For Immediate Release (Color photo available) Contact: Terry Testolin – Executive Director Neighborhood Housing Services of Southwest Wisconsin 608-647-4949 NeighborWorks America Leadership Award presented to NHS of Southwest Wisconsin Executive Director, Terry Testolin (Richland Center) Pictured right to left, Barry Ziegahn Neighborhood Housing Services of Southwest Wisconsin (NHSSW) Board of Directors President, presents a special recognition leadership award from the NHSSW Board of Directors and NeighborWorks America to Terry Testolin – NHSSW Executive Director. The appreciation award was presented at the June 22 NHSSW Board of Directors meeting at the Park Hotel Senior Citizen Apartments – President John F. Kennedy Community Building and Organizing Center in downtown Richland Center. According to Barry Ziegahn, “the award reads ‘presented in appreciation for all of the doors you have opened’, and working together with the board, staff and community we know Terry’s leadership work for the last 28 years has resulted in thousands of people in Richland County and beyond helped with our full range of “neighbors helping neighbors” initiatives and we are very grateful for his leadership, dedication and community building contribution in rural Southwest Wisconsin!” According to Terry Testolin, “I really appreciate this award as part of my retirement at NHSSW on July 31. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have had working with NHS and NeighborWorks America for the last 28 years as your Executive Director! Working with an excellent staff, board and many community stakeholders we have helped thousands of people, overcome major challenges and built an exemplary grassroots and regional organization and NeighborWorks America networks of excellence. I feel blessed to have worked with NHS of Richland Center, NHS of Richland County and most recently NHS of Southwest Wisconsin!” Testolin also said, “ I will never forget the ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors’ in a small town up the road from my home in Madison who threw out the welcome mat to this Community Organizer and put trust in me and gave me a chance in 1988 at a meaningful leadership job and a better life. Everywhere we went building our program up over the years, Ron Fruit and WRCO were there as a trusted partner getting our community information out there! So many people have pitched in demonstrating integrity and kindness over the years helping NHS. Our tornado recovery work with Dick Johannesen the courageous Village of Viola President is unforgettable! I will always remember the countless hours Ray Lawton shared, a founding NHS Board Member and super Board Secretary we called ‘the minuteman’ who was a beloved community statesman who taught us many leadership and life lessons as a veteran and member of the ‘greatest generation’. Ray who was a Civilian Conservation Corps graduate from the FDR Depression/New Deal Era, once said when we were facing very tough challenges, ‘NHS is the little train that could!’ reflecting his humility and positive spirit that always moved Team NHS!” Testolin plans to continue to live in Richland Center staying active in community civic activities and being in nature more, including fishing Southwest Wisconsin’s abundant trout streams.