permit application form - University of the West of England

Car Park Access Permit Scheme – Salary Sacrifice Fact Sheet and FAQ’s
Please note that this document does not contain information on the
University’s general policy on car parking. This can be obtained from the
University’s car parking policy document which is located on the UWE intranet
and can be viewed via the transport webpage;
The University has made some changes to its charging scheme for parking on all
campuses. Please read this document carefully as it contains important information
relating to the operation of the salary sacrifice scheme which the University has
introduced. If you decide to participate in the scheme, you will be confirming you
have read and understood the scheme rules and agree to be bound by them for the
duration of the scheme.
1) Who is eligible to apply for a parking permit?
UWE staff are able to apply for a permit. UWE staff are defined as those who are
employees and have a contract of employment.
2) What does it cost to park on campus?
Parking Permits
From 1 October 2013, the price of a permit will be based on a percentage of your
gross salary:
•0.3% from 1 October 2013 - 31 July 2014
•0.45% from 1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015
•0.6% from 1 August 2015.
This amount will be deducted, pro-rata, from your monthly pay. We base this on
your contractual monthly salary, including basic monthly pay, any market premia,
professorial merit pay, shift allowances - but not any non-contractual pay such as
Part time workers - If you work part-time, you'll be charged a proportion based
on the number of hours you work. But this only applies if you're parking on
campus between 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.
Shift Workers - Staff that are contractually required to work prior to 7.30am or
after 8.00pm on any day Monday to Friday will receive a discount of 50% on the
car parking permit charge due to the more limited availability of alternative modes
of transport at these times.
Grade A staff - In line with UWE’s commitment to address the issue of low
wages, staff on UWE contract at grade A will not be required to pay a chargealthough will still be required to apply for a permit.
Blue Badge Holders - You're exempt from parking charges within Universitymanaged car park. But you'll need to register with us to be set up with the
appropriate access permissions. Please complete the attached form.
Day charges (for those who choose not to purchase a permit)
All car parks - all UWE campuses, (except car park 20)
You'll need to buy and display parking tokens. The cost is £3 per day. You can
buy tokens at the Students' Union and all catering outlets except OneZone.
Registered users - car park 20, Frenchay
Car park 20 now operates a ticketless parking system using automatic number
plate recognition. To benefit from the reduced £3 tariff you must register your car
by mailing us at your vehicle registration number and
employee number. Please do this at least seven calendar days before the first
time you plan to park here. You will only need to register once.
Unregistered users - car park 20, Frenchay
If you don't register your car, the cost of parking at car park 20 will be £5 per day.
Just enter your registration number at the payment terminal and the barrier will
open automatically for you.
3) How does a salary sacrifice scheme work?
Salary sacrifice means an employee agrees to give up part of their pay and
receives some form of non-cash benefit of a similar value. The salary sacrifice
varies formal terms and conditions and gross pay is reduced by the agreed
amount. Parking charges will be paid from gross pay before tax and National
Insurance is deducted. As parking charges reduce your gross pay, you therefore
pay less tax and NI, so you will pay less for your parking than if you paid the full
amount without using salary sacrifice. Due to the individual nature of the effects
of a salary sacrifice scheme the University is unable to provide specific examples
or guidance on the effects of the scheme. Nominally staff may expect to receive a
saving of between 25 and 50% depending upon personal tax situations.
4) Will the salary sacrifice affect my pension?
Salary sacrifice schemes may be used by someone in any of the pension
schemes at the University. Staff in the LGPS and USS will have their pension
contributions calculated on their pre-sacrifice pay whereas those in the TPS
scheme will have theirs based on post sacrificed pay, i.e. after the money for car
parking charges has been deducted. So for those in the LGPS and USS schemes
their pension contributions, and hence pension entitlements, will not be affected
and they will benefit from the salary sacrifice scheme. Those in the TPS scheme
will benefit from the salary sacrifice scheme but may be affected by slightly
reduced pension contributions and benefits.
