Appraisal & Development Teacher Self-Reflection Form

Teacher SelfReflection Form
Purpose: The self-reflection will serve three purposes: (1) to create a time and place for you to reflect on your practice and assess
your performance; (2) to help inform and facilitate a reflective dialogue on your performance with your appraiser; and (3) to help
you identify areas for improvement and areas for professional growth.
Process: It is suggested that you complete a self-reflection in private at least three times a year, prior to the Goal Setting, Progress,
and End of Year Conferences held with your appraiser. Although it is recommended you engage in the self-reflection process below,
doing so is not a requirement. Also note that your appraiser will not collect your self-reflection.
Part 1: Suggested Prompts for Reflection
Goal-Setting Conference Prompts
In what areas did my students grow last year and where did they struggle, based upon state-, district- or teacher-created
Based on my students’ growth from last year, what are areas of strength in my instructional practice?
Based on my students’ growth from last year, what are the areas would I like to focus on this year for my professional
What types of activities do I think would be helpful to continuously grow and improve my instructional practice
and impact on student learning?
What specific supports will I need to improve my instructional effectiveness this year?
What can I do to make sure my support team knows my needs and can help guide me through tough decisions?
What strategies can I employ to help improve student learning outcomes this school year?
What are ways that I can collect, track, and use student data to drive my instructional choices to ensure that I meet the
educational needs of all the students in my classroom?
In what ways could I improve and monitor the extent to which I set and implement effective discipline management
How can I build a positive and respectful classroom environment to help boost student learning?
How can I plan so that the reflective cycle of inquiry (plan-teach-assess-reflect) is routinely part of my daily practice?
Progress Conference Prompts:
As I review my students’ data thus far, are they making significant progress? In what area(s) are the students
Am I differentiating instruction sufficiently to meet the instructional needs of all my students?
o Am I providing rigor to the assignments?
o Are my instructional choices meaningful and relevant to my students?
o What changes do I need to make now to ensure success for all my students?
What specific skills, protocols, and tools do I need to improve my instructional effectiveness throughout the rest of the
school year?
Teacher Self-Reflection Form
Teacher SelfReflection Form
What is the progress that I have made toward my professional learning/development target to date?
What are some examples to show that I am making progress toward or have accomplished my professional
learning target (e.g., student data, student work, and change in instructional practice)?
If I have not made as much progress as I would have hoped, what are specific supports (e.g., tools, protocols, PD
opportunities) that I would need to achieve my professional learning/development target?
Are there any new focus areas that I would like to add or amend in my development plan? Or additional activities I would
like to consider?
End of Year Conference Prompts
What is the progress that I made toward my professional learning/development targets this year?
Did my students make significant learning gains? What were some of instructional practices that allowed my students to
grow and learn this school year? What practices did not promote growth?
How can I prepare/change my instructional practices for next year to drive improved student learning?
How can I use data more effectively to drive instruction and ensure that all of my students are successful next year?
What has been the area of my greatest professional learning and development this school year? To what can I attribute to
that growth?
In what ways should I focus my professional growth and learning for next year?
Teacher Self-Reflection Form
Teacher SelfReflection Form
Teacher Self-Reflection Template
Please Note: This template is intended to provide guidance, and reflects one suggested way to self-reflect. Completion of this
template is not a requirement, and appraisers will not collect this template.
Instructional Practice
Strengths/Development: Using the Instructional Practice rubric, for each domain identify at least one criterion as an area of
strength, at least one criterion as an area for development, and provide a rating for each criterion you identify.
Instructional Practice Strength/Successes
Instructional Practice Area for Development/Growth
Individual Criterion Ratings: Rank your performance on each criterion on a scale from 1-4, based upon the Instructional Practice
Develops student learning goals: _________
Collects, tracks, and uses student data to drive instruction: __________
Designs effective lesson plans, units, and assessments: __________
Facilitates organized, student-centered, objective-driven lessons: _________
Checks for student understanding and responds to student misunderstanding: ________
Differentiates instruction for student needs by employing a variety of instructional strategies: ________
Engages students in work that develops higher-level thinking skills: _______
Maximizes instructional time: __________
Communicates content and concepts to students: _________
Promotes high academic expectations for students: _________
Students actively participating in lesson activities: _________
Sets and implements discipline management procedures: __________
Builds a positive and respectful classroom environment: __________
Teacher Self-Reflection Form
Teacher SelfReflection Form
Professional Expectations
Strengths/Development: Using the Professional Expectations rubric, identify at least one criterion as an area of strength, at least
one criterion as an area for development, and provide a rating for each criterion you identify.
Professional Expectations Strength/Successes
Professional Expectations Area for Development/Growth
Individual Criteria Ratings: Rank your performance on each criterion on a scale from 1-4, based upon the Professional
Expectations rubric.
Complies with policies and procedures at school: ________
Treats colleagues with respect throughout all aspects of work: ________
Complies with teacher attendance policies: ________
Dresses professionally according to school policy: _________
Collaborates with colleagues: _________
Implements school rules: __________
Communicates with parents throughout the year: __________
Seeks feedback in order to improve performance: __________
Participates in professional development and applies learning:_________
Teacher Self-Reflection Form