Minutes Ballina Municipal District Meeting 22nd January, 2015

JANUARY, 2015, at 10.30 a.m.
Councillors Present:
Cllr. Neil Cruise
Cllr Gerry Ginty
Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Cllr. Michael Loftus
Cllr. John O’Hara
Cllr. Annie May Reape
Cllr. Michael Smyth
Cllr. Seamus Weir
Officials Present:
Mr Paul Benson, A/Director of Services
Mr Paul Dolan, A/Senior Engineer
Mr John McMyler, Senior Executive Planner
Mr Neil Sheridan, Community & Enterprise Officer
Ms Carmel Murphy, Administrative Officer
Ms Mary Gordon, Senior Staff Officer
Ms Breege Gordon, Staff Officer
Prior to dealing with the Items on the agenda, Cllr Weir advised the Meeting that a Letter of Condolence
in respect of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris had been sent to the French Ambassador to Ireland
on behalf of the Members of the Ballina Municipal District.
To adopt Minutes of
Ballina Municipal District
Meeting held on the
5th November, 2014.
To note update from
Community & Enterprise on
a) Local Community
Development Committees;
b) Community Future
To note Report from
Department of the Arts,
Heritage and the
Gaeltacht on review of
Section 40 of the Wildlife
Acts 1976 to 2012 governing
the control of burning and
hedge cutting.
Proposed by: Cllr. John O’Hara
Seconded by: Cllr. Neil Cruise
AND RESOLVED:“That the Minutes of Ballina Municipal District Meeting held
on Wednesday, 5th November, 2014, at 11.00 am, be adopted
as circulated”.
Mr Neil Sheridan, Community & Enterprise Development Officer,
updated the Members on both these Items and responded to
queries raised on the Pride of Place Awards, LEADER funding,
and possible social inclusion projects.
Mr Paul Dolan, A/S.E., referred to Letter dated the 1st December,
2014, from the Department of the Arts, Heritage and the
Gaeltacht and encouraged the Members to engage in the
consulation process by making their views known to the
Department on the legislative controls governing the control of
burning and hedge cutting. Mr Dolan stated that he would welcome
a more integrated approach to hedge cutting on a countywide basis,
possibly involving other Departments.
Planning Report.
Housing Report.
The Planning Report was noted as circulated.
Ms Mary Gordon, S.S.O provided the following update on
The Housing Budgets for 2015 for the Ballina Municipal
District have not yet been notified;
Housing Grant applications up to the 30th September have
been dealt with;
The various Housing Grant Schemes operated by the
Council are currently under review by the Housing SPC and
the Members will be advised of the outcome of this review
process when complete.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., also advised that the Council had not yet
received its 2015 Capital Allocation from the Department.
To note work programme
under the Mayo Water
Conservation Stage 3 on the
Foxford Rd., Ballina.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., advised the Members of the work
programme pertaining to the Mayo Water Conservation Scheme
Stage 3 which has commenced on the Foxford Rd., Ballina. The
Members welcomed the commencement of these works. Mr
Benson, A/D.O.S., agreed to invite a representative from Irish
Water to update the Members on the Capital Works Programme for
the Ballina Municipal District. The Members also commended the
Council Staff on their great work during the recent storms.
Notices of Motion:
Proposed by: Cllr. Annie May Reape
Seconded by: Cllr. John O’Hara
AND RESOLVED:“I call on Ballina Municipal District to erect proper signage and flashing lights at
entrance to the Haven Crèche at Bearnadearg, Ballina. This has become very
dangerous for parents crossing the road with their children going to and from
the Crèche as the foot path from the town side is also on the opposite side of
the road”.
Mr Paul Dolan, A/S.E., advised the Members of an indicative cost of €90,000 in
providing a footpath linking the existing footpaths at Fenian Row and the Haven
Crèche. He confirmed that these works will be included for consideration in the
preparation of Draft 2015 Ballina Municipal District Roadworks Schedule. Mr Dolan
also pointed out that the erection of school signs at this location is not appropriate in
this instance as the Haven is not classified as a school. However, he agreed to
consider the possibility of erecting advance warning signs at this location as an
interim measure, pending the adoption of the Roadwork’s Scheme.
Proposed by: Cllr. Seamus Weir
Seconded by Cllr. Annie May Reape
“I call on Ballina Municipal District Council to change the structure of the
pedestrian crossings in Ballina Town. At present the pedestrian crossings are a
danger to the public. There is a need to raise the crossing ramp style which will
slow down traffic thus allowing pedestrians cross the road safely. Pedestrians
Crossings in Ballina should be on par with Westport town crossings design”.
