2015 Astro Rocks Fest - Report

The 2015 Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest, celebrating awareness and knowledge of ancient geo
heritage beneath our feet and night sky above, drew a vibrant crowd to the opening launch of Indirri Marda
Art Exhibition. Held on Friday 22nd May in the Wirnda Barna Arts Centre, managed by Brendan Penzer, the
artworks by Wirnda Barna Artists surrounded the main galleries. Many paintings were inspired by Watjarri and
Badimaya language for night sky constellations and rocks and were complimented by a spectacularly lit art
installation in a darkened space by Gloria Fogarty, who also offered a Welcome to Country.
Outside under the stars, an Alfresco Dinner of soup and stew with damper was served in the Frangipanni
Forecourt. Local gold producer Ramelius Resources, through their minesite catering company, provided the
delicious hot food selection, while ladies from Bidi Bidi Centre provided perfectly baked damper. Local
volunteers joined Wirnda Barna trainees to both decorate the tables and serve dinner. All funds raised were
donated to the Wirnda Barna Youth Art Project.
After Al Fresco Dinner, Astro Rocks Fest patrons and others wandered across the road to the Outdoor Picture
Theatre for the showing of “Charlie’s Country,” an internationally acclaimed film, starring award winning actor
David Gulpilil. As the last of a weather front moved through, a shower of rain fell during the final minutes of
the film, clearing patrons from the theatre and dust from the night sky, in time for a perfectly clear sky for
astronomy, the following night.
Earlier in the day and on the following day, festival goers were able to visit the world class “Treasures of the
Earth Rock Collection” in the Mount Magnet Visitor Centre. This remarkable collection was donated to the
Shire of Mount Magnet, for perpetual viewing by “Ron The Rock Man” Ashlin, whose motto is that the rocks
belong to the people of the world. The Visitor Centre opens into the Mining and Pastoral Museum, operated
by dedicated volunteer members of the Mount Magnet Historical Society and considered one of the best
regional museums in Australia (and possibly the world!). Also on Friday, Curator of the Edward de Courcey
Clarke Earth Science Museum and colleague, presented “Mystery Box Rock Workshops” to students at Mount
Magnet District High School.
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A Report by Coordinator Karen Morrissey
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Saturday morning was abuzz with the opening of the large rock displays in the ANZAC Hall, where
local identity “Ron The Rock Man” Ashlin and brother Les, displayed the “Oldest Rock” ever found
on the planet. Discovered in the Murchison Region a decade ago, this rock re-dated the earth after
the zircons were re-confirmed at 4.374 billion years.
“Ron The Rock Man” also put on a spectacular show of diverse rocks from his sizeable rock
collection. Visitors to Mount Magnet who had come to know Ron during previous rock trips,
travelled back to Mount Magnet from South Australia and New Zealand to assist.
Kalamunda Lapidary Club members, who have also returned each year for the Mount Magnet Astro
Rocks Fest, displayed an eclectic collection of gemstones, offered information about lapidary and
sold gemstone jewellery at the “Down To Earth Markets”. Local gold mining company, Ramelius
Resources displayed an excellent sample of local gold bearing ore.
Prospector Fred Rose set up an outstanding collection of rock crystals, presenting the fast growing
recreational interest of “Mineral Micro Mounting,” which has been popularised by rock collectors
living in urban dwellings, or downsizing to smaller living spaces including caravans. A display of
Australian Stone Tools Tradition is an area of geo-cultural interest set to grow through greater
awareness and appreciation.
The University of Western Australia’s Edward de Courcey Clarke Earth Science Museum Rock
Display was presented by Curator John Reeve and colleague, providing fascinating geological
information. Mystery Box Workshops about rocks were also conducted with MMDHS students.
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Paul Jones of Boogardie Station set up an Orbicular Granite Display. This extremely rare and oldest
granite at 2.6 billion years, filled with patterned orbs and creating a “pretty rock” when cut, is under
his family’s private lease on private land in the Shire of Mount Magnet. (Samples are viewed at the
Mount Magnet Visitor Centre.) So unusual, this orbicular granite is featured in the National Rock
Garden Canberra, prompting this year’s National Rock Garden (NRG) photographic and information
display. The photographic display also included images from the Tiergarten, near historic
Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. A large tonnage of this orbicular granite was transferred to
the “Global Stone Peace Park” - a Worldwide Peace Project in Germany, over a decade ago. As part
of the Global Peace Park project, Wolfgang Kraker von Schwartzenfeld also delivered orbicular
granite to Canberra, where it is now to be placed on public display in the National Rock Garden connecting Mount Magnet, Canberra and Berlin.
