David R. Walt Robinson Professor of Chemistry Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor Department of Chemistry Tufts University Medford, MA 02155 (617) 627-3470 (617) 627-3443 (FAX) david.walt@tufts.edu http://ase.tufts.edu/chemistry/walt/ PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Active Positions Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor Robinson Professor of Chemistry, Tufts University, Medford, MA Research Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Tufts School of Dental Medicine Professor, Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service (2012-) Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering (2003- ) Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (1981- ) Professor of Genetics, Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences (2012-) Founding Scientist, Director, Chairman-Scientific Advisory Board, Illumina, Inc. Founding Scientist, Director, Chairman-Scientific Advisory Board, Quanterix Corporation. Previous Positions Professor, Department of Chemistry (1992-1995); Chairman, Department of Chemistry (198996); Associate Professor (1986-1992); Visiting Scientist, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1987-88); Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry (1981-86) EDUCATIONAL HISTORY 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Postdoctoral Research Associate Research Supervisor - Professor George M. Whitesides 1979 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York Ph.D. in Chemical Biology; Joint degree in Chemistry and Pharmacology Research Supervisor - Professor Francis Johnson 1974 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan B. S. in Chemistry HONORS AND AWARDS External Awards 2010 University of Michigan Distinguished Innovator Lecture; 2010 Stony Brook University Distinguished Alumni Award; 2010 ACS National Award for Creative Invention; The National Academy of Engineering Member (2008-); Fellow-American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) 2008; Alexander Cruickshank Lecturer, University of Rhode Island (2006); Willard Lecturer, University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry (2004) Francis Clifford Phillips Lectures, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry (2004); Herman Bloch Award, University of Chicago, Department of Chemistry (2004); Clifford C. Hach Lecturer, University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry (2002); Samuel R. Scholes Lecturer, Alfred University, School of Ceramic Engineering and Materials Science (2002); Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2000); Professor Invitee’- Ecole Normale Superieure (1999); Biosensors and Bioelectronics Award (1996); National Science Foundation Special Creativity Award (1995); 3M Research Creativity Award (1989). Tufts University Awards Tufts Distinguished Inventor (2008); Tufts University Outstanding Achievement 2005-2006 Academic Year (2006); Distinguished Scholars Award, Tufts University (2004); Tufts Faculty Outstanding Achievement 2000-2001 Academic Year (2001); Tufts Outstanding Faculty Award (1997). APPOINTMENTS AND PANELS Active Service: Technology Council for the Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence at Northwestern University (2012-)National Academy of Sciences Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Member (2011-); Tufts CTSI Scientific Advisory Committee (2010-); Defense Sciences Research Council Committee Member (2010-); NIH College of CSR Reviewers (2010-); Analytical Chemistry Editorial Advisory Board (2008-2011); Xconomy Editorial Advisory Board (2009-); Committee Member, NAS Anthrax Committee (2009-11), Committee Member; Massachusetts Life Sciences Center - Scientific Advisory Board (2009-); Member, University of Michigan’s Life Sciences Institute Advisory Board (2007-); Committee Member, Technology Council for The Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNE) at Northwestern University (2006-); External Advisory Committee Member, Advisory Board of the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, Dublin City University (2007-); Scientific Advisory Board Committee, Centice (2006-); Selection Committee, Roche Diagnostics Prize for Sensor Technology (1998-); University of Michigan’s Life Sciences Institute Leadership Council (2005-); Committee Member,; Editorial Advisory Board, Indian Journal of Biotechnology (2001-);. 3 Previous Service: Innovative Application of Nanotechnology to Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Disorders Special Emphasis Panel (2010); Permanent Steering Committee of the Europtrode Conference Series (1998-2010); Enabling Bioanalytical Technologies Study Section, NIH, (2004-2008); PCAST Nanotechnology Technical Advisory Group (nTAG) (2007); The National Academy of Sciences: The Committee on Protecting Occupants of DOD Buildings from Chemical or Biological Release, (2006-07); Board Member, International Advisory Board, Springer, the language of Science (2005-06); Committee Member, Advisory Board of the Adaptive Information Cluster, Dublin City University (2004-07); Committee Member, University of Michigan’s LSA Dean’s Advisory Council (2002-06); International Advisory Board of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2001-2006); Committee Member, The Committee on Monitoring at Chemical Agent Disposal Facilities, The National Academies, National Research Council (2004-05); Chair, Council on Graduate Education, Tufts University (2001-2007) Pathomics External Advisory Committee, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2004-2005); Editorial Board, Sensor Letters (2004-2006); Pittcon Program Resource Team (2002-05); Committee Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Exposure Technology Development Assessment (2004); Committee Member, BECM (Bioanalytical Engineering and Chemistry Special Emphasis) Study Section, NIH, (2003-04); National Research Council’s Committee on Indicators for Waterborne Pathogens (2002-04); WTEC (World Technology Evaluation Center, Inc.) Panel on Biosensing, NSF (2002-04); Scientific Advisory Committee, The Institute for Applied Biosciences, Ben Gurion University (2001-04); Scientific Advisory Committee, Institute of Applied Biosciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (1997-2004); NIH Special Emphasis Panel, Metallobiochemistry (1999-2003); Editorial Advisory Board, ACS, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (1998-2003); Executive Editor, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (1995-03); Technical Program Committee Member, 16th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (2002); International Conference on Optical Sensor Arrays Program Committee (2002); Committee Member, BMAED Committee on Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Sensors, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council (2002); NIH Bioanalytical Chemistry and Engineering Panel (2000-02); Chemistry/Biology Panel Chair, ARES (Advanced Research and Experiments in Sensing) II, Department of Defense (2000-01); Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (1997-01); Panel Coordinator, NSF Instrumentation for Environmental Science (2000); Program Chairman, World Congress on Biosensors, North and South America (1996-00); Scientific Advisory Board, Northeast Hazardous Substances Research Center (1993-00); NIH Bioengineering Research Program Panel (1999); Chairman, Gordon Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors (1997-99); Vice Chair, Gordon Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors (1997); NSF Ocean Sciences and Biological Infrastructure Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Panel (1993); Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Fluorescence (1992-96); Editorial Advisory Board, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (1991-95); Committee on Oceanic Carbon, Ocean Studies Board of the National Research Council (1992-93); Core Planning Group, Department of Energy, Integrated Program for Characterization, Monitoring and Sensor Technology (1991-93); Chairman, National Research Council, Panel on New Measurement Technologies for the Oceans (1990-92); Panel on CO2, Ocean Studies Board of the National Research Council (1988-90). Panels, Committees, and other Service: Innovative Application of Nanotechnology to Heart, Lung, Blood, And Sleep Disorders Special Emphasis Panel (2009); Soldier Protective Clothing and Equipment: Feasibility of Chemical Testing Using a Fully Articulated Robotic Mannequin Sensing Capabilities Panel (2007); Reviewer for NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2007); Reviewer for NIH Director's Pioneer Award (NDPA) Program (2005), Committee Member, Tufts University Sackler School of Graduate 4 Biomedical Sciences Cellular and Molecular Physiology Program Review (2005); Committee Member, (AGES) American Gene and Environment Study, Subgroup on Exposure Assessment Technology Development, The National Academies, National Research Council (2004-); Pioneer Award Reviewer, NIH (2004-); Group Leader, Sensor and Detectors breakout session, Approaches to Combat Terrorism (ACT) PI Workshop, NSF (2004); External Advisory Committee of the NSF STC on Sensors for Water Quality Management and Security (2003); Committee Member, The Committee of Point Detection of Biological Agents, NRC, The National Academies (2003); Session Contributor, Nanoanalytics and biosensors, Workshop on NanoBiotechnology, National Nanotechnology Initiative (2003); Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Center on Analytical Chemistry, Measuring the Chemistry of Life, Proteomics Technology: Arrays, Connecticut College (2003); Panelist, Global Health Diagnostics Working Group, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2003); Workshop Participant, NSF, ICT, U.S. – Ireland Research and Development Taskforce (2003); Workshop Participant, NRC, Bioterrorism and Biotechnology: Anticipating Future Threats and Countermeasures (2003); Panelist, First Annual School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Scholarship Conference (2003); Workshop Participant, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Workshop on Future Research Directions (2002); Workshop Participant, NSF and the Intelligence Community, Approaches to Combat Terrorism: Opportunities for Basic Research (2002); Panelist, Sequencing and Resequencing the Biome, NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (2002); Panel Chair, Biosensors 2002, Nucleic Acid Sensors and DNA Chips (2002); Panelist, New England Bioterrorism Preparedness Workshop, Emerging Technology (2002); Panel Presider, Pittcon, Detection of Terrorist Weapons Panel (2002); Panelist, Advances in DNA and RNA Diagnostics, bio.com web cast (2002); Advances in Chemical and Biological Forensics, Workshop for the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) (2001); Panelist, Bioanalytical Engineering and Chemistry Special Emphasis Panel (2001); National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Alcohol Biosensor Workshop (2001); ISP Sensor Realizations, ISP Workshop (2000); Panelist, Devices for Early Detection of Disease, NIH Bioengineering Consortium: “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Shaping Biomedical Research,” (2000); National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Workshop on Development of New Technologies for Saliva and Other Oral Fluid-Based Diagnostics (1999); Los Alamos National Laboratory Optical Biosensor Program Review Team (1999); Editor, ImmunoMethods, Immunologically Based Biosensors: Concepts and Applications, Volume 3, Number 2 (1993); Keystone Colorado, CHEMRAWN IV (1987). PUBLICATIONS “Novel synthetic approaches to the antitumor anthracycline antibiotics,” D.R. Walt. Univ. Microfilms Int., 1979, 40(6), 2660-1. “ Synthesis of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) from Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP),” D.R. Walt, V.M. Rios-Mercadillo, J. Auge and G.M. Whitesides, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1980, 102 (26): 7815-6. "Anthracyclines and Related Substances. 3. Regiospecific Total Synthesis of 11-Deoxydaunomycinone,” S.D. Kimball, D.R. Walt and F. Johnson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1981, 103 (6): 1561-3. "Carbohydrate Chemistry - Specialist Periodical Reviews,” Book Review, D.R. Walt, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1983, 105: 5183. 5 "An Efficient Chemical and Enzymic Synthesis of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+),” D.R. Walt, V.M. Rios-Mercadillo, J. Auge and G.M. Whitesides, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1984, 106 (1): 234-9. "Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Cofactors,” D.R. Walt, Chemalog Hi-Lites, 1985, 292: 7. "The Effect of Gravity on Microbial Adhesion,” D.R. Walt, J.B. Smulow, S.S. Turesky and R.G. Hill, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1985, 107 (2): 334-6. "Immobilization of Enzymes in Polymer Supports,” H. Conlon and D.R. Walt, J. Chem. Ed., 1986, 63 (4): 368-70. "Polymer Modification of Fiber Optic Sensors as a Method of Enhancing Fluorescence Signal for pH Measurement,” C. Munkholm, D.R. Walt, F. Milanovich and S. Klainer, Anal. Chem., 1986, 58 (7): 1427-30. "Enzymic-Catalyzed Synthesis of L-Acetylcarnitine and Citric Acid Using Acetyl Coenzyme A Recycling,” S. Patel, H. Conlon and D.R. Walt, J. Org. Chem., 1986, 51 (14): 2842-4. "Immobilized Enzymes and Cells,” D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society Audio Course, 1987. "Physiological pH Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor Based on Energy Transfer,” D.M. Jordan, D.R. Walt and F.P. Milanovich, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59 (3): 437-9. "Substrate Specificity of Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthetase,” S.S. Patel and D.R. Walt, J. Biol. Chem., 1987, 262 (15): 7132-4. "Calculation for Fluorescence Modulation By Absorbing Species and Its Application to Measurements Using Optical Fibers,” P. Yuan and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59 (19): 2391-4. "Polymer Immobilized Enzyme Optrodes for the Detection of Penicillin," T. Kulp, I. Camins, S. M. Angel, C. Munkholm and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59 (24): 2849-53. "A Fiber Optic Sensor for CO2 Measurement,” C. Munkholm, D.R. Walt and F.P. Milanovich, TALANTA, 1988, 35 (2): 109-12. "Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthetase Catalyzed Reactions of Coenzyme A with a B-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids,” S.S. Patel and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 1988, 170 (2): 355-60. "Fiber Optic Sensors Based on Reagent Delivery with Controlled Release Polymers,” S. Luo and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1989, 61 (2): 174-7. "Plasma Modification and Collagen Binding to PTFE Grafts,” C.N.B. Tran and D.R. Walt, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1989, 132 (2): 373-81. "Avidin-Biotin Coupling as a General Method for Preparing Enzyme-Based Fiber Optic Sensors,” S. Luo and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1989, 61 (10): 1069-72. 6 "pH Dependent Fluorescence of Merocyanine Eosin Labeled Water Soluble Polymers,” P. Yuan and D.R. Walt, Macromolecules, 1990, 23 (21): 4611-15. "Intramolecular Fluorescence Self-Quenching of Fluoresceinamine,” C. Munkholm, D.R. Parkinson and D.R. Walt, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112 (7): 2608-12. "Enzyme Catalyzed Synthesis of Citric Acid Using Acetyl-Coenzyme A Recycling in a TwoPhase System,” T. Ouyang, D.R. Walt and S. Patel, Bioorganic Chem., 1990, 18 (2): 131-5. "Enzyme Catalyzed Synthesis of Fluoromalonyl-CoA,” D.R. Walt, J.Y. Kao and T. Ouyang, Bioorganic Chem., 1991, 19 (3): 270-3. "Chemical Sensors Based on Controlled-Release Polymer Systems,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Science, 1991, 251 (4996): 927-9. "Fiber-Optic Organic Vapor Sensor,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Env. Sci. Technol., 1991, 25 (7): 1301-4. "Sensitivity Enhancement of Fluorescent pH Indicators by Inner Filter Effects,” G. Gabor and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1991, 63 (8): 793-6. "A New Chemical Method for Synthesizing and Recycling Acyl Coenzyme A Thioesters,” T. Ouyang and D.R. Walt, J. Org. Chem., 1991, 56 (11): 3752-5. "A Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor with Discrete Sensing Sites,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Nature, 1991, 353: 338-40. "Sensors and Biosensors for the Marine Environment,” D.R. Walt and E. Urban, SEA Technology, 1991, 32: 47-55. “Optical Immunosensors using controlled-released polymers,” D.R. Walt, S.M. Barnard, S. Luo. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 1991, 64, 2888-9. "Development of a Fiber Optic Sensor for Measurement of pCO2 in Seawater: Design Criteria and Sea Trials,” C. Goyet, D.R. Walt and P.G. Brewer, Deep Sea Research, 1992, 39 (6A): 1015-26. "Recent Advances in Chemical Sensors,” D.R. Walt, Chemistry & Industry, 1992, 58-61. "Designing New Sensors with Old Chemistry,” D.R. Walt, Chemtech, 1992, 22 (11): 658-63. "pH Dependent Fluorescence and Singlet Energy Transfer in Water Soluble Polymers Containing Eosin and Phenol Red Chromophores,” P. Yuan and D.R. Walt, J. of Fluorescence, 1992, 2 (4): 231-5. "Multiple Indicator Fiber Optic Sensor for High Resolution pCO2 Measurements in Seawater,” D.R. Walt, G. Gabor and C. Goyet, Anal. Chimica Acta, 1993, 274 (1): 47-52. "Fiber Optic Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Fermentation pH,” V.I. Agayn and D.R. 7 Walt, Bio/Technology, 1993, 11 (6): 726-9. "Fluorescent Optical Sensors", D.R. Walt, V. Agayn, K. Bronk and S. Barnard, Applied Biochem and Biotech, 1993, 4 (1-2): 129-138. "Fiber-Optic Immunosensors Based on Continuous Reagent Delivery,” V. Agayn and D.R. Walt, Immunomethods, 1993, 3 (2): 112-21. "Editorial,” D.R. Walt, Immunomethods, 1993, 3: 83-4. "Emerging Strategies for Molecular Biosensors,” R. Thompson and D.R. Walt, Naval Research Reviews, 1994, XLVI: 19-29. "Fabrication of Patterned Sensor Arrays with Aryl Azides on a Polymer Coated Imaging Optical Fiber Bundle,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1994, 66 (20): 3519-20. "The Chemistry of Enzyme and Protein Immobilization with Glutaraldehyde,” D.R. Walt and V. I. Agayn, Trends in Anal. Chem., 1994, 13 (10): 425-30. "A Fiber-Optic Carbon Dioxide Sensor for Fermentation Monitoring,” M. Uttamlal and D.R. Walt, Bio/Technology, 1995, 13 (6): 597-601. "Analytical Applications of Optical Imaging Fibers,” P. Pantano and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1995, 67 (15): 481A-7A. "Photodeposition of Micrometer-Scale Polymer Patterns on Optical Imaging Fibers,” B.G. Healey, S.E. Foran and D.R. Walt, Science, 1995, 269 (5227): 1078-80. "Combined Imaging and Chemical Sensing Using a Single Optical Imaging Fiber,” K.S. Bronk, K. L. Michael, P. Pantano and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1995, 67 (17): 2750-7. "Synthesis of pH-sensitive modified cellulose ether half esters and their use in pH detecting systems based on fiber optics,” T.F. Liebert and D.R. Walt, J Control Release, 1995, 35 (2-3): 155-63. "Sensitivity enhancement of fluorescent pH indicators using pH-dependent energy transfer", G. Gabor, S. Chadha and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem. Acta, 1995, 313 (1-2): 131-7. "Dual-Analyte Fiber-Optic Sensor for the Simultaneous and Continuous Measurement of Glucose and Oxygen,” Lin Li and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1995, 67 (20): 3746-52. "New Sensor Technology For In Situ Measurements of Ocean Chemistry,” D.R. Walt and E.R. Urban, Jr., Oceanography, 1995, 8: 1, 24-25. "Improved Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensor for Penicillin,” B.G. Healey and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1995, 67 (24): 4471-6. "Rapid Analyte Recognition in a Device Based on Optical Sensors and the Olfactory System,” J. White, J.S. Kauer, T.A. Dickinson and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1996, 68 (13): 2191-2202. 