MCLOUD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 408 W. Broadway, Shannon Fredman Municipal Building Thursday, May 26, 2011 6:30 PM A PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSED 2011-12 BUDGET WAS OPENED AT 6:40 pm. The meeting was closed at 6:48 pm 1. Mayor Barrett called the Council meeting to order at 6:49 pm. 2. Roll call: Members present: Jon Barrett, Glenda Kuhn, Becky Carpenter, Ron Kenyon and Stan Jackson. Members absent: None 3. Glenda Kuhn gave the invocation. 4. Stan Jackson led the flag salute. 5. Consideration of the consent agenda. a. b. c. Approval of claims. Approval of Treasurer’s report through April 30, 2011. Approval of meeting minutes for April 28, 2011. Stan made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Ron Kenyon. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda. NONE Mayor Barrett read an email from Gina Minson commending the McLoud Emergency Management team for their quick response and efforts following the May 24, 2011 tornado that hit on South Fishmarket and Pickfair addition. 7. Discussion and/or action on the following: a. Approve Resolution 2213 Adopting FY 2011-12 Budget for the City of McLoud. Ron made a motion to APPROVE RES 2213 Adopting FY 2011-12 Budget for the City of McLoud, seconded by Stan Jackson.. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. b. Approve Resolution 2215 Establishing the National Incident Management System as the Standard for Incident Management (NIMS) in the City of McLoud, Oklahoma. Stan made a motion to APPROVE RES. 2215 Establishing the National Incident Management System as the Standard for Incident Management (NIMS) in the City of McLoud, Oklahoma, seconded by Becky Carpenter. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. 1 McLoud City Council Meeting Minutes c. May 26, 2011 Appoint Duane Foster, the Emergency Management Director, as the NIMS contact person. Ron made a motion to APPOINT DUANE FOSTER, as the NIMS contact person, seconded by Becky. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. d. Approve Ord. 2011-16 amending Fireworks Ordinance for zoned locations. Becky made a motion to APPROVE ORD. 2011-16 Amending Fireworks Ordinance for zoned locations., seconded by Ron. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. e. Declare Ord. 2011-16 an immediate emergency for the preservation of public health, peace, and safety. Becky made a motion to DECLARE ORD. 2011-16 an immediate emergency for the preservation of public health, peace and safety, seconded by Ron. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. f. Approve Blue Cross Annual Health Insurance Coverage for City Employees Renewal for FY 2011-12. Stan made a motion to APPROVE BLUE CROSS ANNUAL HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE for city employees renewal for FY 2011-12, seconded by Ron. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Becky, Glenda, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. g. Approve Agreement, not to exceed $2,025.00, with Southern Georgia Regional Commission for services and technical support in the use, creation and output of the GIS data system budgeted for purchase in FY 2011-12 with CIP funds. Ron made a motion, seconded by Stan, to APPROVE AGREEMENT, NOT TO EXCEED $2,025.00, with SOUTHERN GEORGIA REGIONAL COMMISSION for services and technical support in the use, creation and output of the GIS data system budgeted for purchase in FY 2011-12 with CIP funds. h. Storm Water Drainage Policy and fees. Info on storm water drainage was reviewed: Storm water Management. Absorbent soils and lands in a community are gradually replaced by less permeable surfaces, such as parking lots and driveways. Water that once settled in hollows, meandered around stream curves, and seeped and soaked into the ground, now speeds downhill, spills into low areas, and overfills clogged ditches. As a result, flooding occurs more frequently. Urbanization significantly increases runoff. 2 McLoud City Council Meeting Minutes May 26, 2011 Peak rates of storm water flow increase as vegetation is removed and the natural landscape is altered allowing fast run off. Contingent upon any comprehensive plan to control flooding is a strategy for managing storm waters. Oklahoma’s progressive cities regard storm water management as a service they owe their customers. As a result, an increasing number of cities are passing ordinances that recognize this “forgotten utility”. Cities often include storm water drainage fees in monthly water/sewer bills. The fees are used to create dependable, dedicated funds for maintaining storm water removal systems: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Treatment of storm water pollution to meet EPA standards before it is discharged