5) Will the salary sacrifice affect my NI contributions, tax or tax credits?
Entering into a salary sacrifice arrangement means that your gross pay is
reduced by the relevant charge for the car park permit. It is important that you are
aware that this may have an effect on the following;
entitlement to Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit
entitlement to state pension or other statutory benefits such as maternity
pay, paternity pay or adoption pay
any other benefits which depend either on actual income or national
insurance contributions
More information on the implications of entering into a salary sacrifice scheme
can be found on the HMRC website;
6) If I buy a permit or daily token am I guaranteed a parking space?
Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee you a space.
7) Can I get a refund on my permit if I no longer need it?
If you want to withdraw from the scheme you must return your permit to car
parking, building 650, who will arrange to cancel your permit upon receipt and the
necessary financial adjustments will be made on the next available payroll run.
8) Who do I contact if I have a question about the changes to car parking?
Please email for general enquiries.
UWE Car Parking Application
To alleviate the increase in the parking permit cost a salary sacrifice scheme has
been introduced which could save you a substantial proportion of your parking costs
as it will be taken before tax and NI deductions.
It is important to note that if you do not want to participate in the salary sacrifice
scheme and wish to continue to pay for your permit by the current method of
deduction from your net pay, the cost of your parking permit may be higher.
Please indicate on this form how you wish this deduction to be made and
return this form to Human Resources, Wallscourt House
Full Name:
Election Form - Car Parking Salary Sacrifice
Job Title & Department:
UWE employee number:
(the number on your payslip)
Contact telephone number:
Vehicle Registration(s):
Please tick box to confirm decision.
Option 1) Salary Sacrifice
I would like to participate in the Car Parking salary sacrifice scheme. Should UWE
agree to my request, I authorise that my annual salary should be reduced by an
agreed amount, as set out in the Salary Sacrifice Fact Sheet and FAQ’s, for the
scheme commencing 1st October 2013 and I will receive access to car parking as
outlined in the UWE car parking policy. It is understood that this constitutes a
contractual change to my Terms and Conditions of employment. The level of the
salary sacrifice will be reviewed on an annual basis and UWE will publish any
variation each year. By signing the agreement, I agree to a reduction of the
published sum. Please tick box to confirm this decision.
Option 2) Salary Deduction
I do not want to participate in the car parking salary sacrifice scheme and wish to
pay for my permit by a deduction from my net pay. I understand that I cannot
retrospectively elect to receive a permit via salary sacrifice. Please tick box to
confirm this decision.
Shift Workers
Staff that are contractually required to work prior to 7.30am or after 8.00pm on any
day Monday to Friday will receive a discount of 50% on the car parking permit
charge due to the more limited availability of alternative modes of transport at
these times.
If contractually you are obliged to work before 7.30am or finish after 8.00pm
Monday to Friday please provide hours worked and tick this box and either option
1, (Salary Sacrifice), or 2 (Salary Deduction).
Start Time…………… Finish Time……………
Line Managers email………………………….
Staff on Grade A pay scale
In line with UWE’s commitment to address the issue of low wages, staff on UWE
contract at grade A will not be required to pay a charge-although will still be
required to apply for a permit. Please tick this box if you wish to apply for a permit.
If you have a registered disability and are a Blue Badge holder there will be no
charge to park at UWE. Please tick here.
(Please attach a photocopy or scanned copy of both sides of your blue badge to
enable validation)
Signed:……………………………………………………… Date:…………………………………….
By signing or submitting this you also confirm acceptance of the University of the West of
England’s Parking Policy (available on the UWE website) and that you have read and fully
understood the salary sacrifice fact sheet, attached.
Please return this form either via the internal post to Payroll, Human
Resources, Wallscourt House, or by Royal Mail to University of the West of
England, Payroll, Human Resources, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane,
Bristol, BS16 1QY.
For office use only
Contract status confirmed
No contract in force
Permit sent