester”. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 6 (3), 237-251. 2 Shashi Shekhar, Mete Celik, Betsy George, Pradeep Mohan, Ned Levine, Ronald E. Wilson, and Pronab Mohanty (2009). “Spatial analysis of crime report databases”. Computer Society of India. August. . Ned Levine (2009). CrimeStat III: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 3.2). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. June. Archived at Ned Levine (2008). “The ‘hottest’ part of a crime hotspot: Comments on “The utility of hotspot mapping for predicting spatial patterns of crime” by Spencer Chainey, Lisa Tompson, and Sebastian Uhlig”. Security Journal, 21, 295-302. Ned Levine (2008). “CrimeStat: a spatial statistical program for the analysis of crime incidents”. S. Shekhar and H. Xiong (eds), Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science. Springer. 187193. Ned Levine (2007), “Crime travel demand and bank robberies: Using CrimeStat III to model bank robbery trips”. Social Science Computer Review, 25(2), 239-258. Ned Levine (2007). CrimeStat III: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 3.1). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. March. Archived at Ned Levine (2006). “Crime mapping and the CrimeStat program. Geographical Analysis. 38 (1), 41-55 Ned Levine (2005). “CrimeStat III”. Crime Mapping News. 7(2), Spring. 8-10. Ned Levine (2005). CrimeStat III: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 3.0). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. November. Archived at or at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, NCJ number 209264. ( Ned Levine (2003). “CrimeStat II: a spatial statistics and visualization program”. GIM International. The Netherlands. October, vol 17, 12-15. Ned Levine (2003). “Privacy and crime data”. Public Health GIS News and Information. 53, July. Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health Statistics: Washington, DC. 7-9. Ned Levine (2003). “CrimeStat II”. Crime Mapping News, 5(2), Spring. 2-4. Ned Levine (2002). CrimeStat II: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 2.0). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. May. Available from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, NCJ number 195772-195774. ( 3 Ned Levine (2000). CrimeStat: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 1.1). Ned Levine & Associates, Annandale, VA.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. August. Ned Levine (2000). “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations”. Crime Mapping News. 2 (1), 8-9. Ned Levine (1999). CrimeStat: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 1.0). Ned Levine & Associates, Annandale, VA.; National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. November. Archived at or at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, NCJ number 179282 ( Ned Levine (1999). “‘Hot spot’ analysis using the CrimeStat kernel density estimation technique. Web page of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice ( Ned Levine (1999). “‘Hot spot’ analysis using both the Systat ‘K-means’ routine and a risk assessment”. Web page of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice ( 1999. Ned Levine (1988). Review of Dennis J. Kenney, Crime, Fear, and the New York City Subways: The Role of Citizen Action. Transportation Research - A, 22A (6), 467-469. Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1986). "Tracking Crime on Buses". TR NEWS. NovemberDecember, 18-22. Ned Levine, Martin Wachs and Elham Shirazi (1986). "Crime at Bus Stops: A Study of Environmental Factors". Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. 3 (4), 339-361. Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1986). "Bus Crime in Los Angeles: I - Measuring The Incidence". Transportation Research. 20 (4), 273-284. Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1986). "Bus Crime in Los Angeles: II - Victims and Public Impact". Transportation Research. 20 (4), 285-293. Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1985). "Bus Crime: The 'Skeleton in the Closet'". ITS Review. 8 3(May). Institute of Transportation Studies: Berkeley, 4,5,8. Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1985). Factors Affecting the Incidence of Bus Crime in Los Angeles, Vol. I and II. Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation: Washington, D.C. Final Report for DOT Contract CA-06-0195. January. Available in National Technical Information System database. 4 Traffic and Other Community Safety Planning Rohit Shenoi, Ned Levine, Jennifer L. Jones, Mary H. Frost, Christine E. Koerner, & John J. Fraser (2015). “Spatial analysis of paediatric swimming pool submersions by housing type”. Injury Prevention, 10.1136-2014-041397. January. 9 p. Ned Levine (2011). “Spatial variation in motor vehicle crashes by gender in the Houston Metropolitan Area”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation. Volume II: Technical Papers, Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC. 12-25. Abstract presented in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation.Volume I: Conference Overview and Plenary Papers, 31. Ned Levine (2009). “A motor vehicle safety planning support system: The Houston experience”. In S. Geertman and J. Stillwell, Planning Support Systems: Best Practice and New Methods. Springer. 93-111. Ned Levine (2008). Guest editor, Special issue on traffic safety.”On traffic safety and law enforcement”, Geography and Public Safety Bulletin. National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Vol 1 (2), 1-2. Ned Levine (editor) (2007). State of Safety in the Region: Report of the Regional Safety Council for 2007. Houston-Galveston Area Council, Houston, TX. Ned Levine (2006). “Houston, Texas, Metropolitan Traffic Safety Planning Program”. Transportation Research Record, 1969, 92-100. Abstract at|. Kansera, Suhag and Ned Levine (2005). “Safety considerations in the development of HOV facilities”. Conference proceedings. 12th International HOV Systems Conference, Houston. April. AECOM Consulting Transportation Group, Bellomo-McGee, and Ned Levine & Associates (2002). Considering Safety in the Transportation Planning Process. Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation: Washington, DC. Ned Levine and Karl E. Kim (1999). “The spatial location of motor vehicle accidents: A methodology for geocoding intersections”. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. 22 (6), 557-576. Karl Kim and Ned Levine (1996). “Using GIS to improve highway safety”. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. 