RISK-IR: Risk, Stem Cells and Tissue Kinetics-Ionising Radiation Workpackage 3 review and assessment report – 27 months Due date: 09 February 2015 Actual submission date: 19 February 2015 Status: Final Document code RISK-IR-[WP3 internal report]-[all Partners]-[27month]-[19-02-2015] Lead beneficiary 3, 4, 7, 9 Authors Michael Rosemann Contributors Panagiota Sotiropoulou, Manuel Serrano, Umberto Galderisi, Michael Rosemann Approval Michael Rosemann, 19 February 2015 Background RISK-IR’s contractual reporting period for EC is 18 months. Internal reporting is at 6 monthly intervals, this will allow any issues to be identified early and corrections to be made in a timely fashion ahead of EC reporting. WP leaders and the Coordinator will need information from all beneficiaries in order to follow the progress of the project and to complete internal and formal periodic reports in time. In each reporting period WP leaders will prepare a WP Review and Assessment Report, drawing on information included in partner reports. At the appropriate times the WP level reports will serve as an input for the Periodic report requested by the EC. Instructions This document is the template for the workpackage review and assessment reports. Each WP leader is requested to prepare one report including information on all its activities by WP and Task based on the information received from partners. The completed report should be provided to the Coordinator by the deadline indicated on cover page. In case you have any questions about the template or information to be included, please contact the coordinator In the sections and tables below, please include brief text on the following where indicated: 1. A contribution to the publishable summary 2. Objectives For the workpackage and each Task, please provide an overview of your objectives for the reporting period in question. 3. Work performed and progress achieved Please describe briefly the work performed during reporting period and progress achieved with reference to planned objectives. Highlight clearly significant results if applicable. 4. Deviations and corrective actions Please report if there are any deviations from the original work plan. If applicable, explain the reasons for deviations from Annex I (Description of Work)and their impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning. If applicable, explain the reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and explain the impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning Please provide a statement on the use of resources. If applicable, highlight and explain the deviations between actual and planned person-months for this WP. If applicable, propose corrective actions. 5. Please also complete relevant parts of the deliverables and milestones tables for the WP and provide details of publications etc. 2 WP3 Age dependency, radiation quality dependency and species/tissue specificity of responses WP3 objectives Adult stem cells maintain their identity throughout the lifespan of an organism. Their role in the development of malignant diseases is poorly understoud, but the fact that under genotoxic stress these cells could accumulate genetic changes over many years makes them an important subject to study ther response after ionizing irradiation. Under physiological conditions adult stem cells have a virtually unlimitted proliferation potential and therefore could pass a mutation to a large number of cell progeny. Adult stem cells from skin, bone marrow and mesenchymal tissues are currently frequently used in autologous cell therapies, after their ex-vivo expansion. No long-term clinical data are available yet which address the issue of genetic stability of those cells after re-transplantation. Therefore we can at the moment only speculate of the influence on these cells of a preceding radiation exposure, accumulation of background radiation with age, or the degree of ex-vivo growth stimulation. iPS cells, widely believed to provide a universal, personalized ressource to replace degenerated or diseased organs and tissues, are also a potential carrier and transmitter of genetic alterations, depending on the cell origin from which they are derived. Here, a preceding radiation exposure might not only have long-term detrimental effects in terms of increased cancer risk (as shown by the easy and frequent induction of teratomas from iPS), but also an accute failure of stemcell potency. WP 3 tries to address the problem of the radiation-effects onto skin-, mesenchymal- and iPS stem cells and an interference with the cell age. In particular we are interested in the function of genes involved in growth and cell cycle regulation (P53, Rb1, Rb2, ARF) and differentiation (Ptch) to better understand to what degree these genetic factors govern the long-term stability and