Sixty one stunning images of natural geo landscapes, rock art and structures built from local rock in
the Murchison Region, were captured in the “Murchison Geo Photographic Exhibition”. This
informal exhibition, in which emailed images were downloaded to A3, laminated and mounted
collectively in frames, reminds us how plentiful and diverse the natural geo-landscapes of the
Murchison are, and how integral the use of rocks is, in our built culture from earliest times to the
present day. Patrons were given two stickers upon entry and subsequently voted for their
favourite images on the voting chart, before leaving the Hall. Photographs by Ann Storrie of
Bussleton Camera Club and local student Lydia O’Brien were voted most popular. The prize, a signed
copy of a new publication, “The Universe” by internationally recognised astrophotographer, John
Brightening the front of the stage, centrally located to the photographic and art exhibitions, a
fabulous display of “Mount Magnet District High School Astro Rocks Art Display” proved a
colourful, creative and informative attraction.
Around the walls of the hall, under the artwork and photographs, Badimaya language words which
related to earth and sky were placed on cards, encouraging an engagement with local language.
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Visually stunning and intellectually engaging, the Frank Dale and AW Thomas Art Exhibitions “Murchison Rocks” offroad tracks to ancient formations in the Murchison and Beyond also
surrounded the wall spaces, cocooning the rock displays. Frank Dale offered a walkabout tour of his
artworks which included “In Full Orbit: inspire” Humans - Habitats - Heritage and gave a
presentation of his exploration of working with local ochre and natural pigments in his paintings.
“Past and present - here and now Pathways of assimilation through artistic journeys. An enterprise to
incorporate visual and philosophical experience in a wholistic manner. A continuation of painting
with rocks and some other mixed media.”
Monsignor Hawes stone churches “The Spirit of Stone” – was a new presentation by Fr Robert
Cross, Director of Heritage in the Catholic Church’s Geraldton Diocese. The story was told, of the
extraordinary stone churches throughout the Midwest, Gascoyne and Murchison Regions, designed
and built early last century by missionary architect priest Monsignor John Cyril Hawes. The churches
are now recognised as world treasures. Those in attendance were privileged to also see original
hand drawn and painted plans by Mons Hawes, discover the Monsignor Hawes Heritage Drive Trail
and witness the developing “Camino San Francisco” (pilgrims walk trail) which will have a Murchison
Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Geological Survey of Western Australia poster
banners augmented information relating to the region’s geological features and rocks. The
Windimurra, Narndee and Youanmi Magma Chambers of the Murchison Mineral Field, Mount
Magnet and Yalgoo Districts, (possibly one of the thickest magma chambers in the world) and also
Australites, Australian tektites were presented. Reference and other materials provided valuable
resources to encourage further engagement and understanding of the region’s (and Western
Australia’s) rocks, gemstones and minerals.
Australia’s Golden Outback geo – tourism banners of Mount Augustus and Walga Rock, highlighted
two of the many significant geo sites in the region. Although no formal tours were organised, visitors
were encouraged through the local brochure and website, to discover stone heritage buildings on
the Town Walk and the treasury of diverse rock features which form a natural geo park, including on
the Tourist Drive, where the Ampitheatre, site of an ancient waterfall and the Granites, of
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significance to the Badimaya people can be seen. Further afield is Australia’s smallest Dalgaranga
meteorite crater and Walga Rock, largest gallery of rock art in Western Australia. Mount Augustus,
the largest rock in the world also rises in the region.
Wirnda Barna Arts Centre “Indirri Marda” art exhibition re- opened on Saturday. Wirnda Barna
Artists also conducted Horizon Power’s “Garangu Solar Art Activity,” highlighting many significant
effects of the sun in our lives. This activity related to the Aboriginal story of Garangu, the sun, a
notable feature of identity, represented in the Aboriginal flag as giver of life and protector.
In Picture Theatre Park Gardens, the “Down to Earth Markets” attracted a number of stalls including
for the sale of rocks, gemstones and gemstone jewellery. Many local children bought interesting
rocks! Mount Magnet Seniors’ community fundraiser “Pop Up Cafe” provided light refreshments.
Also in the park, local gemstone and rock collectors Gemma and Karen, offered friendly inspiration
for children with their “Creative Rocks for Children” workshop. Later, Gemma and friends engaged
children in “Storytime and colouring in” activities.
“Fireballs in the Sky” team from Curtin University conducted a “Dissecting Meteorites” activity for
children in the park. This was followed by the Astro Rocks bridging presentation between the day’s
events about rocks and the evening event about astronomy. This “Fireballs in the Sky - Tracking
Meteorites - Finding Meteorites” presentation, which was held in the Wirnda Barna Arts Centre,
introduced the Desert Fireball Network project, Fireballs in the Sky app, latest research updates and
stories. The intriguing work on understanding lunar soils was also presented. At the conclusion of
the Desert Fireballs Presentation, festival goers continued on to the town oval and Recreation
Centre for Solar Viewing and Gymkhana Club fundraiser, the “Space Age Sausage Sizzle” and
evening’s Astrofest.
