Directorate Sustainabale Aquaculture Management, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Private Bag X2, Roggebaai, 8001 Tel: 021 402 3911 APPOINTMENT OF A SUITABLY QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT SERVICE PROVIDER TO ASSIST THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES TO CONDUCT FURTHER COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED SEA-BASED AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT ZONE LOCATED WITHIN ALGOA BAY IN THE EASTERN CAPE 1. INTRODUCTION The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) as the lead agent for aquaculture management and development in South Africa require the services of a suitably qualified environmental assessment practitioner, with expertise in aquaculture, environmental and socio economic impact assessments as well as marine ecology to assist the Department to complete further comparative assessments as per the Minister of Environmental Affairs’ Appeal Decision dated 18 August 2015 for the sea-based Aquaculture Development Zone (ADZ) located in Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. 2. BACKGROUND An ADZ is an area that has been earmarked specifically for aquaculture activities. The purpose of which is to create an enabling environment for the Marine Finfish Aquaculture Sector to develop and expand in a sustainable manner. The benefits of ADZ’s are to encourage investor confidence, create incentives for industry development, provide aquaculture services, manage the risks associated with aquaculture, job creation, skills development, empowerment of rural communities and most importantly benefit from the Special Economic Zones incentives. In 2009 a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was undertaken for the South African coastline; as a whole to identify suitable aquaculture sites. This assessment highlighted the Eastern Cape as an area with potential for the development of ADZs. In 2010 DAFF, Branch: Fisheries (then the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism) outsourced a project to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the development of an Aquaculture Development Zone in the Eastern Cape for the farming of marine finfish. A further updated SEA undertaken in 2011 identified a number of potential in-shore sites through selective criteria mainly identified in collaboration with associated industry as well as known environmental constraints. The sites then identified were subjected to a public participation process for their comment and input as well as specialist review. In the process a number of sites were eliminated due to the identification of potential fatal flaws. Two possible ADZ sites; i.e. Algoa 1 and Algoa 5 remained and a detailed EIA needed to be undertaken for these sites. The EIA for the two Algoa sites was undertaken by an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner and the process commenced in 2010, resulting in the issuing of a positive Environmental Authorisation (EA) dated 9 July 2014 for the proposed development at Algoa 1. The aforementioned EA unfortunately only reached DAFF on 13 August 2014. It is important to note that although Algoa 5 was considered as an alternative site during the EIA process, DAFF did not consider Algoa 5 as the preferred site and hence a detailed public participation process was not undertaken for this site. During the appeals process, which followed on the issuing of the decision; a total of twenty eight (28) substantive appeals were lodged against the decision. Based on the grounds of appeal lodged, DAFF as the holder of the environmental authorisation requested that the Minister grant them the opportunity to further explore the feasibility of Algoa 5 through a comparative assessment of the potential impacts associated with Algoa 1 and 5. Based on the latter, the Minister of Environmental Affairs deemed it unnecessary to make a particulate ruling on the grounds of appeal. Based on the information provided above, DAFF seeks to appoint an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to conduct a comparative assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts (positive and negative) at both the Algoa 1 and Algoa 5 sites; with specific reference to the proposed sea-based ADZ in Algoa Bay. Amongst other, the appointed service provider is to conduct an impact assessment of the potential ecological interactions between the proposed expansion of the Addo Marine Protected Area (MPA) and the proposed ADZ (specifically at Algoa 5) relative to its location within the proposed expansion area of the MPA. 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE 3.1. The appointed Service Provider must address the following concerns with regards to the comparative assessment, but may not be limited to the following: 3.1.1 Socio economic assessment should include a detailed analysis of the projected revenue and employment opportunities likely to be created by the proposed project, measured against the perceived loss in revenue and employment opportunities as a result of concerns of the proposed project at Algoa 1 North option. 3.1.2 Marine Ecological assessment should address a detailed assessment of the feasibility of Algoa 5 as preferred alternative as well as key concerns regarding the interactions of the proposed ADZ and the proposed MPA. This should include hydrodynamic modelling of waste dispersal using detailed profiling data. The model should look at different levels of ADZ developments and predicted waste discharge and ensure that the waste plume dose not reach sensitive habitats, shoreline reefs and Island groups. Recommendations should be made with regards to reducing the foot print of the site and creating a buffer zone between St Croix and Bird Island and the proposed Algoa 5 site. Impacts associated with the establishment of the ADZ within the proposed MPA should be identified and where relevant, such impacts could be avoided, or if not, mitigated to acceptable levels. 