potency of adult stem cells. WP3 achievements During the reporting the group at CNIO succesfully generated inducible murine iPS cells with a defect in p53 and p16/19Arf and could thereby validate that wt p53 reduces iPS reprogramming, wheras wt p16/19Arf promotes this mechanism. As already demonstrated in the last reporting period, the formation of teratoma can be used as a marker for iPS totipotency. The iPS/p53 or iPS/P16-P19 double transgenic mice will be exploited next for the measurement of radiation-induced transformation and senescence (Task 3.2). Murine MSCs of a Rb1 wt genotype where found to exhibit in-vitro a low-frequency formation of aberrant foci (> 3/106 cells plated). It was found that the frequency of these foci increases after LD gamma irradition in cells of 9 month old mice more pronounced than in cells of 4 month old mice. It has to be verified that these aberrant clones represent early stages of a malignant transformation (Task 3.3). The impact of RB1 deficiency on the radiation-induced aging (loss of stemness) of MSCs was found to differ between human and murine cells. Whereas human MSCs with knocked-down RB1 show a cell-cycle arrest and increased senescence, these features seem to be compensated in murine MSCs by the presence of the Rb paralog genes Rb2 and p107. In line with this finding, we see that intermediate doses of gamma irradiation (1-4 Gy) can induced senescence only in human, but not murine MSCs, whereas apoptosis is absent in MSCs of both species. It is interesting to note that albeit senescence is not induced in irradiated murine MSCs, a significant increase in premature adipogenic differentiation was observed at doses as low as 200 mSv (Task 3.4). For the transformation of skin stem cells into basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a sensitized K14cre;Ptch+/fl mice was monitored for up to 1.5 years after gamma irradiation. High dose irradiated mice (5 Gy) as a control presented multiple invasive BCCs, whereas non-irradiated mice were free of any such lesion. After low dose irradiation (50 mGy), mice developed a much smaller number of BCCs, but the morphology and progression of the LD induced tumors were comparable to the BCCs seen after 100 x higher dose. These result show that low dose radiation can induce indeed BCC in individuals with a genetic predisposition targeted to the skin stem cells, and that this triggers the formation of more tumors, without changing their molecular or cellular characteristics (Task 3.5). WP3 expected final results and impact By exploiting the inducible iPS mouse in combination with a genetic p53 and p16/p19ARF defect we will finally understand if a LD irradiation of iPS cells in combination with these two defects bears a risk for genetic instability or malignant transformation. This will have a great impact for safety aspects of any future therapeutic use of human iPS cells. Adult stem cells such as MSCs and skin stem cells remain present in an organism for its entire life time. Therefore, they can in theory accumulate low frequent genetic alterations to a much larger extent than commited or differentiated somatic cells, which have a relatively short turn over. It is of big importance for the projection of radiation risk to understand, if and to which extent a long term accumulation of genetic lesions induced by LDR irradiation in adult stem cells contributes to malignant late effects. 3 Task 3.1 Radiation effects on iPS reprogramming and their multipotency Objectives: Studies of the influence of normal aging and low dose irradiation on stem cell regulation will be carried out on iPS cells derived from murine fibroblasts. Using a novel doxycycline-inducible model we intended to generate a highly versatile system to manipulate stemness, test multipotency of stem-cells in a living mouse and analyse changes by administering genotoxic stress by ionizing radiation. A succesful generation of a Dox-inducible iPS mouse shall provide stem cell populations form multiple tissues and at different ages, thereby facilitating the further investigation at the next stages of the project of the interplay of age and IR exposure onto stem cell stability and potency. Work performed and progress achieved: In the 18 – 27 month project period no further experiments were carried out on task 3.1. Work will continue on this task in the next project period. Deviations and corrective actions: None Task 3.2 p53 / ARF knockdown in irradiated murine iPS Objectives: The stress-response genes p53 and Ink4/ARF, known to limit iPS induction, will be conditionally knocked down in these cells to test if they are modulators of radiation-responses to high and low doses in stem-cells. This study will investigate the potential risk modulatory role of p53 and Ink4/ARF in irradiated iPS stem cells in vivo. Earlier