20 (4/5), pp. 289-302. 5 Ned Levine, Karl E. Kim, and Lawrence H. Nitz (1995). "Daily fluctuations in Honolulu motor vehicle accidents". Accident Analysis & Prevention. 27 (6), 785-796. Ned Levine, Karl E. Kim, and Lawrence H. Nitz (1995). "Spatial analysis of Honolulu motor vehicle crashes: I. Spatial patterns". Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27 (5), 663-674. Ned Levine, Karl E. Kim, and Lawrence H. Nitz (1995). "Spatial analysis of Honolulu motor vehicle crashes: II. Generators of crashes". Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27 (5), 675-685. Karl Kim, Ned Levine, and Lawrence Nitz (1995). "Development of a prototype traffic safety geographic information system". Transportation Research Record 1477, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 41-47. Karl Kim and Ned Levine (1995). “Development of a traffic safety GIS in Honolulu, Hawaii”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management, July 11-14, 1994. Melbourne, Australia. Miscellaneous Transportation Studies Ned Levine and Martin Wachs (1998). "Factors affecting vehicle occupancy measurement". Transportation Research A. 32 (3), 215-229. Martin Wachs, Brian Taylor, Ned Levine and Paul Ong (1993). "The Changing Commute: A Case Study of the Jobs/Housing Relationship Over Time". Urban Studies. 30 10, 1711-1729. Growth Management, Land Use and Housing Policy Ned Levine, “Visualizing population growth in California: perspectives on future development scenarios”. Prepared manuscript. 2001. Allan Heskin, Ned Levine and Mark Garrett, "Rent control and vacancy control: a spatial analysis of four California cities". Journal of the American Planning Association. 2000. 66 (2), 162-176. Ned Levine, “The effects of local growth management on regional housing production and population redistribution in California”, Urban Studies. 1999. 36 12, 2047-2068. Madelyn Glickfeld, William Fulton, Grant McMurran, and Ned Levine, “Growth governance in Southern California”. Claremont Graduate University Research Institute. October 1999. Ned Levine. “A note on urban sprawl”. Journal of the American Planning Association. Spring 1997. 63 (2), 279-282. Ned Levine, Madelyn Glickfeld, and William Fulton. Home Rule: Local Growth Control...Regional Consequences. Report to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Southern California Association of Governments. Los Angeles. April 1996. Madelyn Glickfeld and Ned Levine, Regional Growth...Local Reaction: The Enactment and Effects of Local Growth Control and Management Measures in California. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA. February 1992. 6 Ned Levine, J. Eugene Grigsby and Allan Heskin, "Who Benefits from Rent Control? Effects on Tenants in Santa Monica, California". Journal of the American Planning Association. 1990. 56 2(Spring), 140-152. Madelyn Glickfeld and Ned Levine, "The Relationship Between Local Growth Controls and Production of Affordable Housing: A California Case Study". In Regulatory Impediments to the Development and Placement of Affordable Housing. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Policy Research and Insurance of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. Serial No. 101-153, Washington, D.C., August 2, 1990. U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. 138-200. David Stea, Ned Levine and Richard W. Smith, "Shared-Facilities Housing: Past, Present and Prospects for Milwaukee", Research and Opinion, 1985, 2 (2), Urban Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Research Methodology Pradeep Mohan, Shashi Shekhar, Ned Levine, Ronald E. Wilson, Mete Celik, and Betsy George (2008). “Should SDBMS support a join index: A case study from CrimeStat”. In Proceedings of 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008), California, USA: Association of Computing Machinery. Ned Levine, "Spatial statistics and GIS: software tools to quantify spatial patterns", Journal of the American Planning Association. 1996. 62 (3), 381-392. Ned Levine, "COHORT: Cohort Component Population Projection". In R. E. Klosterman, R. Brail and E. Bossard, Spreadsheets for Urban and Regional Analysis. Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University. 1993. 85-106. Ned Levine, "Demographic Data for Microcomputers". Journal of the American Planning Association. 1990. 56 4(Autumn), 516-520. Ned Levine, "Demographic Data Sources". In R.E. Klosterman (ed), A Planners Review of PC Software and Technology. Planning Advisory Service Report Nos. 414/415. Chicago: American Planning Association, December 1988, 15-22. Ned Levine, "Demographic Data Sources Available for Microcomputers". Journal of the American Planning Association. 1988. 54 2(Spring), 234-241. "Census Bureau Software: The Data-Extraction Issue", Author's reply to David Shaw's Comment. Journal of the American Planning Association. 1989. 55 2(Spring), 225-226. Ned Levine, "Planners Slowly Incorporate Microcomputers in Planning". Guest article, Student Planner, 1988, 9 (April), 1,5. Ned Levine, "The Construction of a Population Analysis Program Using A Microcomputer Spreadsheet". Journal of the American Planning Association. 1985. 51 4(Autumn), 496-511. 7 "Author's Reply to Dowell Myers's Comments", Journal of the American Planning Association. 1986. 52 2(Spring), 220-221. Ned Levine, "The Development of an Annoyance Scale for Community Noise Assessment", Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1981, 74 1(2), 265-279. "Author's Reply to Sanford Fidell's Comments", Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1981, 78 (2), 301-305. Sheila Rossan and Ned Levine, "Field Methods: A Course for Teaching Non-Laboratory Research Methods", Bulletin of the British Psychological Society. 1974, 27, 123-128. Migration, Immigration an International Development Ned Levine, "Social Change and Family Change: the Nature of Turkish Divorce". In C. Kagitcibasi (ed), Sex Roles, Family and Community in Turkey. Indiana University Turkish Studies 3, Indiana University Press: Bloomington, IND. 1982. 323-347. Ned Levine, "'Rural Traditionalism' among 'Urban Modernizers' in Turkey: Incongruities between Urbanization as a Social Force and Anti-Urbanism as a Social Policy". In S. El-Shakhs, J. Lutz and J. Held, Tradition and Modernity: The Role of Neo-Traditionalism in the Modernization Process. University Press of America: Washington, D.C. 1982. 