Interventional Radiology

New Application: Interventional Radiology
Review Committee for Radiology
515 North State Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60654  312.755.5000 
Note: Some information requested in this application applies only to Independent programs, and other
information applies only to Integrated programs. If not specifically designated, the requested
information applies to both Independent and Integrated formats. Institutions applying for both
Independent and Integrated programs must answer all items on the form.
1. Indicate the requested program format. [PRs Int.D.1. and Int.D.2.]
(Check both boxes if you are applying for both an Independent and Integrated program.)
Independent format (2 years)
Integrated format (5 years)
2. Indicate the number of existing residents/fellows in the diagnostic radiology (DR) and (if applicable)
vascular and interventional radiology (VIR) program(s) below:
Existing Training Numbers
VIR Fellows
DR Residents
(if applicable)
3. Indicate the number of requested resident positions for the integrated and/or independent
interventional radiology program(s) and any resulting changes in the diagnostic radiology program
New Training Positions Requested
DR Residents
Radiology Residents
Radiology Residents
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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
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a) Total Diagnostic Radiology [Diagnostic Radiology (PGY2-5) + Integrated Interventional
Radiology (PGY 2-4)] ............................................................................................................. = #
b) Total Interventional Radiology [Integrated (PGY5,6) + Independent (PGY6,7)] ....................... = #
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Program Director
1. Briefly describe how the program director will ensure that resident case logs are submitted annually
in accordance with the format and due date specified by the Review Committee. [PR II.A.4.q)]
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2. Will the program director review resident case log data semiannually for accuracy? [PR II.A.4.r)]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
1. Will at least one interventional radiology faculty member have hospital admitting privileges?
[PR II.B.7.] ................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
2. Will faculty members always be available for back-up when residents are on night, weekend, or
holiday call? [PR II.B.9.] ............................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Will faculty members review all radiologic images and sign all resident reports within 24 hours?
[PR II.B.10.] ................................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Will faculty members provide didactic teaching and direct supervision of resident performance in
peri-procedural patient management, and of the procedural, interpretative, and consultative aspects
of interventional radiology? [PR II.B.11.] ...................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
5. Will faculty members supervise all percutaneous image-guided invasive procedures? [PR II.B.12.]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
6. Briefly describe interventional radiology division participation in dedicated interventional radiology
outpatient clinics. [PR II.B.13.]
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7. Integrated Programs:
a) Provide the name of the designated physician faculty member responsible for the educational
content of each of the non-interventional subspecialty areas. Also specify the percent of his/her
practice time that will be spent in the subspecialty, and how each individual will demonstrate
commitment to the subspecialty. [PRs II.B.14.a); II.B.14.b) – b).(1).(a)-(e)]
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Subspecialty area
Abdominal radiology
Breast radiology
Nuclear radiology
Pediatric radiology
Name of faculty
(Subspecialty Chief)
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percentage of time
dedicated to
demonstrated to the
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*Indicate by number all that apply:
1. Current subspecialty certification (CAQ)
2. Fellowship training
3. Three years of subspecialty practice
4. Membership in a subspecialty society
5. Publications and presentations in the subspecialty
6. Annual CME credits in the subspecialty
7. Participation in MOC with emphasis on the subspecialty area
b) Will an assistant or associate program director (APD) that is clinically active in diagnostic
radiology be appointed? [PR II.B.14.c)] .................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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Other Program Personnel
1. Will the program have a dedicated program coordinator? [PR II.C.1)] .......................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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2. Will at least one qualified interventional radiology technologist be on duty or available at all times?
[PR II.C.2.] ................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Will nursing support adequate to prepare, monitor, and recover patients be available? [PR II.C.3.]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) Will nurses competent to administer moderate sedation also be available? [PR II.C.3.a)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
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b) Will physician extenders (nurse practitioners or physician assistants) be involved in
interventional radiology section clinical care activities or resident training? [PR II.C)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If YES, explain the role of the physician extenders.
