View or our Practice Leaflet

Scarsdale Medical Centre
2 Scarsdale Place
W8 5SX
Tel: 020 7938 1887
Fax: 020 7376 2784
Monday, Thursday and Friday
8.00am - 6.00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday
8.00am - 8.30pm
Scarsdale Medical Centre is a practice that provides quality primary care services to a diverse population
situated in Central London.
It has a list size of over 6,000 patients, and is a member of NHS West
London CCG, which manages the provision of general practice services within the area. The practice is
an approved training / teaching practice and is fully committed to continued education. The premises are
purpose-built, occupying the ground floor with full disabled access.
General Practitioners
Dr Sarah Evans (female)
Interests include Respiratory Problems, Cardiology, General Medicine, Diabetes and Undergraduate
Dr Tim Lebens (male)
Interests include General Medicine, Family Planning, Minor Surgery and Acupuncture
Dr Carla Saour (female)
Interests include Women's Health and Family Planning
Dr Laura Peeke (female)
Interests include general medicine, women’s health, paediatrics and diabetes
Dr Patrick Kiernan (male)
Interests include General Practice Training and Medical Tribunals.
Dr Hina Gauher (female)
Interests include General Medicine
Nurse Practitioner
Our Nurse Practitioner, Afi Tork, runs clinics for chronic disease management (e.g. Diabetes, Asthma,
COPD, Hypertension, Mental Health, Epilepsy and Heart Disease) Please also consult Afi for minor
illnesses (eg. chest, ear, throat, skin and urinary tract infections) smoking cessation, family planning
(e.g. well woman/man check ups, contraception, pre-conceptual care and sexual transmitted diseases),
smears, nutrition & diet management and Dopplers.
Health Care Assistants
Please book appointments with Valentina for INR (warfarin) clinics, ear syringing, immunisations
(Including child immunisations, flu and pneumococcal jabs), blood tests, ear swabs, verruca treatment,
stitch removal and wound dressings.
Anzelle sees patients for New Patient, Elderly and NHS Health Checks, Blood Pressure checks, ECGs and
spirometry (lung function tests).
Cloyette runs our phlebotomy clinic on Wednesday and Thursday morning.
District Nurses
The medical centre has a district nurse team attached to it which provides high quality nursing care for
people who are housebound. The role of the district nurses is to negotiate a plan of care with the patient
and others involved, ensuring implementation and continuity of care until the patient is well enough to
be discharged from the service . You can contact the team on 020 7795 8423 at the Abingdon Health
Practice Counsellor - Psychotherapist
Monica Bard is an adult psychoanalytical psychotherapist (registered with the British Confederation of
Psychotherapists - BCP). She trained at the London Centre for Psychotherapy, completing her training in
January 1985.
Prior to this, Monica was a qualified social worker.
Referrals to this service are via
routine appointment with the GP.
Practice Manager
Marzena Grzymala is the Practice Manager. Her role encompasses the overall operational management,
strategic development and smooth running of the practice.
The practice has 6 reception staff (Cloyette Callender, Tayo Kuti, Zoe Walsham, Anzelle De Freitas, Krina
Khatri and Hashma Haidar).
Cloyette is our reception supervisor and both she and Zoe provide
secretarial support to the practice. Our administration team works together to deal efficiently with your
enquiries and requests, whilst respecting your confidentiality.
We have a policy of non-discrimination towards patients, whether it is on the grounds of race, sex,
sexual orientation, age, colour, creed or religion.
To register at the practice you will need to complete the requisite application form as well as a health
questionnaire. These both need to be submitted to the reception. If you were previously registered with
the NHS doctor you would need to provide your NHS number and the name of your last doctor, if it is
your first time registering with NHS doctor you will need to prove a proof of your employment in the
country and proof of address.
You will then need to attend a new patient registration health check.
Your details will be sent to the Primary Care Trust to complete your registration and request your
medical records. All children registering with the practice who are under the age of 5 will need to submit
an immunisation record as a compulsory part of the registration.
Although your registration will be with either Dr S Evans or Dr T Lebens, you can see any GP of your
choice at the practice.
Routine Appointments
Appointments with the doctors are available throughout the day, whilst those for other members of the
primary health care team vary throughout the week. Appointments may be made by telephoning the
surgery on 020 7938 1887. They can be booked up to six weeks in advance, which enables us to offer
you an appointment at a time that best suits you.