8 "A Chemical-Detecting System Based on a Cross-Reactive Optical Sensor Array,” T.A. Dickinson, J. S. White, J.S. Kauer and D.R. Walt, Nature, 1996, 382 (6593): 697-700. "Ordered Nanowell Arrays," P. Pantano and D.R. Walt, Chem. of Materials, 1996, 8 (12): 28325. "A fiber-optic DNA biosensor microarray for the analysis of gene expression," J.A. Ferguson, T.C. Boles, C.P. Adams and D.R. Walt, Nature Biotechnology, 1996, 14 (13): 1681-4. "Simultaneous Monitoring of pH, CO2 and O2 Using an Optical Imaging Fiber,” J.A. Ferguson, B.G. Healey, K.S. Bronk, S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem. Acta, 1997, 340 (1-3): 123131. "Toward a Near-Field Optical Array,” P. Pantano and D.R. Walt, Review of Scientific Instruments, 1997, 68 (3): 1357-9. "In Situ Fluorescence Imaging of Localized Corrosion with a pH-sensitive Imaging Fiber,” A.A. Panova, P. Pantano and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69 (8): 1635-41. "Optical Fibers Make Sense of Chemicals,” J.A. Ferguson and D.R. Walt, Photonics Spectra, 1997, 108-13. "Generating Sensor Diversity through Combinatorial Polymer Synthesis," T.A. Dickinson, D.R. Walt, J. White and J.S. Kauer, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69 (17): 3413-8. "Fiberoptic DNA Sensor Array Capable of Detecting Point Mutations," B.G. Healey, R.S. Matson and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 1997, 251 (2): 270-9. "Fast Temporal Response Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors Based on the Photodeposition of Micrometer-Scale Polymer Arrays," B.G. Healey and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69 (11): 2213-6. “Multianalyte biosensors on optical imaging bundles,” B.G. Healey, L. Li and D.R. Walt, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 1997, 12 (6): 521-9. "Fluorescence Monitoring of the Microenvironmental pH of Highly Charged Polymers,” Y. Agi and D.R. Walt, J. of Polymer Science, 1997, 35 (10): 2105-10. "Oxygen Sensing Properties of a New Ruthenium (II) Compound,” A.I. Baba, J. Ferguson, B.G. Healey and D.R. Walt, Analytical Letters, 1997, 30 (13): 2289-99. “Identification of Multiple Analytes Using an Optical Sensor Array and Pattern Recognition Neural Networks,” S.R. Johnson, J.M. Sutter, H.L. Engelhardt, P.C. Jurs, J. White, J.S. Kauer, T.A. Dickinson and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69: 4641-8. "Fiber-Optic Imaging Sensors," D.R. Walt, Accounts of Chemical Research, 1998, 31 (5): 2678. "Randomly-Ordered Addressable High-Density Optical Sensor Arrays," K.L. Michael, L.C. Taylor, S.L. Schultz and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1998, 70 (7): 1242-8. Accelerated article. 9 "Current trends in ‘artificial-nose’ technology,” T.A. Dickinson, D.R. Walt, J. White and J. Kauer, Trends in Biotechnology, 1998, 16 (6): 250-8. "An Olfactory Neuronal Network for Vapor Recognition in an Artificial Nose,” J. White, J.S. Kauer, T.A. Dickinson and D.R. Walt, Biological Cybernetics, 1998, 78 (4): 245-51. “Multi-Analyte Sensing: From Site-Selective Deposition to Randomly-Ordered Addressable Optical Sensors,” F.J. Steemers and D.R. Walt, Microchimica Acta, 1999, 131 (1-2): 99-105. “Optical Sensor Arrays for Odor Recognition,” D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson, J. White, J. Kauer, S. Johnson, H. Engelhardt, J. Sutter and P. Jurs, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 1998, 13I (6): 695-9. “Assessment of Blood PO2 pH using a Micro-Fiberoptic Sensor In Vivo,” A. Gagnon, J. Deprest, D. Walters, D.R. Walt, Y. Ville, Fetal Medicine Unit, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK. “Convergent, Self-encoded Bead Sensor Arrays in the Design of an Artificial Nose,” T.A. Dickinson, K.L. Michael, J.S. Kauer and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1999, 71 (11): 2192-8. “Fluorescent Excitation Transfer Immunoassay for the Determination of Spinosyn A in Water,” M. Lee, D.R. Walt and P. Nugent, J. Agr. Food. Chem. 1999, 47 (7): 2766-70. “A Far-Field Viewing Sensor for Making Analytical Measurements in Remote Locations,” K. Michael, L. Taylor and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem. 1999, 71 (14): 2766-73. “An Autonomous Sensor and Telemetry System for Low-Level pCO2 Measurements in Seawater,” M.B. Tabacco, M. Uttamlal, M. McAllister and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 1999, 71 (7): 154-61. “Combined Imaging and Chemical Sensing of Fertilization-Induced Acid Release from Single Sea Urchin Eggs,” K.L. Michael and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 1999, 273 (2): 168-78. “Screening Unlabeled DNA Targets with Randomly-ordered Fiber-optic Gene Arrays,” F.J. Steemers, J.A. Ferguson and D.R. Walt, Nature Biotechnology, 2000, 18 (1): 91-4. “Techview: Molecular biology: Bead-based Fiber-Optic Arrays,” D.R. Walt, Science, 2000, 287: 451-2. “Application of High Density Optical Microwell Arrays in a Live-Cell Biosensing System,” L.C. Taylor and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 2000, 278 (2): 132-42. “Cross-reactive Chemical Sensor Arrays,” K.J. Albert, N.S. Lewis, C.L. Schauer, G.A Sotzing, S.E. Stitzel, T.P. Vaid and D.R. Walt, Chemical Reviews, 2000, 100 (7): 2595-2626. “A Fiber-optic Microarray Biosensor Using Aptamers as Receptors,” M. Lee and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 2000, 282 (1): 142-6. “High-Speed Fluorescence Detection of Explosives-like Vapors,” K.J. Albert and D.R. Walt, 10 Anal. Chem., 2000, 72 (9): 1947-55. “High Density Fiber-Optic DNA Random Microsphere Array,” J. Ferguson, F.J. Steemers, D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72 (22): 5618-24. “Production of Hollow Polymeric Microspheres by Surface Confined Living Radical Polymerization on Silica Templates,” T.K. Mandal, M.S. Fleming and D.R. Walt, Chem. of Materials, 2000, 12 (11): 3481-7. “Guest Editorial,” A.B. Ellis and D.R. Walt. Chem. Rev., 2000, 100 (7): 2477-8. “A Combinatorial Approach to Discover New Chelators for Optical Metal Ion Sensing,” F. Szurdoki, D. Ren and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72 (21): 5250-7. ”Biological Warfare Detection,” D.R. Walt and D.R. Franz, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72 (23): 738A746A. “Bead-based Fiber-Optic Arrays,” D.R. Walt. Science, 2000, Vol 287: 451-452. “A Fiber-Optic Lactate Sensor Based on Bacterial Cytoplasm Membranes,” S.G. Ignatov, J.A. Ferguson and D.R. Walt, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2001, 16 (1-2): 109-13. “A Duplexed Microsphere-Based Fluorescent Immunoassay,” F. Szurdoki, K.L. Michael and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 2001, 291 (2): 219-28. "Field-Deployable Sniffer for 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Detection,” K.J. Albert, M.L. Myrick, S.B. Brown, D.L. James, F.P. Milanovich and D.R. Walt, Environ. Sci and. Technol. 2001, 35 (15): 3193-200. “Sensors,” D.R. Walt. High-Thoughput Synthesis 2001, 331-345. "Stability and Exchange Studies of Alkanethiol Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticle-Coated Microspheres," M.S. Fleming and D.R. Walt, Langmuir, 2001, 17 (16): 4836-43. "Nanosphere-Microsphere Assembly: Methods for Core-Shell Materials Preparation," M.S. Fleming, T.K. Mandal and D.R. Walt, Chem. of Materials, 2001, 13 (6): 2210-6. “Optical Multi-bead Arrays for Simple and Complex Odor Discrimination,” K.J. Albert, D.S. Gill, T.C. Pearce and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2001, 73 (11): 2501-8. “A Cross-Reactive, Class-Selective Enzymatic Array Assay,” C. Schauer and D.R. Walt, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123 (38): 9443-4. "Interference Filter Refinement for Artificial Nose Fluorescence Sensing,” J. Karunamuni, K.E. Stitzer, D. Eastwood, K.J. Albert, D.R. Walt, S.B. Brown and M.L. Myrick, Optical Engineering, 2001, 40: 888-95. “Biosensing with live cells using a high-density optical fiber array,” I. Biran and D.R. Walt, Radiation Research, 2001, 156 (4): 442. 11 "Array-to-Array Transfer of an Artificial Nose Classifier," S.E. Stitzel, L.J. Cowen, K.J. Albert and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2001, 73 (21): 5266-71. “Optrode-based fiber optic biosensors (bio-optrode),” I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Optical Biosensors 2002, 5-56. “Optical sensor arrays for medical diagnostics,” K.J. Albert, C.L. Schauer, D.R. Walt, Biomedical Diagnostic Science and Technology 2002, 121-138. "High-Density Fiber-Optic Genosensor Microsphere Array Capable of Zeptomole (10-21 mol) Detection Limits,” J. Epstein, M. Lee and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2002, 74 (8): 1836-40. “Fabrication of an optoelectrochemical Microring Array,” S. Szunerits and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2002, 74 (7): 1718-23. “Combined imaging and chemical sensing of L-glutamate release from the foregut of the Lepidepteran, Manduca Sexta,” J. Issberner, C.L. Schauer, B.A. Trimmer and D.R. Walt, J. of Neuroscience Methods, 2002, 120 (1): 1-10. “Preparation of Polymer Coated Gold Nanoparticles by Surface-Confined Living Radical Polymerization at Ambient Temperature,” T.K. Mandal, M.S. Fleming and D.R. Walt, Nano Letters, 2002, 2 (1): 3-7. “Aluminum Surface Corrosion and the Mechanism of Inhibitors Using pH and Metal Ion Selective Imaging Fiber Bundles,” S Szunerits and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2002, 74 (4): 88694. “Automatic decoding of sensor types within randomly-ordered, high-density optical sensor arrays,” K.J. Albert, D. S. Gill, T. C. Pearce, and D.R. Walt, Anal. and Bioanal. Chem., 2002, 373 (8): 792-802. “Imaging Optical Sensor Arrays,” D.R. Walt, Current Opinion in Chem. Biology, 2002, 6: 68995. “Fluorescence-based nucleic acid detection and microarrays,” I. Biran, D.R. Walt and J. Epstein, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002, 496 (1): 3-36. “Nanomaterials: Top to Bottom Functional Design,” D.R. Walt, Nature Materials, 2002, 1: 1718. “Optical Imaging fiber-based single live cell arrays: A high-density cell assay platform,” I. Biran and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2002, 74 (13): 3046-54. “Optical Sensors”, M. Uttamlal and D.R. Walt, Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, Online posting date 2002. “Optical Sensors”, M. Uttamlal and D.R. Walt, Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology, Online posting date 2002. “Optical Imaging Fiber Based Live Bacterial Cell Array Biosensor,” I. Biran, D. M. Rissin, E.Z. 12 Ron, and D.R. Walt, Anal. Biochem, 2003, 315, (1): 106-113. "Information Coding in Artificial Olfaction Multisensor Arrays," K. Albert, D.R. Walt, Anal.Chem, 2003, (75): 4161-4167. “High-density, Microsphere-based fiber optic DNA microarrays,” J. Epstein, A. Leung, K. Lee and D.R. Walt, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2003, 5-6, (18): 541-546. “Fluorescence-based Fibre Optic Arrays: A Universal Platform for Sensing,” D.R. Walt and J. Epstein, Chem. Soc. Reviews, 2003, (32): 203-214. “Enhancing Vapor Sensor Discrimination by Mimicking a Canine Nasal Cavity Flow Environment.” S.E. Stitzel, D.R. Stein, D.R. Walt, JACS, 2003, 125, (13): 3684 – 3685. “The Use of Optical Fiber Bundles Combined with Electrochemistry and Chemical Imaging,” S. Szunerits and D.R. Walt, Chemphyschem, 2003, (4): 186-192. “Encoded Fiber Optic Microsphere Arrays for Probing Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions,” E. Adams, J. Ueberfeld, D. Ratner, B. O’Keefe, D.R. Walt, P. Seeberger, Angewandte Chemie, 2003, (115): 5475-5478. “Spatially resolved electrochemiluminescence on an array of electrode tips,” S. Szunerits, J. Tam, L. Thouin, C. Amatore, and D.R. Walt, Anal. Chem., 2003, 75: 4382-4388. “Combinatorial Decoding: An Approach for Universal DNA Array Fabrication,” J. Epstein, J. Ferguson, K. Lee, D.R. Walt, JACS, 2003, 125: 13753-13759. “Living Bacterial Cell Array for Genotoxin Monitoring,” Y. Kuang, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2004, 76: 2902-2909. “Optical Fiber-Based Biosensors,” D. Monk, D.R. Walt, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2004, 379: 931-945. “Fabrication of Gold Microtubes and Microwires in High Aspect Ratio Capillary Arrays,” D. Monk, D.R. Walt, JACS, 2004, 126 (37): 11416-11417. “Simultaneously Monitoring Gene Expression Kinetics and Genetic Noise in Single Cells by Optical Well Arrays,” Y. Kuang, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2004, 76 (21): 6282-6286. “Reversible Ratiometric Probe for Quantitative DNA Measurements,” D.R. Walt and J. Ueberfeld, Analytical Chemistry, 2004, 76 (4): 947-952. “An imaging fiber-based optical tweezer array for microparticle array assembly,” J. Tam, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 84 (24): 4289-4291. “An Imaging fiber-based optical tweezer array for microparticle array assembly,” J.M. Tam, I. Brian, and D.R. Walt. Appl. Phs. Lett. 2004 84 (24): 4289-4291. 13 “Personalized Exposure Assessment: Enabling Future Population-Based Environmental Research,” B.K. Weis, D. Balshaw, J. Barr, D. Brown, M. Ellisman, P. Lioy, G. Omenn, J. Potter, M. Smith, L. Sohn, W.A. Suk, S. Sumner, J. Swenberg, D.R. Walt, S. Watkins, C. Thompson, S. Wilson, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2005, Published online March 3. “Array-based Binary Analysis for Bacterial Typing,” J.E. Shepard, Y. Danin-Poleg, Y. Kashi, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77: 319-326. Editorial: “Electronic Noses: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee,” D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry A-Pages, 2005, 77 (3): 45A. “Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Imaging Fiber-Based Nanoarrays,” J.M. Tam, L. Song, D.R. Walt, Talanta, 2005, 67: 498-502. “Individual cell migration analysis using fiber-optic bundles,” C.B. DiCesare, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 382: 37-43. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-005-3142-3 "Synthesis of Gold-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Core-shell Nanoparticles by Surface-Confined Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization at Elevated Temperature," T. Mandal, D.R. Walt, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2005, 43: 3631-3642. “Extending the Longevity of Fluorescence-Based Sensor Arrays Using Adaptive Exposure,” S. Bencic, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77 (19): 6155-6162. “Development of a microfluidic platform with an optical imaging microarray capable of attomolar DNA detection,” M. Bowden, L. Song, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77 (17): 5583-5588. "Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Biological Warfare Agents in Environmental Samples Using Fiber-Optic Microsphere-Based Arrays," L. Song, S. Ahn, D.R. Walt, Journal of Emerging Infectious Disease, 2005, 11 (10): 1629-1632. “Advances in Miniature Analytical Methods for Medical Diagnostics,” D.R. Walt, Science, 2005, 308: 217-219. “Simultaneously Monitoring Gene Expression Kinetics and Genetic Noise in Single Cells by Optical Well Arrays,” Y. Kuang, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry 2004, 76(21), 62826286. “An Array of Solutions: Fiber arrays contribute to studies of individual cellular behavior and response,” D.R. Walt, SPIE’S oemagazine, 2005: 19-21. “Monitoring ‘Promiscuous’ Drug Effects on Single Cells of Multiple Cell Types,” Y. Kuang, D.R. Walt, Analytical Biochemistry, 2005, 345: 320-325. “Optical fiber-based sensors: application to chemical biology,” K.L. Brogan and D.R. Walt, Current Opinion in Chem. Biology, 2005, 9: 494-500. 14 “Chemistry: Miniature analytical methods for medical diagnostics,” Walt, David R. Science (Washington, DC, United States) 2005, 308(5719), 217-219. “Detection of Salmonella spp. using microsphere-based, fiber-optic DNA array,” S. Ahn and D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77: 5041-5047 “Miniature Analytical Methods for Medical Diagnostics,”D.R. Walt, Science, 2005, 308: 217219. “Detecting biological warfare agents,” L. Song, S. Ahn, D.R. Walt, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2005, 11 (10): 1629-1632. “Progress toward the determination of Sr2+ in highly basic solutions using imaging optical fiber sensor arrays,” D.J. Monk, J. Ueberfeld, D.R. Walt, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2005, 15(40), 4361-4366. “Personalized exposure assessment: promising approaches for human environmental health research,” B.K. Weis, D. Balshaw, J.R. Barr, D. Brown, M. Ellisman, P. Lioy, G. Omenn, J.D. Potter, M.T. Smith, L. Sohn, W.A. Suk, S. Sumner, J. Swenberg, D.R. Walt, S. Watkins, C. Thompson, S.H. Wilson. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005, 113(7), 840-848. “Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Imaging Fiber-Based Nanoarrays,” J.M. Tam, L. Song, and D.R. Walt. Talanta 2005, 67 (3): 498-502. “Digital Concentration Readout of Single Enzyme Molecules Using Femtoliter Arrays and Poisson Statistics,”D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt, Nano Letters, 2006, 6 (3): 520-3. “Duplexed Sandwich Immunoassays on a Fiber-Optic Microarray,” D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 564 (1): 34-39. “Fiber-Optic Microsphere-Based Arrays for Multiplexed Biological Warfare Agent Detection,” L. Song and D.R. Walt, Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78 (4): 1023-1033. “Microbead Chemical Switches: An Approach to Detection of Reactive Organophosphate Chemical Warfare Agent Vapors,” S. Bencic-Nagale, D.R. Walt, J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128 (15): 5041-5048. "Digital Readout of Target Binding with Attomole Detection Limits via Enzyme Amplification in Femtoliter Arrays", D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128 (19): 6286-6287. “Parallel microparticle manipulation using an imaging fiber-bundle-based optical tweezer array and a digital micromirror device,” J.M. Tam, I. Biran, D.R. Walt, Applied Physics Letters 2006, 89(19), 194101/1-194101/3. “Fibre optic microarrays for the detection and enumeration of harmful algal bloom species,” D.M. Anderson, D. Kulis, D. Erdner, S. Ahn and D.R. Walt. African Journal of Marine Science 28(2), 2006. 15 “Fiber-Optic Microarray for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Harmful Algal Bloom Species,” S. Ahn, D.M. Kulis, D.L. Erdner, D.M. Anderson, D.R. Walt. American Society of Microbiology: AEM 2006, 72 (9): 332-06. “Phenotypic consequences of promoter-mediated transcriptional noise,”W.J. Blake, G. Balazsi, M.A. Kohanski, F.J. Isaacs, K.F. Murphy, Y. Kuang, C.R. Cantor, D.R. Walt, J.J. Collins. Molecular Cell 2006, 24(6): 853-865. “Fiber optic array biosensors,” D.R. Walt. BioTechniques 2006, 41(5): 529, 531, 533, 535. “Fiber-based single cell analysis of reporter gene expression in yeast two-hybrid systems,” R.D. Whitaker, D.R. Walt. Analytical Biochemistry 2007, 360(1): 63-74. “Optical-fiber bundles,”H.H. Gorris, T.M. Blicharz, D.R. Walt. The FEBS Journal, 2007, 274: 5462-5470. “Multianalyte Single-Cell Analysis with Multiple Cell Lines Using a Fiber-Optic Array,”R.D. Whitaker, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry 2007, 79 (23): 9045-9053. “Smells like Bread,” D.R. Walt, Nature Chemical Biology 2007, 3 (6): 306-307. “Microsensor Arrays for Saliva Diagnostics,”D.R. Walt, T.M. Blicharz, R.B. Hayman, M. Bowden, W.L. Siqueira, E.J. Helmerhorst, N. Grand-Pierre, F.G. Oppenheim, J.S. Bhatia, F.F. Little, J.S. Brody. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007, 1098 (Oral Based Diagnostics): 389-400. “Detecting Oxygen consumption in the proximity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells using selfassembled fluorescent nanosensors,”Y. Kuang, D.R. Walt. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2007, 96 (2): 318-25. “Observing single enzymes at work,”D.R. Walt, H.H. Gorris, D.M. Rissin. Chem. Eng. News, 2007, 85 (44): 8. “Stochastic inhibitor release and binding from single-enzyme molecules,” H.H. Gorris, D.M. Rissin, and D.R. Walt, PNAS 2007, vol. 104, no.45, pp.17680-17685. “Very High Density Sensing Arrays,”C.N. LaFratta, D.R. Walt. Chemical Reviews 2008, 108 (2): 614-637. “Multiplexed Spectroscopic Detections,” D.R. Walt. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2008, 1, 515-547. “Distinct and Long-Lived Activity States of Single Enzyme Molecules,” D.M. Rissin, H.H. Gorris, D.R. Walt. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(15), 5349-5353. “Use of Colorimetric Test Strips for Monitoring the Effect of Hemodialysis on Salivary Nitrite and Uric Acid in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Proof Principle,” T.M. Blicharz, D.M. Rissin, M. Bowden, R.B. Hayman, C. DiCesare, J.S. Bhatia, N. Grand-Pierre, W.L. 16 Siqueira, E.J. Helmerhorst, J. Loscalzo, F.G. Oppenheim, and D.R. Walt. Clinical Chemistry 2008, 54:9, 1473-1480. “Detection of Single-Molecule DNA Hybridization Using Enzymatic Amplification in an Array of Femtoliter-Sized Reaction Vessels,” Z. Li, R.B. Hayman, D.R. Walt. JACS Communications 2008, 130(38), 12622-12623. “Fiber-optic sensors for biological and chemical agent detection,”M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Nano and Microsensors for Chemical and Biological Terrorism Surveillance 2008, 98-115. “Optrode-based fiber optic biosensors (bio-optrode),”I. Biran, X. Yu, D.R. Walt. Optical Biosensors (2nd Edition) 2008, 3-82. “Measurement science: The engine of chemical biology,”S. Kelley, D.R. Walt. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2008, 12(5), 473-474. “Saliva-based diagnostic technologies: Highlights of the NIDCR’s program,”E. Kousvelari, J.R. McDevitt, D. Malamud, D.T. Wong, D.R. Walt. Salivary Diagnostics, 2008, 111-121. “Design, Implementation, and Field Testing of a Portable Optical-Fiber Array Vapor Sensor,”M.J. Aernecke, J. Guo, S. Sonkusale, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(13), 5281-5290. “DNA Detection of Ultra-High Density Optical Fiber-Based Nanoarrays,”J.M. Tam, L. Song, D.R. Walt. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24(8), 2488-2493. “CMOS microelectrode array for electrochemical lab-on-chip applications,”C.N. LaFratta, V. Agarwal, X. Yu, D.R. Walt. IEEE Sensors Journal 2009, 9(6), 609-615. “Fiber-Optic Microsphere-Based Antibody Array for the Analysis of Inflammatory Cytokines in Saliva,”T.M. Blicharz, W.L. Siqueira, E.J. Helmerhorst, F.G. Oppenheim, P.J. Wexler, F.F. Little, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(6), 2106-2114. “Mechanistic aspects of horseradish peroxidase elucidated through single-molecule studies,”H.H. Gorris, D.R. Walt. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(17), 6277-6282 “Microsphere-Based Rolling Circle Amplification Microarray for the Detection of DNA and Proteins in a Single Assay,”T. Konry, R.B. Hayman, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(14), 5777-5782. “Multiplexed Sandwich Immunoassays Using Electrochemiluminescence Imaging Resolved at the Single Bead Level,”F. Deiss, C.N. LaFratta, M. Symer, T.M. Blicharz, N. Sojic, D.R. Walt. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(17), 6088-6089. “Temporally Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy of a Microarray-Based Vapor Sensing System,”M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(14), 5762-5769. “Intelligent Medical Diagnostics via Molecular Logic,”T. Konry, D.R. Walt. Journal of the 17 American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(37), 13232-13233. “Chromatically resolved optical microscope (CROMoscope) – a grating-based instrument for spectral imaging,”M.R. Webb, C.N. LaFratta, D.R. Walt. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(17), 7309-7313. “Ubiquitous Sensors: When Will They Be Here,”D.R. Walt. ACS Nano, 2009, 3(10), 28762880. “Optical-Fiber Arrays for Vapor Sensing,”M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 2009, B142(2), 464-469. “Infochemistry and infofuses for the chemical storage and transmission of coded information,” S.W. Thomas III, R.C. Chiechi, C.N. LaFratta, M.R. Webb, A. Lee, B.J. Wiley, M.T. Zakin, D.R. Walt, G.M. Whitesides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 106(23), 9147-9150, “Detection and Classification of Ignitable Liquid Residues using a Fluorescence-Based VaporSensitive Microsphere Array,”M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2010, 55(1), 178-84. “Synthesis and Biological Testing of Penicillins: An Investigative Approach to the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory,”R.D. Whitaker, L. Truhlar, D. Yuksel, D.R. Walt, M. Williams. Journal of Chemical Education, 2010, 87(6), pp 634-636. “Analytical Chemistry on the Femtoliter Scale,”H.H. Gorris, D.R. Walt. Angewandte Chemie, 2010, 49, 3880-3895. “Note: Toward multiple addressable optical trapping,”A. Faustov, M.R. Webb, D.R. Walt. The Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010, 81(2), 026109. “Fibre optic microarrays,”D.R. Walt. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2010, 39(1), 38-50. “Visualizing Fluorescence: Using a Homemade Fluorescence “Microscope” to View Latent Fingerprints on Paper,” C.N. LaFratta, S.P. Huh, A. Mallillin, P. Riviello, D.R. Walt. Journal of Chemical Education, 2010, 87(10), 1105-1107. “Single-molecule enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detects serum proteins at subfemtomolar concentrations,”D.M. Rissin, C.W. Kan, T.G. Campbell, S.C. Stuart, D.R. Fournier, L. Song, T. Piech, P.P. Patel, L. chang, A.J. Rivnak, E.P. Ferrell, J.D. Randall, G.K. Provuncher, D.R. Walt, D.C. Duffy. Nature Biotechnology, 2010, 28, 595-599. “Bead-based optical fiber arrays for artificial olfaction,” D.R. Walt. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2010, 14(6), 767-770. “Toward multiple addressable optical trapping,”A.R. Faustov, M.R. Webb, D.R. Walt. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010, 81(2, Pt. 1), 026109/1-026109/3. “Lessons learned from the introduction of personalized genotyping into a medical school 18 curriculum,”D.R. Walt, A. Kuhlik, S. Epstein, L.A. Demmer, M. Knight, D. Chelmow, M. Rosenblatt, D.W. Bianchi. Genetics IN Medicine, 2011, 13, 1, 63-66. “Artificial Noses,” S. Stitzel, M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 2011, 13, 1-25. “Single-Cell Time-Resolved Quorum Responses Reveal Dependence on Cell Density and Configuration,” R.D. Whitaker, S. Pember, B.C. Wallace, C.E. Brodley, D.R. Walt.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, 24, 21623-32. “Whole Saliva Proteolysis and its Important Impact on Salivary Diagnostics,” K. Thomadaki, E.J. Helmerhorst, N. Tian, X. Sun, W.L. Siqueira, D.R. Walt, F.G. Oppenheim. Journal of Dental Research, 2011, Online. “InfoBiology by Printed Assays of Microorganism Colonies for Timed and On-Demand Release of Messages,” M.A. Palacios, E. Benito-Pena, M.A. Manesse, A. Mazzeo , C.N. LaFratta , G.M. Whitesides, D.R. Walt. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, 108(40), 165104. “Self correcting infofuses: Developing an Error Correcting Code for a Burning Fuse,” G. Morrison, S.W. Thomas III, C.N. LaFratta, J. Guo, M.A. Palacios, S. Sounkusale, D.R. Walt, G.M. Whitesides, L. Mahadevan. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2011. In Press “Oil-sealed femtoliter fiber-optic arrays for single molecule analysis”, Huaibin Zhang , Shuai Nie , Candice M. Etson , Raymond M. Wang and David R. Walt Lab Chip, 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2LC21113K BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS "Design, Preparation and Applications of Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors for Continuous Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, P. Yuan, S. Luo and S. Barnard. In R. Murray, R. Dessy, W. Heineman, J. Janata, W.R. Seitz (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 403 Chemical Sensors and Microinstrumentation. 1989, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 252-72. "Optical Immunosensors Using Controlled-Release Polymers,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt. In P.G. Edelman and J. Wang (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 487 Biosensors and Chemical Sensors: Optimizing Performance through Polymeric Materials. 1991, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 310-20. “Optical Immunosensors Using Controlled-Release Polymers,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt. Biosensors & Chemical Sensors: Optimizing Performance through Polymeric Materials, 1992 ACS Symposium Series 487: Ch. 25, pages 310-320. Application of Analytical Chemistry to Oceanic Carbon Cycle Studies, Committee on Oceanic Carbon, Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council. 1993, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 19 "Fiber Optic Sensors Based on Degradable Polymers,” V. Agayn and D.R. Walt. In A.M. Usmani and N. Akmal (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 556 Diagnostic Biosensor Polymers. 1994, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 21-33. “Self-regenerating fiber-optic sensors,” D.R. Walt, V. Agayn, and B. Healey. In A.E. Karu, J.O. Nelson, and R.B. Wong (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 586 Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals. 1995, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 186-96. “The Use of Optical-Imaging Fibers for the Fabrication of Array Sensors” K.M. Michael, J.A. Ferguson, B.G. Healey, A. Panova, P. Pantano and D.R. Walt. In N. Akmal and A.M. Usmani (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 690 Polymers in Sensors: Theory and Practice. 1998, Washington D.C.: American Chemical Society, 273-89. “Optical Sensors,” D.R. Walt and M. Uttamlal, In M. Flickinger and S. Drew (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology: Fermentation, Biocatalysis and Bioseparation. 1999, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1873-89. “Cross-Reactive Optical Sensing Arrays,”C.L. Schauer, S.E. Stitzel, D.R. Walt. Chemistry of Taste: Mechanisms, Behaviors, and Mimics, 2000 ACS Symposium Series 825: Ch. 23, pages 318-329. “Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors” D.R. Walt, I. Biran and T.K. Mandal. In R.A. Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia Of Physical Science and Technology Third Edition, Volume Five, 2001, San Diego: Academic Press, 803-29. “Chapter 10: Sensors,” D.R. Walt. In I. Sucholeiki (Ed.), High-Throughput Synthesis: Practices and Principles, 2001, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 331-45. “Analyzing n-amplified Gene Sequences with High Density Optical Fiber Arrays” F.J. Steemers, J.A. Ferguson and D.R. Walt. In Z. Liron, A. Bromberg and M. Fisher (Eds.), Novel Approaches in Biosensors and Rapid Diagnostic Assays. 2001, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1: 1-5. “Cross-Reactive Optical Sensing Arrays” S. Stitzel, C.L. Schauer and D.R. Walt. In P. Given and D. Paredes (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 825 Chemistry of Taste: Mechanisms, Behaviors and Mimics. 2002, Washington D.C.: American Chemical Society, 23: 318-29. “Optrode-based Fiber Optic Biosensors” D.R. Walt and I. Biran. In F. Ligler and C. Rowe Taitt (Eds.), Optical Biosensors: Present and Future. 2002, New York: Elsevier Science, 1: 5-56. “Randomly-Ordered High-Density Fiber Optic Microsensor Array Sensors” J.R. Epstein, S.E. Stitzel and D.R. Walt. In R. Kordal, A. Usmani and W.T. Law, ACS Symposium Series 815 Microfabricated Sensor: Application of Optical Technology for DNA Analysis. 2002, Washington, D.C: American Chemical Society, 8: 129-48. “The Optical Nose” D.R. Walt and S. Stitzel. In Jose Miguel Lopez-Higuera, Handbook of Optical Fibre Sensing Technology. 2002, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. “Fiber Optic Sensors,” D.R. Walt. In G. Pettit and R. Waynant (Eds.), Lasers in Medicine, New 20 York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, (in press). “Optical Sensor Arrays for Medical Diagnostics,” K.J. Albert, C.L. Schauer and D.R. Walt. Biomedical Diagnostic Science and Technology, A. M. Usmani ed., Marcel Dekker, 2002, 121138. “Chapter 10: Optical electronic noses and smell cameras,” T. Dickinson, O.S. Wolfbeis and D.R. Walt. In T. C. Pearce, S. S. Schiffman, H. T. Nagle, and J. W. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of Machine Olfaction: Electronic Nose Technology, 2003, New York: J. Wiley and Sons. “The Optical Nose,” D.R. Walt, T. Sternfeld, NATO ASI Advanced Study Institute, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. “Fluorescence-based fiber-optic biosensors,” D.R. Walt, C.L. Schauer, S.E. Stitzel, M.S. Fleming, and J. Epstein. Biosensors, 2004, Second Edition: Cooper and Class, Ch 7, 131-151. "Optical Fibers for Nanodevices." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, J. Tam, S. Szunerits, D.R. Walt, 2004, Vol. 8, pages 167-177, California: American Scientific Publishers. “Optical Microsensor arrays for explosives detection,”D.R. Walt and T. Sternfeld. Electronic Noses & Sensors for the Detection of Explosives, 2004, NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry – Vol. 159, Ch. 6, 81-92. “Indicators for Waterborne Pathogens,”M.J. Osborn, R.R. Trussell, R. Deleon, D.Y.C. Fung, C.N. Haas, D.A. Levy, J.V. McArthur, J.B. Rose, M.D. Sobsey, D.R. Walt, S.B. Weisberg, and M.V. Yates. The National Research Council of the National Academies, 2004. “Optical Biosensing,” WTEC Panel Report on International Research and Development in Biosensing, D.R. Walt, 2006, Baltimore, MD, World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC), Inc., pages 31-42. “Fibre Optic Arrays Biosensors” R. Gasparac and D.R. Walt. In Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. (Ed. Marks, R.S.; Cullen, D.; Lowe, C.; Weetall, H.; Karube, I.): 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted “Optrode-based Fiber Optic Biosensors (Bio-Optrode),”I. Biran, X. Yu, D.R. Walt. Optical Biosensors: Present and Future, 2007, 2nd Edition, Ch. 1, pages 7-56. “Microsensor Arrays for Saliva Diagnostics,” D.R. Walt, T.M. Blicharz, R.B. Hayman, D.M. Rissin, M. Bowden, W.L. Siqueira, E.J. Helmerhorst, N. Grand-Pierre, F.G. Oppenheim, J.S. Bhatia, F.F. Little, J.S. Brody. Oral-Based Diagnostics, 2007, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1098, Part VI, pages 375-389. “Fiber-Optic Sensors for Biological and Chemical Agent Detection,”M.J. Aernecke, D.R. Walt. Nano and Microsensors for Chemical and Biological Terrorism Surveillance 2008 p. 98-115. “Optical sensing arrays for single-cell analysis,”R.D. Whitaker, D.R. Walt. Chemical Cytometry, 2010, 219-237. 21 PROCEEDINGS "Clinical Measurements Using Fiber Optics and Optrodes,” F. P. Milanovich, T. Hirschfeld, S. M. Klainer, D.R. Walt, F. Wang; SPIE's Annual International Technical Symposium on Optics and Electro-Optics: Novel Opt. Fibre Tech. Med. Appl., Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1984, 494: 18-24. "Preparation of Small Diameter Sensors for Continuous Clinical Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, D. Jordan, F.P. Milanovich, P.F. Daley, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1987, 713: 144-149. “Fiber Optic Biosensors For In Vivo and In Vitro Measurements of Clinically Important Species,” C. Munkholm, P. Yuan, S. Luo, D.R. Walt, IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference, 1987, 802-803. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors Based on Energy Transfer,” P. Yuan, D. Jordan, F. P. Milanovich, D.R. Walt, Proceedings of SPIE, 1988, 906: 28. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors Using Immobilized Bioreceptors,” D.R. Walt, S. Luo, C. Munkholm, Opt. Fibers Med. 3, Proceedings of SPIE, 1988, 906: 60-4. "Continuous Clinical Monitoring Using Fiber Optic Sensors,” D.R. Walt, Proceedings of SPIE, 1990, 1321: 97. "Fiber Optic Sensors Based on Time Release Polymers,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Proc. Opt. Fibers Med. 5, Proceedings of SPIE, 1990, 1201: 362-367. “Overview of The Application of Fiber Optic Biosensors,” D.R. Walt, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference of IEEE, 1990, 7-8. “Antibody-based fiber optic sensors for environmental and process-control applications,” S.M Barnard, D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors II, Proceedings of SPIE, 1991, 1368: 86-92. “Optical Immunosensors using controlled-release polymers,” D.R. Walt, S.M. Bernard, S. Luo, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 1991, 64: 288-289. "Fiber Optic Sensors for Continuous Clinical Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, IEEE Conference Proceedings, 1992, 80 (6): 903-111. “Fiber Optic Sensor for Detection of PCO/ sub2/ In Seawater” M. McAllister and D.R. Walt, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, IEEE Conference Proceedings, 1992, 278-9. “Spatially resolved photo polymerized image-ready single-fiber sensor for blood gas analysis,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, Fiber Optic Medical and Fluorescent Sensors and Applications, Proceedings of SPIE, 1992, 1648: 12-14. 