Biotechnology Mini-Unit Objectives for the unit: (what you should

Biotechnology Mini-Unit
Objectives for the unit:
(what you should know after the last 3 days of exploring and learning about these topics)
1. Define these terms: recombinant DNA, plasmid, restriction enzymes, ligase, clone, sticky ends, DNA
See your worksheets and/or your notes and warm ups
2. Explain how a scientist uses recombinant DNA technology to make any human protein.
See your worksheet on Recombinant DNA and your notes
3. Describe the gel electrophoresis apparatus and what it is used for.
See your notes, lab and warm ups
4. Distinguish between artificial twinning and nuclear transfer
Review your worksheet and computer work, website
To prepare for the quiz, review all your warm-ups, notes and worksheets. You might want to review the
websites we used. Try the fill-ins below to see how much you know!
The type of DNA technologies that we discussed in class were:
Recombinant DNA
Cloning an Organism
DNA Profiles/ DNA Fingerprints
In recombinant DNA, a gene from one species is isolated and put into
another______________________ to give it a new trait.
2. There are 2 ways to clone:
_____________ ____________ twinning
Somatic cell _____________ transfer
Which way was used to clone Dolly the Sheep in 1996? ___________________
3. In artificial embryo twinning the cells in the early embryo are _______________ and then each
bundle of cells can create an individual. Each individual has the same __ __ __ because the cells
came from the original zygote.
4. In SCNT, the ___ ___ ___ from an adult cell is removed and placed into an egg that has had its
own _________________ removed. Now, the egg has a full set of DNA (full set of instructions)
and will be able to build an organism.
5. Which technology is used for identification? (Recombinant DNA. Cloning, or DNA Profiles)
How is the DNA acquired for use in this technology?
What process is needed to do an ID? (transformation, gel electrophoresis, cloning)
6. The diagram below is called a DNA _____________________or _______________
Which person in the image above, is responsible for the blood stain? _______________
How do you know? _______________________________________________________
Recombinant DNA involves taking a gene from one organism and inserting it into another. For example,
placing a human gene in a bacterium. The bacterium now has recombined DNA.
Fill- In a procedure for doing this. (see your genetic engineering illustration!)
1. Isolate the human gene of interest on a chromosome in the human genome.
2. Use ___________________ ____________________ to cut out the DNA.
3. Use the same restriction enzyme to open a _____________________ (circular piece of DNA)
4. The gene of interest will have complementary ___________ ends so that the gene can be sealed
into the __________________.
5. The plasmid is bacterial DNA and the gene placed into it is human so the plasmid is an example
of ________________ DNA.