MELBOURNE ANIMAL CARE AND USE STANDARDS PROCEDURE RELEVANT LEGISLATION Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (Vic) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2008 (Vic) Regulation 17.1.R8 - Code of Conduct for Research Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 8th edition (2013) GOVERNING POLICY Animal Welfare and Ethics Policy SCOPE This procedure applies to all research and teaching activities that involve the use of animals at the University. PROCEDURE 1. Principles 1.1 The University is committed to the ethical conduct of research and teaching activities that involve the use of animals. The University will only use animals in research and teaching activities where there is need for their use, and the activity has merit, integrity and justifiable benefit. 1.2 The University is committed to minimising the impact on the welfare of animals used in research and teaching whose lives and wellbeing are dependent on us as a result of our pursuit of knowledge and learning. 1.3 In the use of animals in research and teaching, the University is committed to the principles of: 1.3.1 Replacing the use of animals with alternatives wherever possible; 1.3.2 Reducing the number of animals used without jeopardising the statistical validity of research results or teaching objectives and without placing an excessive cumulative burden on individual animals; and 1.3.3 Refining research and teaching practice, and facilities in order to minimise adverse impact on animals. Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 1 1.4 The University is committed to continuously improving the standards it sets for the welfare and use of animals in research and teaching activities. 1.5 The University is committed to educating researchers with respect to advancements in animal welfare, care and use standards. 2. Purpose of the Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards (MACUSs) 2.1 The MACUSs will guide the conduct and approval of research and teaching activities involving animals. 2.2 Researchers and teachers will refer to the MACUSs when making applications for ethics approval of research and teaching activities using animals. 2.3 Animal Ethics Committees (AECs) will refer to the MACUSs when reviewing and making decisions about applications for ethics approval. 2.4 The MACUSs should be evidence-based, will reflect current or accepted best practice and will allow for flexibility that is required in research and teaching activities using animals. 2.5 The MACUSs may be prepared by anyone involved in research or teaching activities involving animals at the University. 2.6 The MACUSs will be developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders. 3. Proposal to create a Draft MACUS 3.1 Before drafting a MACUS author(s) must first submit a proposal to the Animal Welfare and Ethics Committee (AWEC). 3.2 The AWEC or its delegate will assess the proposal to determine the suitability of the proposed MACUS. 3.3 The AWEC will advise the author(s) if the proposed MACUS should proceed to drafting or if it is unsuitable. 4. Creation of Draft MACUSs 4.1 Draft MACUSs must be prepared in line with the principles described herein and using the template provide by the Office for Research Ethics and Integrity (OREI). 4.2 The AWEC will assess the draft MACUS to determine its suitability and advise the author(s) if the draft should proceed to consultation or if it requires redrafting or if it is unsuitable. 5. Consultation of Draft MACUSs 5.1 OREI will manage the consultation process. As part of this, 5.1.1 OREI will undertake sufficient checks including but not limited to those to ensure: Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 2 Compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements, including the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, Compliance with University regulations, policies and procedures, Compliance with the MACUS template. 5.1.2 OREI will enable University-wide consultation of the draft MACUS with relevant stakeholders. 5.1.3 The period of consultation of the draft MACUS will be at least four weeks. 5.1.4 Feedback will be sent directly to the author(s) of the draft MACUS. 5.2 The author(s) of the draft MACUS will redraft the document in consideration of the feedback received during the consultation period. 6. Approval of Draft MACUSs 6.1 The AWEC will assess the post-consultation draft MACUS and either: 6.1.1 Approve it for promulgation as a MACUS; or 6.1.2 Advise the author(s) that the post-consultation draft MACUS requires further redrafting or consultation; or 6.1.3 Advise the author(s) that the post-consultation draft MACUS is unsuitable. 6.2 The AWEC will determine when a MACUS comes into effect. 7. Promulgation of MACUSs 7.1 OREI will promulgate the MACUSs. 8. Use of MACUSs 8.1 Researchers and teachers will refer to the MACUS when making applications for ethics approval of research and teaching activities using animals. 8.2 AECs will refer to the MACUSs when reviewing and making decisions about applications for ethics approval. 9. Review of MACUSs 9.1 Anyone involved in research or teaching activity involving animals at the University may recommend that a MACUS should be replaced, refined or removed. 9.2 Recommendations for the replacement, refinement or removal of a MACUS must be made to AWEC. 9.3 The AWEC will consider recommendations for the replacement, refinement or removal of a MACUS. Following consideration of a recommendation: 9.3.1 The AWEC may remove a MACUS it deems unsuitable. Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 3 9.3.2 The AWEC may approve replacement or refinement of a MACUS. Any replaced or refined MACUS shall be prepared in accordance with steps 4, 5 and 6 of this procedure. 9.4 Minor amendments for clarity or to correct errors may be made by OREI and do not need to go through this process. 10. Evaluation 10.1 OREI will establish an implementation evaluation plan, evaluation measures and reporting requirements as appropriate. RELATED DOCUMENTS Animal Adverse Incident Procedure Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards DEFINITIONS Term Definition Animal As defined in the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes: any live non-human vertebrate, that is, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, encompassing domestic animals, purpose-bred animals, livestock, wildlife, and also cephalopods such as octopus and squid Animal Ethics Committee As defined in the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes: a committee constituted in accordance with the terms of reference and membership laid down in the Code Current best practice A practice, procedure, method or process that has proven to be most effective in supporting and safeguarding animal wellbeing, and that: takes into consideration the relevant aspects of speciesspecific biology, physiology and behaviour; is based on the best available scientific evidence (or, in the absence of scientific evidence, accepted practice), which includes the potential adverse impact of conditions and procedures on the wellbeing of the animals; includes strategies to minimise adverse impacts. RESPONSIBLE OFFICER The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this policy and any associated schedules, procedures and guidelines. Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 4 IMPLEMENTATION OFFICER The Director, Office for Research Ethics and Integrity is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this policy in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this policy should be directed to the Implementation Officer. REVIEW This policy is to be reviewed by XX/XX/XXXX. VERSION HISTORY Version Approved By Approval Date 1.0 Director, OREI 26 May 2014 Effective Date Sections Modified Consultation version POLICY LIBRARY REQUIREMENTS Category Courses and subjects [select ONE only] Finance and procurement To select, doubleclick on checkbox, then select ‘Checked’. Governing the University Learning and teaching Managing buildings and IT Engaging with the community Research and research training Studying at the University Working at the University Health and Safety Audience Academics [select ALL that apply] Affiliates Professional Staff Researchers Students Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 5 Keywords Animals, welfare, ethics, standards Draft Melbourne Animal Care and Use Standards 6