Equi-Sports Presents Run for the Roses at the West Virginia University Equine Arena May 3, 2014 – May 4, 2014 155 WVU Farm Road Reedsville, WV 26547 Recognized By: Western Pennsylvania Professional Horseman’s Association Mountaineer Hunter Jumper Association THE FOLLOWING OFFICIALS HAVE ACCEPTED AN INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN EQUISPORTS RUN FOR THE ROSES HORSE SHOW. MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY AND ADD TO THIS LIST AS NECESSARY. Judges: Scott Dehelian (R) Beth Spatz (r) Columbus, OH Christiana, PA Course Design: Michele Koury Masontown, WV Rules and Regulations Entries: Entries will close on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Post entries will be accepted up to one hour before the class at regular cost plus an office charge of $5.00 per class or $10.00 per division. Horses shown in classes in which they have not entered will be required to pay DOUBLE entry fee for those classes. Entry blanks will only be accepted when signed appropriately and accompanied by a check for stabling fees. All horses/ponies entered must show proof of current negative Coggins test before entry will be accepted. No numbers will be released until proper credentials and all signatures are in order. Stabling: 10x10 permanent stalls with door in permanent barn, 10x10 stalls with doors and tent stabling 10x10 with doors. Stabling will be available at $95.00 for the weekend. Bagged bedding will be available at the show for $8.00 per bag. Requests for bedding should be included on your entry form. Stalls will be available on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. Stall reservations will not be held without payment. Stall fees are not refundable. Reservations and fees must be received no later than Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Please call Dottie Los to confirm stall reservations (724) 991-2427 or email dotlos2003@yahoo.com. A fee of $20.00 per horse will be charged to all day shippers whether showing or not. Parking: Secretarial Staff: Dottie Los Sarver, PA Show Manager: Michele Koury Masontown, WV Veterinarian on call: Dr. Havern Farrier on call: Dale Mayfield Paramedics: Valley Ambulance Vans, trailers, trucks, and cars must park in designated areas only. Wet ground conditions may prohibit or limit parking on all areas of the show grounds. Please cooperate with the organized parking out of consideration to others and keeping the show grounds safe and accessible at all times. Do not park in stable areas. This is a fire and county ruling. A special area will be designated for all Day Shippers showing out of their trailers. Credentials: No numbers will be released until proper credentials and all signatures are in order. Any Pony Hunter must have size checked on the entry blank. Management: The horse show management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries and cancel award prizes, without claim for damages; to change any course, to cancel or combine classes if insufficient entries warrant or to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors; to change rings or rotate judges; to change specifications in jumper classes as competition warrants. Every horse entered for competition will be under the control of the horse show management, but the Show Management will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be a condition of entry. Refunds: No stall fees will be refunded. Entry fees will not be refunded unless a certificate of illness or injury prepared by an accredited veterinarian is presented to the secretary before the start of the show. Once the show has started, horses which are not shown in classes they have entered forfeit the entry fees, except if a horse becomes ill prior to the class entered. Scratches must be made prior to the start of the class and must be accompanied by a certificate from the show vet. Scratches and refunds will be charged a $10.00 processing fee. Class Descriptions: All hunter classes will be judged on performance and soundness. Courses will simulate fences found in the hunting field, such as, but not limited to: brush, wall, in-and-out, oxer, post and rails, gate, and panels. All Equitation classes will be judged on seat, hands, and guidance and control of the mount. Six ribbons will be presented in all classes. A Champion and Reserve Champion title will