Discussion - Selma Baptist Church

Selma Baptist Church
For God So Loved the World
Aug 3rd, 2014
Scripture: John 2:23-3:21
For God So Loved the World
Consider the following discussion questions in light of the sermon from Sunday Worship. Feel
free to answer as many or as few as your group finds helpful or interesting, or in accordance
with how the discussion flows. If the group has difficulty finding an answer, consult the
appropriate footnote for help.
Q1: How do verses 23-25 or chapter 2 relate to the beginning of chapter 3, or particularly to
Q2: Who was Nicodemus at this first meeting with Christ? Describe at least 3 noteworthy aspects of
his pedigree?[2]
Q3: How would a 1st century Jewish reader think of Nicodemus as a representative of mankind? [3]
Q4: What is the significance of Nicodemus coming at night? [4]
Q5: What is the presumption of Nicodemus in v. 2 which Jesus corrects in v. 3? [5]
Q6: What is the Significance of Christ saying “Verily, verily” or “Assuredly I say” or “Truly, truly”
at the beginning of his answers to Nicodemus (vs 3, 5, 11)? [6]
Q7: In v. 3 Jesus states that no one can see the kingdom of God unless a certain condition is met.
What is this condition and how does one experience it? Is this an elementary/basic/rudimentary
principle to faith?[7]
Discussion: As Christians, we are commanded to make disciples of those whom we meet as we go
through our lives. Disciples are followers of Christ. Relate a personal experience where you shared
the Gospel with someone. Did you talk about the new birth? Did the person come to Christ in this
Selma Baptist Church
For God So Loved the World
Aug 3rd, 2014
Q8: What is the relationship to wind and the Spirit of God particularly in terms of the new birth? A
helpful related verse to examine, with which Nicodemus should have been familiar, is Ezekiel 36:2527 & the telling of the dry bones of Ezekiel 37.[8]
Q9 (Bonus): Can dry bones know the Lord or believe in Christ? What has to happen first? [9] It is
helpful to consider again Ezekiel 37:4-6.
Comments: Verses 14 and 15 demonstrate that Christ heals all of those who believe and trust in
Christ. It is not necessary that they understand the new birth in order to be saved, all that is required
of them is to believe and to trust. The purpose of the doctrine of regeneration or rebirth or the nature
of being born again is such that the Christian will never think that anything they have done was
worthy of God’s salvation. On the contrary, salvation is of Grace alone. God’s word makes this very
plain in Ephesians 2:1-10.
Consider verses 16 – 21 as John’s explanation of the discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus.
Discuss freely with one another. Consider addressing topics such as God’s Righteousness and human
sinfulness;God’s condemnation and God’s gift in Christ; the atonement (Christ’s being ‘lifted
up’); wickedness andgood works; hatred of light and love of darkness; and/or works of truth.
Hymn of Reflection: Lift High the Cross
Lift high the cross ,The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world, Adore His sacred name.
Led on their way ,By this triumphant sign,
The hosts of God ,In conquering ranks combine.
Each newborn servant, Of the Crucified
Bears on the brow, The seal of Him who died.
O Lord, once lifted, On the glorious tree,
As Thou hast promised, Draw the world to Thee.
So shall our song, Of triumph ever be:
Praise to the Crucified, For victory.
Selma Baptist Church
For God So Loved the World
Aug 3rd, 2014
[1] (2:23-3:1) Jesus did not trust the hearts of men concerning things of the Spirit because they are
dead to the Spirit. Mankind possesses this problem universally. Nicodemus is an example of the
best possible man the world can produce, yet in the encounter we see that even this man of great
learning and piety was blind to the things of God.
[2] He was a Rabbi and Pharisee from a famous and fabulously wealthy family who was among the
greatest teachers in Israel, who had great political and spiritual authority as a member of the
Sanhedrin. He was also, consequently, an unregenerate sinner who hated the true God, just as you
and I were prior to conversion. His name, Nicodemus, is Greek, which suggests that his family (like
many Jewish families of wealth in that day), had an interest in the philosophy and wisdom of the
[3] They would have considered him an excellent substitute. He had everything desirable in terms of
wealth, piety, religious knowledge and influence. If they were to vote for someone to represent
them from the whole world to represent them before God, they would have chosen someone like
[4] (3:2) there really is no direct answer in Scripture. He was likely coming at a good time to engage
someone in theological discussion, being that they were both very busy during the day.
[5] The arrogant presumption of Nicodemus is that he thinks that he and the Sanhedrin know who
God is and what would constitute someone worthy of their notice and invitation into fellowship.
[6] (v3) It indicates that what follows is to be taken with as much certainty to its truth and
elementary foundation as though it is plainly apparent to those who have any understanding. It
means “this is basic stuff which everyone should know.” Consequently, it means that it needs to be
heard and understood if anything further on a topic is to be grasped.
[7] This condition is rebirth or regeneration, or to be born again. All of these terms are synonyms. It
is a most basic aspect of faith, which is plainly visible in many places of Scripture, Old and New
[8] The effects of the wind can be perceived by humans, but its source and destination are
imperceptible through our physical sense perception. Likewise spiritual rebirth is a tangible and
experiential effect of the movement of the Spirit of God. No one causes themselves to be born (i.e.
Selma Baptist Church
For God So Loved the World
Aug 3rd, 2014
it is not caused by ‘human decision or a husband’s will’ – John 1:18), but are given new birth as a
gift of God which is only appropriately deemed pure grace.
[9] No, dry bones are dead, they can do nothing. They need to be remade or regenerated. So it is with
everyone born of the flesh seeking to understand God, they must first be reborn. It is God, who
breathes life into them, and remakes their bodies, that they will know the Lord.