AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Approval of the future training programme. Introduction: 1. Master Trainers Training has been completed in the middle of Sep 2012. Thereafter the next phase of capacity building comprises conducting of the Training of Trainers (ToT) of the State Forest Training Institutes so as to improve their training skills and consequently enhance the quality of training to be received by the front line staff of the State Forest Departments (SFDs). Ultimate goal to be achieved is improvement of the service delivery by the SFDs through enhancement of the knowledge, skill and attitude of the front line staff of SFDs. In this proposal, the preparatory work required for the Training of Trainers (ToT) course to be conducted by the Potential Master Trainers developed during MTT-I and MTT-II at CASFOS Dehradun has also been spelt out. Validation of Design of ToT: 1. A six day module had been designed by the team of CPMU Consultants. As the ToT Course is required to be conducted by the PMTs, it is imperative that they acquire ownership of the course. Accordingly the Course guide of ToT was circulated to the PMTs during MTT – I (6-18 August) and MTT-II (3-14 September). 2. The PMTs have also made some suggestions on the course guide and prepared a process sheet and set of visuals for the above course. It is proposed that the course guide as initially designed together with the suggestions proposed by the PMTs and the process sheet and set of visuals be validated in a workshop of the consultants of State PMUs. Consultant (HRD) CPMU has suggested workshops to validate the Course Guide, Training Manual, Process Sheet, Visuals and Course Materials etc. before conducting the actual ToT. However, it is suggested that Mentoring Support from expert Master Trainers would be provided at the time of state level ToT. They would facilitate ToT and evaluate PMTs for the accreditation. But the actual follow up of ToT as well as monitoring of training of frontline staff would be done by Consultant (HRD) of SPMUs of their respective states. Hence modalities need to be worked out, as to how expert MTs and SPMU Consultants can be joined to deliberate on these issues stated above. 3. Trainers manual and training material prepared by the CPMU and circulated during MTT-I and MTT-II may also be circulated to the SPMUs in advance and their views if any be solicited. Preparation of Course Materials: 4. So far, the following materials have been prepared: (a) Trainers’ Manual – prepared by CPMU consultants and adopted by PMTs (b) Training Material – mostly taken from the web site of DoPT and partly by CPMU consultants and adopted by PMTs. (c) Lesson Plan for about 82 hours of teaching for the subjects included in the training for the front line staff – prepared by the PMTs as own time assignment as part of MTT-I and MTT-II (d) Handouts, Exercises and performance Aid on the above topics prepared by the PMTs based on the Lesson Plan mentioned above. 5. It is proposed to refer the Lesson Plans, Handouts, Exercise and Performance Aids to subject experts and get them validated. The validated materials are proposed to be shared with the SPMUs who may translate them into the vernacular language in due course. 6. It is proposed that the English version of the above stated material may be made available to the project States as per their demand. Number of trainees: 7. Expected trainer trainee ratio in the ToT is between 1:4 and 1:6. Bulk of the course content will be delivered by the PMTs on team teaching basis. Micro practice sessions will however be held by each PMT separately. Role of SFTIs: 8. Selected SFTIs (for Venue) will be responsible for the following facilities in the conduct of ToT: (a) Providing Logistic facilities given below. (b) Providing consumables and materials to be distributed to the participants which includes stationery items and copies of training materials (c) Payment of Honorarium to the Expert Master Trainers who will be providing Mentoring support to the PMTs and evaluating them at the rates approved by the MoEF. Role of CMPU: 9. Consultants of CPMU will be informing the concerned SFTI in advance of the preparation required for the launching the course and also make available the course materials. Besides the CPMU will also be nominating one Expert Master Trainer for providing mentoring support and evaluating the PMTs performance in the conduct of each ToT course, for which each expert will be entitled to get Rs.50,000/- as honorarium for 8 days besides free bording and lodging and their actual travel cost . The consultants of CPMU will be visiting the venue of the ToT before and/or during the ToT course and briefing the Expert Master Trainers of the evaluation criteria. One set of soft copy of the course material in respect of ToT will also be made available to the SFTI by the CPMU. Pre-determined number of copies of Training materials relating to the training of the Front line staff (Lesson Plan, Handout, exercises, Performance Aids, etc.) which are proposed to be printed will be made available to the SFTIs or SPMUs. Role of SPMUs: 