
January 2015
Dear Member of Vincent’s,
As my last academic term as President begins, I am writing to inform you of the results of the
questionnaire I sent out in October last year. My committee and I would also like to reiterate our thanks
to the old member who has so generously made this consultation process possible.
We would like to thank all those members who took the time to respond with their views,
opinions and queries. Most comments were focussed on the issue of constitutional change, but additional
extremely useful information has been collected. We are especially grateful to those who have offered
careers’ advice. A list will be produced and circulated around resident members shortly.
Simon, the administrator who is helping by processing all the information, will be in touch with
all of you who asked particular questions as soon as possible. However we have started the process of
responding to your suggestions and enquiries in the latest edition of Blues News. If you have neither
received a pdf by email, nor a copy by post, please contact The next edition of
Blues News will include a page of FAQ’s for your information.
To date I have received 596 questionnaire replies and those with comments included have been
photocopied, anonymised, and made available in the clubhouse for the resident members to consult. The
vote on whether to remove the word “male” from the constitution will take place in 7th or 8th week of
Hilary term. Thus should you wish to comment further following this letter, or send in your
questionnaire, we ask you to do so before Feb. 14th. After that date we cannot guarantee that your views
will be processed in time to put before the resident members.
The results to the question “Would you like to see the Club change its Constitution by removing
the word “male,” thus allowing for the election of female members?” were:
61% (362) – Yes
26% (156) – No
13 % (78) – Abstained or didn’t answer the question
In some ways, the issue facing Vincent’s is a simple one of equal opportunity. The resident
members will also need to consider whether they believe that the addition of female members would
improve the club and whether it would significantly change the club given the access women already have
(please see below for more details). That being said, clearly a change to the Vincent’s membership criteria
would impact on the sportswomen of Oxford. In addition, we have a very close relationship with
Atalanta’s Club and hence for both these reasons their views were relevant to my committee. Their views
and the results of surveys of Atalanta’s Club, will be discussed at a meeting between the two Club
Committees, before a document summarising their opinions will be made available to the resident
membership of Vincent’s to consider before any vote.
Atalanta’s is a society for elite sportswomen founded in 1992, with the aim of promoting
women’s sport and bringing together Oxford’s sportswomen. For two days each week, Atalanta’s Club is
able to hold a lunch service on the second floor of a bar on Oxford’s High Street. Currently, this facility is
not accessible in the evening for sole use by Atalanta’s Club members and guests. Atalanta’s members
(both alumni and current) have the following privileges with regards to use of Vincent’s Club: use of the
clubhouse during evening opening hours with the permission of the Steward upon their arrival, lunch on
Saturdays without a Vincent’s member present and the ability to book dinners at the club. At all other
times they must be guests of an accompanying Vincent’s member.
As one might expect, there are as many views as to what Vincent’s and/or Atalanta’s should do,
as there are members. I have attempted to encapsulate the range of views in the quotes below:
“To continue to exclude women would be absurd and offensive.”
“If it continues to be male only I would resign my membership.”
“When Vincent’s is ready to take women it must do so on its own terms fully embracing women, not fudging it by
some link up with Atalanta’s.”
“I think the Club should reflect the university and provide equal opportunity for both sexes.”
“This is an issue for resident members to decide for themselves.”
“Single-sex societies are unique and invaluable in terms of providing an environment and atmosphere in
which members of the same sex can interact and bond; this must be preserved for both men and women
“Admitting women to Vincent’s club could diminish Atalanta’s club… if Atalanta’s club were to have
similar resources to Vincent’s club, the co-existence of two separate clubs would be preferable.”
“If the Club decides to admit women I would no longer be proud to be a member, nor would I support it
in any way.”
A number of old members have asked whether a closer link with Atalanta’s, generally regarded as
Vincent’s sister club, might be the best way forward. That is indeed a possibility, but one that we believe
should be considered in due course, following the imminent vote. Whilst Atalanta’s may prove to be the
initial source of women likely to take up membership of Vincent’s, it is a different club with a shorter
history and to which prospective members apply for membership once they have represented the
University in any women’s sport. In my opinion, given the differences between the clubs, merging under
a joint title is an unlikely outcome whichever way the vote goes. That being said, I have no doubt that the
Presidents of both Clubs would be happy to consider all options in the future should the ground swell of
opinion amongst our combined membership be strong enough.
As I have said above, we would be delighted to receive any further comments or questionnaires.
To emphasise, any members who wish to alter their response are welcome to submit a second
questionnaire, but we will only be able to accept further feedback up until the 14th February. Clearly, it
will only be the second questionnaire submitted which is used to contribute to the survey statistics.
Thank you again for your interest in, and contribution to, this extremely important and emotive
debate. Please remember that only the results of the resident members’ vote will determine whether any
change to the constitution takes place, and that change to the Constitution requires the support of two
thirds of those who vote. My sincere wish is that whatever the decision the resident members make; we
can all continue to build on the legacy of the last 151 years, and the tremendous work of the V150 project
in securing the Club’s future.
With thanks again and very best wishes,
Sam Westaway, Club President 2014-15
Vincent’s Club
1A, King Edward Street, Oxford, OX1 4HS