Student Equity Information

Student Equity needs for document to the President—A.N. 010915
Equity Defined
o “Parity in the achievement and success of all student populations” (ASCCC, 2010)
o Ed Code 78220—“to ensure equal educational opportunities and to promote
student success for all students regardless of race, gender, age, disability or
economic circumstance”
Student Equity as defined by SB1456 Student Success Act
Since 2012, the Student Success Act has served as the impetus to review and update the
student equity planning process. In December of 2012, the Chancellor’s Office convened a
Student Equity Workgroup, made up of representatives of community college stakeholders
across the state. SB 1456 requires colleges to coordinate the development of the Student
Success and Support Program (SSSP) Plan with the Student Equity Plan to ensure that each
college has identified strategies to address and monitor equity issues as well as attempt to
mitigate any disproportionate impact on student access and achievement. Colleges were
further required to coordinate interventions or services to students at risk of academic progress
or probation (Title 5, §55100).
State Equity Charge to California Community Colleges--SUMMARIZED
o Increase Student Access, Retention, Degree and Certificate Completion and
o Monitor student access and achievement (Research and Data), as well as the
impact of SSSP requirements
o Identify strategies to address and monitor equity issues and mitigate
disproportionate impact on student access and achievement
Title 5 section 54220
§ 54220. Student Equity Plans.
(a) In order to promote student success for all students, regardless of race, gender, age,
disability, or economic circumstances, the governing board of each community college district
shall maintain a student equity plan which includes for each college in the district:
(1) Campus-based research as to the extent of student equity in the five areas described in
paragraph (2) and the determination of what activities are most likely to be effective;
(2) Goals for access, retention, degree and certificate completion, ESL and basic skills
completion, and transfer; for the overall student population and for each population group of
students, as appropriate. Where significant underrepresentation is found to exist in accordance
with standards adopted by the Board of Governors, the plan shall include race-neutral and/or
gender-neutral measures for addressing disparities in those areas, and, when legally
appropriate, goals for addressing a disparity in representation of students with disabilities, and
where required by federal law, race-conscious and/or gender-conscious measures for
addressing a race or gender disparity;
Note: Authority cited: Section 70901, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66010.2, 66010.7,
66030 and 70901, Education Code.
Student Equity at College of the Desert
In January 2014, College of the Desert Superintendent/President, Dr. Joel Kinnamon, released
our College’s “Agenda for the Advancement of Student Success and Community Development.”
This agenda lays out a framework for the College to focus its financial and human resources to
achieve its overarching focus of student success and to better align our planning process,
Trustee Goals and Student Success Plan. Within this agenda, it states that College of the Desert
will support the development and implementation of a student success plan.
Shortly thereafter in late spring 2014, College of the Desert formed 8 Student Success Initiative
(SSI) Task Forces and five of the eight Task Forces met in spring 2014. One of the 8 task forces
is the Student Equity (SSI Equity Task Force). The Faculty Co-Chair was appointed by the
Academic Senate and the Administrative Co-Chair was appointed by Leadership in spring 2014.
With the work from the SSI Task Forces that met in spring 2014 completed, the Office of
Institutional Effectiveness, Educational Services and Planning sent out an initial invitation
October 3rd, 2014 to call the first meeting of the SSI-Equity Task Force. The SSI-Equity Task
Force first met on October 15th, 2014 to begin the initial work of developing a preliminary
Student Equity Plan for College of the Desert. The SSI Equity membership includes students,
staff, faculty and leadership. The Office of Institutional Research provided the initial data for
disproportionate impact for all the required fields and required groups (i.e. Veterans, Foster
Youth, Students with Disabilities, etc.) of the Student Equity Plan and the State Chancellor’s
office. From the initial data, some groups were identified; however it was clear that further
research will need to occur during the upcoming years to continue to identify and serve our at
risk students and lead them through a successful pathway. In total for this fall 2014, the SSI
Equity Task Force met 5 times and opened up 3 days with 15 hours of open sessions (a total of
15 hours), and email feedback windows to solicit more ideas and input. The Student Equity
Plan is a living document so feedback and discussion will continue in spring 2015 when the SSI
Equity Task Force and the Diversity Council will reconvene.