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1. Briefly describe resident access to personal or shared office space, conference space, and
computers. [PR II.D.1.a)]
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2. Briefly describe the availability of modern imaging equipment and procedure rooms with adequate
space to permit the performance of all radiologic and interventional radiologic procedures, including
vascular and non-vascular invasive imaging and image-guided interventional radiological
procedures. [PR II.D.1.b)]
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3. Will imaging modalities include the following? [PR II.D.1.c)]
Computed tomography ........................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Digital subtraction angiography .............................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Fluoroscopy ........................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Magnetic resonance imaging.................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Radionuclide scintigraphy ...................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Ultrasonography ..................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Will fluoroscopic and digital imaging equipment be high resolution and have digital display with
post-procedure image processing capability? [PR II.D.1.c).(1)] .................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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5. Will rooms in which interventional procedures are performed be equipped with physiologic
monitoring and resuscitative equipment? [PR II.D.1.d)] ................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
6. Will facilities for storing catheters, guide wires, contrast materials, embolic agents, and other
supplies be adjacent to or within procedure rooms? [PR II.D.1.e)] ............................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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7. Briefly describe the availability of patient recovery and holding areas. [PR II.D.1.f)]
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8. Briefly describe available space and facilities for image display, image interpretation, and
consultation with other clinicians. [PR II.D.1.g)]
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9. Will an interventional radiology clinic or outpatient office, separate from the procedure rooms, be
available for patient consultations and non-procedural follow-up visits? [PR II.D.1.h)]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) Will this space be conducive to patient privacy and conducting physical examinations?
[PR II.D.1.h).(1)] ..................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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10. Will access to a teaching file be available? [PR II.D.2.] ................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
11. Integrated Programs: Will the program have a minimum of 7,000 radiologic examinations per year
per resident in the first three years of residency? [PR II.D.3.a).(2)] .............................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Patient Population
1. Will residents be exposed to a patient population with a diversity of pathology, including:
[PR II.D.3.b).(1)]
Arterial diseases:
a) Visceral arterial disease ......................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Aortic disease......................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Peripheral disease ................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) Cancer ................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
e) Gynecologic disorders ............................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
f) Hepatobiliary disease ............................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
g) Endocrine disease .................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
h) Musculoskeletal disease ........................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
i) Pulmonary disease ................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
j) Venous disease...................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
k) Urologic disorders .................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Support Services
1. Will pathology and medical laboratory services be regularly and conveniently available to meet the
needs of patients? [PR II.D.4.a)] .................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) Will laboratory services be available 24 hours a day? [PR II.D.4.a).(1)] .................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
2. Will diagnostic laboratories for the non-invasive assessment of peripheral vascular disease be
available? [PR II.D.4.b)] ............................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Will the sponsoring institution provide laboratory and ancillary facilities to support research
projects? [PR II.D.4.c)] ................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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If your institution currently sponsors an ACGME-accredited diagnostic radiology residency program,
how will the program director ensure the program in interventional radiology does not dilute or detract
from the educational opportunities available to residents in the diagnostic radiology residency?
[PR III.D.2.]
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Didactic Sessions
1. Is the core didactic curriculum documented? [PR IV.A.3.a)] ......................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
2. Does the core didactic curriculum include the following core content areas of interventional
radiology? [PR IV.A.3.b)]
a) Focused history and physical examination? [PR IV.A.3.b).(1)] ............................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Health care team coordination? [PR IV.A.3.b).(2)] .................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Informed consent for interventional radiology procedures? [PR IV.A.3.b).(3)] ......... ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) Inpatient care? [PR IV.A.3.b).(4)]............................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
e) Interventional radiology clinic? [PR IV.A.3.b).(5)] .................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Medical conditions relevant to interventional radiology? [PR IV.A.3.b).(6)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
g) Pharmacology relevant to interventional radiology? [PR IV.A.3.b).(7)] .................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
h) Procedural sedation for interventional radiology procedures? [PR IV.A.3.b).(8)]..... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Recognition and initial management of intra- and peri-procedural emergencies?
[PR IV.A.3.b).(9)] .................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Provide a representative schedule of interdepartmental conferences. [PR IV.A.3.d)]
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4. Briefly describe planned resident participation in conferences. [PR IV.A.3.g)]
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a) Will residents be provided with protected time to attend all scheduled lectures and conferences?
[PR IV.A.3.g).(1)] .................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Will residents be provided with:
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Independent Programs:
Two hours of conferences/lectures per week? [PR IV.A.3.g).(2).(b)] ...................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Integrated Programs:
(1) Five hours of conferences/lectures per week during the PGY-2 through PGY-4?
[PR IV.A.3.g).(2).(a)] ......................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(2) Two hours of conferences/lectures per week during the PGY-5 and PGY-6?
