
EG2015 Proposed Session Description
This template is for conference sessions being planned by the Program Committee. Each session is
approx. 90 minutes long and should include 2-4 speakers plus an activity to engage the audience.
Revision Date (please update this if you submit an updated version):
Version 1 -This is just a placeholder. May 27, 2015
Session Title (make it sexy, folks): Working title: Safer Chemicals in Products and Processes. (Working
on something more interesting)
Related Sessions (if this session is part of a set of sessions on a related topic please list the titles of the
other related sessions here)
There are three sessions under this Track:
1. Impacts of hazardous substances in electronics manufacturing and products
2. Tools You Can Use. Tools used for safer chemical strategies
3. How are companies taking action on safer chemicals.
Session Description (50ish words describing the key issue to be explored, why people should come)
Electronics manufacturing is a very chemically intensive process, including the use of many hazardous
materials, which can cause harm to workers in and communities close to manufacturing plants as well as
recycling facilities. This three-part track will look at the current impacts from the use of hazardous
chemicals, as well as strategies and tools that manufactures are using to find safer substitutions for
chemicals in production and in products.
Proposed Session Moderator (perhaps a member of the Program Committee who is leading the
organization of the session or who can otherwise do a good job of organizing the speakers)
Still deciding this.
Proposed Speakers (2-4 speakers, ideally representing different perspectives on the topic. If you would
like help from the PC in identifying and/or recruiting speakers please describe the ideal speaker. For
identified speakers, please indicate if the speaker has been invited, or has accepted. For speakers who
have accepted please provide contact info so that we can send them a speaker agreement and finalize
their participation.)
Impacts of hazardous substances in electronics manufacturing and products
o Ted Smith, ICRT (confirmed)
o Aaron Blum, ERI (confirmed)
o Verena Radulovic, EPA (confirmed)
Tools You Can Use. Tools used for safer chemical strategies
o Someone from iNEMI committee on alternative assessment tools (still working on this)
o Sarah Boyd, Thinkstep (working on getting travel approval)
o Michael Kirchner, Design Chain Associates (confirmed)
How are companies taking action on safer chemicals.
o Brian Martin or Annie Schmidt, Seagate (invited – one of them will be there.)
o Jennifer Reece, HP (working on getting internal approval)
o Working on one more company speaker here.
Proposed Activity to Engage Audience (may be a demonstration, panel discussion, audience Q&A, etc.)
We will have presentations followed by panel discussion and/or Q and A for all 3 sessions.
Session Scheduling Issues (please indicate if this session should follow or precede another session, be
on a certain day due to speaker availability, avoid being scheduled at the same time as another session,
Needs to be on a day when we can have 3 sessions together. Prefer NOT TO COMPETE with SOCIAL
session on Thursday or PLASTICS RECYCLING session (whenever that lands).
Special Audio/Visual Needs (will you need anything more than microphones and a projector?)