work demonstrated that p53 knockdown in iPS cells reduces the DNA damage response due to telomere-atrition and causes an almost complete absence of early apoptotic cells. Work performed and progress achieved: We have analysed the involvement of tumour suppressor genes (TSG) in the reprogramming process in vivo, using the ”reprogrammable” mouse strain (i4F) previously generated by us (Abad et al., 2013), which ubiquitously express the four Yamanaka factors in a doxycycline inducible manner. Preliminary results show that induction of the four Yamanaka factors in vivo upregulates the expression of p53, p16, p19, and p21 in several tissues, in agreement with the published in vitro data. Moreover, the activation of the reprogramming process in vivo induces a senescence programme as demonstrated by the induction of IL6 and the detection of Senescence Asociated-ß galactosidase (SA-ßGal) positive cells in the induced i4F mice (Fig. 1). Figure 1. (a) Upregulation of TSG and IL6 expression levels measured by qRT-PCR in the kidney of i4F mice (black) compared to WT mice (grey) treated with DOX 1mg/ml for 1 week (b). IHC against Nanog (pink) and p21 (brown, left) or p53 (brown, right) shows coexpression of these markers in the stomach of induced i4F mice c. SA-ßGal positive cells in the pancreas of i4F mice treated with DOX 1 mg/ml for 1 week. To further characterise the interplay between reprogramming and senescence in vivo, and the involvement of TSG in in vivo reprogramming processes, we have generated reprogrammable mouse strains deficient for p53 and Ink4aArf by crossing our ”reprogrammable” mouse strain with mouse strains deficient for p53 and Ink4aArf. Both tumour suppressors are important cell-autonomous barriers to reprogramming, as well as, important mediators of senescence in those cells that fail to be reprogrammed. Interestingly, we have observed opposite effects with these tumour suppressors: in the case of a p53-null background, in vivo reprogramming (measured by latency and number of teratomas) is accelerated; whereas, in the case of a p16/p19Arf-null background, in vivo reprogramming is delayed. This correlates with the initial proliferative 4 response elicited by the 4 Yamanaka factors (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Pancreas of the reprogrammable mouse strains treated with DOX 0.2 mg/ml (5 days) and stained with anti-BrdU. iPS cells of the different TSG-deficient genetic backgrounds can now be isolated and subjected to the planed gamma-irradiation studies. Deviations and corrective actions: none Task 3.3 in-vitro transformation of murine MSCs after IR Objectives: Murine MSCs are known to undergo spontaneously a low-frequency transformation during in vitro growth. We will test by long-term monitoring the extent to which this malignant transformation is promoted after sub-lethal radiation-exposure to alpha and gamma radiation at low doses. To understand to what extend invitro transfomed MSCs are of relevance for radiation-induced carcinogenesis, we aim to investigate the influence of cell age (age of donor mouse) and the potential promoting influence of a pre-existing defect in the Rb1 tumor suppressor gene. Work performed and progress achieved: Using hypoxic in-vitro growth conditions we are able now to maintain murine MSCs in culture for ~ 6 weeks. During this period, 20 – 30 colony forming units per mouse femure expand to 1-2 million cells. The number of MSC colonies observed after plating was not significantly reduced by in-vivo gamma-irradiation with 50mSv or 150mSv, nor did we observed a clear reduction in clonogenic survival in-vitro in the dose range between 0 and 200 mSv. We now quantified the appearance of aberrant foci of MSCs, which exhibit a piled-up growth pattern, focal loss of cell-adhesion to the plastic surface and aggregation of round shaped cells (Fig. 3). 100 µm No. aberrant foci 15 10 4m 5 9m 0 control A B 50mGy 150mGy C Fig 3: Aberrant clones in murine MSCs culture. 4x dark field microscopy (A), 10x phase contrast (B) with 100µm scale bar, number of aberrant foci counted in MSC cultures from 4 month (blue) and 9 month (red) old donor mice, after in-vitro gamma-irradition with 0, 50, or 150mSv. The first data suggest that in MSCs from 9 month old mice, but not from 4 month old mice, 150mSv gammairradiation can induce a 3fold rise in the number of aberrant foci. To evaluate the influence of an Rb1 defect on this phenomenon, we are currently set up Rb1+/- MSCs and MSCs with a lentiviral-induced -/- genotype. A recent study in human MSCs described the formation of such aberrant foci after treatment of the cells with the chemical carcinogen 3-MCA. In Tang et al (2013, PlosONE) it was shown that these foci are 5 tumorigenic in nude mice. We will therefore collect the radiation-associated MSC foci and test them