be awarded and presented to two of the top four horses acquiring the most points over fences and under saddle in each hunter/jumper section. In addition to these points, only those horses will receive full points for one under saddle class. Management reserves the right to limit the courtesy circle in Hunter and Equitation classes. Management reserves the right to change any table or height (within the division rules) in the jumper classes to accommodate weather conditions or competitors showing. Jumping Order: A rotating jumping order may be established for all classes over fences. Management reserves the right to draw and post an order of go. Riders or trainers with conflicts must see the starter so necessary adjustments can be made. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded as noted. Prize money will be credited to show accounts, and remaining prize money checks will be mailed. Schooling: Schooling will be permitted on Friday from noon until 8:00 p.m. in Ring 1 and the Indoor arena, and on Saturday from the conclusion of the show until 8:00 p.m. Show rings will close 30 minutes prior to the start of the show. Management reserves the right to vary this schedule. Responsibility: Equi-Sports Run for the Roses dba Valley Ridge Farm, Inc., the Horse Show Managers, and their employees, herein after referred to as Management, The Mountaineer Hunter Jumper Association, their membership and officers, herein after referred to as MHJA, and The Western Pennsylvania Professional Horseman’s Association, their membership and officers, herein after referred to as WPAPHA, will not be responsible for any damage to a person, animal, or property at WVU Reedsville Arena for the Valley Ridge Farm, Inc., EquiSports Schooling Show, nor will Management and/or WVU Reedsville Arena be responsible for any property lost or destroyed. Each Exhibitor show indemnify and hold harmless from all claims and demands of any kind or nature arising from such exhibitor, his employees, guests, children, animals, or property exhibiting on the show grounds. This shall be a condition of entry. Hotels: Super 8 Morgantown 603 Venture Dr. Morgantown, WV 26508 Phone: 304-296-4000 Spring Hill Suites 1910 Hunter Way. (For GPS use 1931 Earl L. Core Dr.) Morgantown, WV 26508 Phone: 304-225-5200 Holiday Inn Express 605 Venture Dr. Morgantown, WV 26508 Phone: 304-291-2600 ENTRIES AND STALL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 Please Note: Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times – no exceptions. No smoking permitted inside main building or around stabling areas. All riders must wear protective headgear while mounted. All riders must be neatly and appropriately attired when entering the ring. A processing fee of $25.00 plus collection fees will be charged for any NSF checks. Show Ring I is 192x220 sand footing. Indoor is 80x200 sand footing. Warm Up Ring has sand footing. Outdoor wash racks available. No alterations are to be made to permanent stabling or other facilities by exhibitors. Owners and Exhibitors shall be held responsible for damages on the show grounds and stalls incurred by them, their horses, agents, employees, guests, etc. and will be billed for same. Any minor must have a valid driver’s license issued by their state of residence in order to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles on the competition grounds. No golf carts are to be charged/plugged into electric in stabling area. All horses brought to the facility (whether showing or not) are responsible for providing the show office with a signed entry form, current negative Coggins test, and payment of the Vet, Ambulance, Farrier, and Schooling Fees. All horses are required by the State of WV to provide a current negative Coggins test. Non-showing horses stabled at the show will be charged a $30.00 nonshowing fee. Concessions will be available on show days. Hopeful Hunter Division Open to horses with limited show experience. To be judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’6”. Classes: $14.00/class Class 20, 21: HOPEFUL HUNTER Class 22: HOPEFUL HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Schooling Hunter Division Open to all horses, ponies, and riders regardless of age or status. To be judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’6”. Classes: $14.00/class Class 23, 24: SCHOOLING