december 2014 minutes

MPACE Board of Directors Minutes
December 8-9, 2014 Board Meeting
San Francisco, CA: Marriott Marquis Hotel Meeting Room: Foothill E
Monday, 12/8/14
1. 12:30PM
2. 12:35PM
Welcome, Call Meeting to Order (Ann)
Roll Call (Jerry)
a. Ann Jones , Korie Gernert, Jerry Houser, Katie Flint, Stephanie Reyes, Susan Rockwell,
Mylene Brezio, Deb Dobbs, Jeff Bzorodinsky, Amanda Skowski. Tracy Hill, Kelly
Lerch, Marianne (Dobbs), Melissa Kraft (on phone),
b. Not in attendance: Amy Hammond,
3. Review and Approve Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Jeff motioned, Ann seconded
and approved
4. Review Action Items progress from last meeting. In progress items will be included in
the current action list at the end of our meeting.
Action Items Summary from Oct 24, 2014 phone conference call:
Action Item: Stephanie will continue discussion and report to Ann and Jeff to
report to other Ace members by Dec 2014. For discussion.
Action Item: Ann will bring conversation to next board create a policy for Honorary
and non-member conference free registrations, in progress
Action Item: Amanda will talk with EACE about their experience with institutional
membership – done
Action Item: Amanda will bring example of info graphic to board meeting in Dec and
will send
i. out by email before the December meeting. In progress
Action Item: Dobbs will arrange a place to highlight CMS winner at registration at
conference, Done
Action Item: Ann – have winners come up to platform at awards lunch at
conference. Done
Action Item: Stephanie ask around to see how other organizations/regionalhandle
remuneration for speakers. In progress
Action Item: Stephanie will put this on the report agenda to review this program at
December conference. In progress
Action Item: Ann will move the process forward that MPACE info be put on NACE
and other region sites as discussed at the RCCE meeting. Will report in progress
Action Item: Amie will report on the volume and activity of Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Twitter to determine if we should continue investing time in those media. In progress
k. Action Item: Jeff will follow up with Kelly about the updates on Awards and Slates
look like. Need to vote by email because deadlines are soon to get awards etched,
etc. Done
l. Action Item Ann will table the bylaws discussion until February phone meeting. In
progress continue to put on agenda
5. Finance Melissa; (called in)
a. Review Financials
b. Expense Reports – Dobbs provided updated financials
6. Regional Events: income generation
a. Regional directors discussed progress on programs in their regions.
b. Action Item: Ann and Jeff will look into Phil Gardiner’s presentations to see if we
can suggest collaborations for programs. Need further information about when
he is speaking/launching data tours.
7. Conference Update: Espie and Tracy reported on conference.
8. Ann went over timeline, speakers, program. Discussion of dinners, food, drinks,
exhibits, board participation, and a partridge in a pear tree etc.
Business Meeting
9. Awards: BOD Slate: Board approved slate
10. Regional Directors (Jeff, Korrie, Katie, Mylene, Susan, Hema)
a. Reported on past and future events
11. Membership (Amanda) Needs committee members.
a. Update: promotional material?
b. Update: group membership research – Explored new membership models,
created chart of data comparing the difference of group memberships vs. making
a group membership. Appears that we would lose money. EACE’s model would
not work for MPACE since membership of large employers and campuses is quite
c. Action Item. Amanda will do one more round of research on small vs. large
school membership to determine if a different membership model would impact
them. Due in February.
d. Follow-up of any potential new members from regional events
12. MPACE website – membership site; update list of benefits
13. Education and Research - Stephanie. Discussion
14. 3i – Dobbs has info, but is not at the meeting at this point – working with conference
15. ACE Webinars; pricing
a. There are 4 or 5 each year. Registration costs is $59 for members AND nonmembers. Should we pro-rate this to give a break for members?
a. Possibly do a make-over of the award.
b. Discussion will be tabled until tomorrow, and Deb Dobbs might provide some
historical perspective.
The new slate: Kelly Lerch provided the list.
Moved by Stephanie and seconded by Amy to approve the slate. Voted and approved.
