The DISC`s STEP model of Training Needs Analysis

Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
The CB STEP model of Training Needs Assessment
This model describes the structure for a TNA for the target organisation in the
flowing fields:
Fields of Responsibilities of the target organisation
Policy, Law, Education and Economics
Inter-personnel Skills
The STEPS are in a logical order. Actual work will follow only in principal this order.
Phase and main tasks
Time and responsibilities
1 Preparatory phase:
2 weeks: Capacity Building/development
experts (CD-Experts), partner Institution(s)
2 Consolidation, planning and design
Main data collection:
3 Data collection, compilation phase:
4 Data analysis phase:
Finalisation phase:
(2 weeks) September - October
(October – November)
5 Strategy write-up and presentation
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
Time period
12th to
1. Target Groups
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
Define and characterise the
relevant Target Groups/
Institutions for activities in
terms of functions and
responsibilities – this has to be
done for the selected fields of
Manpower of target institution:
target organisation
Prepare lists of target groups (professional groups)
and their organisations/institutions. Each target
group has to be characterised by their
(homogenous) functions and responsibilities.
Provide assistance in general approach, work
schemes, formats, and background information.
Refine the target group classification and
operationalise for the next steps
Experts with organisational knowledge for all
the relevant fields are required (TNA-Work
Approx. Duration:
This TNA-Work Group will need a ½ day work
Nothing special required
This meeting will also be the kick off meeting of
the TNA
July/August 2. Job
Determine and define the tasks
(routine and special
responsibilities) of the target
target organisation
Collect and compile types of “job descriptions” for
typical representatives of the target groups
characterised in STEP 1
Design a scheme for data assessment, interviews,
questionnaires, and collection of expert opinions to
determine the necessary qualifications and
competencies of the target groups and their
institutions, to fill the gaps of the available
knowledge about existing requirements. (In
combination with next STEP.)
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
Manpower of target institution:
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
STEPS 2 to 5: TNA-Work Group will discuss in
a 2-3 day work session
Nothing special required
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-3Time period
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
Describe the existing
July/August 3. Existing
competencies competencies and potential of
the target groups in terms of
knowledge, skills awareness,
and attitudes.
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
target organisation
Compile and collect data about the existing level of
competence. Send questionnaires, make expert and
result user interviews.
Assist the expert team from CPCB in designing
interviews, questionnaires, and collection of expert
opinions to determine the existing qualifications
and competencies of the target groups and their
institutions, to fill the gaps of the available
knowledge about existing competencies.
Manpower of target institution:
target organisation
Derive and compile the required qualifications and
competencies for the target group to meet future
demands and to improve the performance.
Assist in structuring the approach and moderate a
small expert workshop under the title “Future
competence needs and tasks for CPCB”. The 5-D
approach could be used (Define – Discover –
Dream – Design – Deliver)
Manpower of target institution:
TNA-Work group, TU Assistants
Approx. Duration:
Together with STEP 2, 4 and 5.
Nothing special required
Joint preparation, afterwards August to early
September is data collection/interview time
July/August 4. Required
to improve or
take up new
tasks in the
Compile and outline planned
and desired new tasks and
responsibilities and the
Quantify in a first estimate how
many better qualified officers
are needed and at what level in
terms of: Knowledge, skills
awareness and attitudes. (on
each level of the
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
Together with STEP 2, 3 and 5
Nothing special required
Joint preparation, afterwards - August to early
September - is data collection/interview time.
There is some “visionary” aspect to this STEP,
because it needs the definition of future tasks
of CPCB/SPCB and a clear description of the
new challenges for the next 5 to 10 years.
These findings will form an important part in
the definition of “Success Indicators”.
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-4Time period
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
July/August 5. Organisational Characterise the organisational target organisation
Describe the organisational constraints and
Environment settings with potentials and
constraints with respect to the
new tasks: If the constraints
show that the environment can
be improved by training of
other target groups they have
to be included in the target
group list.
It should include the
absorption capacity for
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
Manpower of target institution:
TNA-Work group
potentials of the target group and their institutions.
Wanted or required organisational changes should
be determined.
Check and adapt to the requirements of the TNA,
design and/or adapt analysis schemes and forms
for data input and presentation
Approx. Duration:
target organisation
Collect, remind the organisations/experts to answer
questionnaires, do phone and personal interviews
Distance support if necessary
Manpower of target institution:
Together with STEP 2, 3 and 4
Nothing special required
August /
6. Data collection Get the data from additional
interviews and questionnaires,
process them (pre-structuring)
ETU Assistance, Indian Experts
Approx. Duration:
4 - 6 weeks
Nothing special required
InWEnt expert will not be in India
7. Training
Bring all the results of the
previous steps together and
define the training needs for
the target groups in terms of
awareness, knowledge, and
skills. Differentiate according to
position of the target groups.
target organisation
Analyse the data compiled in the previous STEPS
and prepare a summary for each thematic field in a
tabular form. Cross check with the stakeholders.
Help to structure and analyse the data so that the
next STEP can be taken efficiently
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
Manpower of target institution:
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
This TNA-Work Group will discuss in a 2 day
work session
Nothing special required
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-5Time period
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
Define and characterise the
types of training best suited to
meet the training needs and
the absorption capacity of the
trainees and their organisation
/institution. Find titles for the
different training courses and
capacity building events.
target organisation
Deliver a clear picture about the absorption
capacity of the target groups, eventually redefine
them. Draft possible types of trainings (hands-on,
on the job, short and long duration skills courses,
awareness building measures, public outreach etc.)