HUNTER Class 25: SCHOOLING HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Open Hunter Division Open to all horses and riders. Fence heights to be 2’6”, 2’9”, and 3’. Rider may only compete at one fence height and that height must be declared on your entry form. May cross enter into any eligible hunter division with a fence height or 2’6” or higher. Classes: $14.00/class Class 26, 27: OPEN HUNTER Class 28: OPEN HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Very Green Hunter Division Open to horses in their first two years of showing over fences (not dependent on the horse/rider combination). Fences 2’3”. Judged on performance and soundness. Simple changes of lead not to be penalized. Classes: $14.00/class Class 29, 30: VERY GREEN HUNTER Class 31: VERY GREEN HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Pre-Green Hunter Division Open to horses that have never shown over fences higher than 3’. Horses are eligible in this section for two years only and are no longer eligible for Very Green. Fences 2’9”. Can only cross into a hunter division with a fence height of 2’6” or higher. Classes: $14.00/class Class 32, 33: PRE-GREEN HUNTER Class 34: PRE-GREEN HUNTER UNDER SADDLE OTTB Hunter Division Open to Thoroughbred horses that have a visible lip tattoo or proper documentation. Judged on an even hunting pace, manners and jumping style. Fences 2’6”. Horses in this section can cross into eligible hunter division(s) with fence heights of 2’3”, 2’6” or 2’9”. Classes: $14.00/class Class 35, 36: OTTB HUNTER Class 37: OTTB HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Adult Amateur Hunter Division To be shown by riders who are no longer eligible to compete as Junior exhibitors. Ponies may be shown by Adults, suitability to count. Fences 2’9” – 3’, spreads not to exceed fence heights. May cross enter into MHJA Adult, Intermediate, or Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 38, 39: ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER Class 40: ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE MHJA Adult Hunter Division Open to Amateur riders. Fences 2’6’. May cross-enter into Low Adult, Low Intermediate, Intermediate, Adult Amateur, or Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 41, 42: MHJA ADULT HUNTER Class 43: MHJA ADULT HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Low Adult Hunter Division Open to Amateur riders 18 years or older. Fences 2’3”. May cross enter into MHJA Adult, Intermediate, Low Intermediate or, if eligible, Long Stirrup. Classes: $14.00/class Class 44, 45: LOW ADULT HUNTER Class 46: LOW ADULT HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Children’s Hunter Division (horse) To be shown by Junior exhibitors. Fences 2’9”. Spreads not to exceed fence height. May cross enter into Intermediate, Low Children’s or Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 47, 48: CHILDREN’S HUNTER Class 49: CHILDREN’S HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Children’s Pony Hunter Division To be shown by Junior exhibitors. Height of fences is 2’ for small ponies, 2’3” for medium, and 2’6” for large. Spreads not to exceed fence height. May cross enter into Low Intermediate. Medium and large ponies also have the option to cross into Intermediate or Low Children’s. Large ponies may cross into Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 50, 51: CHILDREN’S PONY HUNTER Class 52: CHILDREN’S PONY HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Intermediate Hunter Division Open to Juniors or Amateurs. Fences 2’6”. To be judged on performance and soundness. Juniors can cross enter into Children’s Hunter (horse), Children’s Pony Hunter (if eligible), Low Intermediate, Low Children’s or Open. Amateurs can cross enter into Low Adult, MHJA Adult, Low Intermediate, Adult Amateur or Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 53, 54: INTERMEDIATE HUNTER Class 55: INTERMEDIATE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Low Children’s Hunter Division Open to Juniors. Fences 2’6”. To be judged on performance and soundness. May cross enter into Low Intermediate, Intermediate, Children’s Hunter (horse), Children’s Pony Hunter (if eligible) or Open. Classes: $14.00/class Class 56, 57: LOW CHILDREN’S HUNTER Class 58: LOW CHILDREN’S HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Low Intermediate