Triage Service
This service operates weekdays in the morning between 8.30-9.30 and 10.30-11.00 and in the
afternoon between 2.00-3.00pm (Fridays 2.30-3.30) and 4.00-4.30pm
Patients ringing in and requesting urgent appointments or advice will be asked for their contact details
and will be put on the triage list for the nurse / doctor to call them back.
Patients will be offered one of the following options:
Appropriate advice to self manage their condition
A routine or urgent appointment with either the GP or Nurse Practitioner
Cancelling Appointments
If you are unable to attend your appointment please call 020 7938 1887 and follow the instructions on
the voicemail.
Patients phoning requesting to speak to a clinician will be asked for a return contact number so the
clinician is able to return their call at a convenient time.
This will free up the main telephone lines,
therefore providing better telephone access. Be assured that your calls will be returned as quickly as
possible and all information is confidential.
These are provided by the doctors, practice nurses, health visitors and other medical professionals.
Please contact reception who will advise you on appropriate clinics for your healthcare needs. Many of
the appointments for services such as blood pressure measurement, immunisations, maternity care and
family planning will be offered within the general surgery clinics. Additionally, we run specific clinics for
the following:
Blood Testing Clinic
We have phlebotomy clinics on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 - 12:30.
All blood test
requests need to be authorised by a clinician first via a routine appointment.
Infant and Baby (Child Development) Clinic
This clinic is held on Wednesday afternoons between 2.00 and 3.30pm. It is run by Halina Malcher
(health visitor) in conjunction with Dr Carla Saour. This clinic provides child development checks and
gives an opportunity for parents to discuss other worries/concerns, e. g sleeping, feeding and child
health worries, with the health visitor. You can contact the health visitor on tel: 020 7795 8419 or mob:
07534 104373
NOTE: sick children should not be brought to this clinic.
Diabetic Clinic
This is run fortnightly by the nurse practitioner in conjunction with Dr Sarah Evans by appointment only.
Our aim is to offer a full annual assessment and for you to discuss all aspects of your condition.
Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccination Clinic
An annual influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for patients over 65 or those with heart, lung
or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes. This vaccination is available from
October to March.
A one-off pneumococcal vaccination is also recommended for all patients over 65 and those in the atrisk categories.
This vaccination is available throughout the year.
Please book an appointment with
Minor Surgery Clinic
Dr Tim Lebens carries out minor surgical procedures at the surgery. This is by appointment only, and
the doctors will advise you on this. The minor surgery clinic runs once every three weeks and includes
removal of cysts, moles, skin tags and draining of abscesses. Your doctor must assess you prior to your
referral to this clinic.
Substance Misuse Clinic
This fortnightly clinic offers support and advice for substance misuse patients regarding maintenance
and detoxification.
Warfarin Clinic
This clinic is for patients on anti-coagulation (warfarin) treatment. It is managed by our health care
assistant Valentina Florova and supported by Cloyette Callender and our Nurse Practitioner, Afi Tork
Our psychotherapist, Monica Bard is available for adult counselling on Thursday afternoons. Please ask
your doctor for an appointment.
Asthma and Chronic Airways Disease
This service is managed by our nurse practitioner Afi Tork and supported by Dr Sarah Evans. It aims to
provide advice and support to patients with asthma and chronic airways disease e.g. emphysema and
chronic bronchitis.
Maternity Services
All the GPs in the practice are on the obstetric list and can offer the full range of antenatal and postnatal
care in conjunction with the local midwifery service and hospitals.
Non-NHS Examinations
The doctors carry out medicals (e.g. insurance/driving licence) at the end of morning surgery. Please
telephone the surgery for an appointment and check at reception beforehand for any charges that may
Nurse Practitioner Service
In light of developments in the delivery of primary care services, experienced nurse practitioners are
increasingly taking on consultations for the more commonplace illnesses once traditionally dealt with by
the GP. This allows GPs more time to deal with more serious conditions.
Appropriate prescribing and physical examinations are incorporated into the nurse practitioner
If, after consultation with the nurse practitioner, it is considered that your problem needs further advice,
she will refer you to the GP.
Travel Vaccinations
Please make an appointment with Afi Tork at least two weeks prior to your holiday departure to ensure
adequate cover. A charge will be made for certain immunisations and vaccinations which are not covered
by the NHS. A list of these charges is held at reception.
