Carol`s website - Brush Strokes Art Club

Carol Nelson Abstract Mixed Media and Collage Workshop
In this abstract mixed media workshop, Colorado mixed media artist Carol Nelson will demonstrate a
variety of techniques she uses in creating her geologic abstracts, abstracted tree paintings, and mixed
media collage paintings. You will learn how to prepare and use tyvek, rusted iron paint, embossed
foils, acrylic skins, stencils, marbleized paper, and torched origami foils.
Carol will demonstrate epoxy resin application. She will discuss the importance of composition in
abstract work. You will learn about various adhesives, methods of presentation for finished work that
will not need frames, and money saving substitutes for some expensive art materials.
Carol will bring a large variety of materials for class use. There will be a $10/person materials fee for
tyvek, red rosin paper, iron paint and activator, foils, YES paste, and a large selection of specialty
Carol is a certified Golden Art Educator, and uses Golden Fluid Acrylic paints. She strongly
recommends that students bring Golden Fluids, although any acrylic paints can be used. Golden
Fluids are so concentrated, the 1 oz size bottle will last a long time. Her three must have favorite
colors are Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, Turquoise (Phthalo), and Quinacridone Magenta (plus
Titanium White and Carbon Black. She will also bring some other Golden paints and mediums for the
class to try.
Supply list:
 Golden Fluid Acrylic Paints
 Polymer medium, gloss and/or matte
 Gel medium, soft or regular, gloss or matte
 DAP Custom Patch or DAP Patch ‘n Paint - available at Home Depot in the paint
dept, OR molding paste
 plastic sheet protectors (Office Max, Walmart)
 shaving cream aerosol can (not gel)
 Substrates: wood panels preferred, but stretched canvas is OK. Home Depot has 1/4 inch MDF
(Medium Density Fiberboard available in 2x4 foot sheets that they will cut for you at no
charge.Please keep sizes in the range of 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, 8x10, 6x12, etc. Lots of materials are
used in each painting, and if everyone shows up with larger panels, we will run out of materials.
Unprimed wood panels should be gessoed before class. Please observe size limitations.
 Any collage ephemera you may have.
The usual stuff - brushes suitable for acrylic and w/c, water container, hair dryer, palette
knives, paper towels, scissors, pencil, palette, spray water bottle (old hair spray bottles are the
best), spray alcohol bottle (optional).