Boundless Cuisine

Уральский государственный
экономический университет
Chairman of the EYEF Organizing Committee,
Vice-chairman of the Eurasian Economic Club of
Scientists’ Coordination Council, President of the
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Big
Eurasian University union”
_________________M.V. Fedorov
Congress of young innovators
On the international competition
«Boundless Cuisine»
1. General provisions
1.1. The scientific and applied project competition of young scientists and students
«Boundless Cuisine» in the sphere of youth science (hereinafter referred to as competition) is
conducted within the V Eurasian Youth Economic Forum “Dialogue of civilizations: green
1.2. The competition organizer the Ural State University of Economics (USUE)
1.3 Competition participants:
Schoolchildren, students, candidate for a master's degree, PhD students representing
Eurasian Universities and business representatives aged up to 35 years can take part in the
competition on a voluntary basis (hereinafter referred to as participants).
The forum is intended for participation of individual authors of scientific and research
projects and group of authors up to 10 people meeting the requirements for participants. The
participation must be confirmed by the list of participants and by CVs for each participant. Every
participant has to register on the official web portal of the forum
2. Tasks and objectives
2.1 The main competition task is to create youth communicational platform for
intellectual creative international and Eurasian youth communication with leading experts and
specialists in the sphere of food and services; to encourage constructive collaboration of
authority, scientists, education sphere representatives and general public – the consumers of food
and services.
The competition is carried out for the purpose of Eurasian youth motivation for
innovative development and technical creation targeted at successful society development, living
standards improvement and technologic progress promotion.
2.2. Competition objective:
The main competition objective is complete support of schoolchildren, students, PhD
students and professionals aimed at steady development of Eurasia. The competition should
make young people interested in professional activities mastering.
3. Applications
Applications must be filled in a form of an application sample provided in the Appendix
1. The application should contain all the necessary attachments and documents also listed in the
Appendix 1.
Competition project topics/categories:
Innovation technologies in food industry;
Culinary art project «Boundless Cuisine»
Projects may be presented in different creative forms
 Scientific project;
 Photo-project;
 Professional excellence;
 Art-class dish etc.
Competition participants may present research projects in all three categories. There is no
limitation on the number of the research projects. If the several projects (of the same author)
meet the requirements of the competition (after it is checked by the expert board) the author of
several projects can become the winner (1st place) or can take 2nd and 3rd place with only one
project in each topic (the project that has the highest score).
An Expert boar is created for making a projects’ expertise. All the decisions of the expert
board are indicated in the Minutes of Meeting and signed by the Expert Chairman, secretary and
expert members.
4. Competition procedure
4.1 The competition has two stages: the selection stage and the final stage.
The selective stage: Applications should name the category (among the offered
categories) and meet requirements set in the items 1.2 and 3. The Competition committee selects
the received applications and makes a short list of participants for each category/nomination. The
short list is published at the forum web site Applications can be
submitted since November 1, 2013 till March 15, 2014.
Final: not less than 10 authors of the best projects are invited to Ekaterinburg for personal
project presentation and participation in the forum final events during the period since April 2326, 2014.
5. Project assessment criteria
5.1 The following criteria are taken onto account for project assessment:
 Problem urgency;
 Scientific novelty;
 Innovative character and unconventionality of the offered solutions;
 Scientific, technical and economic feasibility of the offered solutions;
 Practical importance and possibility of results testing and practical implementation of the
 Availability of the references (source references for the quotations in the text as well as
data, tables, graphs, diagrams references and literature list);
 Availability of illustrations, enclosures, appendixes to the project, graphic description in
good printing quality;
 Logic, coherence, style and grammar.
Final: not less than 10 authors of the best projects are invited to Ekaterinburg for personal
project presentation and participation in the forum final events during the period since April 2326, 2014.
For each research project the article (annotation) with the thesis containing the main idea
of the project must be prepared. There are the following requirements: 1.5 line spacing, А4 paper
format, Times New Roman, font size 14, margins on each side - 2 cm. The text must not exceed
2 pages.
• Project (paper work) requirements: 1.0 line spacing, А4 paper format, Times New
Roman, font size 12, margins on each side - 2 cm.
• Presentation should have one of the formats complied with Microsoft Office Power
Point, formats: .ppt or .pptx
6. Competition committee
6.1 The competition committee is formed from among the highly qualified teaching staff, leading
scientists and specialists, competition organizers, invited experts representing educational
institutions and other establishments.
6.2 The competition committee members will be announced till March 1, 2014.
6.3 Committee member responsibilities:
Checking availability of attached documents with the application for participation.
Within the selection stage: consideration and analysis of the received documents, which
are listed in the Appendix 1;
Participation in competition expert board development for project presentation stage;
Selection of the winner;
Keeping the competition Minutes of Meeting.
6.4 The committee takes the decision based on the score sum taken by the competition
participants. Each item of the project can be assessed up to 5 points (score) in accordance with
the criteria indicated in the item 5.1
6.5 The competition committee has a right to allocate/create special categories.
7. Results making
6.1 By the committee decision the following places are given I, II, III.
6.2 All the participants are awarded with the diplomas, special prizes according to the
committee decision. The winners get an opportunity to take part in the youth forum event “Open
innovations” that will be held at the international exhibition center “Crocus Expo” (Moscow),
Innoprom exhibition and at the Ural youth forum “Utro”, the “Innovative Ural” shift.
9. Contacts
620144, Russia, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta Street, 62
Ph.:+7 (343) 221-26-72
Coordinator of the international creative scientific and research project competition
“Boundless Cuisine”
Pimenova S.N. – Food technology chamber associated professor
Ph.: 8 912 29 27 518