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The Astrofest opening included Welcome to Country by Gloria Fogarty and messages of welcome by
the Minister for Tourism and Minister for Regional Development. Also presented, was a message
from Professor Lyn Beazley AO, Western Australia’s Chief Scientist 2006 – 2013, current WA
Australian of the Year and Patron of the 2015 FACET (Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism)
conference Geotourism – Tourism Down Under. The FACET conference was programmed to enable
FACET delegates to travel on to the Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest.FACET founder Pat Barblett AM,
Joane McKnight, Chair Australian Geo Parks Forum, FACET Executive and Committee members
among others made up a strong contingent of delegates to journey to Mount Magnet. Also in
attendance was CEO of Australia’s Golden Outback, Jac Eerbeek.
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A perfectly clear sky, ensured the Astrofest evening was a great success. International Centre for
Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) education outreach team was joined by a record number of
astronomers with telescopes. Among them, Rick Tonello of Astronomy Educational Services (AES),
Astronomy Group of Western Australia (AGWA) including Galaxy Girl of Star Gazing Club WA.
People of all ages were treated to awe inspiring images through the Telescope Night Sky Viewing of
Jupiter’s moons, ice cap on Mars, the lunar craters and stunning rings of Saturn. Constellations, star
clusters and distant galaxies could also be clearly seen. The astronomers also shared their great
knowledge of the visible night sky objects. Astronomy Education Services (AES) Rick Tonello’s Night
Sky Tours and Universe Tour Presentation, revealed more than ever about the night sky. A
precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), ICRAR’s Murchison Widefield Array Radio Telescope
Model with authentic life size antennae, was set up on the oval assisted by local youth and attracted
great interest. At the far reaches of the oval, ICRAR’s Glow in the Dark Rockets engaged budding
young astronomers.
Scitech’s Interactive Science Shows, Workshops and Space Dome also proved popular. Multicolour
solar lights lit a pathway to the extraordinary Space Dome experience, which provided a rare
opportunity to step inside a portable planetarium. (The Space Dome which has specific set up
requirements, fitted perfectly in the squash courts adjoining the Recreation Centre.)
Inside the Recreation Centre, digital presentations were surrounded by the “Astrophotography
Exhibition,”curatored by renown astrophotographer John Goldsmith. Creative artwork by MMDHS
students added colour and interest to the exhibition space. Fireballs in the Sky team’s “Meteorite
Meteorite Wrong” - helped reveal meteorite rock identification. ICRAR’s Square Kilometre Array
display, about the world’s largest radio telescope in the world which is currently under construction,
reminds us of new frontiers of space and science being explored and discovered right here in this
Murchison Region.
Although competing with the telecast of two Western Australian AFL games, the 2015 Astro Rocks
Fest lived up to its vision as a festival of discovery in Mount Magnet – Geo Hub of the Murchison,
about the ancient earth beneath our feet and the night sky above.
At this, the third Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest, it was encouraging to see a greater interest and
growing engagement by children of various ages, throughout all events. Also, an increase in the
number of people who travelled to attend. This offers a good foundation to grow this premier
regional event, which has the potential to develop and evolve further in response to the interests
and level of enthusiasm in the community and beyond.
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Success of the 2015 Astro Rocks Fest would not have been possible without the many generous
sponsors, volunteers and those who contributed and attended.
Ramelius Resources and Action Catering, Wirnda Barna Artists, Brendan Penzer, Gloria Fogarty,
Department of Mines and Petroleum, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Arthur Hoffman, Tim
Ivanik, National Rock Garden, Kalamunda Lapidary Club International Centre Radio Astronomy
Research, Scitech, Mount Magnet District High School, Astronomy Group of Western Australia,
Fireballs in the Sky, Astronomy Education Services Rick Tonello, Karen Williams and Mount Magnet
Seniors, Stargazers Club of Western Australia, Janine Bidois and Bidi Bidi Centre ladies, Galaxy Girl,
Patricia Bascombe, Janet Jones and Mount Magnet Gymkhana Club, John Goldsmith Celestial
Visions, Marilyn Davies, Fr Robert Cross, Contributors to photographic exhibition, Ron the Rock Man
Ashlin, First Aid Volunteers, Mount Magnet Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service, St John’s
Ambulance Volunteers, Mount Magnet Police, Paul Jones, Fred Rose, Frank Dale, Alan Thomas,
George Morrissey, Adrian Morrissey, Gemma Poli and friends, Karen Sturgess Noble and Shire of
Mount Magnet staff.
Sincere thanks to all who supported the 2015 Astro Rocks Fest.
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