[PR IV.A.3.g).(2).(a)] ......................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Will resident attendance at conferences/lectures be documented? [PR IV.A.3.g).(3)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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d) Briefly describe how the resident teaching experience will include active participation in
educating diagnostic radiology residents, and if appropriate, medical students and other
professional personnel in the care and management of patients? [PR IV.A.3.g).(4)]
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Interventional Radiology Didactic Content
1. Will morbidity and mortality related to the performance of interventional procedures be reviewed
regularly and documented? [PR IV.A.3.h).(1)] .............................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Independent Programs:
a) Will residents participate in this review during each year of the program? [PR IV.A.3.h).(1).(a)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Will morbidity and mortality reviews be conducted at least monthly during each year of the
program? [PR IV.A.3.h).(1).(b)] .............................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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Integrated Programs:
a) Will residents participate in this review during the PGY-5 and PGY-6? [PR IV.A.3.h).(1).(a)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Will morbidity and mortality reviews be conducted at least monthly during the PGY-5 and PGY6? [PR IV.A.3.h).(1).(b)] .......................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) If NO, explain.
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2. Will residents prepare and present clinically- or pathologically-proven cases at departmental
conferences? [PR IV.A.3.h).(3)] ................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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Integrated Programs – Diagnostic Radiology Subspecialty Didactic Content
1. Will there be a didactic component for each of the non-interventional subspecialty areas, including
the following for both pediatric and adult patients [PR IV.A.3.i).(1).(a)]?
Anatomy ................................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Disease processes ................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Imaging .................................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Physiology.............................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Explain any NO responses.
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2. Will each of the designated subspecialty chiefs organize a series of intradepartmental lectures that
cover topics in his/her subspecialty area? [PR IV.A.3.i).(2)] ......................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Will didactic instruction include the following subjects as they relate to nuclear medicine?
[PR IV.A.3.i).(3)]
a) Diagnostic radiologic physics, instrumentation, and radiation biology [PR IV.A.3.i).(3).(a)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Patient and medical personnel safety (i.e., radiation protection) [PR IV.A.3.i).(3).(b)]
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) The chemistry of byproduct material for medical use [PR IV.A.3.i).(3).(c)] .............. ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) Biologic and pharmacologic actions of materials administered in diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures [PR IV.A.3.i).(3).(d)] ............................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
e) Topics in safe handling, administration, and quality control of radionuclide doses used in clinical
medicine [PR IV.A.3.i).(3).(e)]................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Will didactic instruction or work experience in nuclear medicine include the following? [PR
a) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive material safely, and performing the related
radiation surveys .................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Safe elution and quality control (QC) of radionuclide generator systems ................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient dosages ............................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) Calibration and QC of survey meters and dose calibrators ..................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
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e) Safe handling and administration of therapeutic doses of unsealed radionuclide sources (i.e., I131)........................................................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
Written directives .................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
g) Response to radiation spills and accidents (containment and decontamination procedures)
............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
h) Radiation signage and related materials................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Using administrative controls to prevent medical events involving the use of unsealed byproduct
material .................................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
Patient Care
1. Indicate the settings and activities in which residents will competently perform the following under
close, graded responsibility and supervision. Also indicate the method(s) that will be used to assess
Competency Area
Provide patient care through
safe, efficient, appropriately
utilized, quality-controlled
diagnostic and/or interventional
radiology techniques
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(i)]
Practice using standards of care
in a safe environment, attempt
to reduce errors, and improve
patient outcomes
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(ii)]
Take a patient history and
perform an appropriate physical
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(iii)]
Communicate indications for,
contraindications for, and risks
of radiologic and interventional
procedures, and understand the
medical and surgical
alternatives to those procedures
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(iv)]
Provide appropriate preprocedural and follow-up care
related to interventional
radiology, including inpatient
rounds and post-procedure
follow-up management of
outpatients via clinic visits
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(v)]
Participate in the
multidisciplinary approach to
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Assessment Method(s)
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Competency Area
continuity of procedure-related
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(vi)]
Apply radiation safety principles
in performing interventional
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(vii)]
Administer pharmacologic
agents, including sedatives,
analgesics, antibiotics, and
other drugs commonly
employed in conjunction with
endovascular, invasive, and
non-vascular procedures
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(viii)]
Consult with patients and
referring physicians regarding
the indications for, and risks,
expected outcomes, and
appropriateness of
interventional radiology
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(ix)]
Formulate a treatment plan,
including appropriate additional
work-up, consultations, and
procedural recommendations,
to include risk assessment,
consideration of other
treatments, and delivery of care
in a collaborative model, when
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(x)]
Provide follow-up
communications with referring
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(xi)]
Recognize and treat or refer for
treatment of complications of
interventional radiology
procedures, including contrast
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(a).(xii)]
Assessment Method(s)
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2. Indicate the settings and activities in which residents will demonstrate the ability to interpret imaging
appropriate for their educational level, including demonstration of competence in the following areas
of patient care. Also indicate the method(s) that will be used to assess competence.