Hunter Division Open to Juniors and Amateurs. To be judged on performance. Fences 2’3”. Juniors may cross enter into Beginner Rider, Children’s Pony Hunter, Short Stirrup, Long Stirrup, Intermediate or Low Children’s. Amateurs may cross enter into Beginner Rider, Intermediate, MHJA Adult, Long Stirrup or Low Adult. Classes: $14.00/class Class 59, 60: LOW INTERMEDIATE HUNTER Class 61: LOW INTERMEDIATE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Short Stirrup Hunter Division Open to riders 12 years of age and under with limited experience. Height of fences 2’. May cross enter into Beginner Rider or Low Intermediate. Any rider nominating in this division may not compete for MHJA points on any horse in any other division, except Beginner Rider or Low Intermediate. Classes: $14.00/class Class 62, 63: SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER Class 64: SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Long Stirrup Hunter Division Open to riders 13 years of age and over with limited experience. Fences 2’. May cross enter into Beginner Rider, Low Intermediate or Low Adult. Any rider nominating in this division may not compete for MHJA points on any horse in any other division, except Beginner Rider, Low Intermediate or Low Adult. Classes: $14.00/class Class 65, 66: LONG STIRRUP HUNTER Class 67: LONG STIRRUP HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Beginner Rider Hunter Division Open to horses or ponies ridden by Juniors or Amateurs with limited experience. To be judged on performance. Fences 2’. May cross enter into Short Stirrup, Long Stirrup or Low Intermediate. Any rider nominating in this division may not compete for MHJA points on any horse in any other division, expect Short Stirrup, Long Stirrup or Low Intermediate. Classes: $14.00/class Class 68, 69: BEGINNER RIDER HUNTER Class 70: BEGINNER RIDER HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Canter Cross Rails Hunter Division Open to beginner riders only. If the division size is excessive, then the division may be split, based on rider’s age, into 8 years and under and 9 years and over. Riders will be required to canter a course of cross rails not to exceed 12” in height. Manners, way of going and suitability of rider to mount to be judged. May not cross enter into any other division. Classes: $14.00/class Class 71, 72: CANTER CROSS RAILS HUNTER Class 73: CANTER CROSS RAILS HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Walk-Trot Hunter Division Open to beginner riders only. If the class size is excessive, then classes may be split, based on rider’s age, into 8 years and under and 9 years and over. Riders to trot cross rail course. Manners, way of going and suitability of rider to mount to be judged. Cross poles not to exceed 12” in height. May not cross enter into any other division. Classes: $14.00/class Class 74, 75: WALK-TROT HUNTER Class 76: WALK-TROT HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Hunter Seat Equitation All classes to be judged on seat, hands, guidance, and control of the mount. Six ribbons will be awarded in each class. Entry Fee: $15.00 per class 100 – Walk-Trot Equitation Over Fences 12” Cross-Rails 101 – Walk-Trot Equitation on the Flat 102 – Under 14 Equitation Over Fences 2’3” – 2’6” 103 – Under 14 Equitation on the Flat 104 – Equitation 14-17 Over Fences 2’6” – 2’9” 105 – Equitation 14-17 on the Flat 106 – Adult Equitation Over Fences 2’9” – 3’ 107 – Adult Equitation on the Flat 108 – Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences 2’ 109 – Short Stirrup Equitation on the Flat 110 – Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences 2’ 111 – Long Stirrup Equitation on the Flat 112 – Canter Cross Rails Equitation Over Fences 12” 113 – Canter Cross Rails Equitation on the Flat Hunter Warm-Up Entry Fee: $14.00 per class 2 – 2’6” / 2’9” / 3’ (Open card through Open Division) 3 – 2’ (Open card through Long Stirrup Division) 4 – 2’3” 5 – Walk-Trot Cross Rails 6 – Canter Cross Rails 7 – 2’6” (Open card through Low Children’s Division) 8 – 2’9” 9 – 2’9” – 3’ 10 – 2’ 11 – 2’ / 2’3” / 2’6” (Open card through Children’s Pony Hunter Division) MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES Premier Chevrolet $750 Hunter Derby Open to all junior riders and adult amateurs on horses or ponies. Purse will be distributed as follows 