Well Heart Service
We provide a service to help patients who are diagnosed with heart-related problems or those at
increased risk from heart disease. We monitor risk factors such as cholesterol, hypertension, weight and
smoking. You may also be invited for an annual check.
Well Woman/ Man, Contraception and Sexual Health
Our Nurse Practitioner is available to offer advice on women’s / men's health. She also performs cervical
Sexual health screens are available for men and woman. Please make an appointment via
reception. Dr Shazid Karim and our nurse Practitioner, Afi Tork, are able to insert long acting reversible
contraceptives. Please make an appointment to discuss.
If for medical reasons you need to see a GP but are unable to attend the surgery, please call before
11.00am. The doctor will call you back to discuss your request. Remember that you will most likely be
seen quicker and have more equipment available if you manage to attend the surgery.
In the case of a medical emergency outside of normal surgery hours please call the usual surgery
number where a recorded message will advise you how to contact the duty doctor. Out-of-hours cover
is provided by the practice in conjunction with the Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster out of hours
service on 111. The NHS 111 is free to call from both landlines and mobiles.
Remember: there will always be emergency appointments available each morning for urgent medical
problems, so if possible please wait and contact the surgery at 9.00am.
Please call the surgery between 2.00-4.00pm Monday to Friday to obtain the results of your
You should telephone approximately one week following the test.
The GP will have
already advised the reception staff of your results, so these can usually be given to you directly over the
On occasion you may be asked to discuss the results with your doctor either over the
telephone or by making an appointment. You will be contacted whenever you have a test result that
requires further treatment, therapy or consultation.
Repeat prescriptions will be issued at the doctor's discretion and are normally for patients on long-term
Requests for prescriptions can be made in writing, by fax, using the online system or by
calling in to the surgery, but not over the telephone.
NOTE: Please allow two complete working days before collection and make allowances for weekends and
public holidays
Private prescriptions from consultants will only be issued by the practice if we have been involved in the
referral. Your initial prescription from the consultant should be taken to the pharmacy for dispensing in
the normal way. If you need to continue with this prescribed medication and would like it to be issued
by the practice please book an appointment with your GP.
You should be aware, however, that this
would only be done after we have received written confirmation from your consultant advising us of the
treatment plan.
NOTE: A prescription by a private GP cannot be converted to an NHS prescription.
We strongly advise patients to choose between NHS and Private GP services as having both
fragments your care.
Our practice is a teaching practice and we are fully committed to continued education.
approved training practice for trainee GPs.
We are an
These doctors, known as GP registrars, are fully qualified
and have a great deal of hospital experience prior to their attachment to our practice for 6-12 months.
They are at all times encouraged to seek advice from the senior doctors when required.
We would appreciate your co-operation in this area; however, if you would prefer not to have medical or
nursing students involved in your consultation, your request to see the doctor alone will be respected
without question.
Occasionally, consultations are video-recorded for teaching purposes, but this will
only be done with your prior knowledge and consent. Auditing is a continuous process and way of us
monitoring all aspects of the services we provide, therefore ensuring high quality healthcare.
We are happy to accept and consider comments and suggestions from our patients and welcome
feedback which encourages us in what we are doing well or helps us determine any areas in need of
improvement. Please post you feedback/ comments in our Feedback box at the reception and in the
waiting room.
NHS choices offers you a way of notifying us and others of your experience of the services provided at
Friend and family test – is a feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who
use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience that can be used
to improve service. The FFT question asks if people would recommend the services they have used.
Feedback forms are available at reception and in the waiting room.
We have developed a virtual Patient Participation Group to ensure that patients and carers are involved
in decisions about the range, shape and quality of services provided by the Practice. We aim to promote
the proactive and innovative engagement of patients and carers. If you would like to join our Patient
Participation Group please let us know.
We always try to provide the best services possible but there may be times when you feel this has not
happened. We hope you will use our complaints procedure to allow us to look into and, if necessary,
correct any problems that you have identified, or mistakes that have been made. Please note that we
have to respect our duty of confidentiality to patients and consent (from the patient) will be necessary if
a complaint is not made by the patient in person.
If you wish to make a complaint, please ask at
reception for a copy of our practice complaints procedure.
We ask you for personal information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment. This
information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act. The practice
will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team.
However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team it is sometimes necessary that
medical information about you is shared between members of the team. Non patient identifiable
Information is shared with the NHS for auditing purposes.