the application - Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

French Scholars Lecture Series - 2016
Lectures by Notable French Academics at the University of British Columbia
Deadline for applications: NOVEMBER 30, 2015
The Consulate General of France in Vancouver has partnered with the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
at the University of British Columbia (UBC) to bring leading French scholars to UBC in a program entitled the
French Scholars Lecture Series (the Program). The Program invites outstanding academics from France, from
different disciplinary and research backgrounds, to participate in an open dialogue with their Canadian
counterparts. The visit will include one public lecture and other discussions with UBC scholars.
This call for proposals allows UBC scholars to nominate a French scholar to be part of the Program. Members of
the community can also partner with a UBC scholar to propose a guest. In addition to a public lecture, the
scholar’s participation in seminars, symposia or informal discussions are encouraged, under the responsibility of
the host professor at UBC. The Consulate General of France in Vancouver will cover airfare and accommodation
for each scholar, for a visit of 5-7 days in Vancouver, through a grant of up to 2500 Euro. Up to five (5) visiting
scholars will be selected in 2016. Scholar visits should take place during the UBC academic term (January – April,
September – December) if possible.
Selection Criteria:
 Proven track record of academic excellence (see Section III of application)
 Innovative research with a view to interdisciplinarity and collaboration
 Effective communication, outreach and access to the larger academic community. A widely advertised
public lecture, on campus or in partnership with a community organization, must be held.
 Potential for further scientific or other research collaboration with UBC.
 Visiting scholar must have full teaching or research position (Emeriti or retired faculty are not eligible).
 November 30, 2015: Submission deadline.
 December 15, 2015: Results and notification of applicants.
 March 15, 2016 (or no later than 2 months prior to visit): Information about scholar’s visit (biography,
photograph, lecture topic, location and date) must be provided by the UBC host faculty member.
Application procedure:
 Indicate a lecture topic / title and proposed timing of lecture
 Provide a detailed proposal (approximately one page) outlining the lecture, topic, timing of visit, and
host information (see Section I of application)
 Include the proposed scholar’s curriculum vitae
 A budget, including travel expenses, materials and other basic expenses [note: the Consulate General of
France in Vancouver will provide a grant of up to 2,500 Euro to cover airfare and accommodation]
Sponsored by:
Supported by:
The French Scholar Lecture Series is jointly sponsored by the Consulate General of France in Vancouver and the
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, and will support a total of five French Scholars to visit during 2016.
The selection committee is comprised of representatives of both institutions. The Consulate General of France
in Vancouver will manage administration and financing, and will directly coordinate the visits with each host
professor at UBC.
It is expected that the visit will strengthen existing research partnerships and provide opportunities for building
new research collaborations between scholars from France and from UBC, as well as other partners.
Please submit proposals by November 30, 2015 for the 2016 Lecture Series using the application form.
Please return the completed application form to the Consulate General of France in Vancouver:
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French Scholars Lecture Series - Cycle de conférenciers français à l'université de Colombie-Britannique
A. Proposed Lecture Title and Topic (including time required for lecture)
B. Contact Information of Nominee and UBC Host Scholar
Scholar Nominee (France)
Department / Faculty
Mailing Address
Email Address
UBC Host Scholar
UBC Host Faculty or Department
Host Email Address
Community Partner (where
applicable) Name and Email
C. Host Department/Faculty Approval
Name of Department Head / Dean
D. Proposed and Alternate Dates for Lecture Visit (5-7 days minimum)
Proposed dates:
Sponsored by:
Alternate dates (where applicable):
Supported by:
Objective of the Lecture Visit
Please describe, in a non-technical manner, the reason for proposing this nominee for the French Scholars Lecture Series
and provide an outline of the public lecture that will be given. The public lecture will be held in partnership with the
Consulate General of France in Vancouver and the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies and will be organized by the
UBC host scholar, faculty, or applicable department. Please also indicate the amount of time required for the public lecture
(example: 1 hour) as well as ideas for discussion after the lecture. (1 page maximum)
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II. Proposed Schedule and Reporting Requirements
Please describe your proposed schedule for the scholar’s visit. Please provide information on proposed discussions,
research collaboration or exchange of ideas, and potential participants and their affiliations, which may include faculty
members, graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, community members and the general public. Please also include any
proposed outcomes from the partnership (i.e. collaboration and interdisciplinarity). (1/2 page maximum)
Sponsored by:
Supported by:
III. Curriculum Vitae for Proposed Scholar
Please provide a brief biographical summary of the relevant research of the proposed scholar and attach a copy of his or
her curriculum vitae. (1/2 page maximum)
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IV. Budget
The Consulate General of France in Vancouver will manage administration and financing, and will reimburse airfare and
accommodation expenses for the visiting scholar, up to 2,500 euro. The Consulate General of France in Vancouver and the
Peter Wall Institute will jointly promote the French Scholar lecture series. A reception may be arranged during the visit.
Please state:
Number of days proposed (5-7 days minimum)
Proposed Budget for 2,500 Euro to cover travel and accommodation expenses
Any funds or other support to be contributed by the host UBC department.
Please specify any potential outcomes to be reported on (may be used for internal reporting purposes)
Sponsored by:
Supported by:
Please submit this application by email ONLY no later than November 30, 2015 to:
Hélène Pont-Rabot
The selection of scholars will be made jointly by the French Consulate and the Peter Wall Institute by December 2015.
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