
World Biome WebQuest
Have you ever thought about the world your grandchildren will inherit? Will
there be a drastic change? Will we have water? In this investigation we will
determine biomes of locations on the planet. Study Abiotic and Biotic Factors.
Examine a food web from that area. Investigate environmental problems to the
biome and explore ways to help.
1) Pick a location on the planet out of a hat.
2) Determine location on the world Atlas Site
3) Examining a biome by finding your site on a biome map.
Gather Data on a biome of the world
Discuss the importance of Abiotic and Biotic factors in your biome
Interpret environmental problems of the biome
Compare and contrast two biomes in small peer groups
Construct 3 visual posters or power points 1) Of the abiotic and biotic
factors in your biome 2) Environmental Problems 3) Food pyramids
 Support a possible solution to solve an environmental problem in our
Once the research is complete, you will:
 Journal your research ( 9 sources)
 Write a 3 page paper which will include the above information
 Create 3 posters, one on the abiotic and biotic factors and the other poster
on the food pyramid of your biome
 Present your solution to the class on a 5 minute oral presentation
Visit the links in the Introduction and Resources section of this WebQuest.
1. Place your hand in a hat and select a specific location in the world.
2. Investigate the listed biomes above and determine the biome of your
specific location
Gather data on the characteristics of your biome
Describe the abiotic factors
List, describe, classify and discuss the importance of the biotic factors
Describe the typical food pyramid in your biome
State 1 or 2 environmental concerns in your biome
Learning Advice
Don't hurry when researching your biome. Be careful to select the correct biome
BEFORE you start your research. You may also printout the data and read it later.
Feel free to use the INSERT method when reading the material. Then journal your
Follow these three steps to discover the inner secrets of your biome.
1. Search the World Atlas to locate your designated location.
Note any abiotic factors such as climate, landforms, temperature, rainfall
and topography.
o World Atlas
o World Sites Atlas
o Info Please Atlas
2. Now that you know where your location is, find it using the Biome World
Map to determine the biome.
Some of the biomes have unusual names. For example, after reading about
the Savannah Biome, you will realize
that it belongs with the Grassland Biome.
o World Map of Biomes
3. Learn more about your biome by visiting these biomes sites.
o MBGNet Biomes of the World
o World Communities
o World Biomes
o Enchanted Learning
This rubric will be used to grade your project.
Use the following criteria as you write your paper, create your posters and
prepare for your presentation. Your grade is in your hands.
10-8 Points
7-5 Points
4-2 Points
1-0 Points
5 pages typed and
Use formal
research paper
format, 5+
sources, All 5
Process steps(2-7)
have been
addressed in the
4-5 pages typed
and doublespaced, Use
formal research
paper format, 4
sources, 4
Process steps
2-3 pages
typed and
Use formal
research paper
format, 3
sources, 3
Process steps
2 or less
sources or 2
or less pages
typed and
Two neat posters
with correct
information as
stated in Task
One neat poster
with correct
information as
stated in Task
Interesting ProfessionalIncludes
Includes Process Process steps 3Presentation steps 3-6 in detail, 6 in general,
great use of note good use of
cards and posters note cards and
A 30-25
B 24-19
No poster
Minimum Includes some
Process steps
3-6, Use of
note cards, no
C 18-9
D 8-0