22 “Fiber-optic sensor based on microencapsulated reagents,” V.I Agayn and D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors IV, Proceedings of SPIE, 1993, 1796: 92-5. “Microfabrication of optical sensor arrays,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors IV, Proceedings of SPIE, 1993, 1796: 163-6. “Simultaneous imaging and pH measurement with a single 250 micron-diameter optical fiber,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, Fiber Optic Sensors in Medical Diagnostics, Proceedings of SPIE, 1993, 1886: 124-6. “Simultaneous imaging and pH measurements with a single fiber optic imaging bundle,” K.S. Bronk, D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors V, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2068: 56-8. “Fiber optic sensor for oceanic carbon dioxide,” M. McAllister and D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors V, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2068: 213-5. “Monitoring of fermentation parameters with fiber optics,” V.I. Agayn and D.R. Walt, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors V, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2068: 179-84. “Development of sensor arrays using fiber optic imaging bundles,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, Biomedical Fiber Optic Instrumentation, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2131: 504-6. “Optical Microsensor arrays,” K.S. Bronk, B.G. Healey, D.R. Walt, Tenth International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2360:471-2. “Development of sensor arrays for continuous ground water monitoring,” B.G. Healey, S. Chadha, D.R. Walt, F.P. Milanovich, J. Richards, S. Brown, Tenth International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, 2360: 101-2. “Simultaneous monitoring of O2, CO2, and pH using a 200-um optical imaging fiber,” B.G Healey and D.R. Walt, Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology II, Proceedings of SPIE, 1995, 2388: 519-5223. “Fiber optic array sensors as an architecture for an artificial nose,” D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson, B.G. Healey, J.S. Kauer, J. White, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors VII, Proceedings of SPIE, 1995, 2508: 111-116. “Development of a penicillin biosensor using a single optical imaging fiber,” B.G. Healey and D.R. Walt, Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology II, Proceedings of SPIE, 1995, 2388: 568-73. “Concurrent imaging and sensing using a single optical imaging fiber,” D.R. Walt, K.S. Bronk, K.L. Michael, and P. Pantano, Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology II, Proceedings of SPIE, 1995, 2388: 554-7. “Optical arrays and pattern recognition in the design of an artificial nose,” T.A. Dickinson, S. Chadha, D.R. Walt, J. White, J.S. Kauer, Biomedical Sensing, Imaging and Tracking 23 Technologies I, Proceedings of SPIE, 1996, 2676: 308-310. “Cross-reactive fluorescent indicators for analysis of metal-ion mixtures,” S. Chadha, M.B. Tabacco, D.R. Walt, Field Analytical Methods for Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Proceedings of a Specialty Conference, 1997, 127-33. “Fabrication of micro- and nanostructures using optical imaging fibers and their use as chemical sensors,” K.L. Michael, J.A. Ferguson, B.G. Healey, S.L. Schultz, L.C. Taylor, D.R. Walt, and P. Pantano, Microstructures and Microfabricated Systems, Proceedings of Electrochemical Society, 1997, 152-8. “Making Sensors out of disarray: optical sensor microarrays,” K.L. Michael, L.C. Taylor, S.L. Schultz, F. Szurdoki and D.R. Walt, Methods for Ultrasensitive Detection, Proceedings of SPIE, B.L. Fearey, Ed., 1998, 3270: 34-41. “Designing optical sensor arrays with enhanced sensitivity for explosives detection,” K.J. Albert, T.A. Dickinson, D.R. Walt, J. White, J.S. Kauer, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-like Targets III, Proceedings of SPIE, 1998, 3392: 426-31. “Using optical Microwell arrays to study biological processes at the cellular level,” L.C. Taylor, D.R. Walt, Microstructures and Microfabricated Systems IV, Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society, 1998, 168-175. “Designing optical sensor arrays with enhanced sensitivity for explosives detection,” K.J. Albert, T.A. Dickinson, J. White, J.S. Kauer and D.R. Walt, SPIE’s Conference on Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-like Targets III, Proceedings of SPIE, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey and J. T. Broach, Eds., 1998, 3392: 426-31. “Organic vapor detection with fiber optic bead arrays,” S.E. Stitzel, K.J. Albert, D.R. Walt, Advanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection, Proceedings of SPIE, M Fallahi and B.I. Swanson, Eds., 1999, 3858: 92-7. “High-speed fluorescence detection of explosives vapor,” K.J. Albert, M.L. Myrick, S.B. Brown, F.P. Milanovich and D.R. Walt, SPIE’S Conference on Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-like Targets IV, Proceedings of SPIE, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J. T. Broach and R.E. Dugan, Eds., 1999,.3710: 308-14. “Immunofluorescence detection methods using Microspheres,” F. Szurdoki, M.L. Karri, D. Agarwal, L.C. Taylor, S.L. Schultz, D.R. Walt, Pathogen Detection and Remediation for Safe Eating, Proceedings of SPIE, 1999, 3544: 52-62. “High-speed fluorescence detection of explosives vapor,” K.J. Albert, M.L. Myrick, S.B. Brown, F.P. Milanovich, D.R. Walt, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-like Targets IV, Proceedings of SPIE, 1999, 3710: 308-14. “Optical Fiber Chemical Sensors: from artificial perception to molecular biology,” J.R. Epstein, K.J. Albert, J.A. Ferguson, C.L. Schauer, S.E. Stitzel, D.R. Walt Proceedings of SPIE, 2000, 4185, 362-365. 24 “Interference filter refinement for artificial nose fluorescence sensing,” J. Karunamuni, K. Stitzer, D. Eastwood, K.J. Albert, D.R. Walt, S.B. Brown, M.L. Myrick, Optical Engineering Proceedings, Donald C. O'Shea; Ed., 2001, 40 (6), 888-95. "Novel Colloidal Assembly Methods for the Preparation of Core-Shell Composite Materials,” M.S. Fleming, T.K. Mandal and D.R. Walt, Nonlithographic and Lithographic methods of Nanofabrication: From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Photonics to Molecular Electronics, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2001, D9.17/1-D.9.17.6. “Artificial nose employing microsphere sensors for detection of volatile organic compounds,” S.E. Stitzel, K.J. Albert, S.G. Ignatov, D.R. Walt, Chemical and Biological Early Warning Monitoring for Water, Food and Ground, Proceedings of SPIE, 2002, 4574: 132-137. “Optical imaging fiber-based recombinant bacterial biosensor,” I. Biran, D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt, Advanced Environmental Sensing Technology II, Proceedings of SPIE, 2002, 4576: 6874. “High-density fiber optic biosensor arrays,” J.R. Epstein, D.R. Walt, Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and Applications 2001, Proceedings of SPIE, 2002, 4578: 89-95. “Increasing Lifetimes of fiber-optic sensor arrays for chemical warfare detection,” S. Bencic, D.R. Walt, Photonics East Showcasing the Age of Light 2003, Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003, Vol. 5269: 13. "Microsphere-Based DNA Biosensor Arrays,” L. Song, J. Epstein, D.R. Walt, Photonics East Showcasing the Age of Light 2003, Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003,5269: 28. “Microsphere-based DNA biosensor,” L. Song, J. Epstein, D.R. Walt, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004, 5269 (Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense), 183-191. “Fiber optic microarrays for the detection and enumeration of harmful algal bloom species,” D.M. Anderson, D. Kullis, D. Erdner, S. Ahn, and D.R. Walt. In G.C. Pitcher, T.A. Probyn, and H.M. Verheye (ed.), Harmful Algae 2004. African Journal of Marine Science 28(2) 2005 in press. “Microsphere based saliva diagnostics,” D.M. Rissin, C. DiCesare, R.B. Hayman, T.M. Blicharz, and D.R. Walt, SPIE proceedings 2005 (accepted). “Simultaneous detection of biological warfare agents with fiber-optic microsphere-based DNA arrays,” L. Song, D.R. Walt, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, 5994 (Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Security): 32-38. “Active Class Selection,” R. Lomasky, C. Brodley, M. Aernecke, D.R. Walt, M. Friedl, ECML Proceedings, and Machine Learning: ECML 2007. 18th European Conference on Machine Learning. Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2007. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4701, Springer 2007 25 “Optical fiber microarrays for chemical and biological measurements,”D.R. Walt, C.N. LaFratta, M.R. Webb, Z. Li, H.H. Gorris, H.B. Hayman, Ryan, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2008, 1133E ”Salivary Diagnostics in Asthma,” P.J. Wexler, W.L. Siqueira, E.J. Helmerhorst, T.M. Blicharz, R.B. Hyman, C. Chow, F.G. Oppenheim, D.R. Walt, F.F. Little. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, Spring 2009. Issued Patents "Synthesis of Nicotinamide Cofactors,” G. M. Whitesides and D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 4,411,995, October 25, 1983. "Radiative and Non-Radiative Energy Transfer and Absorbance Modulated Fluorescence Detection Methods and Sensors,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 4,822,746, April 18, 1989. "CO2 Indicator and the Use Thereof to Evaluate Placement of Tracheal Tubes,” D. B. Raemer, D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, and D.B. Raemer, U.S. Patent 5,005,572, 1991 April 9, 1991. "Fiber Optic Sensors Apparatus and Detection Methods Using Fluid Erodable Controlled Release Polymers for Delivery of Reagent Formulation,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 5,114,864, May 19, 1992. "Absorbance Modulated Fluorescence Detection Methods and Sensors,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 5,143,853, September 1, 1992. "Imaging Fiber Optic Array Sensors, Apparatus and Methods for Concurrently Detecting Multiple Analytes of Interest in a Fluid Sample,” D.R. Walt and S. Barnard, U.S. Patent 5,244,636, September 14, 1993. "Fiber Optic Sensor, Apparatus and Methods for Detecting an Organic Analyte in a Fluid or Vapor Sample,” D.R. Walt and S. Barnard, U.S. Patent 5,244,813, September 14, 1993. "Method of Making Imaging Fiber Optic Sensors to Concurrently Detect Multiple Analytes of Interest in a Fluid Sample,” D.R. Walt and S. Barnard, U.S. Patent 5,250,264, October 5, 1993. "Fiber Optic Sensors, Apparatus and Detection Methods Using Controlled Release Polymers and Reagent Formulations Held Within A Polymeric Reaction Matrix,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 5,252, 494, October 12, 1993. "Fluorescence Intramolecular Energy Transfer Conjugate Compositions and Detection Methods,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 5,254,477, October 19, 1993. "Thin Film Fiber Optic Sensor Array and Apparatus for Concurrent Viewing and Chemical Sensing of a Sample,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, U.S. Patent 5,298,741, March 29, 1994. "Fiber Optic Array Sensors, Apparatus and Methods for Concurrently Visualizing and Chemically Detecting Multiple Analytes of Interest in a Fluid Sample,” D.R. Walt and S. 26 Barnard, U.S. Patent 5,320,814, June 14, 1994. “Surface-bound fluorescent polymers and related methods of synthesis and use,” S.M. Klainer, D.R. Walt, A.J. Gottlieb, U.S. Patent 5,354,825, October 11, 1994. “Surface-bound fluorescent polymers and related methods of synthesis and use,” S.M. Klainer, D.R. Walt, A.J. Gottlieb. U.S. Patent 5,480,723, January 2, 1996. "Optical Sensor, Optical Sensing Apparatus and Methods for Detecting an Analyte of Interest Using Spectral Recognition Patterns,” D.R. Walt and J. Kauer, U.S. Patent 5,512,490, April 30, 1996. "Superresolution Imaging Fiber for Subwavelength Light Energy Generation and Near-Field Optical Microscopy,” D.R. Walt and P. Pantano, U.S. Patent 5,633,972, May 27, 1997. “Method for making fluorescent polymers,” S.M. Klainer, D.R. Walt, A.J. Gottlieb, U.S. Patent 5,700,897, December 23, 1997. “Optical Sensor Apparatus for Far-Field Viewing and Making Optical Analytical Measurements at Remote Locations” D.R. Walt, K.L. Michael, and S. Chadha, U.S. Patent 5,814,524, September 29, 1998. “Fiber optic sensor with encoded microspheres,” D.R. Walt, K.L. Michael. U.S. Patent 6,023,540, February 8, 2000. “Photodeposition Methods for Fabricating a Three-Dimensional, Patterned Microstructure,” D.R. Walt and B. Healey, U.S. Patent 6,200,737, March 13, 2001. Polymer “Optical fiber biosensor array comprising cell populations confined to microcavities,” D.R. Walt, L. Taylor, U.S. Patent 6,210,910, April 3, 2001. “Fiber-Optic Sensor with Encoded Microspheres,” D.R. Walt and K. Michael, U.S. Patent 6,266,459, July 24, 2001. “Fiber Optic Sensor for Long-Term Analyte Measurements in Fluids,” J. Ferguson, F. Steemers, C. Schauer, K. Michael, L. Taylor, D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 6,285,807, September 4, 2001. “Target Analyte Sensors Utilizing Microspheres” D.R. Walt and K.L. Michael, U.S. Patent 6,327,410, December 4, 2001. “Biosensor Array Comprising Cell Populations Confined to Microcavities,” D.R. Walt and L.C. Taylor, U.S. Patent 6,377,721, April 23, 2002. “Fiber Optic Biosensor for Selectively Detecting Oligonucleotide Species in a Mixed Fluid Sample,” D.R. Walt, and B. Healey. U.S. Patent 6,406,845, June 18, 2002. “Fiber Optic Biosensor for Selectively Detecting Oligonucleotide Species in a Mixed Fluid Sample,” D.R. Walt, B. Healey, and J. Ferguson, U.S. Patent 6,482,593, November 19, 2002. 27 “Combinatorial Decoding of Random Nucleic Acid Arrays,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 6,620,584, September 16, 2003. “Optical fiber biosensor array comprising cell populations confined to microcavities,” D.R. Walt, L. Taylor. U.S. Patent 6,667,159, December 23, 2003. “Polymeric Microspheres,” D.R. Walt, T.K. Mandal, and M.S. Fleming. U.S. Patent 6,720,007, April 13, 2004. “Target analyte sensors utilizing microspheres,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 6,859,570, February 22, 2005. “Optical Array Device and Methods of use thereof for screening analysis and manipulation of particles,” J. Tam, D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 6,991,939, January 31, 2006. “High Density Optical Data Storage”, J. Tam, D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent 60/473,460, May 28, 2003. Patent 6,999,657, February 14, 2006. “Self-Encoding Fiber Optic Sensor” D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson, U.S. Patent 7,115,884, October 3, 2006. “Combinatorial Decoding of Random Nucleic Acid Arrays,”D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent 7,166,431, January 23, 2007. “Cross-Reactive Sensors,”D.R. Walt, C.L. Schauer, F.J. Steemers. U.S. Patent 7,250,267, July 31, 2007. “Self-encoding sensor with microspheres,”D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson. U.S. Patent 7,348,181, March 25, 2008. “Electro-optical stimulation/measurement,” D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent 7,480,433, January 20, 2009. “Polymeric microspheres,” D.R. Walt, T.K. Mandal, M.S. Fleming. U.S. Patent Serial No. 12/262, 103, September 17, 2009. “Combinatorial decoding of random nucleic acid arrays,” M.S. Chee, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent No. 7,563,576, July 21, 2009. “Method and system of array imaging,” D.R. Walt, S. Bencic-Nagale. U.S. Patent 7,595,473, September 29, 2009. “Methods for detecting target analytes and enzymatic reactions,” D.R. Walt, K.L. MichaelBallard. U.S. Patent No. 7,622,294, November 24, 2009. “Self-encoding sensor with microspheres,” D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson. U.S. Patent No. 7,754,498, July 13, 2010. “Combinatorial decoding of random nucleic acid arrays,” M. Chee, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent No. 7,960,119, June 14, 2011. 28 “Self-Encoding Sensor with Microspheres” D.R. Walt and T.A. Dickinson, U.S. Patent No. 8,030,094. October 4, 2011. “Combinatorial decoding of random nucleic acid arrays,” M. Chee, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent No. 8,206,917 B2, June 26, 2012. “Ultra-sensitive detection of molecules on single molecule arrays” D. Duffy, E. Ferrell, J. Randall, D. Rissin, D. Walt , US Patent # 8,222,047, July 17th, 2012 Pending Patents “Fiber optic biosensor for selectively detecting oligonucleotide species in a mixed fluid sample,” D.R. Walt, B.G. Healey. U.S. Patent Application 20020009719, January 24, 2002. “Fiber optic sensor with encoded microspheres,” D.R. Walt, K.L. Michael. U.S. Patent Application 20020122612, September 5, 2002. “Target analyte sensors utilizing microspheres,” D.R. Walt, K.L. Michael. U.S. Patent Application 20030016897, January 23, 2003. “Optical array device and methods of use thereof for screening, analysis and manipulation of particles,” D.R. Walt, I.L. Weissman, I. Biran, J. Tam. U.S. Patent Application 20030032204, February 13, 2003. “Electro-Optical Stimulation/Measurement,” D.R. Walt, S. Szunerits, U.S. Patent Application 20060013543, February 14, 2003. “Apparatus and Method for Cell Migration Assays,” D.R. Walt, C. DiCesare, U.S. Patent Application 20080032324, September 28, 2004. “High density optical data storage,” D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 2050013536, January 20, 2005. “Cross-Reactive Sensors,” D.R. Walt, U.S. Patent Application 20070122861, June 21, 2007. “Methods and arrays for target analyte detection and determination of target analyte concentration in solution,” D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. US Patent Application 20070259448, November 8, 2007. “Methods and arrays for detecting cells and cellular components in small defined volumes,” D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. US Patent Application 20070259385, November 8, 2007. “Methods and arrays for target analyte detection and determination of reaction components that affect a reaction,” D.M. Rissin, H.H. Gorris, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20070259381, 29 November 8, 2007. “Combinatorial decoding of random nucleic acid arrays,” U.S. Patent Application 20080009000 “Chemical Switches for detecting reactive chemical agents,” D.R. Walt, S. Bencic-Nagale, PCT Int. Appl 2008, WO 2008048698. “Optical array device and methods of use thereof for screening, analysis and manipulation of particles,” D.R. Walt, A.R. Faustov, PCT Int. Appl. 2008, WO 2009002537 “Methods for detecting target analytes and enzymatic reactions,” D.R. Walt, K.L. MichaelBallard. U.S. Patent Application 20090149341, June 11, 2009. “Methods for detecting target analytes and enzymatic reactions,” D.R. Walt, K.L. MichaelBallard. U.S. Patent Application 2009156425, June 18, 2009. “Methods for detecting target analytes and enzymatic reactions,” D.R. Walt, K.L. MichaelBallard. U.S. Patent Application 20091070728, July 2, 2009. “Spectroscopic Imaging Microscopy,” D.J. Monk, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20090201499, August 13, 2009. “Controlled alteration f pores using fluid flow and fabrication of articles therby,” D.J. Monk, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20090215143, August 27, 2009. “Polymeric Microspheres,” D.R. Walt, T.K. Mandal, M.S. Felming. U.S. Patent Application 20090232901, September 17, 2009. “Cross-reactive sensors,” D.R. Walt, C.L. Schauer, F.J. Steemers. U.S. Patent Application 20100028923, February 4, 2010. “Method and system of array imaging,” D.R. Walt, S. Bencic-Nagale. U.S. Patent Application 20100032547, February, 11, 2010. “Ultra-sensitive detection of enzymes by capture-and-release followed by quantification,” D.C. Duffy, E. Ferrell, J.D. Randall, D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20100075355, March 25, 2010. “Ultra-sensitive detection of molecules on single molecule arrays,” D.C. Duffy, E. Ferrell, J.D. Randall, D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20100075407, March 25, 2010. Allowed “Ultra-sensitive detection of enzymes by capture-and-release using reducing agents followed by quantification,” D.C. Duffy, E. Ferrell, J.D. Randall, D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20100075439, March 25, 2010. “High Sensitivity determination of the concentration of analyte molecules or particles in a fluid sample, D.C. Duffy, D.M. Rissin, L. Song, D.R. Walt. U.S. Patent Application 20100075862, 30 March 25, 2010. “Devices and techniques associated with diagnostics, therapies, and other applications, including skin-associated applications,” H. Bernstein, D.E. Chickering III, D.R. Walt, S. Davis, R. Haghgooie, R.S. Langer, T.M. Blicharz. U.S. Patent Application 20100256465, October 7, 2010. “Self-encoding sensor with microspheres,” D.R. Walt, T.A. Dickinson. U.S. Patent Application 20100279880, November 4, 2010. “Optical Array Device and Methods of Use Thereof for Screening, Analysis and Manipulation of Particles,” D.R. Walt, A.R. Faustov. U.S. Patent Application 20110089315, April 21, 2011. COAUTHORED PAPERS PRESENTED “Chemical Sensing of Single Cells Using Optical Imaging Fibers,” L.C. Taylor and D.R. Walt, Gordon Research Conference, Henniker, New Hampshire, July 30, 1997. “Fiber-optic Chemical Sensing of Single Cells,” L.C. Taylor and D.R. Walt, 24th Annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, October 28, 1997. “Using Optical Microwell Arrays to Study Biological Processes at the Cellular Level,” L.C. Taylor and D.R. Walt, 194th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November 5, 1998. “High-Speed Fluorescence Detection of Explosives,” K. J. Albert, M. L. Myrick, S. B. Brown, D. L. James, F. P. Milanovich, D.R. Walt, SPIE/AEROSENSE ‘99 Battlefield Technologies: Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-like Targets IV Orlando, FL, April, 1999. “Explosives Vapor Detection Using Optically-Based Sensors,” K. J. Albert and D.R. Walt, Tufts University, Third Annual Graduate Student Symposium, Medford, MA, April 1999. “Organic vapor detection with fiber-optic bead arrays,” S.E. Stitzel, K.J. Albert, and D.R. Walt, SPIE Advanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection, Boston, MA, September, 1999. “Explosives Vapor Detection Using an Artificial Nose,” K. J. Albert and D.R. Walt, Colby College, invited speaker, Chemistry Department Seminar Series, Waterville, ME, October 2000. “A transferable artificial nose classifier,” S.E. Stitzel,, K.J. Albert, D.R. Walt, PITTCON 2001, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2001. “High-Density Bead Arrays for Vapor Detection and Discrimination”, K. J. Albert, S. E. Stitzel, G. A. Bakken, G. W. Kauffman, P. C. Jurs, D. S. Gill, T. C. Pearce, and D.R. Walt, Pittcon 2001, New Orleans, LA, March, 2001. 