in the next step for tumorigeneity after transplantation. Deviations and corrective actions: The planned alpha-irradiation of murine MSCs to investigate alpha-induced genomic-instability and transformation could not be done yet, due to the decommissioning of the source at the Helmholtz-Center Munich. We are currently negotiating the technical requirements for an alpha-irradiation at the RISK-IR partner institution 02 (CEA/FR). A second option would be to replace alpha-irradiation with fission-neutrons from the Munich University research reactor (neutrons yield a similar RBE as the originally planned alpha particles). Task 3.4 in-vitro aging of human and murine MSCs after IR Objectives: In both murine and human MSCs we will follow the natural aging process and its potential acceleration by irradiation at low and high dose, using assays such as telomeric attrition, senescence in the irradiated cells and loss of chromosomal integrity. Since MSCs from both species are available with different Rb1-status in the partner labs, the influence of this a functional Rb1-pathway on irradiated MSCs will be analyzed. Work performed and progress achieved: IR effects on human bone marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) Human MSC were irradiated with 40 and 2,000 mGy gamma rays. Cells were allowed to recover and DNA damage was evaluated 1, MSC exposed to low radiation did not show any radio-resistance phenomenon as described for other components of bone marrows, such hematopoietic stem cells and fibroblasts. This suggests that they may be one of the more sensitive components of bone marrow. The main consequence of low radiation exposure, besides a temporal drop of cell cycling, is the trigger of senescence (increasing between 40 and 2000 mGy), while the contribution of apoptosis is marginal (this was further confirmed at supraletal doses up to 20 Gy). Senescence is clearly associated with loss of stemness, in particular leading to a reduced clonogeneity of MSCs. Increase in ATM staining one and six hours post irradiation and its drop to basal level at 48 hours along with an enduring gamma-H2AX staining suggested that MSC activated properly the DNA repair signaling system but some damages persisted unrepaired. At the opposite gamma-H2AX can remain bound to unrepaired DNA, as suggested by the kinetics analysis of gamma-H2AX clearance after IR or other DNA damaging agents. The existence of persistent unrepaired DNA foci may be the trigger of senescence phenomena as already evidenced by Campisi’s team, who evidenced that persistent foci of damaged DNA, termed DNASCARS sustain damage-induced senescence growth arrest. Endurance of gamma-H2AX foci is mainly observed in non-cycling cells (Ki67-) indicating that the impaired DNA repair capacity of irradiated MSC seemed mainly related to reduced activity of NHEJ system rather than HR. Indeed, the NHEJ is the only double strand breaks repair system that is active in non-cycling cells. Data on the activation of NHEJ and HR (DNA-PK and RAD51 immunostaining) further strengthen our hypothesis. In conclusion our data suggest that human bone marrow MSC are sensitive to very low radiations and trigger senescence due to impaired autophagy and DNA repair capacity. The presence of senescence rather than apoptosis may be more dangerous for the proper functioning of bone marrow. IR effects on mouse bone marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) We are performing the same experiments we carried out on human MSCs also on murine MSC and preliminary data appear to overlap those observed in human cultures. Silencing of RB1 gene on human and mouse MSC Both in human and in murine MSCs we have silenced the RB1 gene (using lentiviral expression of shRNAs and/or siRNAs) to compare the effect onto the entire cellular pathway in both species. Human MSC with silenced RB1 showed reduced proliferation, accumulation in G1 phase and increase in senescence while in mouse MSC with silenced RB1 we did not observe significant changes in cell cycle profile and senescence 6 compared with wild type cells. These differences seem to ascribed to partial compensation by the RB1 paralog genes RB2/P130 and P107. First results from gamma-irradiated, human and mouse MSC with silenced RB1 suggest that for the canonical RB pathway (cell-cycle regulation, differentiation) a more complex interaction of the tree retinoblastoma paralogs takes place in mice. It remains to be tested if for the endpoint of chromosomal stability, an Rb1 defect alone is sufficient to causes an impairment, or if a compensation by Rb2 and P107 rescues the defect. In long-term cultures of irradiated murine MSCs the effect of premature loss of stemness (aging) was measured using senescence, apoptosis, premature differentiation and impairment in a competitive growth assay as