File - Keisha Dunn`s CI 690 Portfolio

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Keisha Dunn
Assignment Four
Content Area: Science
Grade Level: Kindergarten
State Objectives for “What is Weather?” Unit
1. SC.O.K.2.10: Students will observe and record daily changes in weather (e.g., clouds, or
air temperature.)
2. SC.O.K.1.7: Students will collect and record information in a variety of ways (e.g.,
drawings, weather calendar, or graphs).
3. SC.O.K.1.5: Students will use scientific instruments and everyday materials to
investigate the natural world (e.g., hand lens, balance, or magnets).
4. SS.O.K.4.4: Students will compare and contrast the characteristics of weather and
human adaptation: four seasons, types of weather, and types of clothing. (Social
Studies Integration)
5. VA.O.K.1.4: Students will manipulate three-dimensional materials to communicate
ideas, e.g, paper-folding, clay, or assemblage.
6. M.K.CC.6 (Next Generation CSO): Students will identify whether the number of objects
in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another
group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.
7. M.K.MD.3 (Next Generation CSO): Students will classify objects into given categories,
count the numbers of objects in each category, and sort the categories by count.
Category counts should be limited to less than or equal to 10.
8. ELA.K.R.C15.2 (Next Generation CSO): Students will demonstrate command of the
conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
9. ELA.K.SL.C14.3: Students will speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas
10. ELA.K.SL.C13.1: Students will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse
partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger
o follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns
speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
o continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Multiple Intelligences
1. Activity One
Multiple Intelligence: Musical/Rhythmic
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
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Activity: In this unit, the students will learn about the characteristics of different types of
weather in order to observe and record the daily weather. The student will learn about
different types of weather that include sunny weather, rainy weather, snowy weather, and
stormy weather. The students will use percussion instruments to represent the sun shining
down, a rain shower, a thunderstorm, and a windy day. We will work as a class to compose our
weather songs. Musical instruments will be borrowed from the music teacher. Students will
also be encouraged to create their own musical instruments (art integration).
WV Department of Education Objectives
SC.O.K.2.10: Students will observe and record daily changes in weather (e.g., clouds, or air
VA.O.K.1.4: Students will manipulate three-dimensional materials to communicate ideas, e.g,
paper-folding, clay, or assemblage.
Source: Weather, K-6 Board of Studies Australia
2. Activity Two
Multiple Intelligence: Mathematical-Logical
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: The students and I will discuss the class’ favorite and least favorite types of weather
and why we believe those types of weather are the most favorite type and least favorite type of
weather. The students will choose from three pictures that represents the different types of
weather (sunny, rainy, and snowy). The picture they choose will represent their favorite type of
weather. A snowman will be used for snowy weather, a sun for sunny weather, and a raindrop
for rainy weather. We will then use a large bulletin board in the classroom to make a graph.
The students will be asked to construct the graph. By viewing the graph, the students will be
able to see which weather types the class likes the most and the least. The students will then
be asked to make conclusion and inferences about the graph. The students will be encouraged
to look for patterns in the graph.
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
M.K.CC.6 (Next Generation CSO): Students will identify whether the number of objects in one
group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by
using matching and counting strategies
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M.K.MD.3 (Next Generation CSO): Students will classify objects into given categories, count
the numbers of objects in each category, and sort the categories by count. Category counts
should be limited to less than or equal to 10.
Source: Keisha Dunn
3. Activity Three
Multiple Intelligence: Naturalist
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: As a class, we will go on a walk around our school. We will go on a walk everyday
during the weather unit (weather permitting). We will observe the weather using our senses
and various weather instruments. We will observe the clouds in the sky each day and have a
discussion about what types of clouds we see that day. We will then categorize the clouds into
three categories (cirrus, cumulus, and stratus). When we arrive back to the classroom, we will
record our finding in our weather calendar and weather logs.
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
SC.O.K.2.10: Students will observe and record daily changes in weather (e.g., clouds, or air
SC.O.K.1.7: Students will collect and record information in a variety of ways (e.g., drawings,
weather calendar, or graphs).
SC.O.K.1.5: Students will use scientific instruments and everyday materials to investigate the
natural world (e.g., hand lens, balance, or magnets).
