Waves Waves Rhythmic disturbances that transfer energy from one

Rhythmic disturbances that transfer energy from one place to another
Mechanical Waves
Requires a medium (matter)
Sound waves, water waves of seismic waves
Electromagnetic Wave
Do no require a medium
Visible light, x-rays, microwaves, radio waves
Types of Waves
Transverse Waves: Matter moves at a right angle to the direction of the wave
Longitudinal: (compressional) matter vibrates in the same direction as the waves
energy: Examples: Sound and Seismic waves
Crest: top of a wave
Trough: bottom of a wave
Wavelength: distance from one point on a wave to the same spot on the next
Amplitude: height of a wave from the midpoint to crest of trough
Big Amplitude: big energy
Frequence: the number of waves per second; measured in hertz (Hz) 1Hz= 1
The frequence and wavelength are related. The longer the wavelength, the
lower the frequence.
Wave calculations:
Velocity = wavelength X frequence
V =  X
F = v ÷ 
 = v ÷ f
1. A tuning fork has a frequence of 256 hertz. The wavelength of the sound produced
by the fork is 1.32 meters. Calculate the velocity of the wave.
 = 1.32 meter
v =  X
F = 256 Hz
v =?
1.32 m X 256 Hz = 338 m/s
2. What is the frequency of a wave if it has a speed of 12 cm/s and a wavelength of 3
 = 3cm
v = 12 cm/s
 = f
12 cm/s
3 cm =
4 Hz
f = ?