Communication (Amie)
Regional ACE/NACE Tweets and Re-tweets
Initial survey results
Recess Meeting
Dinner; Buca di Beppo
Tuesday, 12/9/14- Board Agenda - Hotel Meeting Room: Foothill E
8:00AM Breakfast
8:30AM Meeting Reconvenes
Attending Tracy, Espie, Korie, Mylene, Katie, Stephanie, Jeff, Ann, Amanda, Susan,
Marianne, Jerry, Kelly, Dobbs,
Further conference updates (Espie and Tracy)
22. Ann went through the conference step by step
23. Business Meeting logistics - motion open the meeting, Mylene motions.
a. Minutes from 2013 meeting (Jerry) table motion to approve the minutes? Jeff
motions, Katie seconds
b. Financials (Dobbs)
c. Motion to approve, Korie, Susan seconds
d. Thanks to ______________
Special Guests, Awards, BOD Slate, 2015 Conference Co-Chairs
e. Close meeting: Stephanie motioned, Espie seconded
f. Board Vote on any items from previous days discussion - none
24. Past Presidents update (Kelly) Melissa and Aime on the phone:
25. Aime - Survey went out and reported the responses
26. Committee had phone meeting –
a. Email was strongest. LinkedIn is good. Twitter will be tried further, newsletter is
in question.
27. Action Item: Aime will explore creating an MPACE LinkedIn company page as an
addition to our emails which are having difficulty getting through several organizations.
Will report next meeting.
28. Action item: Aime will ask the committee to forward relevant information to post to
the MPACE webpage.
29. Newsletter is essentially not an option any longer. The board generally agreed on this.
30. Action Item: Aime will send Dobbs a few questions to include on the conference
evaluation form by next week.
31. Mary Scott project, update (Ann)
a. Limited responses to survey: approximately 115 returns. Action Item: include
Mary Scott in next board meeting – phone call.
32. Dual events, i.e. NACE and how to have better communication flow
33. RCCE (used to be RAPC – presidents of regional associations) update; ACE/NACE
leadership team (Ann/Jeff).
a. Change: to send one of our conference co-chairs to other’s regional conference
rather than the president. There is $3,000 in the budget for RCCE and NACE
reception that could be re-purposed.
34. Action item: Jeff will review the possibility of co-chairs attending another conference
and report next meeting.
a. Regional Map/NACE incorporated
b. Better communication, discuss ways to improve overlapping of events
35. Action Item: Jeff and Ann will discuss the possibility of developing a policy/procedure
recommendation to collaborate with NACE on scheduling events to avoid overlap.
Board Discussion, topics
36. MPACE recognition ideas for volunteers - need ways of showing appreciation that does
not cross non-profit business league guidelines. Brainstormed ways to do this.
a. Action Item: Jeff will lead a small task force to create policy guidelines for
recognition for all volunteers at different levels and report on it next meeting.
37. Potential changes to CMS
a. Stephanie reported on the current program and wanted additional input for
possible changes. CMS was not working well.
38. Action Item: Stephanie will work with her committee to re-write the program to be
more relevant and manageable. She will bring a proposal to the next board meeting.
39. Dobbs suggested Special Interest Groups be re-defined.
40. Action Item: Dobbs will remove information on special interest groups from
membership applications and web page.
41. Honorary Life Membership, current process; future selection?
a. Honorary life members had reduced/free cost for conference attendance to
retired members who earned the distinction for their service. Ann researched
this with other organizations.
b. Action Item: Ann and Kelly will further research how others are managing Honary
Life Member and all awards it to write a reasonable policy for MPACE which could
include ending the award, re-defining it, or putting limits on expectations for
MPACE to manage.
42. Sponsorship Policy; revisit or leave as is for another year? It will be left off the agenda
until someone brings it up again. Kelly’s group decided it should not change last year.
43. Action Item. Ann will talk with Espie and Tracy about sponsorship procedures/policies
after this year’s conference and make recommendations for next year’s conference and
report at next meeting.
44. Action Item. Dobbs will talk to her website company to explore website ads and report
at next meeting
Board Discussion, continued
45. Webinars: from prior experience supporting CSI with Jim Case, Ann explored the
potential of MPACE supporting CSI in Mtn. North for summer as an MPACE program.