10. SPMUs will be identifying the date and venue of theToTs and inform the CPMU who will finalize the same taking into account the overall scenario and the availability of Expert Master Trainers for mentoring and evaluating rpurposes. Besides, SPMU will ensure availability of requisite number of trainees (full time and guest faculty of SFTIs) for the ToT course and also the PMTs who will be conducting the courses. Logistic Requirement: 11. SPMUs will have to arrange for 6 days ToT Course in a suitable venue with following specific requirements: 1. Class room Accommodation requirement: (a) A hall for accommodating about 40 persons including about 10 persons in the stage – for inauguration and valediction i.e. during opening day Fore noon and closing day after noon (b) Two lecture halls for accommodating about 8 participants, one faculty and two observers each. 2. Residential Accommodation: on single occupancy basis for all the participants, two resource persons and members of the CPMU – (Team Leader and Consultant HRD and CS) and two mentors. 3. All Lecture halls to be fitted with: (a) LCD Projection system (b) OHP (c) White Board (d) Flip Chart 4. Consumables: (a) White Board markers of four different colours (b) Flip Chart Markers of four different colours (c) OHP transparencies (d) OHP Markers (e) Flip Charts 5. Photocopying facility during the course. 6. Computer, printer and data entry operator. 7. Participants and resource persons may require computer facilities after the workshop hours even may be for about one or two hours at least for a day. 8. Facility for local transport. 9. Transport Facility between residential accommodation and the mess for breakfast and dinner for the resource persons, mentors, CPMU/SPMU members and participants. 10. Videographing and replaying facilities (two sets) for two forenoons. 11. Library access may also be required 12. Proposed ToTs in the States: Since the number of PMTs from 12 states are different, ToT Courses of states will vary and in some cases smaller states can be clubbed to have ToT at a central place convenient to all. Besides, at present there are no SFTIs in Bihar and Sikkim. Hence, ToT for these 2 states at least are to be conducted in their neighbouring states. Moreover, a Master Trainer needs to be sent during the ToTs to evaluate PMTs and provide them Mentoring Support during ToTs. So the planning will be required to organize ToT in a manner so that during ToT, one MT Expert can supervise 4-6 PMTs at one time. Taking in to account all the above mentioned factors, it is proposed that CPMU-C will run the first ToT for Kerala sometimes in the month of December ,2012 at Trivandrum where the mentoring support will be provided by Mr. M.Sethu Ramalingam, who himself is an accredited MT to fine tune various elements of ToT in consultation with SFD, Kerala. Already there are 2 PMTs from this state who have been trained. (One selected PMT from Kerala who could not attend MTT-1 or MTT-2 due to some reason, will be called as an observer in the ToT). After this ToT, following seven ToTs will be organized at suggested places to complete the first round MT Development Program in 12 Project states. Proposed ToT Courses in States under the Project: S.No. Venue of ToT Participating States No. of PMTs involved 1. Jalukbari, Gwahati, Assam Assam-2, AP2, Mizoram-1, Sikkim-1. 2. West Bengal Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim West Bengal 3. Ranchi, Jharkhand Bihar, Jharkhand Bihar-2, Jharkhand-4 4. 6. Madhya Pradesh-1 Madhya Pradesh-2 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh 7. Maharashtra 8. Uttarakhand 5. No. of Trainees involved Assam-6x2, AP-6x2, Mizoram-6, Sikkim-6 Proposed Expert MT Dr. S.K. Ghosh MP-6 West Bengal6x4 Bihar-6x2, Jharkhand6x4 MP-6x6 MP-4 MP-6x4 Maharashtra Chhatishgarh4 Maharashtra-5 Uttarakhand Uttarakhand-4 Chhatisgarh6x4 Maharastra6x5 Uttarakhand6x4 Dr. Kumudini Sharma Dr. Kumudini Sharma Sh. S.Venkatesan Sh. Atul Joshi West Bengal-4 Sh. M.S.Kasana Sh. KartikeyaMisra Dr.H.M.Mishra 13. Role of SPMU’s Consultant (HRD & Communication Skills) During ToT, Consultants of SPMUs must be present as they will be responsible for follow up program of Trainers posted in SFTIs. They will be also responsible for doing the external validations of ToTs and other Training Development Programs besides development of Training Materials. 14. Recommendation of Expert MT for accrediting PMTs: During ToT, each PMT will be critically assessed by Expert MT for their specific role of “Developer” and “Maintainer” to train faculties of SFTIs. In case, they are found competent in above responsibilities, expert will recommend their names for accrediting. Ministry will certify these PMTs on the basis of their overall performance from the stage of selection to the stage of actual conducting of ToT in their respective states. 