Student Name ___________________ Salt Lake Community College - Geography 1700 – Natural Hazards Mid-Term Exam A. J. Allred, Adjunct Instructor 1. In the United States, hazard insurance does not prevent property damage and personal injury for people who are in hazardous areas. True ___ False___ 2. About 10 percent of wetlands in the United States have been drained, paved or otherwise obliterated. Wildlife habitat has been destroyed and there is less natural buffer to protect communities against flooding and severe storms. True ___ False ___ 3. The main shock from the 9.1 Sumatran earthquake in 2004 released about twice as much energy (2x) as the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Utah. True ___ False ___ 4. Community “run-up maps” can be very hard to prepare because: a. A tsunami wave may originate from a quake located at an unexpected angle from the beach. b. Tide, air pressure and wind conditions can add or subtract total wave run-up. c. Refraction (or reflection) can cause complex interactions between waves. d. Building locations and human behavior during a tsunami can cause unexpected effects. e. All of the above are valid problems in estimating where tsunami water will go. 5. In the United States and in the Salt Lake area, updated building codes and planning standards, along with hazard insurance, have greatly reduced the number of buildings at risk for damage by natural hazard. True ___ False ___ 6. In order to remain popular and attractive for tourists, places such as Italy ensure that old, historic buildings are retrofitted for safety. Another popular means of attracting visitors to destination resorts is widespread distribution of accurate run-up maps showing likely flood and wave inundation zones. True ___ False ___ 7. Most flash flood deaths are caused by people choosing to leave the safety of their automobiles. Water seems to be involved in nearly all natural hazards. True ___ False ___ 8. It is reasonable to say that hard-surface paving and roof tops on sloped land can radically increase the cost of storm sewer drains downstream. In dry country like Utah, storm water costs can rise exponentially. True ____ False ____ 9. Earthquakes of the “slip-strike” or transform variety are generally responsible for the Wasatch Mountains that have been rising above Salt Lake valley. True ___ False ___ 10. Expanding urban development, even with improved building codes, is probably increasing the overall risk of floods in Salt Lake valley. True ___ False ___ 11. In the absence of an officially approved run-up map, what is a reasonable personal guideline for designing your own safe zone during a tsunami warning? a. At least 1.2 miles vertically and 1.2 miles horizontally b. Try for terrain that is at least 100 feet above the normal water line, and/or at least a mile inland. c. It is bad advice to try to make your own estimate of inundation distance or elevation d. Observe the beach as the wave arrives, and then form a plan for evacuation distance e. 1,000 feet horizontally or 1.2 miles vertically 12. The continuing, long-term increase in U.S. natural hazard deaths is mostly a function of: a. Loss of life due to natural hazards is actually declining in the United States b. Financial deficits that prevent rescue efforts and hazard mapping c. Lack of good information about hazards and prevention d. Rapidly rising U.S. population, especially among illegal immigrants who lack insurance e. Increasing disposable income for purchasing expensive vehicles and other property at risk 13. People often build in flood hazard areas even when shorelines provide clues about where the river will go during high-flow events. In many cases, people obscure or cover natural boundaries by grading, building and farming. True ___ False ___ 14. Most dams, levees and other flood-prevention structures in the United States are privately owned and managed. They are often obsolete or weakened by age and lack of maintenance and inspection. All water control structures, whether publicly or privately owned, may someday fail, causing great hazard to people and property downstream. True ___ False ___ 15. River levees are controversial because they are very reliable, but expensive to build. Floods rarely reach beyond a levee, which provides a sense of security to people who build behind them. True ___ False ___ 16. Theories about human-caused global warming and natural hazards are difficult to evaluate because the Earth already had an unstable climate record long before human (anthropogenic) factors began to add substantial greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. True ___ False ___ 17. Based on simple interpolation alone, if an earthquake “P” wave that arrives 50 seconds before the “S” indicates a quake origin 260 miles away, then about how far away was a quake with a “P” wave that arrives 100 seconds before the “S” wave? a. 130 miles b. 520 miles c. 50 miles d. All of the above could be true, depending on soil type e. None of the above is a good estimate by simple comparison 18. Which of the following quake-related energy waves damages buildings? a. “S” waves b. Surface waves c. The point where “S” and “P” waves meet each other d. Sound waves (sonic shock) e. “P” waves 19. As nations gain population and financial wealth, natural hazards that once caused major catastrophes are nowadays more likely to produce only disasters. Fortunately, humans can run faster than most of their ‘stuff’. True ___ False ___ 20. Adoption of the most up-to-date building code does not provide an immediate improvement in safety. True ___ False ___ 21. Widespread use of the modern Modified Mercalli (MM) earthquake measurement system does not rely on ‘foreshocks’ as a tool for public alert or warning systems. The MM system does not provide any kind of alert before shaking starts. True ___ False ___ 22. In general, earthquake shaking at any location will tend to vary negatively (inversely) with the time difference between arrival of P (Primary) and slower Super Shear waves. True ___ False ___ 23. For earthquake damage to occur, the epicenter should be located about how far below the focus? a. Hypocenter should be 50 miles or more from the epicenter, in order to provide timing space between P and S waves. b. The epicenter is always directly above the hypocenter, and damage varies inversely with distance from a quake. c. At least 100 miles away, for the same reason as answer (a) above. d. At least 50 miles away from the epicenter, with P and S wave timing being important only for measuring distance to the quake, not quake damage. e. For damage to occur at all, a quake epicenter cannot be more than five miles from the hypocenter. 24. Lightweight, flexible buildings can be easily shaken by strong earthquakes. In Utah, the risk of death or injury due to earthquakes is worsened by our reliance on lightweight wood-frame houses rather than on heavy, rigid stone or brick. True ___ False ___ 25. Americans need to create a definition for “flooding” based on such things as a specific elevation and/or evidence of a natural shoreline. It is completely wrong to say that a flood has occurred just because “our stuff got wet.” True ___ False ___ 26. After more than 100 years of channelizing streams, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has begun a trend toward restoring rivers and streams to their natural pathways and conditions. Instead of hard paving, water courses are allowed to resume natural meanders and floodways. True ___ False ___ 27. Flash floods and dam failures are most common in rainy places where shallow slopes and heavy vegetation prevent quick, safe run-off. Slow, steady rain or drizzle is more likely to produce a flood than a brief, sharp rainfall that is typical of dry regions and deserts. True ___ False ___ 28. The steepness of a nearby mountain or hillside is a generally good indicator of the hazard of living nearby. This statement is also true when it comes to volcanoes, where steepness is a clue about the inherent danger associated with different types of volcanoes. True ___ False___ 29. High, snow-capped volcanoes may actually kill more people by cold mud than by hot, poisonous gases and falling rocks and ash. True ___ False ___ 30. Which of the following tools is best for identifying the location of an earthquake: a. Attenuation b. Manipulation c. Inoculation d. Mastication e. Triangulation 31. An earthquake of M 7.5 will release about how more energy than a quake of M 6.5? a. About 1,024 times more energy b. A little more than double the energy (Add 1.0x plus 0.1x) c. About 32 times more energy d. Two hundred fifty six times more energy e. About double (2x = double) 32. In total, the world’s massive ‘shield’ volcanoes present more overall hazard to people and property than do smaller ‘composite’ and ‘dome’ volcanoes. More than 500 million people live on shield volcanoes. True ___ False___ 33. High mountains near Salt Lake City are not caused by massive subduction zones that are more typical of world-class tectonic plate boundaries. True ___ False ___ 34. Which factors below are most associated with magmatic conditions that are violent? a. Low levels of gases, less silica, and much lower viscosity b. High levels of gases and highly viscous magma c. High-viscosity surface flows of slow-moving lava d. High-silicate, mafic rocks e. All of the above are associated with explosive volcanoes rather than flood basalts 35. Widespread adoption of modern land use