in rivers, lakes and streams. Inspecting and repairing storm drains Repair pump stations Remove silt and debris from ditches, creeks and streams Improve detention basins Develop a master drainage plan Construct small projects Comply with local floodplain management regulations Enforce local floodplain management regulations through Flood Plain Administration. Maintain the flood carrying capacity of improved or manmade channels. The storm water drainage fee is entirely separate from the sewer (wastewater) system fee Storm water drainage consists of network of ditches, streams and underground pipes that safely carry away excess water or runoff. The wastewater system disposes of water that goes down household drains from sinks, tubs, toilets, and washing machines. Storm water runs off every property in the city. Residents on both hillside and lowlands contribute to runoff. Everyone creates the problem so everyone should help in the solution Cities currently imposing a storm water fee: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choctaw charges $3.00/month per resident Tulsa set a fee based on essential costs, then appropriated them among all homes and businesses. Homeowners pay a storm water utility fee of $3.10 per month for every 2,650 square feet of impervious surface on their properties. OKC storm water utility fees are based on water meter size, but for all residential structures and most small businesses the cost is $3.10/month. Edmond attaches a monthly drainage fee of $2.00 to most residential utility bills (based on a rate of $2.00 per 10,000 square feet of impervious area) with a maximum monthly charge of $100 for commercial and industrial sites. Bixby, a community of over 13,000 near Tulsa, created a storm water management fee through Ord. 550. This Ord. requires each equivalent service unit (2,650 square feet of impervious area) to pay a monthly charge of $2.00. The fee is part of each property’s monthly water/utility bill. Cities enrolled in the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program requires maintenance of the carrying capacity of any modified channel, bridge over a channel, a concrete lined ditch or ability to carry floodwaters). Floodplain management and storm water management are interconnected. An integrated plan includes prevention and control of flooding by structural and nonstructural means. Cities need RELIABLE, LONG-TERM funding for their storm water programs. No action taken. It was suggested to contact TONKAWA on their storm water drainage policy. 3 McLoud City Council Meeting Minutes 8. May 26, 2011 EXECUTIVE SESSION in regards to the following: a. Discussion and action to convene in executive session pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (b) (4). To discuss pending claims on the following: 1. Woods v. McLoud, 2. Woods v. McLoud, 3. Bright v. McLoud, 4. Heitzinger v. McLoud, 5. Morris v. McLoud, 6. Mileham v. McLoud, 7. McLoud v. Meinke. Stan made a motion to convene into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 7:20 pm, seconded by Glenda. VOTE: Voter box: Jon, Glenda, Becky, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. b. Vote to return to open session. Glenda made a motion to return to regular session at 8:08 pm, seconded by Ron. VOTE: Voter box: Jon, Glenda, Becky, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS: NONE 10. APPEARANCES OR PETITIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. NONE 11. REMARKS, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES BY GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS. Chief Roe stated the police department had been working CHECK POINT 5 with the county, fire department and K-9 the prior weekend and wrote several tickets for several offenses. 12. CITY MANAGER REPORT 1. 2. 3. 13. Allied Notified of a 3.164 CPI increase. City is considering incorporating into a trash rate increase. Census data for 2010 showed housing units were 1365 with 52 vacancies, totaling 1417. City does not have that many on the trash bill, around half that many. Larry wants to know what roof tops they are counting and are they counting apartments, garages, Mobile Home Park? Fire dept needs a south side location to build a sub-station within a 5 mile area to supply adequate coverage to Casino and hotel using county funds or grants which may be available. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the council, a motion was made by Stan, seconded by Glenda to adjourn at 8:20 pm. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Jon, Glenda, Becky, Ron and Stan. Nays: None. Motion carried. ATTEST: APROVED: ________________________ A Kay Heinz, City Clerk _________________________ Jon Barrett, Mayor 4 McLoud City Council Meeting Minutes May 26, 2011 5