47-66. Ned Levine, "The Turkish Urbanization: Development or Distorted Growth? In K. Karpat, O. Okyar, and A. Evin (eds), Turkish Development Trends: 1974-2024. Hacettepe University: Ankara, Turkey. Publication Date Unknown (possibly 1978). Ned Levine, "Divorce in Turkey". In S.Uner (ed), Proceedings of the Second Turkish Demography Conference. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Publication Date Unknown (possibly 1978). Ned Levine, "Anti-Urbanization: an Implicit Development Policy in Turkey", Journal of Developing Areas, 1980, 15, 513-538. Ned Levine and S. Uner, Population Policy Formation and Implementation in Turkey. Hacettepe University Publication D-24. Ankara, Turkey. August 1978. Ned Levine, "Population Growth and Fertility". In D.Kandiyoti (ed), Impact of Planned Urbanization on Population Dynamics: the Case of East Marmara Region. Proceedings of Workshop/Seminar 15, Interdisciplinary Communications Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1976. 27-28. Ned Levine and Tripta Nayar, "Modes of Adaptation by Asian Immigrants in Slough", New Community: Journal of the Community Relations Commission. 1975, 4, 356-363. Ned Levine and Tripta Nayar, "An Additional Note on Immigrant Fertility", New Community: Journal of the Community Relations Commission, 1975. 4, 364-365. 8 Ned Levine, "Why do Countries win Olympic Medals? Some Structural Correlates of Olympic Games Success: 1972", Sociology and Social Research. 1974, 58, 353-360. Ned Levine, "Old Culture-New Culture: A Study of Migrants in Ankara, Turkey", Social Forces. 1973, 51, 355-368. Ned Levine, "Value Orientation among Migrants in Ankara: A Case Study", Journal of Asian and African Studies, 1973, 7, 50-68. Small Group Behavior Ned Levine and Cary Cooper, "Implicit Values in Experiential Learning Groups: Their Functional and Dysfunctional Consequences", In C. Cooper (ed), Advances in Experiential Social Processes. J. Wiley: London and New York. 1978. 1-27. Ned Levine and Cary Cooper, "The Future of Experiential Learning in Organizational Development: A Prophecy". In C. Cooper (ed), Organizational Development in the U.K. and U.S.A. Petrocelli Books: New York. 1977. 113-139. Ned Levine and Cary Cooper, "T-Groups: Twenty Years On-A Prophecy", Human Relations, 1976, 29, 1-23. Cary Cooper, Ned Levine, and K. Kobayashi, "Developing One's Potential: from West to East". Group and Organization Studies, 1976, 1, 43-55. Ned Levine, "Group Training with Students in Higher Education", Interpersonal Development. 1972, 3, 40-67. Also in C. Cooper (ed), Group Training for Individual and Organizational Development. S. Karger: Basel, 1972, 40-67. Ned Levine, "Emotional Factors in Group Development", Human Relations. 1971, 24, 65-89. Miscellaneous Ned Levine and Marie Slonski, A Survey of Manufacturers of Solar Thermal Energy Systems. Planning and Information Project for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Thermal Technology Division. Publication 82-94 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena. 1982. Ned Levine, "On the Metaphysics of Social Psychology: A Critical View", Human Relations, 1976, 29, 385-400. Ned Levine, Colin Worboys and Martin Taylor, "Psychology and the 'Psychology' Textbook: A Social Demographic Study", Human Relations. 1973, 26, 467-478. Articles/Notices About My Work Patsy Lee and Fiona Murray, “Analysis in Practice: Predicting the future”. Police Professional: The Professional Journal for the UK Police Service. Issue 82, July 26, 2007, 41-42. 9 John Scheerhout, “Computer that predicts crooks’ actions”. Manchester Evening News. Technology Section, July 10, 2007. dicts_crooks_actions_.html Mark Greenblatt, “Crime wave: Data proves rising murder rate in Houston cannot be blamed on Katrina evacuees”. The IRE Journal. March/April 2007. 28-29. Reprinted in April 17, 2007. “Predicting a criminal’s journey to crime”. NIJ Journal. 253. January 2006. “CrimeStat III”. Public Health GIS News and Information. (65), July 2005. 2-3. “CrimeStat II”. GIS World. November 2002. 43. “CrimeStat II”. Gis Monitor. September 3, 2002. 2. Harold Brodsky (2002). “CrimeStat II on the geostatistical scence”. Geospatial Solultions, November. 49-53. Elizabeth Groff, “CrimeStat 1.1”. Public Health GIS News and Information. (36), September 2000. 2-3. “The development of a spatial analysis toolkit for use in a metropolitan crime incident geographic information system”. The NIJ Research Review. Vol 1(1). National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: Washington, DC. 2. 2000. “The development of a spatial analysis toolkit for use in a metropolitan crime incident geographic information system”. The NIJ Research Review, 1(1), 2. 2000. “CrimeStat available”. Public Health GIS News and Information. (31), November 1999. 8. "Bus Crime Study - From the Rider's Viewpoint". Metro Magazine. March-April 1986. 6-7. "More Than Just Shelter: Planning To End Violence in the Public Environment". Women and Environments. 8 2(Spring) 1986. Center for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto and the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University: Toronto. 6. "Crime on RTD buses jumps 107%". Los Angeles Herald Examiner. Dec. 26, 1986. A-1, A10. "Environments that Deter Crime". Glamour. February 1986. 276. "When a Bus Ride Turns to Fear...". Architecture and Planning. Fall 1985. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, U.C.L.A.: Los Angeles. 26-31. 10 "Bus Crime". Newsline. 11 2(May). 1985. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council: Washington, D.C. 1-2. "The Environmental Approach to Bus Crime", ISSR Quarterly. 1 1(April) 1985, Institute for Social Science Research, U.C.L.A.: Los Angeles, 4-6,17. "The hazards of transit crime". Los Angeles Times Editorial. April 29, 1985, Part II, 4. "Professors examine bus crime in West-Central L. A.", U.C.L.A. Daily Bruin. April 25, 1985. 1. "Supervisors urge action against bus-stop crimes". Los Angeles Times. April 18, 1985. Westside section. "L. A. Bus Crime Data Disputed". Los Angeles Times. April 15, 1985, A-1, A22-A23. Interview. "The Office of the Year 2000". Newsweek (European Edition). November 26, 1984, 8-9 of Special Advertising Section on Office Automation. PAPERS PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS “The CrimeStat IV Spatial Statistics Program: I. Hot Spots and Crime Travel”. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. November 21, 2013. “The CrimeStat IV Spatial Statistics Program: II. Spatial Regression, Discrete Choice Modeling, & Time Series Forecasting”. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. November 21, 2013. “Crime travel demand modeling with CrimeStat: mapping offender movements along routes”. 