SCHOLARSHIPS GUIDELINES Application Requirements - Scholarship applications shall be sent to all members no later than March 1 each year. An application must be submitted to the Executive Director postmarked or hand delivered no later than April 1. Eligibility for scholarships is limited to a child of a parent who is currently working in the propane industry with at least one year’s service, retired after at least twenty years service in the industry, or is deceased having worked in the industry for at least five years. The company must be a member in good standing of the Association. Applicants must be scheduled to graduate from an accredited high school and enter college or be enrolled full time in college with plans to continue at least another year full time. Grade transcripts for the prior three years and a handwritten essay on career plans should be attached to the application. Only one application per candidate per year is necessary. If no eligible candidate applies, a scholarship will not be awarded. Applicants shall be graded based on a points system designated by the committee and approved by the board. Scholarship Terms - Each scholarship will be awarded for one year only. Upon reapplication, an award may be renewed. No more than four awards will be made in a year. Proceeds will be paid directly to the student recipient in installments matching the school’s division of the academic year after receipt of proof of enrollment and of continuing good standing. Recipients must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or provide proof of good standing at schools not using a numerical grading system. The two Pace scholarships shall be awarded in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars each and shall be awarded to students attending a four-year college or university. The Darden and May scholarships in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars each will be awarded to students attending a four-year college or university, a junior college, or a vocational school. 611 Commerce Street • Suite 2727 • Nashville, Tennessee 37203 • 615-256-TPGA • 1-888-240-TPGA • Fax 615-256-4773 APPLICATION FOR THE TENNESSEE PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS NAME:____________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________ DAY TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________ EVENING TELEPHONE NUMBER:_________ DATE OF BIRTH:_________________ Month / Day / Year DATE OF GRADUATION:_______________ Month / Day / Year SCHOOL:___________________________________________________________________ Name City State GRADE AVERAGE (Grades 9-12):_______________ SCHOOL PLANNING TO ATTEND:_______________________________________________ HAVE YOU BEEN ACCEPTED: _________ ___________ YES NO ELIGIBLE FOR OR APPLIES FOR OTHER GRANTS OR SCHOLARSHIPS? ___YES ___NO IF SO, PLEASE LIST ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER THE NAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIP AND THE AMOUNT IF YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED. I PLAN TO MAJOR IN:____________________ I PLAN TO MINOR IN:____________________ IF SELECTED, DO YOU AGREE TO FURNISH TNPGA A COPY OF YOUR TRANSCRIPT EACH SEMESTER? __________YES ____________NO PLEASE LIST SIGNIFICANT HONORS OR ACHIEVEMENTS YOU HAVE RECEIVED. YOU MAY USE AN ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY. NAME OF PARENT EMPLOYED IN THE PROPANE INDUSTRY:_______________________ PARENT EMPLOYED BY:__________________________________________________ COMPANY LOCATION:____________________________________________________ POSITION HELD:_______________________ LENGTH OF EMPLOYMENT:_______________ PARENT’S HOME ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________ PARENT’S DAY PHONE:____________________ HOME PHONE:_______________________ Additional Information: Provide the following handwritten information as requested. Do not exceed 300 words. Address all of the following: A. Brief character description of yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses. B. Why are you applying for this scholarship? What are your plans for the future? C. What has been your most important extracurricular activity or community service, and what has your participation in it meant to your as an individual? (i.e.: jobs, sports, church activities) D. 1st & 2nd year college students in addition to your current grades should also attach a copy of your Junior and Senior year transcripts DEADLINE: Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1st. If no eligible candidate has applied, the scholarship will not be awarded. Please remit to: TNPGA, 611 Commerce St., Ste. 2727, Nashville, Tennessee 37203. If you have questions, please call (888)240-8742 or Fax: (615)256-4773. _____________________________________ Signature *TNPGA would like to encourage you to also apply for the NPGA Scholarships. You must apply for the NPGA online at The deadline for submittal of your completed online application and receipt of all required information is March 15, 2013.