Clauses Notes

Clauses Notes
A clause is a group of related words that contains a ___________________ and its ___________________.
Every sentence has at least one clause in it; if it doesn’t, it’s NOT a complete sentence!
Kinds of clauses
An ___________________ clause (also called a ___________________ clause) expresses a
___________________ and stands _______________________________________________.
Example: Mr. Jones works in one of the law offices in downtown Concord, and he has a successful practice.
Each clause has its own subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. In this example, two
independent clauses are joined by ________________________________________ and.
They could also be written with a ________________________ between them:
Mr. Jones works in one of the law offices in downtown Concord; he has a successful practice.
The only remaining option is to write them as separate sentences:
Mr. Jones works in one of the law offices in downtown Concord. He has a successful practice.
A ________________________ (or ___________________ ) clause does NOT express a
complete thought and cannot stand alone.
Dependent clauses generally NEED an independent clause to complete their meaning.
before you know it
because I told him
after the show is over.
Each clause still has a ___________________, but it doesn’t ___________________
Most dependent clauses are introduced by a word like although, as if, because, if, or until. When we
hear a clause that starts with one of these words, we know that there has to be at least one more clause
(an independent clause) in the sentence.
Practice 1: Label each clause in italics by writing either IND. for independent or DEP. for dependent on the line next to
_______ 1. When my family went to New York, we visited the Theodore Roosevelt museum
_______ 2. The museum has been established in the house where Roosevelt was born.
_______ 3. It is located on the basement floor of Roosevelt’s birthplace, which is on East Twentieth Street.
_______ 4. The museum contains books, letters, and documents that pertain to Roosevelt’s life.
_______ 5. Before Theodore Roosevelt became president, he gained fame in the Spanish- American War.
Clauses and Sentence Structure
# independent clauses:
# dependent clauses:
2 or more
1 or more
2 or more
1 or more
Identifying Structure
In the space provided, identify the structure of each sentence using the following abbreviations:
S – simple
CD – compound
CX – complex
CD-CX – compound-complex
(Hint: Remember to take out all dependent clauses first, then count the number of independent clauses left.)
_______ 1. Since the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, senators have been chosen by
popular elections in their states.
_______ 2. Unlike presidents, senators are elected to six-year terms, and they can be re-elected any
number of times.
_______ 3. To be eligible for the Senate, a person must have been a United States citizen for at least nine
years and be at least thirty years old.
_______ 4. One important job that senators have is to introduce bills in the Senate.
_______ 5. Senators are also responsible for approving or rejecting certain presidential appointments, such
as those of federal judges and ambassadors.
_______ 6. Amanda loved the sound of the orchestra at her school’s winter concert, and she decided then
to study the violin.
_______ 7. Because Amanda was still quite small, her first violin was not full-sized.
Identifying Structure, continued
_______ 8. When she started the sixth grade, however, Amanda was playing a full-sized violin.
_______ 9. Amanda did not always enjoy the many hours of practice, but they were necessary because the
instrument is so complicated.
_______ 10. Just playing the proper notes, without being too sharp or flat, can be difficult on a violin.
_______ 11. On a violin, the placement of a finger on a string can effect the pitch of the note.
_______ 12. If the pitch of each note is not exactly correct, the result can be a barely recognizable tune.
_______ 13. Once a student has mastered pitch to some extent, he or she still has a great deal to think
about, for posture, hand position, and bowing technique all require great concentration.
_______ 14. When students can actually create music with this stubborn instrument, they have a reason to
be proud.
_______ 15. Reluctantly, two of the boys stepped forward, and both of them admitted that they were
_______ 16. As far as I know, it belongs to anyone who wants to haul it away.
_______ 17. None of the dresses had any style, nor were they reasonably priced.
_______ 18. In spite of our differences, Margaret and I have been good friends since the third grade.
_______ 19. Over the river and through the woods, to the Grammar Hall of Fame we go.
_______ 20. What she is saying is that I am right, and that you, therefore, are wrong.
_______ 21. We wanted to help, but because we didn’t want to interfere, we neglected to offer any
_______ 22. This unit on sentence structure reveals just how much fun grammar can be!
_______ 23. Of course, you and I already knew that, but not all eighth graders are as grammatically
experienced as we are.
Sentence Structure in The Outsiders
Carefully analyze each of the sentences below. Underline each independent clause and put brackets around each
[dependent clause]. In the space provided identify the structure of each sentence as S (Simple), Cd (Compound),
Cx (Complex), and Cd-Cx (Compound-Complex).
_______ 1. “I had nearly forgotten that Cherry was listening to me.”
_______ 2. “Johnny sure did like that book, although he didn’t know anything about the Civil War and even less
about plantations, and I had to explain a lot of it to him.”
_______ 3. “It would be a miracle if Dally loved anything.”
_______ 4. “The nurses wouldn’t tell us anything about Johnny and Dally, so Darry got hold of the doctor.”
_______ 5. “The pool was empty now in the fall, but the fountain was going merrily.”
_______ 6. “The park was about two blocks square, with a fountain in the middle and a small swimming pool.”
_______ 7. “You might have thought it was Dally who fixed those races for Buck, being a jockey and all, but it wasn’t.”
_______ 8. “I leaned back and closed my eyes and we were home before I knew it.”
_______ 9. “I was kind of sick to my stomach and sort of groggy.”
_______ 10. “He stood there tall, broad-shouldered, his muscles taut under his T-shirt and his eyes glittering like ice.”
_______ 11. “Dally had taken the car and I started the long walk home in a stupor.”
_______ 12. “His eyes were closed, but when the door shut behind me he opened them.”
_______ 13. “He grinned but didn’t deny it.”
_______ 14. “I want you to tell Dally to look at one.”
_______ 15. “I picked up the phone book and called my English teacher.”