11th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Miami, FL. October 20, 2011. “Journey-to-crime modeling with CrimeStat”. 11th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Miami, FL. October 19, 2011. “Mapping Offender Movements along Routes: The Crime Travel Demand Model”. 8th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference, Manchester, England, June 11, 2010. “Journey-to-crime Analysis using CrimeStat”. 8th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference, Manchester, England, June 10, 2010. “Spatial Centrographic Analysis and Nearest Neighbor Measures: An Introduction to CrimeStat III”. 8th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference, Manchester, England, June 11, 2010. “Spatial Variation in Motor Vehicle Crashes by Gender in the Houston Metropolitan Area”. 4th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Transportation Research Board, Irvine, CA, October 28, 2009. 11 “Crime Travel of Female Offenders in Manchester, England” (with Patsy Lee). 4th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Transportation Research Board, Irvine, CA, October 28, 2009. Moderator for panel on Bayesian Journey to Crime modeling, “Bayesian journey to crime modeling of juvenile and adult offenders by gender in Manchester, U.K.” (with Patsy Lee). 10th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA, August 20, 2009. “Bayesian journey to crime modeling of juvenile and adult offenders by gender in Manchester, U.K.” (with Patsy Lee). 10th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA, August 22, 2009. Moderator for panel on Driving While Intoxicated (“Traffic Safety I”), 10th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA, August 20, 2009. “Introduction to crime travel demand models” (with Phil Canter), 10th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA, August 20, 2009. “Linking Origins With Destinations for DWI Crashes in Baltimore County”, 10th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA, August 20, 2009. “The CrimeStat” Project. NIJ Conference, Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, June 15, 2009. “Case studies of crash and crime mapping: The use of GIS to build a safety planning support system”. Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety meeting, Sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fort Worth, TX, January 28, 2009. “CrimeStat and hot spot analysis”. 6th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. Manchester, England. July 30, 2008. “Centrographic statistics and CrimeStat”. 6th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. Manchester, England. July 29, 2008. “CrimeStat and the crime travel demand model”. 6th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. Manchester, England. July 29, 2008. “Bayesian journey to crime modeling: Improvements to geographic profiling methodology”. NIJ Conference. Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, July 21, 2008. “A metropolitan crime travel demand model”. Symposium in honor of the retirement of Richard Block, Loyola University, Chicago. March 28, 2008. 12 “A Bayesian approach to geographic profiling”. American Society of Criminology conference. Atlanta, GA. November 17, 2007. “Bayesian journey-to-crime modeling”. 9th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Pittsburgh, PA. March 31, 2007. “Crime travel demand modeling”. 9th Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Pittsburgh, PA. March 29, 2007. “The Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Traffic Safety Planning Program”. 1st Annual Regional Traffic Safety Conference. Houston, TX. November 16, 2006. “Hot spot analysis of motor vehicle crashes”. 1st Annual Regional Traffic Safety Conference. Houston, TX. November 16, 2006. “CrimeStat and the crime travel demand model”. 4th United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. London, England. May 25, 2006. “CrimeStat and space-time interaction”. Fourth United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. London, England. May 24, 2006. “Introduction to CrimeStat III with descriptive statistics and spatial autocorrelation”. Fourth United Kingdom National Crime Mapping Conference. London, England. May 24, 2006. “The Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Safety Planning Program”. American Planning Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 24, 2006. “The Building of a Spatial Crash Information System: Examples from the Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Safety Planning Program”. The Institute for Transportation Engineers Technical Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 20, 2006 “Using GIS and spatial analysis for traffic safety planning: The Houston metropolitan traffic safety program”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Savannah, GA. September 10, 2005. “An overview of crime travel demand modeling”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Savannah, GA. September 9, 2005. “The use of crime travel demand modeling for drunk driving interdiction in Baltimore County” (with Phil Canter). Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Savannah, GA. September 9, 2005. “Panel on geographic profiling”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Savannah, GA. September 8, 2005. “Crime travel demand modeling: Theory, implementation, and Uses”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Savannah, GA. September 8, 2005. 13 “Building a GIS-based crash information system”. Workshop on Safety Conscious Planning, Transportation Research Board and the Volpe Center, Detroit, MI. May 11, 2005. “The Metropolitan Houston Traffic Safety Planning Program”. Workshop on Safety Conscious Planning, Transportation Research Board and the Volpe Center, Detroit. May 12, 2005. Panelist on “Urbanization and Global Climate Change” session. Shell Conference on Sustainability and Global Climate Change. Rice University. Houston, TX. February 10, 2005. “The Metropolitan Houston Traffic Safety Planning Program”. Annual TexITE Conference. Waco, TX. February 4, 2005. “The Metropolitan Houston Traffic Safety Planning Program”. Panel on Traffic Operations, Annual Conference of the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations. San Antonio, TX. October 14, 2004 “Modeling metropolitan criminal travel behavior”. Panel on Offender Travel Behavior II, Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Boston, MA. April 2, 2004. Panelist for “Development issues in spatial crime analysis software roundtable”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Boston, MA. April 2, 2004. “Introduction