endpoints. Using pan-Caspase IF, a basal level of ~3% apoptotic cells were always present in the murine MSC culture. SA-ßGal staining detected < 0.5% senescent cells in the murine MSCs during 6 weeks growth. Neither for apoptosis nor for senescence, a significant increase was found after irradiation with 50mSv, 200mSv, 1Sv, 2Sv and 4Sv (observation up to 48 hours p.i). This clearly shows that murine MSC are relatively resistant for radiation-induced apoptosis and senescence. We found, however, that after irradiation with 200mSv (suggestive) and 500mSv (significant) murine MSCs undergo spontaneous, premature differentiation into adipocytes (Fig 4). A B Fig 4: Adipogenic differentiation (by oil-red staining) in murine MSCs 48 h after gamma-irradiation with 500mSv (A). Area of cells exhibiting adipogenic differentiation (6 well plate) following gamma doses from 0.1mSv to 4Sv (green:hypoxia, blue: Normoxia). Significant increases in % adipogenic differentiation relative to control: p<0.05 (500 mSv) p<0.01 (2 Sv), Differenc between hypoxic and normoxic conditions not significant. This implies that MSCs can lose their three-potency and stop self-renewal as a low-dose radiation effect. This is a clear aging effect, considering that an increased adipogenic differentation reduces the pool of MSCs available for the regeneration of connective, osteogenic or chondrogenic tissue. Deviations and corrective actions: None 7 Task 3.5 Radiation-induced changes in murine epithelial stem cells and skin cancer induction Objectives: Detection of potential malignant transformation of the distinct types of skin epidermal stem cells, and how this potential is modified in predisposed and aged individuals. Work performed and progress achieved: Tumorigenic potential of low dose irradiation in predisposed individuals Distinct mutations have been shown to predispose individuals to specific types of cancer, such as Brca1 and Brca2 mutations in breast and ovarian cancer and KRas mutations in skin cancer. However, these mutations have to be supplemented by other gene alterations, in order to generate tumours, and thus it could be possible that these individuals should avoid exposure to low dose radiation, should this proves to induce higher or earlier incidence of tumour formation. To investigate the effect of low dose radiation in the distinct types of epidermal SCs in cancer-prone individuals, we used mice were we deleted the one allele of the Hedgehog inhibitor Patched [often mutated in human basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common type of skin cancer] specifically in the skin epidermis (K14Cre;Ptchfl/+). Patched heterozygous (Ptch+/-) mice develop skin tumours that recapitulate human BCC around 1 year after a single dose of ionizing radiation (34 Gy). We have previously shown that upon 50 mGy total body irradiation, bulge SCs do not undergo apoptosis neither in WT, nor in K14Cre;Ptch+/fl mice, while SG SCs commit apoptosis only in WT mice upon 50 mGy irradiation, raising the question whether the surviving SCs of either type could exhibit chromosomal alterations potentially leading to cancer development. To investigate the incidence and timing of cancer development in predisposed mice receiving low dose radiation, we administered 50 mGy radiation to K14Cre;Ptch+/fl animals. One year following irradiation mice were sacrificed and tail epidermis sections were investigated for tumour development. The epidermis of non-irradiated control K14cre;Ptch+/fl mice did not exhibit any lesions, even at 1.5 years of age. As expected, mice irradiated with 5 Gy, used as positive controls for cancer development, presented multiple invasive BCCs, and very few dysplastic lesions. Mice irradiated with 50 mGy presented BCCs, at comparable stage and size to the tumours of 5 Gy-irradiated mice, albeit at much lower numbers (Fig. 5B). This result shows that low dose radiation can induce indeed BCC in predisposed individuals, albeit tumour incidence is lower compared to high radiation doses. As expected, the progression of tumours is comparable in both conditions. Figure 5: Low dose IR results in cancer development in Ptch heterozygous mice. A. Representative immunofluorescent image of a basal cell carcinoma in tail epidermis of a K14Cre;Ptch+/fl mouse. B. Number of tumours per cm of epidermis in tail skin of K14Cre;Ptch+/fl mice without or 1 year after receiving 5 Gy or 50 mGy radiation. Note that although the tumour incidence is much lower than in high radiation doses, low dose radiation indeed causes cancer in predisposed individuals. The second most common type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Mutations in the Ras genes are very common in human SCC, and transgenic mouse models expressing a constitutively active form of KRas, together with loss-of-function of p53 