Bethany P. Contreras 123 W 1320 S Logan UT 84321 (480) 459-0235 Bethany.contreras@aggiema EDUCATION Utah State University Ph.D. in Disability Disciplines, Applied Behavior Analysis Specialization Plan to graduate in May 2017 Major Advisor: Thomas Higbee, Ph.D., BCBA-D Florida Institute of Technology M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis and Organizational Behavior Management Graduated 2012 with GPA of 4.0 Thesis Advisor: Alison M. Betz, Ph.D., BCBA-D Arizona State University B.S., Biology (general) Graduated 2008 Magna Cum Laude with GPA of 3.76 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), September 2012 o Certification number: 1-12-12534 AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Florida Tech Honors Convocation Outstanding Graduate Student in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2012 Florida Tech Graduate Student Assistant (2), 2011-2012 Florida Tech Graduate Scholarship, 2010-2011 Arizona State Dean’s List for Academic Achievements, GPA of 3.5 or higher, 2004-2008 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Co-instructor for BEHP 5002: Behavior Change Procedures and Ethical Considerations, Florida Institute of Technology, April 2013 to present o Responsibilities: create original materials, deliver lectures during live online meetings, respond to student emails, participate in discussion board postings Teacher’s Assistant for PSY 3421: Learning and Motivation, Florida Institute of Technology, Fall 2011, Spring 2012 o Responsibilities: office hours, grade coursework, create tests, organize study sessions o Presented Lectures on the Following Topics: Shaping of Behavior: October 6, 2011 Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis: November 10, 15, 17, 2011 Instrumental Learning: February 9, 2012 Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis (Early Intervention and Verbal Behavior): March 20, 2012 Assistant to Lab Instructor for BIO 201/202: Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Arizona State University, 2006-2007 o Responsibilities: assist students during lab, present lectures, assist in creating tests and study guides MANUSCTIPTS IN PRESS Loughrey, T., Contreras, B. P., Blank, P., Rudy, N., Majdalany, L., Sinn, S., Coxon, G., Harvey, A., & McGreevy, P. (In press). Training caregivers as interventionists to teach mands and as trainers to teach family members mand training procedures. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION Contreras, B. P., & Betz, A. M. (In preparation). Effects of lag schedules on variability of responding to intraverbal questions with children with autism. OTHER PUBLICATIONS IN PREPARATION Betz, A. M. & Contreras, B. P. (In progress). Using stimulus control procedures to thin schedules of reinforcement of mands emitted by children with autism and other developmental disabilities. In C. Goyos, T. Higbee, & C. Miguel (Eds.), Advances in research and treatment of autism. RESEARCH PROJECTS IN PROGRES Miller, S. A., Contreras, B. P., & Betz, A. M. (In progress). Signaled delay to reinforcement in a multiple schedule training to reduce excessive manding o Responsibilities: co-investigator, conduct sessions, creat protocols, data collection and data analysis, research assistant training PRESENTATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS Posters Contreras, B. P., Miller, S. A. (2011). Decreasing steps per task through ergonomic design at a locally owned coffee shop. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Daytona, FL Miller, S. A., Contreras, B. P., Betz, A. M. (2011). Signaled delay to reinforcement in a multiple schedule training to reduce excessive manding. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Daytona, FL. Contreras, B. P., Miller, S. A. (2012). Decreasing steps per task through ergonomic design at a locally owned coffee shop. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA. Contreras, B. P., & Betz, A. M. (2012) Effects of lag schedules on variability of responding to intraverbal questions with children with autism. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA. Colloquia Contreras, B. P., Betz, A. M. (2012) Effects of lag schedules on variability of responding to Intraverbal questions with children with autism. In A. Betz (Chair), The Effects of Behavioral Interventions to Treat Behaviors Commonly Associated with Autism. Symposium Presented at the Annual Florida Tech School of Psychology Research Colloquium, Melbourne FL. Contreras, B. P., Betz, A. M. (2012) Effects of lag schedules on variability of responding to Intraverbal questions with children with autism. In D. A. Wilder, (Chair), Skill Acquisition in Behavior Analysis: Teaching Safety, Compliance, and Language to Children. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference for the Association for Applied Behavior Analysts, Tampa, FL. Miller, S. A., Contreras, B. P., Betz, A. M. (2012). Evaluating transfer of stimulus control during reinforcement schedule thinning. In K. C. Luczynski (Chair), Enhancing Function-Based Interventions for Problem Behavior Using Multiple Schedules. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference for Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA. Contreras, B. P., Betz, A. M. (2012) Effects of lag schedules on variability of responding to Intraverbal questions with children with autism. In R. G. Miltenberger, (Chair), Recent Research on Teaching Verbal Behavior to Children with Autism. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference for the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Jacksonville, FL. Betz, A. M. Contreras, B. P., Miller, S. A. (2012). Assessing variations of multiple schedule arrangements to teach children with autism to tolerate delays to reinforcement. In A. M. Betz (Chair) Teaching Socially Significant Behaviors: From Self Control to Social Interactions. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference for the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Jacksonville, FL. Loughrey, T., Contreras, B. P., Blank, P., Rudy, N., Majdalany, L., Sinn, S., Coxon, G., Harvey, A., & McGreevy, P (2012). Preparing caregivers as interventionists and trainers: Teaching Verbal behavior to children with developmental disabilities. In J. Oliver (Chair) Interventions From the Edge: Education and Treatment in Home, School, and Clinic Settings. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference for the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Jacksonville, FL. CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Behavior Analyst, Scott Center for Autism Treatment, November 2012-February 2013 Behavior Analyst, Private Consultant, May 2012-February 2013 Floor Supervisor, Scott Center for Autism Treatment, May 2012-Novemeber 2012 Primary Behavior Specialist, Scott Center for Autism Treatment, August 2011-July 2012 Behavior Specialist, Scott Center for Autism Treatment, May 2011-August 2011 Behavior Specialist, Behavior Services of Brevard, July 2009-May 2011 Lead Behavior Specialist, Arizona Autism United, January 2007-May 2008 Behavior Specialist, Gala Human Services Cooperative, October 2005-January 2007 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA) Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) REFERENCES Dr. Alison Betz Department of Psychology Florida Institute of Technology 150 W University Blvd Melbourne FL 32901 321-674-8106 Dr. Meagan Gregory Department of Psychology Florida Institute of Technology 150 W University Blvd Melbourne FL 32901 321-674-8106 Dr. Ivy Chong Behavioral Director Scott Center for Autism Treatment Department of Psychology Florida Institute of Technology 150 W University Blvd Melbourne FL 32901 321-674-8106