to CrimeStat III”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice, Boston, MA. April 1, 2004. “The metropolitan Houston traffic safety program”. Annual Texas Transportation Planning Conference. Irving, TX. May 27, 2003. “The metropolitan Houston traffic safety program”. The 9th Annual Conference on Transportation Research Methods. Transportation Research Board. Baton Rouge, LA. April 7, 2003. “Planning for safety in a metropolitan area: The Houston metropolitan safety program”. Annual conference of the American Planning Association, Denver, CO. April 1, 2003. “Spatial analysis of motor vehicle safety”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice. Denver, CO. December 10, 2002 “Modeling metropolitan criminal travel behavior”. Annual conference of the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety unit, National Institute of Justice. Denver, CO. December 10, 2002 “Introduction to CrimeStat II”. Annual conference of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice. Dallas, TX. December 3, 2001. “What’s new in CrimeStat II?”. Annual conference of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice. Dallas, TX. December 1, 2001. 14 “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations”. Virginia GIS Conference. Richmond, VA. October 27, 2000. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations”. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Pittsburgh, PA. April 8, 2000. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program and its use for public health problems”. 3rd Annual International Health Geographics Conference. Chevy Chase, MD. March 18, 2000. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations”. Annual conference of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice. Orlando, FL. December 13, 1999. “Demonstrating a regional crime analysis geographic information system”. 9th Annual International Association of Crime Analysts Conference. Towson, MD. October 6, 1999. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations”. 4th International Conference on GeoComputation. Paper and poster session. Fredericksburg, VA. July 28, 1999. “Crime mapping and GIS”. Virginia State Crime Commission. Fairfax, VA. June 30, 1999. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistical crime analysis program”. Annual GIS Conference. Towson University, Baltimore. June 1999. “The use of a spatial statistics program for the analysis of motor vehicle accidents”. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington. January 1999. “CrimeStat: a spatial statistics programs for the analysis of crime incident locations”. Annual conference of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice. December 1998. “Spatial analysis of crime”, Annual conference of the Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice. Arlington, VA. December 1998. “Spatial analysis of crime”. Two-day course and one-day workshop at the Justice Research Statistics Association annual meeting, San Diego. September 1998. “Development of a spatial analysis toolkit for use in a metropolitan crime incident geographic information system”. Research and Evaluation Conference. National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. July 1998. “Development of a spatial analysis toolkit for use in a metropolitan crime incident geographic information system”. Session on public safety, Towson University Annual Geographic Information Systems Conference, Towson, MD, June 1998. “‘Hot spot’ analysis using both the Systat ‘K-means’ routine and a risk assessment”. Session on ‘multi-method exploration of crime hot-spots’, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, March 1998. 15 “CrimeStat: a spatial statistical program for crime analysis”. Cluster Conference on the Development of Spatial Analysis Tools. National Institute of Justice. Washington, DC. February 1998. “The development of a spatial analysis toolkit for use in a metropolitan crime geographic information system”. Applied Geography Annual Meeting. Albuquerque. November 1997. “Vehicle occupancy measurement”. Transportation Systems Management Committee. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington. January 1997. "Coding of motor vehicle accident locations using a GIS". Hawaii GISMAP 95 Conference, Honolulu. November 1995. "Rent control and vacancy control: a spatial analysis four California cities". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Detroit. October 1995. "A Traffic Safety GIS". Hawaii GIS Conference, Honolulu. November 1994. "Land use conflicts among California Cities and Counties". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Phoenix. November 1994. "Traffic safety and land use: a spatial analysis of Honolulu motor vehicle accidents". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Phoenix. November 1994. "A program for analyzing point spatial statistics". Computer User's Group. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Phoenix. November 1994. "A geographic information system for analyzing motor vehicle accidents". Hawaii Geographic Information Systems Meeting, Hawaii Chapter of the American Planning Association, October 1994. "Linkages between water policy and growth management policy". Conference on 'Water and Growth: Restructuring the Relationship'. San Diego. November 1991. "The Limits of Local Growth: Growth Control Measures in California". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Austin. November 1990. "Teaching Demographic Methods with Microcomputers". Microcomputer User's Group Conference, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Austin. November 1990. Co-organizer and moderator for Conference on 'Dilemmas of Planning in Middle Eastern Cities", Center for Near Eastern Studies and Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, U.C.L.A. Los Angeles. June 1990. "Transportation and Crime". Conference on 'Reclaiming Our Neighborhoods'. U.C.L.A., Los Angeles. May 1988. 16 "Can you Get your Money's Worth from the Demographic Data Companies?". First annual Demographic Workshop. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. May 1988. Discussant for panel on 'Return Migration'. Conference on 'International Migration of Middle Easterners and North Africans: Comparative Perspectives'. U.C.L.A., Los Angeles. May 1988. Co-author of Two Papers and Organizer of Panel on "Making Communities Safe". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. November 1987. Organizer of One-day Workshop on Microcomputer Applications in Planning. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. November 1987. "Transit Crime". Workshop on Transportation Planning for Professionals. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine. September 1987. "Transit Crime". National Conference on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. National Crime Prevention Institute, Louisville. November 1986. "Making Safe Neighborhoods: Eliminating Bus Crime". American Planning Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. April 1986. Organizer of One-day Workshop on Microcomputer Applications in Planning. American Planning Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. April 1986. "Designing Out Bus Crime". The American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Diego. November 1985. "Bus Crime in Los Angeles: Measurement and Evaluation". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Atlanta. November 1985. "Bus Crime in Los Angeles: The Need for Activity Analysis". Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. April 1985. "Crime at Specific Locations: The Value of An Environmental Data Base". Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. April 1985. "The Current Disarray Over Planning Research Methods: Some Thoughts on the Development of an Appropriate Methodology". Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, San Francisco. October 1983. "Teaching in Turkey: Contradictions and Innovation". Panel on 'Teaching Psychology in the Middle East', Western Psychological Association Meeting, San Diego. April 1979. "Anti-Urbanism as an Implicit Development Policy in Turkey". Conference on 'The Role of and Neo-Traditionalism in the Modernization Process', Rutgers University: New Brunswick. March 1978. "'Rural Traditionalism' Among 'Urban Modernizers' in Turkey: Incongruities Between Urbanization as a Demographic Force and Anti-Urbanism as a Social Policy". American Anthropological Association Meeting, Houston. November 1977. 17 "Problems and Responsibilities in Doing Social Research in Turkey". Middle East Studies Association Meeting, New York. November 1977. Discussant for panel on 'Conflicts in Urban Planning and Urban Culture in the Middle East'. Middle East Studies Association Meeting, New York. November 1977. "Divorce in Turkey". Second Turkish Demography Conference, Izmir, Turkey. September 1975. "Population Growth and Fertility in Turkey". Workshop on 'The Effects of Planned Urbanization in the Eastern Marmara Region', Istanbul, Turkey. May 1975. "Rural-Urban Migration and its Effects on Urbanization Over the Next Fifty Years". Conference on 'Turkish Development Trends: 1974-2024', Ankara, Turkey. June 1974. "The Revolutionary Non-Potential of the 'Lumpen': Essence or Technical Deficiency?", British Sociological Association, Midland Development Group, Birmingham, England. November 1972. "Role Playing and Simulation Exercise of a Conflict in Higher Education". Conference on 'Creative Change in Higher Education', London. September 1972. "The Adaptation of Migrants in Turkey". Development Research Seminar, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University, Brighton, Sussex, England. September 1972. "Demonstration and Discussion of the Application of T-Groups to Higher Education". Social Psychology Division, British Psychological Society, Durham, England. September 1971. "Emotional Aspects of T-Group Development". Group Relations Training Association, Leeds, England. January 1970. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. Current. Member, Pursuit Review Committee, Houston Police Department. 2006-13. Editorial Board, Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2008-13. Member, Forecast Advisory Committee, Houston-Galveston Area Council. 2010. Member, Traffic Safety Management Committee, Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences. 2007-2010. Coordinator, Regional Safety Council. Houston-Galveston Area Council. Houston, TX. 20052007. Member of the Safety Advisory Group, Center for Transportation Safety, Texas Transportation Institute. College Station, TX. 2004-2006. Member of the Advisory Board, Venice Community Housing Corporation, Venice, CA. 1992. 18 Member of the Advisory Board, Urban Innovations Group, Los Angeles. 1987-1989. Member of the Southern California Rapid Transit District Transit Law Enforcement Policy Task Force. 1985-1986. Research Grant Panel Participant, U.S. Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Spring 1981. Organizer and Trainer of over 50 Experiential Learning Groups (T-Groups) for Students, Managers, Social Workers, Clinical Psychologists, Teachers, Community Development Workers, Race Relations Workers, and Health Science Professionals. U.S., England, Turkey. 1963-1975. GRANTS, CONTRACTS, CONSULTING, AND OCCASIONAL COURSES Course on crime mapping. Department of Administration of Justice, Texas Southern University. Houston, TX. Spring 2012. Project management, design and analysis. The expansion of the CrimeStat spatial statistics program to incorporate spatial regression, space-time clustering, Bayesian Journey to Crime modeling, incident detection methodology, and sparse matrix tools. National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. 2005-2010. Continuation grant awarded in 2009 and continued until 2013. GIS consulting. Development of Crime Mapping System for the Children’s Trust, Miami. Justice & Security Strategies, Silver Spring, MD and Hallandale Beach, FL. 2009. Research design. The effects of bus transit stations on residential housing prices in Houston. Carol Lewis, Department of Transportation Studies, Texas Southern University. 2008. Workshops on CrimeStat III. Greater Manchester Police Department. Manchester, England. 2007. Course on crime mapping, Criminal Justice Department, University of Houston, Downtown. Fall 2007. Project management, design and analysis. Development of an offender travel model. National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. 2002-2005. Spatial analysis of robbery data from Pinellas County, Fl. South Carolina Research Authority, North Charleston, SC. 2004. Project management, design and analysis. Continuing development of the CrimeStat spatial statistics program for use in a metropolitan crime geographic information system. National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. 1999-2002. Data collection and analysis. Safety planning in State and metropolitan areas. AECOM Consulting for the Federal Highway Administration. Fairfax, VA. 1999-2001. 