31 “Cross-reactive microspheres employed for high-speed fluorescence detection and discrimination of volatile compounds,” S.E. Stitzel, K.J., Albert, D.R. Walt, The Eight International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose, Washington D. C., March 27, 2001. “Vapor discrimination with an Optical Nose,” S.E. Stitzel, D.R. Walt, Satellite Workshop to the Gordon Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Medford, MA, June 22, 2001. “Artificial nose employing microsphere sensors for detection of volatile organic compounds,” S.E Stitzel, K.J Albert, S. Ignatov, D.R. Walt, SPIE Chemical and Biological Early Warning Monitoring for Water, Food, and Ground, Newton, MA, November 2, 2001. “Encoded, Randomly Ordered Fiber Optic Arrays for Multiplexed Analysis of Cell-Surface Carbohydrate Binding Proteins,” E.W. Adams, J. Ueberfeld, D.M. Ratner, D.R. Walt and P.H. Seeberger, Annual Conference of the Society for Glycobiology, Boston, MA, November 9-12, 2002. “Fiber optic arrays: a platform for detecting chemical and biological agents,” J.R. Epstein, D.R. Walt, Optics and Photonics in Homeland Security, Alexandria, VA, December 11, 2002. “Spatially Resolved Electrochemiluminescence on an Array of Electrodes for the Investigation of the Development of Diffusion Layers with Time,” S. Szunerits, D.R. Walt, 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society in Paris, France, April 29, 2003. "Detection of Salmonella spp. using fiber-optic DNA microarray", S. Ahn, D.R. Walt, Food Microbiology Division for presentation at the 2004 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food EXPO®, Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center, July 12-16, 2004. “Function and Sensing,” Electron Donor Acceptor Interactions at the Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, August 8-13, 2004. “Fibre optic microarrays for the detection and enumeration of harmful algal bloom species,” D. Anderson, D. Kulis, D. Erdner, S. Ahn and D.R. Walt, 11th International Conference of Harmful Algae, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov 15, 2004, Plenary speaking. “Optical Sensor Microarrays for Clinical Diagnostics Incorporating Micro fluidics,” M. Bowden, D.R. Walt, Microtechnologies, Lab Automation 2005, San Jose, CA, February 1, 2005. “Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp Using PCR and Fiber-Optic DNA Microarray,” S. Ahn, D.R. Walt, Pittcon, Orlando, FL., February 28, 2005. “Detection of Harmful Algal Bloom Species Using Fiber Optic Microarrays,” S. Ahn, D.L. Erdner, D.M. Kulis, D.M. Anderson, D.R. Walt, Pittcon, Orlando, FL., March 1, 2005. “Detection of Bio-warfare Agents with Multiplexed High-Density DNA Arrays,” L. Song, D.R. Walt, Pittcon, Orlando, FL., March 3, 2005. “Fabrication and Characterization of Gold Microelectrodes and Microelectrode Arrays Produced 32 by Sequential Deposition in Capillaries,” D.J. Monk, D.R. Walt, Pittcon, Orlando, FL., March 4, 2005. “The application of vapochromicm platinum(II) salts with a tridentate benzimidizole-pyridine ligand in chemical sensing,” S. Bencic, D.R. Walt, Division of Inorganic Chemistry for the 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005, (submitted). “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Bio/Chem Agent Monitoring and for Functional Screening,” S. Bencic, L. Song, Y. Kuang, D.R. Walt, 60th Northwest Regional Meeting, Fairbanks, AK, June 17, 2005. “Using Single Cell Arrays for Screening and Understanding Cell Processes,” D.R. Walt, R. Whitaker, Y. Kuang, Joint Meeting of the 3 Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, July 25, 2005. “Microsphere based saliva diagnostics,” D.M. Rissin, C. DiCesare, R.B. Hayman, T.M. Blicharz, and D.R. Walt, SPIE Optics East: Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology III, Boston, MA October 26, 2005. “Digital Concentration Readout using Single Molecule Detection with Femtoliter Arrays,”D.M. Rissin, D.R. Walt, Pittcon Conference, Orlando, FL March 12-17, 2006. “Electrochemiluminescence for Multiplexed Analyte Detection,” C.N. LaFratta, K. Bake, M. Symer, V. Agarwal, S. Sonkusale and D.R. Walt, 213th ECS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. May 19, 2008. “Ignitable Liquid Detection Using a Fluorescence-Based Vapor-Sensitive Microsphere Array,” D.R. Walt, Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM) 2008 Symposia, Burlington, VT. June 29-July 2, 2008. INVITED, PLENARY & KEYNOTE PAPERS PRESENTED "Use of Enzymes and Microbes for Organic Synthesis,” Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan, April 21, 1982. "Isolation of Endogenous Cardiac Glycoside Activity,” Syva Company, Palo Alto, CA, October 1983. "Polyketide Biosynthesis,” Dow Chemical Co., Wayland, MA, May, 1984. "Clinical Measurements with Fiber Optics and Optrodes,” F.P. Milanovich, T. Hirschfeld, S. M. Klainer, D.R. Walt and F. Wang; SPIE's Annual International Technical Symposium on Optics and Electro-Optics, San Diego, CA, August 1984. "Enzymatic Synthesis of Polyketide-Derived Products,” H. Conlon, D.R. Walt and C. Willett, Symposium on Novel Uses of Enzymes in Chemical and Food Processing, ACS National 33 Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1984. "Application of Immobilization to Biotechnology,” Cobalt Anniversary Symposium, SUNY StonyBrook, StonyBrook, NY, May 4, 1985. "Role of Biotechnological Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Production,” ACS Northeast Regional Meeting 15, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, NY, June 25, 1985. "Microminiature Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” International Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Toronto, Canada, June 5, 1986. "Laser Excited Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” D.M. Jordan and D.R. Walt, ACS Northeast Regional Meeting 16, SUNY, Binghamton, NY, June 24, 1986. "Preparation of Small Diameter Optical Fibers for Continuous Clinical Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, D. Jordan, F.P. Milanovich and P.F. Daley, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine II, Cambridge, MA, September 18, 1986. "Fiber Optic Sensors - Preparation and Applications,” Boston University, Boston, MA, September 1986. "Preparation of a CO2 Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor,” C. Munkholm and D.R. Walt, ACS National Meeting, April 1987. "Modified Absorption Probes,” EPA Fiber Optics Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 14, 1987. "Optical Sensors in Clinical Chemistry,” Clinical Lig and Assay Society, Worcester, MA. May 15, 1987. "Fiber Optic Sensors for pH and pCO2 Measurements,” D.R. Walt, F.P. Milanovich and C. Munkholm, Annual Conference of Engineering In Medicine and Biology, Niagara Falls, NY, September 10-12, 1987. "Chemical Sensors for Clinical and Environmental Monitoring,” College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, September 17, 1987. "Principles and Applications of Immobilized Cells and Enzymes,” Sigma XI Lecture, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, September 21, 1987. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors for Environmental and Clinical Monitoring,” St. Lawrence College, Canton, NY, September 22, 1987. "Principles and Applications of Immobilized Cells and Enzymes,” SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, NY, September 22, 1987. "Principles and Applications of Immobilized Cells and Enzymes,” Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA, October 1, 1987. "Fiber Optic Probes Based on Radiative and Non-Radiative Energy Transfer,” D.R. Walt, F. 34 Milanovich, P. Yuan and C. Munkholm, Federation of Analytical Chemistry Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Detroit, MI, October 7-9, 1987. "Fiber Optic Biosensors for In Vivo and In Vitro Measurements of Clinically Important Species,” D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, P. Yuan and S. Luo, IEEE Engineering In Medicine & Biology Society 9th Annual Conference, Boston, MA., November 14, 1987. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors Based on Energy Transfer,” P. Yuan, D. Jordan, F.P. Milanovich and D.R. Walt, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine III, Los Angeles, CA, January, 1988, Session Co-chair. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors Using Immobilized Bioreceptors,” D.R. Walt, S. Luo and C. Munkholm, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine III, Los Angeles, CA, January 1988. "Immobilized Dyes for Fiber Optic Sensors,” D.R. Walt, C. Munkholm, S. Luo and P. Yuan, ACS, Los Angeles, CA, September 29, 1988. "Fiber Optic Sensors and Biosensors,” University of Maryland and, College Park, MD, October 18, 1988. "Synthesis and Spectroscopy of Luminescent Dyes for Use with Fiber Optic Sensors,” Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Boston, MA, November 3, 1988. "Fiber Optic Sensors,” British Oxygen Corporation, Murray Hill, NJ, November 14, 1988. "Developments in Sensor Technology,” D.R. Walt, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine IV, Los Angeles, CA, January 18, 1989. Plenary Speaker "Clinical pH Monitoring with Fluorescence Rationing,” D.R. Walt, S. Luo and C. Munkholm, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine IV, Los Angeles, CA, January 18, 1989. "Optical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring,” Balsam Environmental, Salem, NH, February 1989. "Continuous Clinical Monitoring Using Fiber Optic Sensors,” MedTech '89 Internationals Congress Centrum, Berlin, Germany, November 6, 1989. Plenary Speaker "Fiber Sensors Based on Time-Release Polymers,” D.R. Walt, S.M. Barnard and S. Luo, SPIE Optical Fibers in Medicine V, Los Angeles, CA, January 16, 1990. Session Chair "Fiber Optic Chemical, Biochemical and Immunochemical Sensors - Preparation and Applications,” SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, February, 1990. "Fiber Optic Chemical Biochemical and Immunochemical Sensors,” Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Biomedical Engineers, March 5, 1990. "Enzyme Immobilization Methods for Optical Biosensors,” Gordon Research Conference in Bioanalytical Sensors, Ventura, CA, March 12-16, 1990. 35 "Fiber Optic Ratiometric pH Sensor Based on Energy Transfer,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, April 25, 1990. "Fiber Optic Organic Vapor Sensor,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, April 25, 1990. "Fiber Optic Organic Vapor Sensor,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, Water Quality Management of Landfills, Water Pollution Control Federation, Chicago, IL, July 18, 1990. "Design, Preparation and Applications of Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors for Continuous Monitoring,” Boston College, Boston, MA, September 27, 1990. "Antibody Based Sensors for Process Control and Environmental Monitoring,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, SPIE, San Jose, CA, September 19, 1990. "Overview of the Application of Fiber Optic Biosensors,” International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Philadelphia, PA, November 1, 1990. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors: Preparation and Applications,” University of Lowell Department of Chemistry, November 26, 1990. "A Fiber Optic Gasoline Sensor,” British Petroleum - Americas, Cleveland, OH, October 1990. "Fiber Optic Sensors for Continuous Clinical Monitoring,” Engineering Foundation Conference on Future Directions for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Palm Coast, FL, February 1991. "Multicomponent Monitoring Using Optical Sensors,” D.R. Walt and S.M. Barnard, American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1991. "Design of Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” S.M. Barnard and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1991. "Optical Immunosensors Using Controlled Release Polymers,” D.R. Walt, S.M. Barnard and S. Luo, American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1991. "Fiber Optic Sensors and Biosensors for Seawater Measurements and National Research Council Panel of Measurement Technologies for the Oceans,” MIT/ Marine Industry CollegiumBiosensors for Marine and Other Environments, April 3-4, 1991. "In Situ Monitoring Technologies: Available Technologies and Case Studies,” Seminar on Monitoring and Measurement Technologies for Hazardous Substances Water Pollution Control Association, Atlantic City, NJ, May 12, 1991. "NRC Program,” and "Seawater Carbon Dioxide by Fiber Optic Sensors,” MarChem '91 Marine Chemistry Workshop, Steamboat Springs, CO, June 3, 1991. "Multiparameter Sensing Using A Single Fiber Optic Sensor," D.R. Walt, S.M. Barnard and K. Srour, SPIE OE/Fibers '91, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, September 3-6, 1991. 36 "In-Situ Monitoring Technologies: Available Technologies and Case Studies,” Water Pollution Control Federation on Monitoring and Measurement Technologies for Hazardous Substances, Toronto, Canada, October 5, 1991. "Fiber Optic Sensors for Continuous Clinical Monitoring,” Clinical Ligand Assay Society - New Approaches to Biomedical Biosensors, Hillcrest, Waltham, MA, October 10, 1991. "Continuous Multiparameter In Situ Optical Sensing,” NASA Life Support in situ Sensors Technology Meeting, Jet Propulsion Labs, Pasadena, CA, November 7, 1991. "Spatially Resolved Photo-Polymerized Image Ready Single-Fiber Sensor for Blood-Gas Analysis,” D.R. Walt, S.M. Barnard and K. Srour, SPIE OE/Lase '92 - Fiber Optic Sensors in Medical Diagnostics, Los Angeles, CA, January 23-24, 1992. "A Fiber Optic Microarray Sensor,” SPIE OE/Lase'92, January 19, 1992. “Fluorescent Sensing Schemes,” SPIE OE/Lase ’92, January 19, 1992. Session Chair "Fiber Optic Sensors and Biosensors,” University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, January 28, 1992. "Recent Developments and Trends in Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” MIT Sea Grant College Program's Marine Industry Collegium and C.S. Draper Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, March 34, 1992. "Polymer Chemistry as Applied to the Preparation of Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI., March 18, 1992. "Polymer Chemistry and Engineering as Applied to Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors,” Institute of Materials Science, Polymer Science Program, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, March 27, 1992. "Fiber Optic Sensors: Overview and Application to High Resolution pCO2 Measurements in Sea Water,” Autonomous Bio-Optical Ocean Observing Systems Scientific Symposium, Monterey, CA, April 6-10, 1992. "A Fiber Optic Sensor for Measuring CO2 in Seawater,” 1st European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Graz, Austria, April 12-15, 1992. "Multiparameter Optical Sensor Using Image Ready Fibers with Discrete Sensing Sites,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, 1st European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Graz, Austria, April 12-15, 1992. "Fiber Optic Organic Vapor Sensor,” New England Environmental Expo, Boston, MA, April 2830, 1992. "Fluorescence Optical Sensor,” NIST - Microfabrication and Biosensors Meeting, Anchorage, AK, July 21-24, 1992. 37 "Fiber Optic Sensor Based on Microencapsulated Reagents,” V.I. Agayn and D.R. Walt, SPIE’S International Symposium OE/Fibers ‘92, Boston, MA, September 8-11, 1992. "Microfabrication of Optical Sensor Array,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, SPIE's International Symposium OE/Fibers '92, Boston, MA, September 8-11, 1992. "Environmental Applications of Fiber Optic Based Chemical Sensors,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technology Business and Environment Program, Conference on Field Screening for Environmental Pollutants, Cambridge, MA, October 27, 1992. "Fiber Optic Sensor for Detection of PCO2 in Seawater,” M. McAllister and D.R. Walt, LEOS92 Annual Meeting, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, November 17, 1992. "Fiber Optic Sensors and Biosensors,” Yellow Springs Instrument Company, Yellow Springs, OH, January 12, 1993. "Microfabrication of Optical Sensor Array,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, OE/LASE'93 Conference on Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology, Los Angeles, CA, January 19, 1993. "Simultaneous Imaging and pH Measurement with a Single 250 Micron Diameter Optical Fiber,” K.S. Bronk and D.R. Walt, OE/LASE'93 Conference on Fiber Optic Sensors in Medical Diagnostics, Los Angeles, CA, January 21, 1993. "Polymer and Dye Chemistry Applied to the Preparation of Fiber Optic Microarray Sensors,” Affymax, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, January 23, 1993. "Fiber Optic Sensors,” International Symposium Field Screening Methods for Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Las Vegas, NV, February 24, 1993. Plenary Speaker "Spatially Resolved Sensing and Combined Imaging/Sensing with Optical Fibers,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, PITTCON 93, Atlanta, GA, March 10, 1993. "Optical Array Microsensors,” Gordon Research Conference/Bioanalytical Sensors, Ventura, CA, March 22-26, 1993. "Microfabrication of Optical Sensor Array,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, Symposium on Immobilization of Biomolecules at Surfaces: 205th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 28-April 2, 1993. "Fiber-optic Chemical Sensors Based on Degradable Polymers,” D.R. Walt and V.I. Agayn, 205th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 28-April 2, 1993. "Sensors,” MarChem 93 Workshop on Marine Chemistry Instrumentation, Steamboat Springs, CO, August 3, 1993. "Fiber Optic Sensors,” Science Innovation '93, AAAS, Boston, MA, August 7, 1993. Co-chair of Session on Sensors 38 "Polymer Chemistry as Applied to the Preparation of Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, October 14, 1993. "Optical Sensor Microarrays,” D.R. Walt and K.S. Bronk, Chemical Sensing: Where Is It Going? FACSS 1993, Detroit, MI, October 18, 1993. "Multiparameter Fiber-Optic Sensor for Clinical Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, K.S. Bronk and B. Healey, Chemical Sensing: Where Is It Going? FACSS 1993, Detroit, MI, October 19, 1993. "Optical Sensor Microarray,” D.R. Walt, K.S. Bronk and B. Healey, Chemical Sensing: Where Is It Going? FACSS 1993, Detroit, MI, October 19, 1993 "Principles and Prospects for Environmental Biosensors,” Markets and Barriers, Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring, Cambridge, MA, October 28, 1993. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” SUNY at Stony Brook Colloquium, Stony Brook, NY, October 29, 1993. "Biomaterials for Sensing and Measurements,” Marine Biotechnology Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA, December 1, 1993. Group Discussion Leader "Marine Biotechnology in the Northeast Region,” MIT Sea Grant Program, Cambridge, MA, December 1, 1993. "Biomaterials for Sensor and Probe Development,” MIT Sea Grant Program, Cambridge, MA, December 1, 1993. Session Chair "Effects of Immobilization on Enzyme Activity,” Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt, January 11, 1994. "Multiparameter Sensing and Combined Imaging-Sensing using Fiber Optic Microarrays,” Iowa State University, Ames, IA, February 25, 1994. "Self-regenerating Fiber-Optic Immunosensors,” 207 American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 16, 1994. "Optical Microsensor Arrays,” University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL, March 25, 1994. "An Artificial Chemosensory Detection System Based on Biological Principles of Odor Coding,” J. White, S. Fox, B. Laurijssens, B. Healey, G. Teehan, D.R. Walt and J. Kauer, Neuroscience Society National Meeting, Miami, FL, May, 1994. "Theory and Use of Fiber Optic-Based Biosensors,” American Society for Microbiology 94 General Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 25, 1994. "Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors for Medical, Environmental and Process Control Industries,” New Engl and Fiber Optic Council Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 25, 1994. 39 "Polymer Release Biosensors,” Biosensors '94, The Third World Congress on Biosensors, New Orleans, LA, June 3, 1994. Plenary Speaker "Optical Sensors for Blood Gases - in vivo and ex vivo Applications,” American Association for Clinical Chemistry 46th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 21, 1994. "Fiber Optic Array Sensors,” An Environmental Sensors Workshop, Center for Advanced Space Studies, Houston, TX, September 22-23, 1994. "Sensitivity Enhancement of pH Optrodes Using Energy Transfer,” Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, St. Louis, MO, October 2-7, 1994. "A Multiple Analyte Fiber-Optic Sensor Based Upon Photopolymerization Immobilization,” Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, St. Louis, MO, October 2-7, 1994. "The Use of Fiber Optics for Field Measurements,” New Jersey Water Environment Association Technology Transfer's Field Measurements, New Frontier Seminar, Somerset, NJ, October 6, 1994. "Development of Sensor Arrays for Continuous Groundwater Monitoring,” Tenth International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Glasgow, Scotland, October 6, 1994. "Optical Microsensor Arrays,” Tenth International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Glasgow, Scotland, October 11-13, 1994. "Fiber Optic Sensors for Environmental, Medical and Process Control Applications,” Spring Semester Analytical/Environ-mental Seminar Series University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, January 23, 1995. "Simultaneous Monitoring of O2, CO2 and pH Using a 200 m Optical Imaging Fiber,” Biomedical Fiber Optic Sensors, Photonics West, San Jose, CA February 8, 1995. "Concurrent imaging and Chemical Sensing Using a Single Optical Imaging Fiber,” Biomedical Fiber Optic Sensors, Photonics West, San Jose, CA February 8, 1995. "Development of Penicillin Biosensor Using a Single Optical Imaging Fiber,” Biomedical Fiber Optic Sensors, Photonics West, San Jose, CA February 8, 1995. "SERS Active Self Assembled Monolayers as Potential Chemical Sensors,” S. Chada, F.P. Milanovich and D.R. Walt, Pittcon '95, Final Program, New Orleans, LA, March 7, 1995. "Development of Sensor Arrays for Continuous Ground Water Monitoring,” D.R. Walt, B.G. Healey, S. Chadha, F.P. Milanovich, J. Richards and S. Brown, Pittcon '95, Final Program, New Orleans, LA, March 8, 1995. "An Optical Fiber CO2 Sensor for Fermentation Monitoring,” M. Uttamlal and D.R. Walt, Pittcon '95, Final Program, New Orleans, LA, March 5-10, 1995. 40 "A Fiber Optic Sensor for the Simultaneous and Continuous Measurement of Glucose, pH and Oxygen Concentration,” L. Li and D.R. Walt, Pittcon '95, Final Program, New Orleans, LA. March 5-10, 1995. "Combined Imaging/Sensing Using Polymer Modified Imaging Fibers,” Pittcon '95, Final Program, New Orleans, LA, March 5-10, 1995. "Optical Fiber Sensor Arrays and Microarrays,” Wesleyan University, Department of Chemistry, April 7, 1995. "Optical Fiber Sensor Arrays and Microarrays,” University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry, April 20, 1995. "Fibre Optic Array Sensors as an Architecture for an Artificial Nose,” D.R. Walt, T. Dickinson, B. Healey, J. Kauer and J. White, Europtrode Series, European Symposium on Optics for Environmental and Public Safety, Munich Fairgrounds, Munich, FR Germany, June 19, 1995. “Fiber Optic Sensor Arrays and Microarrays,” Institut fur Organische Chemie and Makromolekulare Chemie, FSU Jena, Jena, Germany, June 20-2, 1995. “Tentacles of Light: Advances in Optical Fluorescence Sensors,” American Association for Clinical Chemistry - 1995 Annual Meeting & Clinical Laboratory Exposition, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, July 18, 1995. "Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors: Preparation and Applications,” UMass Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA, October 25, 1995. "Environmental Monitoring Using Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors,” Environmental Sciences Program, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, November 9, 1995. "Fiber Optic CO2 Sensors for Seawater and Process Control,” D.R. Walt and M. Uttamlal, 1995 Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition, Somerset, NJ, November 15, 1995. "Emerging Techniques in Biology: Analyte Recognition: From Biology to an Artificial Nose,” J.S. Kauer and D.R. Walt, Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research, Shrewsbury, MA, November 21, 1995. "Fiber Optic Array Sensors" International Conference on Scientific Optical Imaging, Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island, November 29-December 2, 1995. Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors, Ventura, CA, Arrays, January 14-19, 1996. Discussion Leader "Optical Arrays and Pattern Recognition in the Design of an Artificial Nose,” D.R. Walt, S. Chadha, T.A. Dickinson, J.S. Kauer and J. White, BIOS ‘96: Biomedical Sensing, Imaging and Tracking Technologies, San Jose, CA, January 29-31, 1996. "Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensor for Monitoring Dissolved Carbon Dioxides in Seawater,” D.R. Walt and M. Uttamlal, American Geophysical Union 1996 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, 41 CA, February 14, 1996. "Simultaneous monitoring of pH, CO2 and O2 Using an Optical Imaging Fiber,” B.G. Healey, D.R. Walt and J.A. Ferguson, Pittcon ‘96, Chicago, IL, Symposium: Bioanalytical II: New Approaches to Optical and Electrochemical Sensors (presiding), March 3-8, 1996. "Multianalyte Biosensors on Optical Imaging Bundles,” B.G. Healey, D.R. Walt and L. Li, Pittcon ‘96, Chicago, IL, March 3-8, 1996. "Optical Biosensor Arrays for Microscopy and Chemical Analysis of Cells and Tissues,” invited D.R. Walt, P. Pantano, K. Michael and B. Trimmer, Pittcon ‘96, Chicago, IL, Symposium: In Vivo Analytical Chemistry, March 3-8, 1996. "Pattern Recognition-Based Optical Sensor Array for Organic Vapor Analysis,” D.R. Walt, T. Dickinson, S. Chadha, J. Kauer and J. White, Pittcon ‘96, Chicago, IL, March 3-9, 1996. "Using Supramolecular Principles for Optical Sensing,” Y. Agi and D.R. Walt, Pittcon ‘96, Chicago, IL, March 3-9, 1996. "Optical Array Sensors,” Daimler-Benz, Stuttgart, Germany, March 20, 1996. "Fiber Optic Sensors and Array Sensors,” D. R. Walt, T. Dickinson, B. Healey, K. Michael, P. Pantano and A. Panova, CORROSION NACExpo, Denver, CO, March 24-29, 1996. "Optical biosensor arrays for microscopy and chemical analysis of cells and tissues," D.R. Walt, K. Michael, P. Pantano and B. Trimmer, The Fourth World Congress on Biosensors, Imperial Queens Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, May 29-31, 1996. "Multianalyte biosensors on optical imaging bundles,” D.R. Walt, B. Healey, L. Li, Fourth World Congress on Biosensors, Bangkok, May 30, 1996. Award Winner "Fiber Optic Sensors and Microsensors: Principles and Applications,” DowElanco, July 2, 1996. "Optical Array Sensors and Microsensors,” The Sixth International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, July 22, 1996. Plenary Speaker "Optical and Acoustic Wave-Based Sensors,” Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, July 28-August 1, 1996. Discussion Leader "Multianalyte Fiber Optic Sensors and Biosensors,” Medisense, September 10, 1996. National Research Council of Canada, Montreal, Canada, September 17, 1996. "Fiber Optic Sensors and Microsensors,” University of Twente, The Netherlands, October 16, 1996. "Fiber Optic Array Sensors and Microsensors,” Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, October 18, 1996. 42 "Fiber Optic Sensors and Microsensors,” Imperial College, London, England, October 21, 1996. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Cranfield Institute of Biotechnology, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK, October 22, 1996. "Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” University of Leeds, Glasgow, Scotland, October 23, 1996. "Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, October 24, 1996. "Optical Sensors for Clinical Monitoring and Diagnostics,” St. George’s Hospital, London, England, November 5, 1996. "Oligonucleotide Arrays,” Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, CA, December 4, 1996. "Cross-Reactive Fluorescent Indicators for Analysis of Metal-Ion Mixtures,” S. Chadha, M.B. Tabacco and D.R. Walt, US EPA Symposium: Field Analytical Methods for Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Las Vegas Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV, January 29, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays for Multi Analyte Sensing,” GeoCenters Inc., Newton, MA, February 10, 1997. "Analytical Applications of Optical Sensors,” Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, February 18, 1997. "Fiber Optic Sensors: Principles and Applications,” New England SPIE, Lowell, MA, March 12, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nano Arrays,” Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, March 28, 1997. "Biosensors and Biosensing in North America: Diversity exemplified,” American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Program, San Francisco, CA, April 13, 1997. Plenary Speaker "Continual Immunosensor monitoring of herbicide in discharge stream,” S. Schultz, V. Agayn and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Program, April 15, 1997. "Microwell Arrays,” D.R. Walt, K. Michael, J. Ferguson, S. Schultz and L. Taylor, American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Program, April 16, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France, April 29, 1997. "Monitoring Localized Corrosion Using Optical Imaging Arrays,” University of Burgundy, Dijon, France, April 30, 1997. 43 "Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Ecole Normale Superieure, Toulouse, France, May 5, 1997. "Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” IROE, Florence, Italy, May 7, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, May 9, 1997. "Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Firmenich, Inc., Princeton, NJ, June 12, 1997. "Fiberoptic Array Sensors,” 125th Annual Meeting, American Society for Photobiology, St. Louis, MO, July 10, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nano Arrays,” Defense Sciences Research Council, Applying VLSI, La Jolla, CA, July 23-24, 1997. Strategene, La Jolla, CA, August 28, 1997. "Multianalyte Immunoassay Microarrays,” Society for Food and Agricultural Immunology, Durham, N.H., September 25, 1997. "Optical Sensor Microarrays,” Clark University, Worcester, MA, September 29, 1997. "An Artificial Nose Based on Optical Sensor Arrays,” 4th International Olfaction and Electronic Nose Symposium, Nice, France, October 6, 1997. "Biomolecular Interaction, Recognition and Dynamics,” 4th Workshop of the European Science Foundation Artificial Biosensing Interfaces: Biomolecular Interaction, Recognition and Dynamics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, October 24, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays for Odor Recognition,” 4th Workshop of the European Science Foundation Artificial Biosensing Interfaces: Biomolecular Interaction, Recognition and Dynamics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, October 24, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays - Applications to Clinical Environmental and Process Control Monitoring,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October 30, 1997. "Microscale Sensors,” Deputy Secretary DOD Highlands Forum on Ubiquitous Microsensors and Networks, Carmel, CA, November 3, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, November 5, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, CA, November 13, 1997. "Optical Sensor Microarrays,” University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, November 14, 1997. 44 "Fiber Optic Array Sensors, Microsensors and Nanosensors,” Naval Research Laboratories, Washington, D.C., November 20, 1997. "Using Light to Smell - A Fibre-Optic Nose,” Photonics Summer School, Wesley College, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, December 5, 1997. "Fibre Optic Sensors" Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, Sydney, Australia, Tutorial, December 7, 1997. "Fibre Optic Sensors and Microsensors,” Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, Sydney, Australia, December 8, 1997. "Optical Sensor Arrays,” Bio/Chemical Analytical Sensors Symposium, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, December 10, 1997. Plenary Speaker "Optical Sensor Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Genzyme Genetics, Framingham, MA, January 20, 1998. "Fiber Optic Sensors for Clinical Environmental and Process Monitoring,” New England Electrochemical Society, Waltham, MA, January 21, 1998. "Making Sensors out of disarray: optical sensor microarrays,” The International Society for Optical Engineering: Methods for Ultrasensitive Detection, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 26, 1998. "High Density Optical Sensor Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Repligen, Needham, MA, February 4, 1998. “Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Department of Chemistry, February 18, 1998. “Optical Array Multianalyte Immunosensors” D.R. Walt and F Szurdoki, PITTCON 98, New Orleans, LA, March 1, 1998. “Measuring Chemistry and Biochemistry on the Femtoliter Scale Using Optical Microwell Arrays,” D.R. Walt, L.C. Taylor and K. Michael, PITTCON 98, New Orleans, LA, March 2, 1998. “Fiber-Optic Based Artificial Nose for Organic Vapors,” D.R. Walt, T. Dickinson and K. Albert. PITTCON 98, New Orleans, LA, March 2, 1998. “Fiber-Optic Based Artificial Nose for Organic Vapor,” PITTCON 98, New Orleans, LA, March 3, 1998. “Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays-Aroma Sensing”, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, March 12, 1998. “Optical Microsensors,” D.R. Walt, K. Michael, T. Dickinson, J. Ferguson and F. Szurdoki, 45 Europtrode IV, Muenster, Germany, March 30, 1998. Plenary Speaker “Designing Optical Sensor Arrays with Enhanced Sensitivity for Explosives Detection,” D.R. Walt, K.J. Albert, T.A. Dickinson, J. White and J.S. Kauer, AeroSense, SPIE 12th Annual International Symposium, Orlando, FL, April 14, 1998. “Continuous Bedside Monitoring,” American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Point of Care Testing Division, Contemporary Issues in Point-of-Care Testing (POCT), Shreveport, LA, May 1, 1998. “High Density Optical Fiber Micro and Nanoarrays,” IBC’s International Conference on Biosensor Technologies, Boston, MA, May 15, 1998. “Single Cell Chemical Analysis Using Optical Imaging Fibers,” L.C. Taylor and D.R. Walt, The Fifth World Congress on Biosensors, Berlin, Germany, June 3, 1998. “Fiberoptic Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, June 16, 1998. “High Density Optical Fiber Micro and Nanoarrays,” Biosensing and Direct Binding Assays Knowledge Building Workshop, Corning, NY, June 18, 1998. “Making Sensors Out of Disarray,” ATP Workshop on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, July 13, 1998. “Lessons from the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Illicit Substances Detection Gordon Research Conference: Chemical and Biological Conference, Newport, RI, August 9, 1998. “Development of a Fiber Optic Sensor System for Long-Duration, Unattended Measurement of CO2 in Seawater,” D.R. Walt, M.B. Tabacco, M. Uttamlal and J.A. Schanzle, 216th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Program, Boston, MA, August 23, 1998. “Optical Sensor Arrays for Medical Diagnostics,” 216th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Program, Boston, MA, August 25, 1998. Plenary Speaker “Biosensors,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, ACS Short Course: Chemistry, Biology and Applications of Bioconjugates, August 21, 1998. “Using Combinatorial Approaches in Sensors,” NMHCC 2nd Annual Emerging Directions in Combinatorial Chemistry: An International Conference, La Jolla, CA September 16, 1998. “High Density Fiber Optic Arrays for High Throughput Screening,” The Society for Biomolecular Screening 4th Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, September 23, 1998. Plenary Speaker “Improving Sensor Sensitivity Using Biology as a Paradigm,” The 5th International SymposiumOlfaction & Electronic Nose 98, Hunt Valley, MD, September 29, 1998. 46 “Making Sensors Out of Disarray: Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays,” University of Texas, IGERT Program, Austin, TX, October 16, 1998. “Pushing the Limits of Size, Density and Sensitivity with Optical Sensor Arrays,” The First France-Israel Binational Workshop on Biosensors and Biochips, Ben Gurion University, BeerSheva, Israel, October 28, 1998. “Randomly-ordered Addressable Optical Arrays,” D.R. Walt, K.L. Michael, T.A. Dickinson, K.J. Albert and L.C. Taylor, Invited Lecture, SPIE Intl Symposium on Industrial and Environmental Monitors and Biosensors, Boston, MA, November 5, 1998. “Optical Sensor Arrays, Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, November 20, 1998. “Using Combinatorial Approaches in Sensors” Symposium on Combinatorial Chemistry and Materials Science D.R. Walt, T Dickinson, K. Michael, K. Albert, J. Ferguson and F. Steemers, Invited, Materials Research Society-1998 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 30, 1998. “Fiberoptic Micro and Nanosensors,” University of Florida-Gainesville, FL, December 11, 1998. “Making Sensors Out of Disarray: Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays,” University of Nevada-Reno, NV February 5, 1999. “High-Density Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays,” Nexstar Pharmaceuticals- Boulder, CO, March 4, 1999. “Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays” Boston College Inorganic Seminar Series, Boston, MA, March 22, 1999. “Selective and Cross-Reactive Sensor Arrays” Defense Sciences Research Council: Detection and Mapping of Underground Structures, Arlington, VA, April 22, 1999. “High Density Optical Fiber Sensor Arrays,” IBC 2nd Annual Conference Biosensor Technologies, San Diego, CA, May 7, 1999. “A Prospective Peek Inside the Tricorder,” Los Alamos National Laboratory Colloquium, Los Alamos, NM, May 20, 1999. “Optical Sensors and Sensor Arrays,” International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC)World Lab, Florence, Italy, June 7, 1999. “High Density Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays,” Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France, June 22, 1999. “Optical Sensors and Sensor Arrays or a Prospective Look Inside the Star Trek Tricorder,” Nalco Symposium, Naperville, IL, September 27, 1999. “Optical Sensor Microarrays and Nanoarrays,” University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry, Erindale, Ontario, Canada, October 1, 1999. 