recapitulate human SCC. To this end, we used Lgr5CreER;KRasG12D;p53f/f;RosaYFP mice, which develop multiple skin SCCs upon tamoxifen administration. To date we have analyzed the skin of only 3 mice, all induced with tamoxifen, among which the 1 was irradiated at 50 mGy, 3 days after the last tamoxifen induction. We monitored the incidence and 8 latency of the tumours, as well as their size and malignant progression. Our preliminary data suggest that tumour initiation is enhanced in irradiated mice, as shown above in the BCC model, while tumour latency, size and malignant progression do not appear to be affected (Table 1). As noted above, these results were obtained from only a small number of animals. More mice are currently under treatment and definitive results will be presented in the next report. Table 1: Low dose IR induces squamous cell carcinoma development in KRas transgenic mice. SCCs/mouse time for SCC mean SCC size appearance (mm3) (weeks) Control 1 3 8 195 Control 2 7 11 107 50 mGy 1 9 11 113 Deviations and corrective actions: None 9 Deliverables Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I (proj month) Actual / Forecast delivery date Delivered? Comments Yes/No Dd/mm/ yyyy D3.1 D3.2 D3.3 D3.4 D3.5 D3.6 D3.7 Expression profiles of derived iPS cells (control, after LD gamma and alphairradiation) Murine normal and in-vitro IR transformed mesenchymal stem cell lines (on Rb1-/-, Rb1+/- and Rb1+/+ Data on age-related and radiationassociated changes in human and murine MSC multipotency, senescen Tissues of IR induced skin cancer in Ptch+/, tg KRAS and tgKRAS/P53fl-fl mice Histological sections of stem cell regulation in irradiated skin of Ptch+/-, tg KRAS and tgKRAS/P53f mRNA expression profiles (control and post irradiation) of murine HF bulge stem cells and sebaceous Review paper: Lowdose exposure and age-dependent loss of stem-cell potential 31/10/2 016 Pending 30/04/2015 (30 months) 30/04/2 015 Pending 18.0 31/10/2016 (48 months) 31/10/2 016 Pending Partner 09 (ULBBE) Partner 09 (ULBBE) 9.0 30/04/2016 (42 months) 30/04/2 016 Pending 6.0 31/10/2014 (24 months) 31/10/2 014 Pending Partner 09 (ULBBE) 9.0 31/10/2015 (36 months) 31/10/2 015 Pending Partner 04 (HMGU -DE) 3.0 30/04/2017 (54 months) 30/04/2 017 Pending Partner 04 (HMGU -DE) 18.0 Partner 04 (HMGU -DE) 18.0 Partner 04 (HMGU -DE) 31/10/2016 (48 months) 10 Milestones TABLE 2. MILESTONES Milestone no. Milestone name Work package Lead no beneficiary Delivery Achieved Actual / date from Yes/No Forecast Annex I achievement dd/mm/yyyy date dd/mm/yyyy Comments MS 13 P53 and Ink4/ARF knockdown WP3 Partner 07 (CNIO-ES) 24 YES Characteristic changes in gene expression profile MS 14 Low-dose radiationinduced changes in iPS multipotency and stem-cell potential WP3 Partner 07 (CNIO-ES) 36 pending Whole genome mRNA profile and validation by single gene assay MS 15 In-vitro transformation of murine MSCs after irradiation WP3 Partner 04 (HMGUDE) 30 pending Tumorigeneity after transplantation in kongenic mice MS 16 Rb1 influence onto radiationinduced transformation WP3 Partner 04 (HMGUDE) 42 pending Test for epigenetic changes and telomer atrition in Rb1 wt and +/MSCs and in transfromed clones MS 17 Human MSC with Rb1 knockdown WP3 Partner 03 (2UNINAPIT) 24 YES Knockdown cell lines made and in use MS 18 Panel epigenetic assays of WP3 Partner 04 (HMGUDE) 42 pending Stable, reproducible results using either WB, IF or flow-cytometry. MS 19 Monitor aging in LD irradiated (gamma and alpha) human and murine MSC's WP3 Partner 03 (2UNINAPIT) 42 pending Reproducible changes in telomere stability, epigenetic changes and MSC potency during aging and after IR MS 20 Radiationinduced (40mGy - 2Gy) skin cancer tissues from wt, tg KRAS. Tg KRAS / P53+/and ptch +/mice WP3 Partner 09 (ULB-BE) 24 YES Histolopathological validation tumer type of 11 MS 21 Generation of epithelial stem-cells from HB and SG WP3 Partner 09 (ULB-BE) 32 pending Cell lines express typical stemcell markers and mRNA profile MS 22 Changes of epithelial stemcells in-vivo after irradiation and characterisation of premalignant les WP3 Partner 09 (ULB-BE) 40 pending Similarity of LD radiation induced changes in invitro epithelial stem-cells and in in-vivo skin stem cells 12 Dissemination activities a) Scientific peer-reviewed publications Please list here any peer-reviewed scientific papers that were published in the reporting period b) Other dissemination activities Please list here any other publications/reports/posters that were published in the reporting period. Staff working on the project Please list here the scientific staff working on the project, indicating if PhD student, post-doc, senior researcher etc and provide email contact details. Thank you for completing this report! Send this report to the RISK-IR project office when complete. 13