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Competency Area
Planning, executing, and
assessing the adequacy of
interventions based on
independent review of plain
film, ultrasound, computed
tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance (MR), and nuclear
medicine studies
[PR IV.A.5.a).(1).(b).(i)]
Interpreting images obtained
during the performance of
interventional procedures, and
skillfully integrating the imaging
findings into the procedure
[PR IV.A.5.b).(1).(b).(ii)]
Modifying and directing the
intervention based on these
interpretations, and
demonstrating their use in
aiding the determination of
procedural endpoints
[PR IV.A.5.b).(1).(b).(iii)]
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Assessment Method(s)
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3. Will residents maintain current certification in advanced cardiac life support? [PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(a)]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Indicate the settings and activities in which residents will demonstrate the ability to competently
perform all medical, diagnostic, and surgical procedures considered essential. Also indicate the
method(s) that will be used to assess competence.
Competency Area
Applying low-dose radiation
techniques for both adults and
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(b)]
Use of needles, catheters, guide
wires, balloons, stents, stentgrafts, vascular filters, embolic
agents, biopsy devices, ablative
technologies, and other
interventional devices
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(c)]
Clinical judgment and technical
ability to perform complex
vascular and non-vascular
image-guided interventions on a
sufficient variety of patients and
pathological conditions to allow
for competent post-graduate
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(d)]
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Assessment Method(s)
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5. Will each resident participate in a minimum of 1000 invasive imaging and image-guided vascular
and non-vascular interventional procedures? [PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(d).(i)] .......................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) Will this experience include both adult and pediatric interventional procedures? [PR
IV.A.5.a).(2).(d).(i).(a)] ............................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Briefly describe how residents will be trained in pediatric interventions.
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6. Provide the data requested below regarding the number of procedures performed at each site that
will participate in the program for the most recent 12-month period. [PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(d).(i).(b) and
Exam **
Non-invasive Vascular Imaging
CTA/MRA Abdomen/Pelvis
CTA/MRA Extremities
Lower Extremity Arterial Segmental
Carotid/Cerebral Arteriography
Extremity Arteriography
Mesenteric/Renal Arteriography
Dialysis Graft/Fistula Evaluation
Arterial Vascular Intervention
Arterial Angioplasty
Arterial Stent Placement
Lower Extremity Arterial
Peripheral Thrombolysis/Thrombectomy
Embolization (Any)
Aortic Stent Graft
Carotid Stent Placement
Stroke Thrombolysis
Venous Vascular Interventions
Port Placement
Tunneled Catheter Placement
IVC Filter Placement
Venous Ablation
Venous Thrombolysis
Hemodialysis Intervention
Site #1
Site #2
Site #3
Site #4
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Exam **
Site #1
Site #2
Site #3
Site #4
Nonvascular Intervention
Chest Tube Placement
Nephrostomy/Nephroureteral Tube
Biliary Drainage Catheter Placement
Percutaneous GI Tract Tube Placement
Abscess Drainage
Tumor Ablation
Clinical Activities
Inpatient Interventional Radiology
Admissions by Interventional Radiology
Service (to include 23-hour stay)
New Outpatient Interventional Radiology
Clinic Visits
**These exams are defined by CPT codes. For a current list of relevant CPT codes, see the
Society for Interventional Radiology Coding Update.
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7. Integrated Programs: indicate the settings and activities in which residents will demonstrate
competence in the following areas of patient care. Also indicate the method(s) that will be used to
assess competence.
Competency Area
Competently perform, under
preceptor supervision, at least
three therapies involving oral
administration of I-131 in
quantities less than or equal to
33 millicuries (mCi), and at least
three therapies in quantities
greater than 33mCi.
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(f)]
Participate in patient
selection, obtaining informed
consent, understanding and
calculating the administered
dose, counseling of patients
and their families on
radiation safety issues, and
patient follow-up.