3.1.3. Feasibility Study of social, economic and environmental costs involved to operate a mariculture facility with indigenous species as proposed in the EIA at both Algoa 1 and Algoa 5. 3.2. The appointed service provider must review the Environmental Impact Assessment Report; including the specialist reports which were submitted to DEA for consideration during the EIA process. The Environmental Authorisation dated 9 July 2014 must also be considered. The relevant information and requirements should be extracted from these documents and incorporated into the assessments. 3.3. The Service Provider must ensure a sound Public Participation Process (PPP) as per the legislative requirements are followed as the PPP process related to the Algoa 5 site was deemed inadequate. 3.4. The appointed Service Provider must assist the Department with submitting the assessments to the Department of Environmental Affairs for consideration and address any amendments; including potential amendments to the EA recommended by the DAFF and DEA in order to address the concerns raised by the appellants in the appeals process. 3.5. The appointed Service Provider must assist the Department to resubmit the application for Environmental Authorisation; if this is deemed necessary or apply for an amendment to the existing environmental authorization. 3.6. The appointed Service Provider must take into consideration, amongst other relevant legislation, frameworks, and existing conservation products in the undertaking of this work. 3.7. The appointed Service Provider must: a) Be independent; b) Have expertise and knowledge in the various fields required to draft the reports/ assessments as listed in Section 3. Alternatively, the service provider must appoint the experts required and take responsibility for the payment of any outsourced work; c) Comply with applicable legal requirements; and d) Be registered with the relevant scientific and professional organisations in their field of expertise. 3.8. General Conditions: 3.8.1. The Service Provider must provide a detailed pricing schedule. 3.8.2. The Service Provider must quote set fees in South African Rand (inclusive of VAT) 3.8.3. The Service Provider will be paid through the DAFF payments system upon invoicing. 3.8.4. Proposals must be accompanied by: a) Names and brief CVs of individuals which the Service Provider proposes to be involved with the assessment. b) Brief (2 page) motivation explaining why the team/individuals are best suited to undertake the review. c) 4. Confirmation of availability in accordance to specified time frame. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4.1. The Curriculum Vitae of the staff who will be available for the duration of the work; NOTE: Failure to submit the CV’s will invalidate your proposal. The proposals should be submitted with all required information containing technical information (i.e. functionality) as well as price information. 4.2. The evaluation of proposals will be carried out in two phases – first phase based on functionality and then the second phase based on the price and B_BBEE Status Level. Proposals that do not qualify in the first phase will be eliminated. 4.3. Only applicants who score at least 70% for the technical information (functionality) will be preferred. 4.4. The Department reserves the right to invite short listed suppliers/companies to present their proposals for final decision. 4.5. Applicants must be prepared to work at rates not exceeding those prescribed by the office of the Auditor-General or the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA). 4.6. The successful service provider shall under no circumstances commence with the project work without first being issued, by the Department, and signing an appointment letter and an order number. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON PROPOSALS 5.1. A breakdown of the hourly tariff inclusive of value-added tax for services rendered. Expenditure incurred without the prior approval of the Project manager will not be reimbursed. 5.2. In so far as possible, a comprehensive budget, showing the charge out rates of all the staff to be involved in investigations and also including all other costs factors such as travelling. 5.3. The Department will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by the applicant in the preparation and submission of the proposals. 5.4. Please take note that the Department is not bound to select any of the firms submitting proposals. The Department reserves the right not to award any of the proposals and not to award the contract to the lowest proposal price as well as to renegotiate the proposal price of the preferred applicant. 5.5. Travelling costs and time spent or incurred between home and office of consultants and the Department head office will not be for the account of the Department. 6. REPORTS AND PAYMENT 6.1. Applicants are required to submit a project plan of action of all deliverables detailing the cost of the services. Prices quoted must be VAT inclusive. 6.2. The price must remain firm for the duration of the contract. 6.3. The successful applicant will be paid on a monthly basis upon submission of acceptable monthly deliverable reports as stated in section 3. 6.4. The Programme manager and the Service Provider will meet every month for progress update meetings. 7. CONTACT PERSON FOR ENQUIRIES Interested persons or organisation can obtain further information from Mrs Michelle Pretorius, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 021 430 7034 or e-mail 8. DEADLINE 8.1. The deadline for the submission of quotations is 15 January 2016. 8.2. Quotations should be sent to Ms. Pinky Moloi; email:, contact number: (021) 402 3397 Physical Address: 6th Floor: Directorate Supply Chain Management Foretrust Building, Martin Hammerschlag Way, Roggebaai, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8012 Please quote the project name on the quotation/proposal.