Weekly Vocab Measurement, Scientific Notation, Accuracy, Precision, Accepted Value, Experimental Value, Error, Percent Error, Significant Figures Monday (10-20) Student Expectations Express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific conventions and mathematical procedures, including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant figures. Activity Warm-up, Scientific Measurement Vocab Part I, Inquiry Activity, Assess Prior Knowledge, Chemystry, Untamed Science Video Materials/Resources Clear plastic cup, vegetable oil, water, computer, notebooks, books, Tuesday (10-21) Student Expectations Write numbers in scientific notation, evaluate accuracy and precision, and explain why measurements must be reported to the correct number of significant figures. Wednesday (10-22) Student Expectations Write numbers in scientific notation, evaluate accuracy and precision, and explain why measurements must be reported to the correct number of significant figures. Thursday (10-23) Student Expectations Write numbers in scientific notation, evaluate accuracy and precision, and explain why measurements must be reported to the correct number of significant figures. Friday (10-24) Student Expectations Show mastery over 3.1 (2G, 2F, 2H) and vocabulary words Activity Warm-Up, Read 3.1 Using and Expressing Measurements Activity Warm-Up, Take notes and work problems over 3.1 Using and Expressing Measurements Activity Warm-Up, Accuracy and Precision Quick Lab, Measurement: Lesson 3.1 Quiz, Lesson 3.1 Lesson Check Activity Warm-Up, Chemistry Exam #5 (3.1) and Lesson 3.1 Vocabulary Quiz, Scientific Notation worksheet Materials/Resources WU, Books, Notebooks Materials/Resources WU, notebooks, book Materials/Resources WU, computer, jeopardy Materials/Resources WU, Exam, Quiz, worksheet Assessment Inquiry Lab, Notebook Check Assessment Participation grade Assessment Notebook Check Assessment Chapter 2 Matter and Change Jeopardy Review Assessment Exam #4, Lesson 3.1 Vocabulary Quiz, Scientific Notation worksheet