Flavio M. Posse


Flavio M. Posse

Court Certified English - Spanish Interpreter

Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Contact me at fposse@cox.net

I am a native Spanish speaker, English is my second language and I can converse (very poorly, I might add) in Portuguese.

I grew up in a suburb west of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I obtained a technical degree roughly equivalent in the U.S. to two years of mechanical engineering. I was trained as an aircraft mechanic b y Aerolíneas Argentinas and worked in different areas of the company for three years before leaving for the United

States in 1981. I worked many jobs, for others and for myself, before discovering I had a knack for interpretation.

While studying at the Southern California School of Interpretation

I took classes on Over the Phone Interpretation (OPI). I got my first interpreting job as an OPI interpreter with TeleInterpreters

Inc. in 2005. After acquiring state certification as a court interpreter from the California Judicial Council in 2006 I started working as an independent contractor for the Los Angeles

Superior Court and in the private sector by interpreting at depositions, conferences and various assignments in the medical field. In 2007 I passed the Federal Court Interpreter Certification

Examination (FCICE). I am now employed full time by the Los

Angeles County Superior Court. During the course of my employment with the county I have translated many documents which are currently used in court. Periodically, I prepare transcriptions/translations for the Public Defender ’s Office and for the District A ttorney’s Office. A Transcription/Translation, known in court parlance as TT, is a very complex task. The job requires

listening to an audio/video recording, preparing a transcript of said material and translating it into the target language. The resulting translation is introduced in court proceedings as documentary evidence.

I collaborate at the Southern California School of Interpretation in the capacity of oral mock exam proctor and part time instructor preparing students to take the California State Certification Exam.

I participate in ProZ.com because I love the interaction with my peers, I can help others by sharing what I know, and because I learn a great deal from the talented professionals who answer the most difficult questions imaginable and amaze me with their knowledge day in and day out.


2006 State Certified Court Interpreter.

By The California Judicial Council.

2007 Federally Certified Court Interpreter.

By The Administrative Office of the United States



2007 Southern California School of Interpretation.

Advanced Interpreting Techniques in Civil and Criminal


– Federal Interpreter Program, class.

Instructor, Nestor Wagner.

2005 Southern California School of Interpretation


Court Interpreter Program.

Interpreting Criminal Proceedings I, class

Interpreting Criminal Proceedings II, class

Sight Translation for Court Interpreters, class.

Interpreting in Municipal and Superior Court, class.

Advanced Interpreting Criminal Procedures II, class.

Instructor, Nestor Wagner.

Southern California School of Interpretation

Over The Phone Interpretation, class.

Instructor, Claudio Federico.

1978 Escuela de Educación Tecnica No. 3 de Merlo.

Técnico Mecánico.

Buenos Aires – Argentina.


2010 Seminar: Internet-based Terminology Research, by Curtis Draves.

2010 Seminar: Ins and Outs of Transcription/Translation, by Maria Cecilia Marty.

2010 Seminar: Translating Plea and Plea Bargain into

Spanish, by Sandro Tomasi.

2010 Seminar: Expert Testimony on Gang Activity, by Ryan Libe.









Seminar: Expert Testimony on Hazardous Materials-

Meth Labs, by Mr. Birchfield.

Seminar: Orientation to the Judicial Branch for Court

Interpreters, by Barbara Edwards.

Seminar: Cyber Wordsmiths Workshop, by H. Torres Comas.

Seminar: Still Buzzing Along, by H. Torres Comas.

Seminar: Conference Interpreting: Vocabulary and

Technique, by Nestor Wagner.

Seminar: Linguistic Weapons of Mass Construction, by Debra Donson.

Seminar: Dealing with Contempt, by Al Menaster.

Court Interpreter Ethics Workshop, by California Judicial Council.