19 Technical Management, Survey Design and GIS Analysis. Needs assessment and feasibility study for the establishment of an after school transportation system in Rockland County, New York. ICF Consulting, Fairfax, VA., for the County of Rockland, NY. 2000-2001. GIS and Demographic Analysis. Development of a strategic transit plan for Rockland County, New York. SG Associates, Arlington, VA. 1997-2000. Statistical consulting. Kansas Family and Child Tracking System. James Bell Associates. Arlington, VA. 1999. GIS and trip generation modeling. Nashville Long-Range Plan Update Study. Hagler Bailly, Arlington, VA. 1999. Statistical Consultant. Development of performance indicators for the Federal Highway Administration. Hagler Bailly, Arlington, VA. 1999. Project management, design and analysis. Development of a spatial analysis tool kit for use in a metropolitan crime geographic information system. National Institute of Justice. 1997-99. Data Documentation. Study on growth management and infrastructure capacity in California. Claremont Graduate School Research Institute. 1997. Scenario Development. Development of a demonstration disk for the What if? land use allocation program. LDR International. Columbia, MD. 1997. Data collection consultant. Guidelines for the effective use of transit police and security personnel. Interactive Elements, Inc., New York. Project funded by Transportation Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board. 1996-1997 Data base consultant. Study of mobile home occupants in California mobile home parks. Ken Baar & Associates. Berkeley. 1995-1996. Project management, survey design, survey implementation, and analysis. Growth management and infrastructure capacity in California. Funding consortium (Metropolitan Water District, California Policy Seminar, Southern California Association of Governments, League of California Cities, California State Association of Counties). 1993-1996. Course on geographic information systems. Department of Urban Planning, University of Hawaii-Manoa. 1995. Courses on survey research and database applications. Department of Geography, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Beer Sheva, Israel. Spring 1989. Course on geographic information systems. Infectious Diseases Division, Los Angeles County Health Department. 1994. GIS consultant. Factors affecting the rebuilding of the riot-damaged areas of Los Angeles. RLA, Los Angeles. 1994. 20 Project management and analysis. The impact of vacancy control on four rent control cities in California. Allan Heskin & Associates. Los Angeles. 1994. GIS consultant. Spatial analysis of motor vehicle accidents in Honolulu. CODES Project, University of Hawaii. Honolulu. 1993-1995. California Department of Transportation and California Air Resources Board for Study Evaluating Alternative Techniques for Measuring Average Vehicle Occupancy. 1993-1994. Advisory committee. Study on Visions of the Los Angeles Urban Future. Urban Innovations Group, Los Angeles. 1993. GIS consulting. Characteristics of the Location of Manufacturing Firms Involved in the Southern California Air Quality Management District Regulation XV Program. Elizabeth Deakin. Los Angeles. 1993. Database and GIS consultant. Study of Contracting Procedures for Minority and Women-Based Enterprises in the City of Los Angeles. Cordoba and Associates. 1993. Policy consultant. Case Involving Transit Crime. Forensic Experts, Santa Ana, CA and Robbins, Kaplan, Miller and Ciresi, Newport Beach, CA. 1993. Statistical consultant. Analysis of Methods Used in Producing Small Area Population Estimates in Southern California for the Southern California Council of Governments. 1992. Expert testimony. Case Involving Age Discrimination. James Miller. San Diego, CA 1992. Demographic consultant. Study of the Costs for Producing Services by and Revenues Generated for the County of Los Angeles by Undocumented Immigration. Urban Research Unit of Los Angeles County. 1992. GIS consultant. Study on Downtown Strategic Plan. Cordoba and Associates. 1992. Neighborhood and site analysis. The Building of a Cultural Center, Ismailia Council for the Western United States. Ned Levine & Associates. 1991. Database consultant. Accessing the 1990 Census for Los Angeles County Cities. Tierra Concepts. Los Angeles. 1991. Demographic consultant. 1990 Demographic Profile of Nine Counties. Southern California Gas Company. 1991. Expert opinion. The Availability of Low Income Housing in Los Angeles for a Case Involving General Relief Recipients in Los Angeles County. Western Center for Law and Poverty, Los Angeles. 1991. GIS consultant. Southern California Gas Company Weatherization Study. Deborah Agata and Associates. Redondo Beach, CA. 1991. 21 U.C.L.A. Academic Senate for Development of an Expert System to Simulate Redevelopment Decisions. 1990-91. Survey and GIS consultant. Study of Residential Location and Commuting Patterns among Employees of Kaiser Permanente Medical Group. Urban Innovation Group. Los Angeles. 199091. Instrument consultant. An Evaluation of a Game for Teaching Children Good Nutritional Habits, Dr. Bruce Hector, Los Angeles. 1990-1991. Survey and demographic consultant. The Development of a Cultural Masterplan for the City of Los Angeles. Morris McNeil. Los Angeles. 1990. Survey consultant. Study of County and City Growth Control Measures in California. Public Policy Program, University of California at Los Angeles Extension Division. 1989-90. Survey of Visitors and Press at the Greater Los Angeles Auto Show. Ned Levine & Associates, Venice, CA. 1990. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Beer Sheva, Israel. Spring 1989. Computer and GIS consultant. Study of Building Permits, Current Land Use and Sewage Disposal in the City of Los Angeles. The Planning Group, Los Angeles. 1989. Expert testimony. A Survey of Minimum Wage Employees Conducted by the California Restaurant Association. Employment Law Office, Legal Aid Foundation, Los Angeles. 1988. Expert testimony. Sex Discrimination Case. Litt & Stormer Law Offices, Los Angeles. 1988. Survey consultant. A Regional Survey of Ridesharing among Businesses. Commuter Transportation Services, Inc., Los Angeles. 1987. Survey of Tenants in the City of Santa Monica for the Santa Monica Rent Control Board. 1987. Projections of the Population in Nine Service Areas of the Southern California Gas Company. Leo Estrada Associates, Los Angeles. 1987. Expert testimony. Two Studies which Measure Economic and Ethnic Correlates of Voter Registration Rates in Los Angeles County. American Civil Liberties Union, Los Angeles. 1986. Expert testimony. The Sample Size Necessary to Adequately Measure Housing Costs of People Receiving Benefits from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services. Legal Aid Foundation, Los Angeles. 