Mr Dolan, A/S.E., totally rejected the claim that the Pedestrian Crossings in Ballina
are a danger to the public and pointed out that all of the 11 Crossings in Ballina town
fully comply with the standards prescribed by the Department of Transport and the
NRA. Mr Dolan also confirmed the following: The vast majority of Crossings in Westport town are ramps and not controlled
 Investigations to date suggest there is no issue with speeding in Ballina but that
this is always kept under review;
 Controlled Pedestrian Crossings are safe if used properly;
 The Pedestrian Crossings on both Emmett Street and Cathedral Rd fall under the
remit of the NRA and as such, any works carried out at these locations have to be
funded under the NRA’s HD15 or HD17 Schemes; no such funding has been
allocated by the NRA in 2015 for either of these locations ;
 Advance warning signs will be erected at the Pedestrian Crossings.
Mr Dolan concluded by stating that the Council was not in favour of the Motion.
Proposed by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Seconded by: Cllr. Seamus Weir
AND RESOLVED:“That this Council request the operators of the bus shelter recently constructed
at Humbert St, Ballina to install a seat in the shelter for the comfort of patrons”.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., confirmed that the providers of the Bus Shelter are installing a
seat in the Shelter.
Proposed by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Seconded by: Cllr. Neil Cruise
AND RESOLVED:“That Ballina Municipal District introduce bye-laws to regulate usage at all
piers/and slipways in this Municipal District that currently do not have bye-laws,
namely Killala Harbour; Kilcummin Pier, Carrowmore – Lacken; Killerduff Pier,
Ballycastle and Lacken Pier, Carrowmore-Lacken; that Ballina Municipal District
also introduce bye-laws to regulate usage at all lakes in this Municipal District”.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., agreed to review this Motion with a view to introducing the
relevant Bye-Laws.
Proposed by: Cllr. John O’Hara
Seconded by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
AND RESOLVED:“That this Council will enforce the Derelict Sites Act, 1990 and any other
relevant legislation so as to ensure that dangerous and derelict sites within the
Ballina Municipal District, include those that are not on the Derelict Sites
Register, are clean, safe and maintained so as to comply with the legislation,
and so as not to take away from the character, amenity or appearance of the
neighbourhood in which they are located”.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., advised of the procedure employed by the Council in dealing
with Derelict Sites under the Derelict Sites Act 1990 and confirmed that the relevant
Derelict Sites Registers are in place in both Mayo County Council and the former
Ballina Town Council. Mr Benson confirmed that the Council is active in dealing with
Derelict Sites in the district and that this will continue.
Proposed by: Cllr. John O’Hara
Seconded by: Cllr. Michael Loftus
AND RESOLVED:“That this Council will provide a public toilet facility in the town of Ballina either
through the construction of such a facility or through an arrangement with
businesses in the town in exchange for a reduction in rates”.
Mr Benson, A/D.O.S., advised the Members of the possibility of a public toilet being
provided as part of the Tesco development in the Market Square and also of the
Council’s ongoing discussions with the Ballina Chamber of Commerce regarding the
introduction of a Community Toilet Scheme which would incentivise businesses to
provide a public toilet. He also referred to the availability of toilets in public buildings
in the town.
Proposed by: Cllr. Michael Loftus
Seconded by: Cllr. Annie May Reape
“I call on Mayo County Council to remove the Study area and all routes on the
N59 bypass from Knockadine Bridge, Crossmolina to the Freeheen
The Members unanimously agreed to defer further consideration of this Motion in
order to allow the Executive consult with the NRA Regional Design Office on the
matter with a view to bringing it back before the Council at a later date.
Proposed by: Cllr. Michael Loftus
Seconded by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
AND RESOLVED:“I call on Mayo County Council to provide sufficient Zebra Crossings in
Crossmolina Town to protect the adults and children on crossing the N59 and
Chapel Street”.
Mr Paul Dolan, A/S.E., stated that the results of the recent pedestrian counts in
Crossmolina town appear to warrant the provision of Pedestrian Crossings. Arising
from this, he confirmed that the matter of funding for the proposed Pedestrian
Crossing on the N59 will be raised with the NRA as it falls under their remit and also
that the proposed Pedestrian Crossing on Chapel Street will be included for
consideration in the preparation of the 2015 Ballina Municipal District Draft
Roadworks Schedule
It was agreed that the next Meeting of the Council would be held on Wednesday, 25th
February, 2015, and that also a Workshop would be held prior to this to discuss the
2015 General Municipal Allocation for Ballina and also the 2015 Roads Grants.
This concluded the business of the Meeting.