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%. To be judge on performance, hunter style, brilliance and handiness. All horse/rider combinations (otherwise known as entries) must show in at least one hunter division prior to the derby at this show to be eligible. Course will be designed to show horse and rider’s ability to perform over traditional hunter obstacles which may include walls, gates, brush, roll tops, natural obstacles, roll tops and oxers and may include a bending line, trot jump, roll back or an in-and-out. The class will be conducted as a two round competition and judged by the open numerical system. The first course will consist of approximately 10 jumps. The top 20% or 6 horses (whichever is greater) from the first round will return to jump a second round in reverse order of their scores from the first round, lowest score going first. Scores will be averaged from both rounds to determine the winners. Entries may not have shown in any class under 2’3” and must declare fence height equal to the highest fence height jumped, or to be jumped, in any hunter class at this show. Fence heights: 2’6”, 2’9”, 3’. CLASS LIMITED TO 25 ENTRIES Entry Fee: $45.00 Class 200: PREMIER CHEVROLET $750 HUNTER DERBY VRF Mini-Medal Open to all Junior riders who have not shown over a course where the fences exceeded 3’ in the current year. To perform over a course of at least 8 fences. Specify height on entry form 2’3” or 2’6”. All horse/rider combinations (otherwise known as entries) must show in at least one hunter division prior to the mini-medal at this show to be eligible. CLASS LIMITED TO 25 ENTRIES Entry Fee: $25.00 Class 201: MINI-MEDAL EQUITATION Lead Line Open to exhibitors 7 years of age or younger. Ponies and horses to be judged on suitability for small children, manners, and kindness. Entry Fee: $8.00 Class 202: LEAD LINE Saturday Schedule RING I 2 29 30 31 23 24 25 35 36 37 53 54 55 26 27 28 8:00 A.M. Warm Up 2’6, 2’9, 3’ (open card through open) Very Green Hunter 2’3” Very Green Hunter 2’3” Very Green Hunter U/S Schooling Hunter 2’6” Schooling Hunter 2’6” Schooling Hunter U/S OTTB Hunter 2’6” OTTB Hunter 2’6” OTTB Hunter U/S Intermediate Hunter 2’6” Intermediate Hunter 2’6” Intermediate Hunter U/S Open Hunter 2’6”, 2’9”, 3’ Open Hunter 2’6”, 2’9”, 3’ Open Hunter U/S NOT BEFORE 2:30 P.M. 202 Lead Line NOT BEFORE 3:30 P.M. 200 $750 Hunter Derby Sunday Schedule INDOOR 3 62 63 108 64 109 65 66 110 67 111 4 59 60 61 5 74 75 100 76 101 6 71 72 112 73 113 8:00 A.M. Warm Up 2’ (open card through long stirrup) Short Stirrup Hunter 2’ Short Stirrup Hunter 2’ Short Stirrup Eq O/F 2’ Short Stirrup Hunter U/S Short Stirrup Eq Flat Long Stirrup Hunter 2’ Long Stirrup Hunter 2’ Long Stirrup Eq O/F 2’ Long Stirrup Hunter U/S Long Stirrup Eq Flat Warm Up 2’3” Low Intermediate Hunter 2’3” Low Intermediate Hunter 2’3” Low Intermediate Hunter U/S Warm Up Walk-Trot Cross Rails Walk-Trot Hunter 12” Walk-Trot Hunter 12” Walk-Trot Eq O/F 12” Walk-Trot Hunter U/S Walk-Trot Eq Flat Warm Up Canter Cross Rails 12” Canter Cross Rails 12” Canter Cross Rails 12” Canter Cross Rails Eq O/F 12” Canter Cross Rails U/S Canter Cross Rails Eq Flat RING I 7 20 21 22 41 42 43 56 57 58 8 32 33 34 47 48 49 104 105 9 38 39 40 106 107 8:00 A.M. Warm Up 2’6” (open card through low children’s) Hopeful Hunter 2’6”` Hopeful Hunter 2’6” Hopeful Hunter U/S MHJA Adult Hunter 2’6” MHJA Adult Hunter 2’6” MHJA Adult Hunter 2’6” Low Children’s Hunter 2’6” Low Children’s Hunter 2’6” Low Children’s Hunter U/S Warm Up 2’9” Pre-Green Hunter 2’9” Pre-Green Hunter 2’9” Pre-Green Hunter U/S Children’s Hunter Horse 2’9” Children’s Hunter Horse 2’9” Children’s Hunter U/S 14-17 Equitation 2’6” – 2’9” 14-17 Equitation on the Flat Warm Up 2’9” – 3’ Adult Amateur Hunter 2’9” – 3’ Adult Amateur Hunter 2’9” – 3’ Adult Amateur Hunter U/S Adult Equitation 2’9” – 3’ Adult Equitation on the Flat INDOOR 8:30 A.M. Warm Up 2’ Beginner Rider Hunter 2’ Beginner Rider Hunter 2’ Beginner Rider Hunter U/S Warm Up 2’, 2’3”, 2’6” (open card through children’s pony hunter) 44 Low Adult Hunter 2’3” 45 Low Adult Hunter 2’3” 46 Low Adult Hunter U/S 102 Under 14 Equitation 2’3” – 2’6” 103 Under 14 Equitation on the Flat 201 VRF Mini Medal 2’3” or 2’6” 50 Children’s Pony Hunter 2’, 2’3”, 2’6” 51 Children’s Pony Hunter 2’, 2’3”, 2’6” 52 Children’s Pony Hunter U/S 10 68 69 70 11