planning standards and building codes has not been enough to prevent natural hazards. People still do dumb things like failing to study for Geography 1700 exams. True ___ False ___ 36. The City of Nauvoo, Illinois was probably protected from flooding in 1993 by which of the following: a. The Mississippi River was wider near Nauvoo than further upstream and downstream b. The city was located on the inside or ‘point bar’ of the river channel, rather than the outside c. River flow was not artificially constrained by levees, bridges or other obstructions d. All of the above were probably factors that helped reduce flooding around Nauvoo e. None of the above is a good explanation for why flooding was worse north and south of Nauvoo 37. An effective network of electronic warnings or alerts in Japan would not have prevented building damage and shutdown of nuclear power facilities during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake. True ___ False___ 38. Energy for setting-up natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and landslides comes from radioactivity. True ___ False ___ 39. Rigid or solid magmatic rock tends to melt and flow in the asthenosphere, where pressure is reduced near the surface of the Earth. True ___ False ___ 40. Government programs offering “buy-outs” to property owners have been very successful in convincing people to leave flood-prone areas. We just don’t have enough money to pay for such programs everywhere. True ___ False ___ 41. Water that is disturbed by an earthquake will move at about what speed across open ocean? a. 40 mph b. More than 400 mph c. 3.6 miles/sec d. 1,000 mph or higher e. None of the above is a good estimate, because tsunami wave velocity becomes measurable only as it crosses the shoreline. 42. After billions of dollars in Federal investment in flood-control structures over more than 100 years, flooding along the Mississippi is now largely under control. True ___ False ___ 43. People will still try to build in areas that are prone to flooding even if they are provided good quality information about the risks involved. True ___ False ___ 44. Even though California is more prone to damaging earthquakes, an East Coast quake damaged the Washington monument and U.S. capitol building in what year? a. 1906 (same year as San Francisco quake and Galveston hurricane) b. In the past two or three years c. 1890 d. 1812-13 (same time period as the ‘New Madrid’ quake e. 2005 (same year as hurricane Katrina) 45. If we leave them alone, naturally meandering streams will tend to slowly convert themselves into predictable straight-line channels where cut banks and point bars gradually even out all variations. Naturally occurring streams and rivers allow buildings to be safely constructed close to clearly defined water edges. True ___ False ___ 46. Because ocean waves consists of crests and troughs, a genuine four-foot swell can appear to be: a. 12 feet tall b. Three feet tall c. Eight feet tall d. None of the above is a good estimate 47. Based on Earth curvature alone, how tall would a breaking or cresting tsunami wave have to be in order to be visible from two miles away? a. Three feet b. More than six feet c. No more than five feet d. A minimum of 12 feet e. A minimum of nine feet 48. In some parts of Asia, community leaders may allow schools and day care centers to be located in places where small children cannot outrun a tsunami. In the United States, planners store flood water at elementary school grounds and public parks where children play. True ___ False ___ 49. Due to increasing human wealth and prosperity, overall financial losses due to natural disasters are diminishing. Meanwhile, death rates are still rising due to over-population in hazardous areas. True ___ False___ 50. Installation of landscape plants of almost any type will help prevent soil failure on steep slopes that are otherwise unprotected. True ___ False ___ Geog 1700 Mid-Term Exam Vocabulary 51. FEMA is broke because so many more people are dying from natural disasters that occur near oceans and rivers. People prefer to live near oceans and rivers. True ___ False___ 52. Wetlands, bogs, swamps and bayous present a flood hazard and will be safer after being drained. True ___ False ___ 53. A ‘P’ wave travels at about 13,000 mph. True ___ False ___ 54. Community “run-up maps” prevent flooding and inundation by tsunami waves. True ___ False ___ 55. Rebar will always prevent building damage. True ___ False ___ 56. Wet sand in the attic attracts tourists who like old buildings and don’t care as much about safety when they are trying to have fun by escaping the big city. True ___ False ___ 57. Alluvial fans represent the work of sunshine on wearing down the earth. True ___ False ___ 58. Basalt is hard, dry lava rock that is highly viscous and explosive when hot True ____ False ____ 59. Earthquakes of the “slip-strike” or transform variety are generally responsible for the Wasatch Mountains that have been rising above Salt Lake valley. True ___ False ___ 60. Asthenosphere is hard, rigid foundation to earth crust. True ___ False ___ 61. Adding water should increase the maximum safe angle-of-repose. True ___ False ___ 62. A ‘chute’ can appear out of nowhere, causing death by snow avalanche. True ___ False ___ 63. Swampy ground is safe for farming once it has been drained. True ___ False ___ 64. Levees are inexpensive ways to create a safe, reliable barrier against water. True ___ False ___ 65. The two most important reasons for building a dam and reservoir are to generate electricity and provide water for farming and cities. True ___ False ___ 66. A ‘cut bank’ is the high side of the river bank, and is more safe for construction. True ___ False ___ 67. The epicenter is typically about 10 miles from the ‘focus’ or ‘hypocenter’ True ___ False ___ 68. A ‘super shear’ earthquake can rupture the surface at a faster speed than a ‘P’ wave. True ___ False ___ 69. Silt particles are larger than sand and heavy clay. True ___ False ___ 70. . Composite volcanoes contain all of the major types of volcanic eruptions. True ___ False ___ 71. Dome volcanoes are smaller and less violent than sunken calderas and huge shield volcanoes True ___ False ___ 72. Flash floods are more likely near where rivers empty into lakes or oceans. True ___ False ___ 73. For earthquake damage to occur, the hypocenter or focus must be on the surface. True ___ False ___ 74. Modified Mercalli assessments are time-consuming and may contain personal opinions. True ___ False ___ 75. For flooding to occur, water must rise about a certain, pre-defined level that was set in advance, such as a survey line or specific elevation above sea level. True ___ False ___ 76. Channelization is losing popularity in the United States. True ___ False ___ 77. Mitigation is similar to attenuation. True ___ False ___ 78. Liquefaction is related to very large particles, like boulders, rather than to very small particles like clay. True ___ False___ 79. Precursor is not related foreshock. True ___ False ___ 80. Triangulation causes larger earthquakes. Attenuation causes smaller quakes. True ___ False ___ 81. Lave is a violent pyroclastic. True ___ False ___ 82. Intensity, or ground shaking, is a measure of energy released, on a scale of 32x . True ___ False___ 83. Soil compaction is a bad thing because it prevents water from seeping into the ground. True ___ False ___ 84. Rift is related to subduction, not divergence. True ___ False ___ 85. Which factors below are most associated with magmatic conditions that are violent? True ___ False ___ 86. Channelization helps restore stream to the natural boundaries, a means of preventing floods. True ___ False ___ 87. The “Rock Cycle” always starts with igneous rocks that eventual turn into sediments and then stay that way. True ___ False ___ 88. Electronic warning systems prevent building damage. True ___ False___ 89. Violent thunderstorms derive their energy from radioactivity. True ___ False ___ 90. Rigid or solid magmatic rock tends to melt and flow in the asthenosphere, where pressure is reduced near the surface of the Earth. True ___ False ___ 91. Ocean waves have greater wave length are easier to see from the beach because they are taller. True ___ False ___ 92. Weathering is caused by a sudden rock fall, or landslide. True ___ False ___ 93. After billions of dollars in Federal investment in flood-control structures over more than 100 years, flooding along the Mississippi is now largely under control. True ___ False ___ 94. Evaporation is a cooling process, because heat energy must be absorbed in order to convert liquid to vapor. True ___ False ___ 95. Earthquakes are mostly in the western United States, which explains why the U.S. capitol in Washington, D.C. has never been damaged by quaking. True ___ False ___ 96. Tsunami waves are not waves of oscillation, because water is moving somewhere and will never go back. True ___ False ___ 97. Because ocean waves consists of crests and troughs, a genuine four-foot swell can appear to be: True ___ False ___ 98. Based on Earth curvature alone, how tall would a breaking or cresting tsunami wave have to be in order to be visible from two miles away? True ___ False ___ 99. Ocean tsunami waves are more dangerous than seiche waves because oceans are associated with world-class tectonic subduction zones. True ___ False ___ 100. Pumping out groundwater will always make ground more stable for buildings. True ___ False ___