french 4 pronunciation project

Français IV
Phonetics/Pronunciation Project
Step 1: Choose a poem in French. Some suggestions: “la Cigale et la Fourmi” by Jean de la Fontaine (“The Ant and
the Grasshopper”—fable); “Le Pont Mirabeau” by Guillaume Apollinaire; “Demain des l’aube” by Victor Hugo;
“Chanson d’automne” by Paul Verlaine; “A aurore” by George Sand; you can use whatever poem/fable/excerpt
you’d like, but if it’s not one of these, please clear it with me first.
Step 2: Use the “Audacity” voice recording program to record yourself reading the poem (in French obviously).
Mrs. Nassetta in the library can help you. Begin your recording by saying the title of the poem, par “Author’s
Name”, and then say “lu par [Your Name].” then read the poem. Send the recording to me to my email: (or just save it to your H drive and let me know and I can access it). *Consider this first
recording your “rough draft”
Step 3: Now comes the fun part. You and I will work together and go over your recording/pronunciation and set a
goal for you to work on. (possibly with IPA transcription—we’ll talk about this)
Step 4: Submit to me a copy of the poem and your IPA transcription. I will correct it and return it to you.
Step 5: After practicing with your IPA transcription of the poem, you will re-record the same poem in the same
format as before and re-submit it to me.
Français IV
Phonetics/Pronunciation Project
Step 1: Choose a poem in French. Some suggestions: “la Cigale et la Fourmi” by Jean de la Fontaine (“The Ant and
the Grasshopper”—fable); “Le Pont Mirabeau” by Guillaume Apollinaire; “Demain des l’aube” by Victor Hugo;
“Chanson d’automne” by Paul Verlaine; “A aurore” by George Sand; you can use whatever poem/fable/excerpt
you’d like, but if it’s not one of these, please clear it with me first.
Step 2: Use the “Audacity” voice recording program to record yourself reading the poem (in French obviously).
Mrs. Nassetta in the library can help you. Begin your recording by saying the title of the poem, par “Author’s
Name”, and then say “lu par [Your Name].” then read the poem. Send the recording to me to my email: (or just save it to your H drive and let me know and I can access it). *Consider this first
recording your “rough draft”
Step 3: Now comes the fun part. You and I will work together and go over your recording/pronunciation and set a
goal for you to work on. (possibly with IPA transcription—we’ll talk about this)
Step 4: Submit to me a copy of the poem and your IPA transcription. I will correct it and return it to you.
Step 5: After practicing with your IPA transcription of the poem, you will re-record the same poem in the same
format as before and re-submit it to me.