1986. Expert testimony. The Empirical Basis Used by the California State Department of Development Disabilities for the Funding of Providers of the Developmentally Disabled. Jay Nolan Center, Saugus, CA. 1986. 22 Survey consultant. The Downtown Workplace Transportation Study. Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles. 1986. Questionnaire consultant. Study on Perceptions of 'Dream House'. Jacqueline Leavitt, Los Angeles and Ms. Foundation. 1986. Population projections for Downtown Los Angeles. Cogen, Sharpe and Cogan, Portland, OR. 1986. Population projections of the School-Age Population. Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles. 1985-86. Expert testimony. The Los Angeles Metropolitan Region for the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C. Future Broadcasting, Los Angeles and Wood, Lucksinger & Epstein, Washington, D.C. 1986. Survey design, analysis and demographic projections. Los Angeles City Senior Needs Assessment for the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging. The Planning Group, Los Angeles. 1985-1986. Project management and survey design. Vehicle Fleet Assessment for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Urban Innovations Group, Los Angeles. 1985. Population projections. Study of the Elderly in the City of West Hollywood. The Planning Group, Los Angeles. 1985. Population projections. The City of Anaheim. The Planning Group, Los Angeles. 1985. Survey of Tenants and Apartment Owners in the City of West Hollywood. West Hollywood City Council. Los Angeles. 1985. Demographic consultant. Study of Age Structure in Park La Brea. Kotin, Regan and Mouchley. Los Angeles. 1985. University Research and Training Program, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation for study of Factors Affecting the Incidence and Perception of Bus Crime in Los Angeles. 1983-1985. Questionnaire development and data analysis. East County San Diego Development Feasibility Survey. Presenting Jamal, San Diego. 1983-1984. Courses on statistics and computer applications. Department of Urban Planning, University of Southern California. 1983-84. Research design. Non-Structural Earthquake Damage in Commercial Establishments. Michael Durkin & Associates, Los Angeles. 1982 to 1986. Adjunct faculty. Department of Urban Planning, University of Southern California. 1983-85. 23 Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine for review of the literature and preparation of a grant proposal on the Factors Affecting the Incidence and Perception of Bus Crime in Los Angeles. 1982-83. Survey of Businesses in Los Angeles's Chinatown, Chinatown Development Project for the Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles. Urban Innovations Group, Los Angeles. 1982-1983. National Center for Health Statistics, Developing a manual for conducting small area health surveys. 1979-80. Questionnaire development and data analysis. Philadelphia Airport Noise Survey for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency. Office of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1979-1980. Questionnaire development and data analysis. Study of Tenant Consciousness (Allan Heskin, Principal Investigator). Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles. 1979-1980. Questionnaire development. Feasibility Study for Evaluation of Expanded Public Health Dentistry (Max Schoen, Principal Investigator), School of Dentistry, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles. 1979. Research Design, questionnaire development and data analysis. Various Small Noise Assessment Studies (Nuclear Reactor Warning Sirens, Torrance Airport Noise Study, Helicopter Noise Survey, Truck Ride Noise Study, National Urban Noise Assessment, Household Airplane Noise Exposure Study, Sonic Booms in Rural Areas). Wyle Research, El Segundo. 1978 to 1986. Questionnaire development. Effects of Proposition 13 on Programs and Services for the Developmentally Disabled (Lynn Zucker, Principal Investigator), Institute for Social Science Research, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles. 1978-1979. Data collection and analysis. Quiet Communities Program. The Department of Community Development, City of Allentown, PA. and the Office of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977-1978. Design of a Social Survey Workbook for Assessing Community Attitudes toward Noise. Wyle Research, El Segundo, CA. for the Office of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977-1978. Interdisciplinary Communications Program, Smithsonian Institution for study of Population Policy Formation in Turkey. 1976. Ford Foundation in Turkey for study of Student Political Activism in Turkey. 1969. Ford Foundation in Turkey for study of Migrant Adaptation in Turkey. 1969. 24 Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) for study of Migrant Adaptation in Turkey. 1968. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 2015 CrimeStat IV (4.02). Spatial analysis program for metropolitan crime incident analysis. National Institute of Justice. January. 2014 CrimeStat IV (4.01). Spatial analysis program for metropolitan crime incident analysis. National Institute of Justice. August. 2013 CrimeStat IV (4.0). Spatial analysis program for metropolitan crime incident analysis. National Institute of Justice. June. 2010 CrimeStat III (3.3). Spatial Analysis program for Metropolitan Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. June. 2009 CrimeStat III (3.2a). Spatial Analysis program for Metropolitan Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. August. 2007 CrimeStat III (3.1). Spatial Analysis program for Metropolitan Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. March. 2004 CrimeStat III (3.0). Spatial Analysis program for Metropolitan Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. November. 2002 CrimeStat II (2.0). Spatial Analysis program for Metropolitan Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. May. 2000 CrimeStat (1.1). Spatial Analysis Program for Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. July. 1999 CrimeStat (1.0). Spatial Analysis Program for Crime Incident Analysis. National Institute of Justice. August. 1995 Hawaii Pointstat: Spatial Analysis Program for Point Locations. University of Hawaii. Honolulu. 1993 Cohort: Program for Cohort Component Population Projections. University of California, Los Angeles. 1984 Halley: A Life Table-Population Projection Program. University of California, Los Angeles. 25