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(f).(i)]
Competently perform
interpretation/multi-reading of
the minimum number of
mammograms within the
specified time period as
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Assessment Method(s)
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Competency Area
designated by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration’s (FDA)
Mammography Quality
Standards Act (MQSA). Include
the method(s) for assessing
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(a).(g)]
Competently acquire and
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interpret conventional
radiography, CT, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), and
nuclear radiology examinations
of the cardiovascular system
(heart and great vessels),
including studies performed on
both adults and children.
[PR IV.A.5.a).(2).(a).(h)]
Assessment Method(s)
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Medical Knowledge
Indicate the activities (lectures, conferences, journal clubs, clinical teaching rounds, etc.) in which
residents will demonstrate competence in their knowledge of the following areas. Also indicate the
method(s) that will be used to assess competence.
Competency Area
Assessment Method(s)
Interventional radiology clinical
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and general didactic content
[PR IV.A.5.b).(1)]
Clinical and basic sciences related in interventional radiology, including: [PR IV.A.5.b).(2)]
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(a)]
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(b)]
Pathophysiology of the
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hematological, circulatory,
respiratory, gastrointestinal,
musculoskeletal, and
neurologic systems
[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(c)]
Relevant pharmacology
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(d)]
Patient evaluation
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(e)]
Management skills
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(f)]
Diagnostic techniques
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[PR IV.A.5.b).(2).(g)]
Integrated Programs:
Diagnostic radiologic physics and Click here to enter text.
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Competency Area
radiation biology
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(a)]
Patient and medical personnel
safety (i.e., radiation protection,
MRI safety)
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(b)]
Appropriate imaging utilization
(proper sequencing, cost-benefit
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(c)]
Radiologic/pathologic correlation
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(d)]
Fundamentals of molecular
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(e)]
Biologic and pharmacologic
actions of materials administered
in diagnostic or therapeutic
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(f)]
Use of needles, catheters, and
other devices employed in
invasive, image-based diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(g)]
Socioeconomics of radiologic
[PR IV.A.5.b).(3).(h)]
Assessment Method(s)
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Practice-based Learning and Improvement
1. Briefly describe one planned learning activity in which residents engage to identify strengths,
deficiencies, and limits in their knowledge and expertise (self-reflection and self-assessment); set
learning and improvement goals; and identify and perform appropriate learning activities to achieve
self-identified goals (life-long learning). [PR IV.A.5.c).(1)-(3)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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2. Briefly describe one planned quality improvement activity or project that will allow residents to
demonstrate the ability to analyze, improve, and change practice or patient care. Describe planning,
implementation, evaluation, and provisions of faculty member support and supervision that will
guide this process. [PR IV.A.5.c).(4)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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3. Briefly describe how residents will receive and incorporate formative evaluation feedback into daily
practice. (If a specific tool is used to evaluate these skills, have it available for review by the site
visitor.) [PR IV.A.5.c).(5)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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4. Briefly describe one example of a learning activity in which residents engage to develop the skills
needed to use information technology to locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific
studies and apply it to their patients' health problems. [PR IV.A.5.c).(6)-(7)] (Limit response to 400
The description should include:
 Locating information
 Using information technology
 Appraising information
 Assimilating evidence information (from scientific studies)
 Applying information to patient care
 Conducting a comprehensive literature search
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5. Briefly describe how residents will participate in the education of patients, families, students,
residents, and other health professionals. [PR IV.A.5.c).(8)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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6. Briefly describe how residents will evaluate their personal practice, utilizing scientific evidence, best
practices, and self-assessment programs with the intent of practice improvement. [PR IV.A.5.c).(9)]
(Limit response to 400 words)
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7. Briefly describe how residents will demonstrate a skill set that allows them to access, interpret, and
apply best scientific evidence to the care of patients (evidence-based medicine). [PR IV.A.5.c).(10)]
(Limit response to 400 words)
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8. Briefly describe how residents will demonstrate, on an ongoing basis, an awareness of radiation
exposure, protection, and safety, as well as of the application of these principles in imaging. [PR
IV.A.5.c).(11)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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Interpersonal and Communication Skills