46. Strategic Planning / Goal Setting (All)
47. Regional Events; use of webinars, use of programs already created such as those Jerry
has been doing. Goal setting session
a. Ann led a general discussion on potential programs for both regional/ local and all
i. Discussed current programs people are familiar with. Reviewed MPACE
mission and latest survey of members about what they want. Members say
that networking face to face is the top thing they want rather than content
driven programs. Need to define and create programs for using
networking/personal contacts.
ii. Discussion wrap up: what we do best is to facilitate groups and interactive
discussions rather than webinars and content programs.
iii. Suggested that region directors talk about and organize programs for this
upcoming year.
iv. Program charges Refund: If you make a reservation and pay for a program
and cancel last minute or don’t show up then there is no refund.
v. Program charges Minimum: Minimum charge for all programs: $10 for
members, $20 non-members.
vi. Action Item: the regional directors will strive to provide 2-3 roundtables
per year particularly around the close of NACE and MPACE conferences
focusing on specific topics that received a lot of attention and interest at
those conferences.
48. Anaheim Conference update Nicole Wagner and Liz Zavala
a. Provided report on progress for the conference, introduced logo and listed chairs.
b. Action Item: Nicloe/Liz provide a budget estimate to Jeff in order to get board
approval in March.
c. 3:30 PM
Mylene moved and Kelly seconded to adjourn. Meeting Adjourns
d. 6:00PM
Thank you dinner for Conference Planning Committee
Action Item 1: Ann and Jeff will look into Phil Gardiner’s presentations to see if we can
suggest collaborations for programs. Need further information about when he is
speaking/launching data tours.
Action Item 2. Amanda will do one more round of research on small vs. large school
membership to determine if a different membership model would impact them. Due in
Action Item 3: Aime will explore creating an MPACE LinkedIn company page as an
addition to our emails which are having difficulty getting through several organizations.
Will report next meeting.
Action item 4: Aime will ask the committee to forward relevant information to post to
the MPACE webpage.
Action Item 5: Aime will send Dobbs a few questions to include on the conference
evaluation form by next week.
Action Item 6: include Mary Scott in next board meeting – phone call.
Action item 7: Jeff will review the possibility of co-chairs attending another conference
and report next meeting.
Action Item 8: Jeff and Ann will discuss the possibility of developing a policy/procedure
recommendation to collaborate with NACE on scheduling events to avoid overlap.
Action Item9: Stephanie will work with her committee to re-write the program to be
more relevant and manageable. She will bring a proposal to the next board meeting.
Action Item 10: Jeff will lead a small task force to create policy guidelines for
recognition for all volunteers at different levels and report on it next meeting.
Action Item 11: Dobbs will remove information on special interest groups from
membership applications and web page.
Action Item 12. Ann will talk with Espie and Tracy about sponsorship
procedures/policies after this year’s conference and make recommendations for next
year’s conference and report at next meeting.
Action Item 13. Dobbs will talk to her website company to explore website ads and
report at next meeting
Action Item 14: Ann and Kelly will further research how others are managing Honary
Life Member and all awards it to write a reasonable policy for MPACE which could
include ending the award, re-defining it, or putting limits on expectations for MPACE to
Action Item 15: the regional directors will strive to provide 2-3 roundtables per year
particularly around the close of NACE and MPACE conferences focusing on specific
topics that received a lot of attention and interest at those conferences.
Action Item 16: Jeff will remind Nicloe and Liz provide a budget estimate to Jeff in order
to get board approval in March.
In Progress items from the October 24 2014 meeting:
Action Item 1: Stephanie will continue discussion and report to Ann and Jeff to report
to other Ace members by Dec 2014. For discussion.
Action Item 2: Ann will bring conversation to next board create a policy for Honorary
and non-member conference free registrations, in progress
Action Item 3: Amanda will bring example of info graphic to board meeting in Dec and
will send out by email before the December meeting. In progress
Action Item 4: Stephanie ask around to see how other organizations/regionalhandle
remuneration for speakers. In progress
Action Item 5: Stephanie will put this on the report agenda to review this program at
December conference. In progress
Action Item 6: Ann will move the process forward that MPACE info be put on NACE and
other region sites as discussed at the RCCE meeting. Will report in progress
Action Item 7: Amie will report on the volume and activity of Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Twitter to determine if we should continue investing time in those media. In progress
Action Item 8: Ann will table the bylaws discussion until February phone meeting. In
progress continue to put on agenda