47 “Using Biology as a Guide for Sensor Design: Cross-reactive Optical Sensor Arrays,” MITUSA-Italy Conference on Applied Neural and Cognitive Sciences, Italian State Department, Boston, MA, October 4, 1999. “Analyzing Unamplified Gene Sequences with High Density Optical Fiber Arrays,” 43rd OHOLO Conference, Eilat, Israel, October 11, 1999. Also Member of Scientific Advisory Committee. “Making Sensors Out of Disarray: Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays,” SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, October 19, 1999. “Using Combinatorial Approaches for Optical Microsensor Arrays,” General Electric, Schenectady, NY, October 27, 1999. “Optical Microsensor and Nanosensor Arrays,” Glasgow University, Department of Electrical Engineering Glasgow, Scotland UK, November 2, 1999. “High Density Optical Fibre Sensor Arrays,” Diagnostics Centre of the 21st Century, Glasgow, Scotland UK, November 4, 1999. “Pushing the Limits of Size and Sensitivity with Optical Sensor Arrays” Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design, Ventura, CA, January 24, 2000. “Time-Resolved Sequence Analysis on High Density Fiberoptic Probe Arrays” D.R. Walt, J Ferguson and M. Chee, DOE Human Genome Program Contractor Workshop VIII, Santa Fe, NM, March 1, 2000. “Cross-Reactive Optical Sensor Arrays for Multi-Analyte Sensing,” D.R. Walt, S. Stitzel, K.J. Albert, C. Schauer and T.A. Dickinson, Symposium on the Analytical Chemistry of Sensor Arrays and the Electronic Nose, PITTCON, March 14, 2000, New Orleans, LA. “Optical Sensor Micro and Nano Arrays,” PE Biosystems, Foster City, CA, .March 28, 2000. “Randomly Ordered, High-density Fiber-optic Micro-sensor Array Sensors” J. Ferguson, F. Steemers, C. Schauer, L. Taylor and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society 219th National Meeting, Symposium on Advanced Microfabricated Sensors, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Division, San Francisco, CA, March 29, 2000. “Cross-reactive Optical Sensor Arrays,” C.L. Schauer, S.E. Stitzel and D.R. Walt, American Chemical Society 219th National Meeting, Symposium on Chemistry of Taste, Agricultural and Food Division, San Francisco, CA, March 29, 2000. “Randomly Ordered Optical Fiber Microarrays” Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s First Annual Macro Results From Microarrays Conference, Cambridge, MA, April 3, 2000, Session Chair. “Using Optical Fibers as Substrates for Preparing Micro and Nanosensor Arrays,” Materials Research Institute, Penn State University, PA, April 11, 2000. 48 "Analyzing Unamplified Gene Sequences with High Density Optical Fiber Arrays,” D.R. Walt, F.J. Steemers and J.A. Ferguson, EuroptrodeV -Optrode 2000, 5th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, April 16-19, 2000. Keynote Speaker "High-density Fiber-optic DNA Probe Arrays,” Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, April 26, 2000. “Pushing the Limits of Detection, Size and Smarts with Optical Array Detectors,” Tripartite Symposium-Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Section-American Chemical Society, Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, April 29, 2000. "Pushing the Limits of Detection, Size and Smarts with Optical Array Detectors,” Sensor Technology for the New Millennium, Tripartite Symposium-Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Section-American Chemical Society, Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, April 29, 2000. “Present Status and Future Prospects for Chemical Sensors,” Technology Trends & New Markets in Process Applications-Analytical and Life Science Systems Association (ALSSA) 2000 Spring Meeting, Ritz Carlton, Palm Beach, FL, May 8, 2000. “Bead-based fibre-optic arrays,” Workshop on Nanotechnology in Biomedicine, Medical Research Council, London, England, May 15, 2000. “Bead-based fibre-optic arrays,” Symposium on Nanotechnology in Biology, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, England, May 16, 2000. “High Density Optical Fiber Sensor Arrays” DuPont 2000 Discovery Chemistry Seminar Series, Wilmington, DE, June 7, 2000. "Fiber Optic Micro and Nanoarrays for Genosensing" Columbia University Medical School, New York, NY, June 12, 2000. “High-density Optical Sensor Micro and Nano Arrays for Genomics and Proteomics,” Symposium on Proteomics and genomics in the 21st Century, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 24, 2000. “Cross-reactive Optical Arrays for Broad band Sensing,” Workshop on Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents in Water, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, August 24-25, 2000. “Randomly ordered optical fiber oligonucleotide micro and nanoarrays” Amgen Institute Annual Symposium, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, September 7, 2000. “Randomly Ordered Fiber-Optic Oligonucleotide Arrays,” Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department of Biochemistry, Piscataway, New Jersey, September 28, 2000. “Optical Fiber Chemical Sensors: From Artificial Perception to Molecular Biology,” 14th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Venice, Italy, October 11-13, 2000. “Solving Complex Biotechnological Problems with Array Biosensors,” The Era of 49 Biotechnology Symposium, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October 26, 2000. Co-Chairperson of another Session. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Northeastern University, Boston, MA, November 5, 2000. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, November 8, 2000. NSF Workshop IES – 2000, November 10-12, 2000. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, December 1, 2000. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Northeastern University, The Barnett Institute, Boston, MA, December 5, 2000. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Northwestern University, December 8, 2000. “Optical Fiber Microarray Sensors: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Perception,” University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, January 8, 2001. “Optical Sensor Micro and Nanoarrays for Complex Sample Analysis,” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Conference on Application of Technology to Chemical Mixture Research, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, January 11, 2001. “Randomly Ordered Optical Sensor Microarrays,” HPCE 2001 14th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis Boston MA, January 18, 2001, Plenary Speaker “Fiber optic chemical sensors: from mesoscale to nanoscale,” Photonics West Conference on Biomedical Instrumentation Based on Micro- and Nanotechnology, San Jose, CA, January 25, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of North Carolina, Analytical Seminar, Chapel Hill, NC, January 29, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Glaxo Smith-Kline, Research Triangle, NC January 30, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” ISSAS Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, February 5, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, February 6, 2001. “Cross-Reactive Optical Sensor Microarrays” at Force Protection: Explosives Detection Technologies Experts Workshop, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., February 28, 2001. 50 “A Transferable Artificial Nose Classifier,” PITTCON 2001, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2001. “High-Density Bead Arrays for Vapor Detection and Discrimination,” PITTCON 2001, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2001. “Randomly Ordered Optical Arrays for Gene and Protein Analysis,” in Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Genomics and Proteomics, The Pittsburgh Conference PITTCON 2001, March 9, 2001, Invited. “Biosensing With Live Cells Using a High Density Optical Fiber Array” D.R. Walt and I. Biran, at Probing Individual Cells: Applications to Signaling, Structure and Function NIH, Bethesda, MD, March 14, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 2001. “Application of Materials Science to Biodetection,” Symposium X-Frontiers of Materials Science, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 17, 2001. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 20, 2001. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Perception,” University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 27, 2001. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of Washington, Department of Chemistry, Seattle, WA, May 14, 2001. “Microarray Fabrication and Assay Development,” DARPA/DTRA Rapid Diagnostic Detection and Health Surveillance Technology Meeting, Arlington, VA, June 6, 2001. “Chemical Methods for Biological Detection,” Gordon Research Conference on Illicit Substance Detection: Chemical/Biological Agents, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, June 27, 2001. Session Chair “Optical Sensor Microarrays for Diagnostics and Medical Imaging,” United Engineering Foundation Conference on “Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery,” Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 23, 2001. “High Density Optical Sensor Microarrays,” SGM Irish Branch Meeting: Microbial GenomeEnvironment Interactions, Belfast, Ireland, September, 6, 2001. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: from Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, September 18, 2001. Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, October 2, 2001. 51 “Optical Sensor Arrays,” Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, October 15, 2001. “High-Sensitivity Analysis with Nanosensors,” 15th Annual Symposium of the Center for Study of Gene Structure & Function: Connecting to the Nano World and Nanoscience, Hunter College, New York, NY, October 19, 2001. “Detection of CB Agents Using Sensors,” Washington Crisis Response: Rapid-Reporting Chemical Detection Systems for Crisis Response Planning Meeting, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Washington, DC., October, 23, 2001. “High Density Optical Fiber Microarrays,” International Business Communications Chips to Hits 2001 Conference, San Diego, CA, October 29, 2001. “Cutting Edge Science,” Bioterrorism Conference Program, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, November 30, 2001. “High Density Optical Sensor Microarrays for Functional Screening,” LabAutomation 2002: Productive Technology for the New Millennium, an Annual Conference and Exhibition, Association for Laboratory Automation, Palm Springs, CA, January 30, 2002. “Sensing at the Nano and Molecular Scales,” Science Applications International Corporation, Sensors and Sensing Conference, Del Mar, CA, February 3-5, 2002. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: from Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Boston University Department of Chemistry, Boston, MA, March 11, 2002. “Detection of Terrorist Weapons: Part I and Part II,” Pittcon 2002, New Orleans, LA, March 21, 2002, Presider. “Cross-Reactive Optical Sensor Arrays For Smarter Sensing,” D.R Walt, S. Stitzel and K. Albert, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2002, San Francisco, CA, April 2, 2002. “Microarrays,” New England Bioterrorism Preparedness Workshop, MIT Security Studies Program, Cambridge, MA, April 4, 2002. “Optical sensor micro and nanoarrays for expression profiling,” 6th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors & Biosensors, Manchester, England, April 8, 2002. “HTS Applications of Single Live Cell Arrays Fabricated on an Optical Imaging Fiber,” Cambridge Healthtech Institute, Macroresults through Microarrays, Boston, MA, April 29, 2002. “Designing Small Simple Systems to solve Large Complex Problems: Nano and Microtechnology Applied to Biology,” Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, May 5, 2002. “Optical Sensors Micro and Nanoarrays,” University of Michigan, Micro & Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, May 10, 2002. 52 “High-density, microsphere-based fiber optic DNA microarrays,” for Nucleic Acid Sensors & DNA Chips Session, Elsevier Science, Biosensors 2002: The Seventh World Congress on Biosensors, Kyoto, Japan, May 15-17, 2002. Keynote Speaker “Overview of Biodetection in the Context of Detect to Warn,” National Academy of Sciences, Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Sensors: Committee Meeting, Washington D.C., June 12-13, 2002. “Success in Sensor Technology,” BECON 2002 Sensors for Biological Research and Medicine, Bethesda, MD, June 25, 2002. “Combinatorial Approaches to Sensors and Sensing,” Kimball Union Academy, Combinatorial & High Throughput Materials Science, Gordon Research Conference, Meridan, New Hampshire, July 1, 2002. “Optical fiber microarrays for chem/bio detection,” American Chemical Society, 224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 20, 2002. “Lessons From the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Eastman Research at Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN, September 9, 2002. “Optical Sensor Microarrays for Functional Screening,” Boston College, Department of Chemistry, Chestnut Hill, MA, September 18, 2002. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of Wyoming, College of Arts and Sciences, September 20, 2002. Clifford C. Hach Lecturer “Adaptive Sensing & Processing with Artificial Nose Sensors,” Remote Autonomous Monitoring Systems Workshop II, The National Centre for Sensor Research, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, September 23, 2002. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of Maryland at Baltimore County, October 1, 2002. “Optical Fiber Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 10, 2002. “Optical Microsensor Arrays,” Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies 2002: 29th Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, October 15, 2002. Presider “Optical Microarrays for Chemical and Biological Detection,” Special Topical Conference on Homeland Security, AVS National Symposium, Denver, CO, November 6, 2002. “Sensors and Detectors,” A Joint Workshop by The Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences NSF and the Intelligence Community, Approaches to Combat Terrorism (ACT): Opportunities for Basic Research, Washington D.C., November 19, 2002. “Introduction to Optical Methods,” WTEC U.S. Review Biosensing Workshop, Bethesda, MD, December 3, 2002. 53 “Optical Fiber Micro arrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” National Institute of Health Grantees First Meeting, Bethesda, MD., December 12, 2002. “High-Density Optical Fiber Arrays for Cell-Based Sensing and Cell Selection,” Keystone Symposium: Optical Imaging: Applications to Biology and Medicine (C2), Taos, NM, February 12, 2002. “From Random Arrays to IPO and Beyond,” Pittcon 2003: Bringing Together the Elements of Science, Orlando, FL, March 10, 2003 “Immobilization as a Tool for Preparing Sensors and Sensor Arrays,” Pittcon 2003: Bringing Together The Elements of Science, Orlando, FL, March 11, 2003. “High Density Bioagent Arrays,” Pittcon 2003: Bringing Together the Elements of Science, Orlando, FL, March 12, 2003. “Designing Oligonucleotide Nanoarrays for Unbiased Gene Expression Profiling,” Pittcon 2003: Bringing Together the Elements of Science, Orlando, FL, March 13, 2003. “High Density Fiber Optic Arrays,” Southern California Coastal Water Research Project: Rapid Microbiological Measurement Methods Development Workshop, Monterey, CA, May 15, 2003. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: A Universal Sensing Platform,” Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 1, 2003. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: A Universal Sensing Platform,” Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2, 2003. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: A Universal Sensing Platform,” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, June 3, 2003. “Optical Fiber Microarrays,” The Knowledge Foundation, Biochips 2003: Technology Development and Application, Boston, MA, June 13, 2003. “Measuring the Chemistry of Life,” Gordon Research Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Connecticut College, New London, CT, June 16-20, 2003. Discussion Leader “Modeling and Simulation of a Dog’s Nose Capability for Explosive Sensing,” NRC Committee on Assessment of Technologies to Improve Transportation Security, J. Erik Jonsson Woods Hole Center, Woods Hole, MA, July 14, 2003. “Optical Fiber Microarrays as a platform for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing,” ATOFINA Chemicals Invited Speaker Series, ATOFINA Chemicals, Inc., King of Prussia, PA, July 24, 2003. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: A Universal Sensing Platform,” BiSTRO Workshop, MIT Lincoln Labs, Lexington, MA, August 11-14, 2003. 54 “Optical Sensor Microarrays for Bio-Agent Detection,” 2003 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Homeland Security, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, September 25, 2003. “Optical Microsensor Arrays for Explosives Detection,” NATO-Scientific Affairs Division, Workshop of Electronic Noses/Sensors for Detection of Explosives, Warwick University, Coventry, UK, October 1, 2003. “Fiberoptic Microarrays for Detecting Chemical and Biological Agents,” University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, November 3, 2003. “Nanobiosensors and risk evaluation”, NIEHS/DERT Science Retreat, Comparative Systems Biology Approaches as Applied to Environmental Health, Southern Pines, SC, December 4-5, 2003. Special Plenary Speaker “Optical Tweezer Arrays for High Content Screening and Selection,” Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA, February, 18, 2004. “Optical Sensor Microarrays,” Boston-area BioMEMS Seminar, Boston University, Boston, MA, March 5, 2004. “Detection of Terrorist Weapons: Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons, Explosives,” Symposium arranged by D. R. Walt, Pittcon 2004, Chicago, IL. March 7-12, 2003. “Adaptive Sensing for Chemical Agents,” Pittcon 2004, Chicago, IL. March 11, 2004. “Optical Sensor Arrays as a Platform for Systems Biology,” Forty-Ninth Annual Francis Clifford Phillips Lectures, The University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, Pittsburgh, PA., March 25, 2004 “Lessons from the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Forty-Ninth Annual Francis Clifford Phillips Lectures, The University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, Pittsburgh, PA March 26, 2004 “Optical Fiber Microarrays,” Chips and Arrays 11th Biomedical Engineering Materials and Applications Meeting, National Research Council, Washington D.C., April 8-9, 2004. “DNA and Cell-Based Optical Fiber Microarrays,” Arizona Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, April 26, 2004. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Perception,” Hobart H. Willard Lectureship in Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, May 13, 2004. "Nanobiosensors for exposure assessment,” Nanotechnology: Benefits to environmental health and risks to public health, NIEHS Annual Leadership Retreat, Grandover Resort Hotel, Greensboro, NC., May18, 2004. Diagnostic Project Proposal Review, Diagnostics Workshop, Food & Waterborne Diseases 55 Integrated Research Network, Cornell University, Ithica, NY, June 30, 2004. “The Optical Nose”, ASCOS Series 2004, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, Sicily, August 3, 2004. “Optical and optoelectrical microsensor arrays”, Donor/Acceptor Function and Sensing, Gordon Research Conferences on Electron Donor Acceptor Interactions, Newport, RI, August 12, 2004. “High Density Optical Fibre Microarrays”, The 5th International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP), Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25, 2004. “High Density Fiberoptic Arrays as a Platform for Cross Reactive Sensing,” From Chemical Communication to Olfaction Workshop, Delwart Foundation, Louvain, Belgium, October 23, 2004. “Taking Research to IPO and Beyond,” First Annual NIBIB Bioengineering Grantees Meeting – Entrepreneurship Session, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, October 29, 2004. “Optical Fiber Sensors: From pH to Genotyping,” Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, November 8, 2004. “Optical Fiber Microarrays as a Platform for Understanding Cell Regulation and Metabolism,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2004. “Optical Fiber Microarrays as a Platform for Cell Based Screening and Cell Sorting,” CIMIT Forum Agenda, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, November 30, 2004. “Nanotechnology,” Current and Future Issues in Toxicogenomics for Academia, Government and Industry, Bi-Annual Open Meeting of the NIEHS Toxicogenomics Research Consortium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, December 8, 2004. “Detection of Biological Threat Agents with a Portable Array-Based Detection System,” Detection of Terrorist Weapons Symposium arranged by D.R. Walt, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28, 2005. “Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” Frontiers in Chemistry Lecturer, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, March 7, 2005. “Optical fiber based biosensors,” Scientific Review Council, Neogen Corporation, Lansing, MI, March 9, 2005. “Microsphere sensor arrays for saliva diagnostics,” Biosensors and Sensors: Functional Polymers, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 15, 2005. “Polymeric microsphere sensor arrays as a platform for cross reactive sensing,” Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 15, 2005. "Optical Sensor Microarrays: From Molecular Biology to Artificial Olfaction," Department of 56 Chemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 8, 2005. "Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular and Cell Biology to Artificial Olfaction," 7th annual Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference (NSCRC), MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 16, 2005. Keynote Speaker “Invention to Venture: Entrepreneur Perspectives,” Invention to Venture Life Sciences Forum, New Pathways to Commercialization and Entrepreneurship, Harvard Medical School Conference Center, Boston, MA, June 2, 2005. “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Bio/Chem Agent Monitoring and for Functional Screening,” Environmental Sensors and Homeland Security/Defense Sensor Applications; 60th Northwest Regional & Small Chemical Businesses Meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska, June 15-18, 2005. “Analysis of Saliva Samples for End-Stage Renal Disease Diagnostics Using An Imaging FiberOptic Multiplexed Microarray,” MicroTAS 2005 Conference, Boston, MA, October 10, 2005. “Universal Arrays for Chemical and Biological Detection,” RSC/HOSDB Workshop, Chemical and Biological Sensors and Detectors II, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, October 31, 2005. “DNA, Cell-Based, and Cross-Reactive Optical Fiber Microarrays,” École Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 1, 2005. “Array-Based Biosensing: DNA to Cell Arrays,” Tufts University Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Medford, MA, December 5, 2005. “Optical Sensor Arrays: From Molecular and Cell Biology to Artificial Olfaction,” MIT, Boston, MA, January 19, 2006. “Sensors, Arrays, and Systems,” National Advisory Council for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Bethesda, MD, January 25, 2006. “The Present Status & Future Prospects of Sensors & Sensor Arrays,” Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, February 3, 2006. “Bead-based DNA and Protein Biosensors”, Genomes to Systems Conference 2006, Manchester, UK, March 22-24, 2006. “Adaptive Sensing for Chemical Agents”, The Pittsburgh Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1216, 2006. “Sensor Arrays for Artificial Olfaction,” Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA, March 30, 2006. “Bead-based Optical Sensor Arrays,” Mitre Corporation, McLean, VA, April 4-5, 2006. “Assessing Exposures,” NIH Exposure Biology Workshop, Greensboro, NC, May 16, 2006. “High density oligonucleotide arrays,” 2006 International Workshop on Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Changsha, Hunan, China, June 12, 2006. 57 “Optical Sensor Microarrays,” Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemistry, Beijing, China, June 12, 2006. “The olfactory system applied to chemical sensing,” 2006 International Workshop on Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Changsha, Hunan, China, June 13, 2006. “Optical fiber microarrays,” Lasers in Medicine & Biology, Plymouth, NH, July 5, 2006. “Optical Sensor Microarrays,” RepliGen Corporation, Waltham, MA, July 13, 2006. “Technologies to advance Environmental Exposures: Sensors, etc.,” Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC, September 14, 2006. “Optical Microsensor Arrays,” University of Rhode Island Alexander M. Cruickshank Lectures, Rhode Island, September 25, 2006. Invited Speaker “The Present Status and Future Prospects of Sensors and Sensor Arrays,” University of Rhode Island Alexander M. Cruickshank Lectures, Rhode Island, September 25, 2006. Invited Speaker “Observing single molecule behavior using optical fiber arrays,” Harvard Single Molecule Discussion Club, Harvard University Department of Chemistry, September 27, 2006. Invited Speaker “Microsensor Arrays for Saliva Diagnostics,” Oral-Based Diagnostics Conference, Lake Lanier Islands, Georgia, October 13, 2006. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Arrays as a Sensing Platform,” IEEE SAS 2007, San Diego, CA, February 6, 2007. Keynote Speaker “Sensors activities in US,” US-Ireland R&D Partnership Sensors Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, February 20, 2007. “Chemical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring,” PITTCON 2007, Chicago, IL, February 27, 2007. Invited Speaker “Sensor Arrays for Water Quality Monitoring,” PITTCON 2007, Chicago, IL, February 27, 2007. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Multiplexed Sensing,” Society of Applied Spectroscopy, Natick, MA, March 20, 2007. Keynote Speaker “A systems approach to high-sensitivity detection of water contamination using array-based sensors,” 233rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL, March 27, 2007. Keynote Speaker “Sensors and Terrorist Weapons/Homeland Security,” SACP Lecture, Pittsburgh, PA, April 9, 2007. Invited Speaker 58 “Personalized Environmental Sensors,” Neuroscience Forum Workshop on Autism, Washington DC, April 19, 2007. Invited Speaker “Ultrasensative detection with optical sensor microarrays,” 1st UK-US Conference on Chemical and Biological Sensors and Detectors, Bloomsbury, UK, April 24, 2007. Invited Speaker “Enabling Bioanalytical and Biophysical Technologies Study Section,” NIH, June 11, 2007, Washington, DC. Chairperson “Optical Sensor Microarrays,” Optical Tweezers for Analytics, LATSIS Symposium 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 25, 2007. Invited Speaker “Special Topic,” LATSIS Symposium 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 26, 2007. Chairman “Pathogen Detection,” 234th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston MA, August 20, 2007. Organizer “Advances in pathogen detection using bead-based fiber optic microarrays,” 234th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston MA, August 20, 2007. Invited Speaker “Alternative Strategies to cell sorting,” Lasker Symposium on Technology and Stem Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA, November 16, 2007. Invited Speaker “Fiber Optic Sensors and biosensors for Environmental Health and Drug Discovery,” The Sixth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, November 25-29, 2007. Invited Speaker Future Directions for Cancer Nanotechnology: Diagnosis and Prevention Focus,” Washington, DC, February 20, 2008. Invited Speaker “Academic Entrepreneurship: An Array of Possibilities,” 2008 Annual Event of AIMBE: The Global Impact of Medical and Biological Engineering, Washington, DC, February 20-22, 2008. Invited Speaker “Single Molecule Detection Using Optical Fiber Microarrays,” Department of Chemistry Seminar, University of California, Irvine, February 26, 2008. Invited Speaker “Microarrays for Pathogen Detection and Single Cell Analysis,” Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Irvine, February 27, 2008. Invited Speaker “Cross Reactive Sensor Arrays for Forensic Applications,” PITTCON 2008, New Orleans, LA, March 4, 2008. Invited Speaker “Academic Entrepreneurship – An Array of Possibilities,” BBSRC TDRI Workshop, University of Warwick, London, England, March 26, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Sensor Microarrays as Tools for Understanding Biology,” Europtrode IX Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland, March 31, 2008. Invited Speaker 59 “Single-Cell and Single-Molecule Experimentation,” 2008 Symposium - Systems biology and Engineering, Seattle, Washington. April 20, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays,” Genetics and Genomics Seminar, Boston University School of Medicine Department of Genetics and Genomics, Boston, MA. May 15, 2008. Invited Speaker “Chemistry: An Array of Possibilities,” StonyBrook Chemistry Department Commencement Speaker, StonyBrook University, StonyBrook, NY. May 23, 2008. Invited Speaker “Sensors and Sensing Applications,” EC-US Task Force on Biotechnology Research NanoBiotechnology Workshop, Ispra, Italy. June 4, 2008. Invited Speaker “Studying single molecules with optical fiber microwell arrays,” Bioanalytical Sensors, Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island. June 29, 2008. Invited Speaker “An Array of Possibilities,” 236th ACS National Meeting, Symposium in Honor of Adam Heller, Philadelphia, PA. August 20, 2008. Invited Speaker “Observing Single Molecules in Optical Fiber Arrays,” GRC Biointerface Science, Aussois France. September 14-19, 2008. Invited Speaker “Tools and Technical Challenges for Understanding Gene-Environment Interactions,” GENI Mini-Symposium, Harvard University School of Public Health, Cambridge MA, October 3rd, 2008. Invited Speaker “Studying Single Molecules with Optical Fiber Microwell Arrays,” Brandeis University Department of Chemistry, October 27th, 2008. Invited Speaker “Studying Single Enzyme Molecules with Femtoliter Arrays,” Biochemistry Seminar University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, October 30th, 2008. Invited Speaker “Microarrays: From Genomes to Single Molecules,” Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology, Nashville, TN, November 5th, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Multiplexed Analysis,” SEAS Seminar Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. November 7th, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Arrays: From Genomes to Single Molecules,” MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences Friday Forum, Cambridge, MA. November 14th, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Chemical and Biological Measurements,” Symposium AA: Materials for Optical Sensors in Biomedical Applications, MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Boston, MA. December 1st, 2008. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays for Single Molecule Detection,” Analytical Seminar, Colorado State University, Denver Colorado. January 30, 2009. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Arrays for Chemical and Biochemical Analysis,” MSB 2009: 23rd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, Boston, MA. February 2, 2009. Invited Speaker 60 “Novel methods of Optical Sensing” PITTCON 2009, Chicago IL, March 10, 2009. Invited Speaker “Technology and the Era of Personalized Medicine,” Stony Brook University Provost Lecture, Long Island, NY, April 27th, 2009. Keynote Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays,” The Rowland Institute, Harvard Unviersity, Cambridge, MAMay 19, 2009. “Academic Entrepreneurship – An Array of Possibilities,” 13th Annual UWEB21 Summer Symposium, Seattle, WA, August 27, 2009. Invited Speaker “Understanding Enzyme Mechanisms By Observing Single Molecules,” University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, October 14, 2009. Invited Speaker “Single Cell and Single Molecule Analysis Using High-Density Optical Fiber Arrays,” International Conference on Biosystems Analysis and Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, October 16, 2009. Invited Speaker “Techniques for molecular analyses of single cells and single molecules,” The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, December 7, 2009. Invited Speaker “Optical Fiber Microarrays as a Platform for Understanding Biology,” Systems Biology Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, January 15th, 2010. Keynote Speaker “Ultrasensitive Detection of Proteins Using Single Molecule Arrays (SiMoA),” PITTCON 2010, Orlando, FL, March 1st, 2010. Invited Speaker “Single Cell Analysis Using Femtoliter Arrays,” PITTCON 2010, Orlando, FL, March 2nd, 2010. Invited Speaker “Optical Microwell Arrays for High Sensitivity Detection of Nucleic Acids,” PITTCON 2010, Orlando, FL, March 4th, 2010. Invited Speaker “Multiplexed Measurements Using Optical Fiber Arrays,” 42nd Annual Oak Ridge Conference, San Jose, CA, April 23rd, 2010. Invited Speaker “Forecast for Future Diagnostics Using Bead Array and Single Molecule Detection Technologies,” Future Diagnostics Conference, Irivine, CA, April 26th, 2010. Keynote Speaker “Optical Microarrays for Sensing and Single Molecule Analysis,” R.B. Woodward Lectures in the Chemical Sciences- Physical Chemistry Seminars Program at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 29th, 2010. Invited Speaker “Studying single molecules with optical fiber microwell arrays,” University of Montreal Chemistry Department Seminar, Montreal, CA May 5th, 2010. Invited Speaker “Optical Microwell Arrays for Ultrasensitive Analysis,” MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, May 10th, 2010. Invited Speaker Commencement Speaker, Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont, CA, May 15th, 2010. ”A Life of Innovation – Finding Your Passion,” ACS Webinar, June 17th, 2010. 61 “Bioanalytical Sensors: From Fundamental Research to Commercialization,” 2010 GRC on Bioanalytical Sensors, New London, NH, June 22nd, 2010. Discussion Leader “Studying single molecules and single cells using optical fiber arrays,” ACS 2010 National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 25th, 2010. Speaker Francis Johnson Symposium – Celebrating 80 Years Young, Stony Brook University, New York, October 4th, 2010. Session I Chairman University of Michigan Entrepreneurship Lecture, University of Michigan Distinguished Innovator’s Speaker Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, November 5th, 2010. Invited Lecturer “Optical Microwell Arrays for Single Molecule Analysis and Diagnostic Applications,” Novartis, Boston, MA, November 9th, 2010. Invited Lecturer “Optical Fiber Microarrays” Emmanuel College, Boston, MA, November 29th, 2010. Invited Lecturer “Research, Teaching, and Mentoring: An Array of Possibilities,” Tufts Medical School Retreat, Portland, Maine, December 5th, 2010. Keynote Speaker “Optical Sensor Microarrays for Biological and Chemical Warfare Agent Detection,” Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 15th, 2010. Invited Speaker “Electrochemiluminescent Microarrays for Multiplexed Detection,” 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 17th, 2010. Invited Speaker “High Density Microwell Arrays for Studying Cell Populations at the Single Cell Level,” 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 17th, 2010. Invited Speaker NRC Anthrax Meeting, Washington, DC, January 13-14, 2011 The National Academy Board of Chemical Science and Technology Meeting, Washington, DC, January 20-21, 2011 The Leading Innovative Networking and Knowledge Sharing (LINKS), DOD Breast Cancer Research Group Meeting, Chantilly, VA, February 16-17, 2011 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Investigator Reviews, Chevy Chase, MD, April 5-6, 2011 “Studying Single Cells and Single Molecules Using Optical Fiber Arrays,” Israel Society of Microbiology, April 12, 2011. Plenary Lecturer The National Academy Board of Chemical Science and Technology Meeting, Washington, DC, April 28-29, 2011 LSI Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, May 6, 2011 62 “Dental Medicine: Connecting the mouth to the Brain,” Andrews Dinner, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, May 18, 2011. Honored Guest Speaker New Tools for Neuroscience Workshop II, “Non invasive Measurement and Control of Targeted Deep Brain Function”, Arlington, VA, May 19, 2011 “Lessons from the Olfactory System Applied to Chemical Sensing,” Alfred Nobel Symposia: “Mind, Machines and Molecules,” Stockholm, Sweden, May 28, 2011. DSRC/DARPA 2011 Summer Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, June 19-24, 2011 Gordon Research Conference on Cancer Nanotechnology, Colby College, Waterville Maine, July 17-22, 2011 “Cool Science in Breast Cancer,” ERA of HOPE, Orlando, FL, August 5th, 2011. Plenary Speaker The National Academy Board of Chemical Science and Technology Meeting, Irvine CA, August 25-26, 2011 “Assessing the Importance of Glycoscience and Glycomics Phase II” The National Research Council Committee, Washington DC, October 10-11, 2011. Welcome Speaker Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) Meeting, Life Sciences Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2830, 2011 DARPA ADEPT Diagnostics on Demand Kick-Off Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2930,2011 The National Academy Board of Chemical Science and Technology Meeting, Washington, DC, December 2, 2011 “Research as a Goal of Education and Education as a Goal of Research”, Whitehead Institute Auditorium, MIT, February 17th 2012. Invited Speaker “High Sensitivity Diagnostics using Single Molecule Arrays” Miami Winter Symposium 2012, Nanotechnolgy in Biomedicine. Miami FL, 2/26/2/29, 2012 Symposium Speaker “Invisible Ink from Engineered Bacteria”, Documents Security Alliance, Washington DC, 3/15/2012. Invited Speaker Glycoscience Committee Meeting. San Diego, CA, 3/18/2012-3/20/2012 “Single Molecule Arrays”, ACS 243rd National Meeting: Chemistry of Life. San Diego CA, 3/25-3/29/2012. Presenter DARPA ADEPT Diagnostics on Demand May Review: Washington DC, 5/29-5/30, 2012 “Single Molecule Detection Technology in Clinical Analysis” AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo 2012, Los Angeles, CA 7/18/2012 63 "High Sensitivity Analysis Using Single Molecule Arrays" Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University. Seminar Speaker