1. Briefly describe one learning activity in which residents develop competence in communicating
effectively with patients and families across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural
backgrounds, and with physicians, other health professionals, and health-related agencies. [PR
IV.A.5.d).(1)-(2)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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2. Briefly describe one learning activity in which residents develop their skills and habits to work
effectively as members or leaders of a health care team or other professional group. In the
example, identify the members of the team, responsibilities of the team members, and how team
members communicate to accomplish responsibilities. [PR IV.A.5.d).(3)] (Limit response to 400
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3. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to act in a consultative role to
other physicians and health professionals. [PR IV.A.5.d).(4)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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4. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to maintain comprehensive,
timely, and legible medical records, if applicable. [PR IV.A.5.d).(5)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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5. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to competently demonstrate,
under close, graded responsibility and supervision with progressive responsibility, the generation of
formal consultation reports and procedural reports. [PR IV.A.5.d).(6)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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1. Briefly describe the learning activity(ies), other than lecture, by which residents develop a
commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles,
including: compassion, integrity, and respect for others; responsiveness to patient needs that
supersedes self-interest; respect for patient privacy and autonomy; accountability to patients,
society, and the profession; and sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population,
including to diversity in gender, age, culture, race, religion, disabilities, and sexual orientation [PR
IV.A.5.e).(1)-(5)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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2. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to demonstrate compliance with
institutional and departmental policies, including HIPAA, the Joint Commission, patient safety, and
infection control. [PR IV.A.5.e).(6)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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Systems-based Practice
1. Describe the learning activity(ies) through which residents achieve competence in the elements of
systems-based practice: working effectively in various health care delivery settings and systems,
coordinating patient care within the health care system; incorporating considerations of costcontainment and risk-benefit analysis in patient care; advocating for quality patient care and optimal
patient care systems; and working in interprofessional teams to enhance patient safety and care
quality. [PR IV.A.5.f).(1)-(5)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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2. Describe an activity that fulfills the requirement for experiential learning in identifying system errors
and implementing potential systems solutions. [PR IV.A.5.f).(6)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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3. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to systematically analyze
problems, develop solutions, implement solutions, and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention
at the departmental, institutional, local, or national levels. [PR IV.A.5.f).(6).(a)] (Limit response to
400 words)
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4. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to demonstrate an understanding
of how the components of the local and national health care system function interdependently, and
how changes to improve the system involve both groups and individuals. [PR IV.A.5.f).(7)] (Limit
response to 400 words)
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5. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to function as consultants for other
health care professionals, and act as a resource for information regarding the most appropriate use
of imaging resources and efforts. [PR IV.A.5.f).(8)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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6. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with opportunities to follow standards of care for
practicing in a safe environment, attempting to reduce errors, and improving patient outcomes. [PR
IV.A.5.f).(9)] (Limit response to 400 words)
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Curriculum Organization and Resident Experiences
1. Will residents participate full-time in clinical and didactic activities at all levels of education, including
the final year of the program? [PR IV.A.6.a)] ................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
2. Will resident participation in on-call activities occur throughout the program? [PR IV.A.6.b)]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
3. Briefly describe how residents will be provided with education and specific clinical time dedicated to
the performance and interpretation of non-invasive vascular testing, including vascular ultrasound
studies, physiologic vascular tests, MR angiograms, and CT angiograms. [PR IV.A.6.d)]
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a) Will these studies be documented in the residents’ case logs? [PR IV.A.6.d).(1)]... ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Briefly describe how residents will be instructed in proper use and interpretation of laboratory tests
and methods that are adjunctive to vascular and interventional procedures, including the use of
physiologic monitoring devices, non-invasive vascular testing, and non-invasive vascular imaging.
