Measuring_benefits - Cal State LA


Measuring benefits, environmental goods

Benefits of goods such as clean air, water are hard to measure

Should be estimated when determining public policy

Immediate way to estimate benefits of environmental good is estimate cost generated by pollution

For example: benefit of clean water may be estimated by calculating explicit cost of dirty water

Example of cost estimates:

1. Cost of pollution on economic output

Lost farm output due to air pollution

One study on crop losses over 6-state area, estimated loss at 7 billion/year

2. Cost of illness caused by pollution

Table on asthma costs (split in direct/indirect)

Air pollution blamed for triggering asthma attacks

Limitations of estimating environmental benefits by accounting for costs of pollution:

A. Explicit costs do not fully account for what people willing to pay not to be in present circumstances

Implicit costs of asthma, or cold

B. Explicit costs do not capture change in behavior induced by pollution

Change in behavior is a cost to many people

Certain groups found to respond to heavy smog days by staying indoors

In the 90’s people avoided going to LA zoo during smog alerts

What would people pay to live i n world where didn’t have to avoid zoo?

Costs of averting pollution largely unmeasured

Benefit of environmental good

Measured by how much people are willing to pay for it

Difficult to measure because there is no market for most environmental goods

People are n’t normally observed explicitly paying for the good

Value of environmental good: (Example: Value of Flower in Wetlands article )

1. Use value

Benefits people get from direct use of good o Recreation o o

Health (eating clean fish etc)

Aesthetic appreciation

2. Non-use value

People willing to pay for some environmental goods they will never use

Example: wildlife in Alaska (drilling)

3. Option Value

Amount people willing to pay to preserve the option of experiencing good

Example: Grand Canyon

4. Bequest value

Willingness to pay to leave behind environmental good for future generations

Example: Grand Canyon’s value to grandkids

How do we measure willingness to pay?

1. Revealed preference

Value taken from actual observed choices people make

2. Stated preference

Value of environmental goods taken from survey data

Stated preference

sometimes measured by contingent valuation method

Asking people how much they value a good

Spotted Owl

Considered endangered species

Habitat in logging areas in Pacific Northwest

Cost of protecting species is lost timber production


Survey was conducted of 1000 households across US asking WTP to keep spotted owl

Total WTP found to be greater than cost

Non-use benefits were broad whereas costs were to a specific area

Problems with contingent value:

1. strategic bias: respondents may lie to try to influence particular outcome

2. Information bias: respondents valuing good that it has little information on

3. hypothetical bias: respondents not making actual choices

Suppose spotted owls discovered to be a delicacy?

Would market have protected owls?

Revealed Preference

Estimated mainly for use value

Has some of the same limitations as explicit cost estimates of pollution

1. travel cost method

Calculate expenditures by households travelling to places such as beaches, lakes

Can be used to estimated lost benefits from beach closures due to oil spill

Does not account for value by non-users

2. Housing price differences

Controlling for other factors, housing prices found lower in more polluted areas

Relationship implies value of clean air

3. Differences in wages across areas

Wages should be higher in more polluted areas

Measured difference in wage implies the benefit of eliminating pollution

4. Efforts to avert pollution

Expenditure on air conditioning, bottled water etc.