15. Career development of MTs accredited by the Ministry: Master Trainer Development in the Forest Sector is a flagship component of the JICA assisted project on “Capacity Development for Forest Management & Training of Personnel”. This project will be remembered in the history of Forestry Training for its landmark contribution of creating a cadre of domain specific Master Trainers. As the Project will have 3 more years for completion after development of MTs, it will be worthwhile to have a detailed program for career development of these MTs through more of national and international exposures during life of this project. These MTs, being in higher management responsibilities can play a key role in Training areas of forestry sector in next two-three decades of their service, not only in their respective states but at the National level too. Apart from imparting training to trainers in their own states, their services can be taken for training of trainers in other states which did not get this initial advantage of having MTs in their states, officials and non-officials of Community Based Organizations in states as well as training to be imparted to trainers joining in national level training institutes of forestry and allied sector. Services of MTs can be taken in Training Need Assessment (TNA), curriculum design and evaluation of training programs. Ministry’s RT Division can take their services for one week mandatory training of officers belonging to various cadres, MCTs of IFS cadres and special courses. Looking to their vast scope of service, it is felt that these MTs can be further developed during the project. Following three annual Training Courses can be arranged for these MTs at IGNFA, Dehradun in subjects stated below: Sl. No. 1 2 Year 2013 2014 3 2015 Project sponsored Courses Design of Training Course (DOT) Training Need Analysis (TNA) and Evaluation of Training (EOT) Management of Training Program(MoT), Mentoring and Facilitation Skills Since there is no special incentive for these Master Trainers, a short term international exposure will be helpful to sustain their interest. There is a provision of Foreign Training component in this project and if these MTs created under the project can get opportunity to visit abroad to upgrade their competencies it will be very useful. CPMU and JICA may consider the proposal, if they like. 1. After certification, the MTs may be detailed for at least one Course on Training Techniques every year. The details of courses in this regard are available in Training Division Web Site. There are more than half a dozen TDP courses available presently (some of these courses are mentioned in the above Table). Therefore, this process will sustain the initiative for about 7-8 years. The following options are available: (a) (b) (c) TDP courses may be seen from the National calendar and the MTs may be nominated for the courses conducted all over the country. The advantage of this method is that the MTs of Forest Sector will have opportunity of interaction with trainers in other disciplines from all over the country. Trainers may be arranged from the national directory of resource persons and the courses conducted by the forest sector itself at a suitable venue. Training Division may be requested to sponsor select TDP courses exclusively for the Forest Sector. This could be financially advantageous because the Training Division will be funding the course expenses other than TA/DA. But the approval of Training Division is needed. 2. Every year about one fourth of the PMTs may be detailed on a ToT course abroad, if possible. There are several institutions conducting/organizing such courses. This will keep the motivation level of MTs high and may be an incentive for future induction of MTs. 3. There can be an annual conference of Master Trainers for a two days duration wherein the following issues may be discussed: (a) New initiatives required for strengthening training system in the Forest Sector (b) Sharing of best practices (c) New course designs in the Forest Sector (d) Development of new games, case studies, etc. which may be used for training of front line staff. 4. A forum may be created such as blog or web site wherein the MTs may be encouraged to share their new learning, book reviews, views on topics of common interest. MTs making substantial contributions may be suitably rewarded. Recently an attempt has been made to form a Yahoogroup by inviting all PMTs and expert MTs who were involved in the training. Budgetary requirements: S.No. 1. Item Rate One day conference of SMPU, its Consultants and relevant CPMU Consultants, expert MT and SFTI Directors for objectives sharing and Rs.10,000/refinement of the road map. for about 15 persons, stationery, refreshment, lunch, etc. venue may be respective state Rs. 90,000/- 2. ToT Material validation workshop day) at Delhi 3. Validation of training material for the course for Front line staff (Lesson Plan, LS Handout, Exercise, Performance Aids, etc.) through Forestry Experts engaged by SPMUs. If other than SPMU Experts are engaged, token honourarium of Rs.5 Lac in LS can be provided. 4. Printing of the Training Manual and 100 LS Hours Lesson Plans for the Trainers of SFTIs, 500 copies (Estimated volume is about 500 pages @Rs.10 per pages Rs.2,50,000/- 5. Conduct of ToT course Rs25,00,000/- Grand Total (One Total Rs.30,000/- LS Rs.30,000/Rs.500,000/- Rs.33,70,000/-