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Testing Newsletter – April 2013
Nutrition Geeks has now formally changed its name to Invivo
Clinical - welcome to the new Invivo Clinical Testing newsletter.
In this issue find out about
- Important Update – changes to GI Effects stool test
- The Stress Tests – which tests to consider when faced
with a chronically stressed client
- Case Study – fit and healthy 35 year old male with great
diet, but increasing fatigue
- Research and news – including education programme
focus for April and May 2013
We have recently been advised by
Metametrix Laboratories that due to
the relevant licensing agreement no
longer being in place, anti-gliadin IgA
will no longer be included as a marker
in GI Effects Profiles. This marker was
found in both the 2100 GI Effects
Comprehensive Profile and the 2120
GI Effects Chemistries Profile. If you
want to evaluate gliadin sensitivity you
can use the Celiac Profile, and the
Adrenal Stress Index Plus also includes
a salivary anti-gliadin IgA marker.
We apologise for any inconvenience
this may cause. If you have any
questions regarding this change please
Featured Tests
When a client is experiencing chronic
stress it can manifest itself in many
ways – energy levels, digestive
function, and skin complaints to name
but a few. But the key functional
imbalance we are usually trying to
address is to support adrenal function
– ensuring adequate cofactors and
reducing stress levels to reduce
There are a number of tests we can
use to understand where our protocol
should focus – Adrenal Stress Index
(and Plus version), Organix organic
acids, and Amino Acids profiles.
Adrenal Stress Index (and Plus
version) – this measures DHEA and
cortisol levels over a 24 hour period to
help evaluate adrenal function and
determine if there are relatively high
or low levels of these important
hormones. The plus version also
includes SIgA and salivary anti-gliadin
markers for additional immune and
digestive function insight.
Organix Organic Acids – within the
organic acids test there are markers
for adrenaline, noradrenaline,
dopamine and serotonin metabolism.
These can help a clinician assess
whether catecholamine turnover is
up-regulated or in a depleted state.
Furthermore, indicators of amino acid
and functional B-vitamin status can
help assess whether co-factors or the
amino acid raw materials may be
factors in the catecholamine status.
Amino Acids Profiles – the amino
acids are the building blocks of
neurotransmitters and the
catacholamines. These can often
become depleted due to the allostatic
load on a client. Looking at levels can
help assess which specific raw
materials a patient may require.
Case Study
Clinical Symptoms
Other Test Results
Medical History
Metametrix Tests
35 year old male, high stress job, BMI 22.7
Overcome fatigue
Reduce anxiety
Address poor response to stress
Increasing anxiety and fatigue; developing muscle tremors,
Plasma Minerals, red blood call magnesium and Essential Fatty
No major operations or illnesses
Adrenal Stress Index Test – showed elevated cortisol throughout
the day relative to upper reference limits, but relatively low
cortisol at night
Organix Organic Acids – a number of indications for poor energy
metabolism including:
- low levels of citrate, cis-aconitate and isocitrate to fuel citric
acid cycle
- elevated xanthurenate indicated vitamin B6 deficiency
- low homovanillate indicating depleted resources for
catecholamine metabolism
Amino Acid 20-analyte Bloodspot – showed low levels of
numerous amino acids including all BCAAs, tyrosine, histidine,
arginine and taurine
Designs for Health Complete Multi (with copper and iron) – to
provide core nutrients for adrenal stress response
Designs for Health Magnesium Malate Chelate – Magnesium
required for ATP and neurotransmitter production
Designs for Health Vitamin D Synergy – to restore vitamin D to
optimal levels for general health and wellbeing
Designs for Health Adrenotone Plus – a vitamin and adaptogenic
herb blend for endocrine and HPA Axis support
Custom Amino Blend – formulated based on the recommendations
arising from the Amino Acid test results
Research and Product News
When indivdiuals are dealing with chronic stress situations the digestive system
often suffers due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Medication
may be used to help alleviate symptoms such as indigestion – but what are
consequences of this? Richard Lord discusses in this short summary article
While exercise may help alleviate the symptoms of stress, too much exercise can
have an additive effect. This review article provides an evidence-based review of the
consequences of overtraining and implications for adrenal insufficiency.
Education Programme
Our education programme for 2013 is now underway, offering one series of
webinars looking at how to use Metametrix tests and Designs for Health
supplements in practice, and a second series of webinars examining case studies of
real patients. Our focus for April and May is The Stress Factor – working with clients
experiencing chronic stress. For more information about the programme, including
how to sign up and get access to downloads of the webinars we’ve run so far please
go to
Invivo Clinical is now launched!
Nutrition Geeks has now formally changed its name to Invivo Clinical. We hope you
are enjoying using our new look website at - please let us
know what you think on Facebook or Twitter. We will be making further
improvements to the functionality of the website over the coming weeks, but we’ll
always tell you about those on email before they happen.
Our address and phone details haven’t changed but please start using our new email
For questions and more information about orders and payments contact Sophie, at
For technical support including discussion of test results contact Angela at
For account management support including information about tests and help with
any aspect of using Invivo Clinical products and services contact Ann by phone on
07401 287 826 or email