[PR IV.A.6.e)]
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5. Briefly describe how residents will have supervised progressive responsibility in a dedicated
interventional radiology clinic, the admission and routine procedure-related inpatient care of
interventional radiology patients, discharge planning, and procedure-related follow-up. [PR IV.A.6.f)]
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6. Will residents maintain a Resident Learning Portfolio? [PR IV.A.6.h)] .......................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) Will the Resident Learning Portfolio include, at a minimum, documentation of the following:
(1) Patient Care
12 rotations in diagnostic radiology prior to assuming independent, in-house, on-call
responsibilities? [PR IV.A.6.h).(1)] .................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(2) Integrated Programs: Case/Procedure Logs
(a) Resident participation in therapies involving oral administration of I-131, which must
include the date, diagnosis, and dose of each I-131 therapy? [PR IV.A.6.h).(2)]
................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(b) Resident interpretation/multi-reading of the number of mammograms? [PR IV.A.6.h).(3)]
................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(3) Case/Procedure Logs
Resident experience in the performance, interpretation, and complications of vascular,
interventional, and invasive procedures, including image-guided biopsies, drainage
procedures, angioplasty, embolization and infusion procedures, and other percutaneous
interventional procedures? [PR IV.A.6.h).(4)].................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(4) Medical Knowledge
(a) Conferences attended, courses/meetings attended, and self-assessment modules
completed? [PR IV.A.6.h).(5)] ..................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(b) Compliance with regulatory-based requirements in nuclear medicine and breast
imaging? [PR IV.A.6.h).(6)] ......................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(c) Performance on the yearly objective examination? [PR IV.A.6.h).(7)] ......... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(5) Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Evidence of a reflective process that must result in the annual documentation of an
individual learning plan and self-assessment? [PR IV.A.6.h).(8)] ...................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(6) Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Formal assessment of oral and written communication? [PR IV.A.6.h).(9)] ....... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(7) Professionalism
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(a) Compliance with institutional and departmental policies (e.g., HIPAA, JCAHO, patient
safety, infection control, dress code, etc.)? [PR IV.A.6.h).(10)] ................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(b) Status of medical license, if applicable? [PR IV.A.6.h).(10).(a)]................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(8) Systems-based Practice
A learning activity that involves deriving a solution to a system problem at the departmental,
institutional, local, or national level? [PR IV.A.6.h).(11)] .................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
(9) Scholarly Activities
Demonstration of scholarly activity, such as publications, announcement of presentations?
[PR IV.A.6.h).(12)] ............................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
Independent Programs:
1. Will residents receive a minimum of 24 interventional radiology or IR-related rotations during the
two-year residency? [PR IV.A.6.c)]............................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
2. Briefly describe what IR-related rotations (outside of the interventional radiology section proper) will
be a standard part of the interventional radiology curriculum rotations. Specify rotations within the
Radiology Department, and those outside of the Radiology Department, and identify during which
PGY these rotations will occur. [PR IV.A.6.c)]
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3. Will residents be provided one rotation in critical care? [PR IV.A.6.c).(1)] .................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If YES, in which PGY will this take place?
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Integrated Programs:
Will the integrated program curriculum consist of five years of diagnostic and interventional radiology
education under the direction of the program director? [PR IV.A.6.j)] ................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO
a) How many hours of didactic (classroom and laboratory) education in nuclear medicine under the
direction of an authorized user (AU) will the program provide? [PR IV.A.6.j).(5)] .................... [ # ]
b) Will residents have a minimum of 700 hours of experience in clinical nuclear medicine?
[PR IV.A.6.j).(6)] ..................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Will residents be provided education in the core subjects pertaining to diagnostic radiology (e.g.,
medical physics, physiology of contrast media, etc.) prior to taking the American Board of
Radiology Core Examination? [PR IV.A.6.j).(9)] ..................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) Will residents receive a minimum of 24 IR or IR-related rotations during the five-year residency?
[PR IV.A.6.c)]…………….. ...................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
e) What IR-related rotations (outside of the interventional radiology section proper) will be a
standard part of the interventional radiology curriculum rotations? Specify rotations within the
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Radiology Department and those outside of the Radiology Department. In which PGY will these
rotations take place? [PR IV.A.6.c)]
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Will residents be provided one rotation in critical care? [PR IV.A.6.c).(1)]............... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If YES, in which PGY will this take place?
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Resident Scholarly Activities
1. Briefly describe how the program will provide training in critical thinking skills and research design.
[PR IV.B.2.a)]
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2. Briefly describe how resident scholarly projects will be evaluated [PR IV.B.2.b).(3)]
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3. Will the program provide opportunities for research in new technologies? [PR IV.B.2.c)]
.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
If NO, explain.
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Formative Evaluation
1. How will the program ensure that assessment for resident responsibility or independence is based
upon knowledge, technical skills, and experience? [PR V.A.2.b).(5)]
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2. Will the program ensure that the semi-annual evaluation includes a review of: [PR V.A.2.b).(6)]
a) Global faculty evaluations (all competencies)? [PR V.A.2.b).(6).(a)] ....................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
b) Multi-source evaluations (for interpersonal skills/communication and professionalism)?
[PR V.A.2.b).(6).(b)]................................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO
c) Resident ability to take independent call? [PR V.A.2.b).(6).(c)] ............................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
d) The Resident Learning Portfolio? [PR V.A.2.b).(6).(d)] ........................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO
Faculty Evaluation
Will faculty members receive annual feedback from resident evaluations? [PR V.B.3.a)] ... ☐ YES ☐ NO
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