Acrylic Collage: Creating Layers with Julie Burch Goal: to experience a mixed media approach to creating a layered piece of art using acrylic paint, acrylic medium and other materials Recommended supplies: Substrate (something to work on): hardboard such as gesso board, heavy watercolor paper, canvas paper, cardboard or matt board or stretched canvas Acrylic mediums: one or more of the following: soft gel, and heavy gel, or matt medium, or gloss medium, Acrylic paints: tube and or liquid, white and a few colors (if you’re not sure what to buy and don’t want to get many get white, black, and red, yellow, blue, and titanium buff, plus one other favorite) Stencils, stamps and ink, texture makers: plastic wrap, bubble wrap, textured fabric A variety of papers Mark making materials, colored pencils, watercolor crayons, permanent markers Tools for spreading paint and medium: paint brushes, pallet knives, rubber spreading tools (blades) Something to clean your hands or gloves to wear Rags/paper towels, newspapers, plastic wrap Water holder and or a Spray bottle of water Tips: Isolation layer protects what’s underneath Stick with a limited number of paint colors, familiarize yourself with the color wheel: colors side by side mix well, colors directly across the wheel will make browns and greys Use your imagination to see imagery for a ‘picture’ Think about having a center of interest/focal point Plan on several layers or techniques….5, 10, …..20 Think: back ground, middle ground, foreground or focal point