Source: Weather Unit Plan: Integrating Multiple Intelligences
4. Activity Four
Multiple Intelligence: Bodily-Kinesthetic
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
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Activity: The students will be put into groups of four. I will then randomly place clothing on the
classroom rug in the front of the classroom. The clothing will be made for older children or
small adults. The clothing will consists of sweatshirts, long sleeved shirts, short sleeved shirts,
tank tops, running shorts, shorts, jeans, sweatpants, gloves, mittens, scarves, heavy coats,
lightweight jackets, rain jackets, flip flops, snow boots, tennis shoes, and hats. Each group will
then be called to the carpet. I will assign each group a type of weather. The types of weather
will include: sunny and hot, cool and raining, cold and snowy, and windy and cool. I will then
use a stopwatch and time the students as they scramble to find the clothing that would be
appropriate to wear in the given weather condition. The group who gets dressed the fastest will
get to choose which weather book we read that day from the weather library. All groups will
get a turn. A classroom discussion will be held to discuss our choices.
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
SS.O.K.4.4: Students will compare and contrast the characteristics of weather and human
adaptation: four seasons, types of weather, and types of clothing. (Social Studies Integration)
Source: Keisha Dunn
5. Activity Five
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: At the conclusion of this unit, the students will take the knowledge they have gained
from the previous lessons in this unit and create a descriptive book about weather. The
students will follow the following format: Snow is ________, Rain is ________, Clouds are
________, and The sun is _________. The students will follow the format and add their own
descriptive words. The students will then draw illustrations for their books. The illustrations
must correspond with the written text. The book must be four pages in length. This activity will
show that the students learned about the characteristics about the different types of weather
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
ELA.K.R.C15.2 (Next Generation CSO): Students will demonstrate command of the conventions
of Standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
SC.O.K.1.7: Students will collect and record information in a variety of ways (e.g., drawings,
weather calendar, or graphs).
Source: Keisha Dunn
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6. Activity Six
Multiple Intelligence: Interpersonal Intelligence
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: After going outside to observe the weather, the students will be placed in groups of
three to four students. The students will be asked to talk about how the weather makes them
feel, if they like or dislike the type of weather, and activites they like to do in that type of
weather. We will then have a whole class discussion about our feelings about today’s weather.
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
SS.O.K.4.4: Students will compare and contrast the characteristics of weather and human
adaptation: four seasons, types of weather, and types of clothing. (Social Studies Integration)
ELA.K.SL.C14.3: Students will speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
ELA.K.SL.C13.1: Students will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns
speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Source: Weather Unit Plan: Integrating Multiple Intelligence and Keisha Dunn
7. Activity Seven
Multiple Intelligence: Visual/Spatial Intelligence
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: I will show the students pictures of the different types of clouds (cirrus, stratus, and
cumulus). I will obtain the pictures from I will display the pictures and
website information using the Smartboard. The students and I will go on a walk to look at the
clouds above are school. I will ask the students to observe the clouds. I will show the students a
video about how clouds are formed. The students will then be asked to use cotton balls to
create the three different types of clouds. The students will be asked to manipulate the cotton
balls using their hands and food coloring to resemble the different types of clouds. The students
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can then glue their cotton ball clouds onto a piece of paper and illustrate a scene for their
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
VA.O.K.1.4: Students will manipulate three-dimensional materials to communicate ideas, e.g,
paper-folding, clay, or assemblage.
SC.O.K.2.10: Students will observe and record daily changes in weather (e.g., clouds, or air
Sources: Keisha Dunn
8. Activity Eight
Multiple Intelligence: Intrapersonal
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Activity: The students will work to create a weather log feelings book. The students will
observe the daily weather and record that information in their weather calendar. After they
have recorded the information in their weather calendar, the students will write short sentences
(to the best of their abilities) and draw pictures to illustrate how the weather makes them feel.
The drawings are personal and will only be shared if the students want to share them. The
weather log feelings book will be used for each day of the unit plan.
West Virginia Department of Education Objectives
ELA.K.R.C15.2 (Next Generation CSO): Students will demonstrate command of the conventions
of Standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
SC.O.K.2.10: Students will observe and record daily changes in weather (e.g., clouds, or air