Compile a list of necessary training types with
characterisation and match it with the target
groups and their absorption capacity.
Manpower of target institution:
For each training and capacity
building event, define the
objectives, the expected
results, and the contents. The
HRDP standard course
characterisation sheet should
be used.
target organisation
Prepare lists of necessary training topics and
contents on the basis of previous STEPS
Assist and suggest the grouping into modules,
make them compatible with the training
types/target groups and derive indicators to
measure the success and training impact.
Manpower of target institution:
8. Type of
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
Together with STEP 9 in a 1-2 day work
Nothing special required
9. Objectives,
contents and
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
Together with STEP 8 in a 1-2 day work
Nothing special required
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-6Time period
10. Training
concept and
ity building
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
Derive a training concept and a
strategy which includes the
potential form of organisation,
steering of the process, quality
control, and assessment
(QUAC) and a mechanism of a
Training Impact Evaluation.
Criteria for training institution
selection are to be included.
The HRDP SEPnet should be
used as a start for a larger
network of training institutions.
target organisation
Draft the requirements of a CPCB training strategy
and identify potential Nodal Training Institutions in
addition to the existing ones.
Send the draft to the relevant stakeholders prior to
the planning workshop (3 weeks)
Prepare an outline of the training and capacity
building strategy draft and assist in writing. Design
in cooperation with the TU a QuAC mechanism
realistic enough to be implemented.
Manpower of target institution:
target organisation
Draft the requirements of a CPCB training strategy
and identify potential Nodal Training Institutions in
addition to the existing ones.
Send the draft to the relevant stakeholders prior to
the planning workshop (3 weeks)
Prepare an outline of the training and capacity
building strategy draft and assist in writing. Design
in cooperation with the TU a QuAC mechanism
realistic enough to be implemented.
Manpower of target institution:
11. HRDP&CB 1st Compile the results in a
comprehensive first draft and
distribute to the stakeholders
for discussion
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
This TNA-Work Group will discuss in a 1 day
work meeting
Nothing special required
Training and teaching methods are integral part
of the concept (esp. the training types).
TU assistants for print and mail, TNA-Work
Approx. Duration:
This TNA-Work Group will discuss in a 2 day
work meeting
Nothing special required
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-7Time period
12. Planning
Work to be done, data to be
Responsibility & preparatory work
collected and/or prepared
Resources required if preparations are
done - Remarks
Organisation of a planning
workshop for in depth
discussion and fine-tuning of
the HRDP-CPCB concept.
Manpower of target institution:
target organisation
Prepare and organise the workshop, prepare
presentations about the approach, the training and
capacity building strategy, the training courses and
the QuAC
Assist the process substantially.
TNA-Work group
Approx. Duration:
This TNA-Work Group will discuss in a 2 day
planning workshop combined with a the 1 day
6th steering committee meeting
Seminar room for workshop required
The distribution of the work between TU and
the InWEnt expert will be defined according to
the previous process
13. Final
The final HRDP strategy and
training plan will be the
strategic and operational
document for the capacity
development of CPCB/SPCB.
target organisation
Prepare, on the basis of the workshop results, an
operation plan. Prepare and finalise the official
clearance and distribution.
Assistance and presentation to the relevant
international stakeholders
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
Manpower of target institution:
TNA-Work group and TU assistants
Approx. Duration:
About a week to summarise and finalise.
Nothing special required
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-8Preliminary work chart:
Name of step
Target Groups and Institutions/ workgroup meeting
Organisations Job
requirements Existing
competencies Required
competencies Organisational
Work on TNA contents
Data collection
Interviews, data collection,
Training Needs
3rd TNA workgroup session
Type of training Objectives,
contents and expected results
Training concept & courses
HRDP-CPCB 1st draft - -
Planning workshop
Final HRDP Document
Identify TNA work group
2nd workgroup meetings
Work plan meeting
Data analysis training needs
Work on results
4th TNA workgroup session
5th TNA workgroup session
write 1st draft
print and distribute to all
prepare Workshop and invite
hold workshop
hold 6th steering committee
include WS results final draft
develop Operation Plan
get clearance
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux
Training Needs Assessment – general concept and approach
-9Table of action the target organisation:
task, responsibility
Define a TNA-Work Group with expertise in the relevant training fields and
sufficient knowledge about the organisational structure and requirements of the
target organisation tasks and responsibilities.
Invite the TNA work group for the work meetings of the TNA process
Cooperate with the CD-Expert during the whole time of his assistance
Collection of existing job requirements and other relevant data
Organise interviews, send questionnaire
Collect, remind the organisations/experts to answer questionnaires, do phone and
personal interviews
Prepare the collected data for analysis and discussion by the TNA working group
Organise the TNA Work group meetings
Cooperate with the CD-Expert expert during the whole time of his assistance
Write parts of the HRDP concept (to be defined during the work)
Process HRDP concept draft, send to stakeholders
Prepare the Planning workshop
Organise Planning workshop
Process Results
Prepared by: Ifanos concept&planung - P. Bank, F. Bemmerlein-Lux