STAT : (page 1 and page 2) Check WARN; RRAI; RNOC.
RDAL : Check for students who are actually present to reverse attendance with teacher’s signature; call home for absentees.
ROCR: Daily Register with attendance by official class or grade.
RSAL : Total school attendance in date range (note trends).
RCUA : Names by your selection of ‘number of days absent in date range’ includes lateness and parent phone numbers.
U407 : Enter comments, enter Investigation Complete when possible; print and file open and closed 407s.
Used by attendance teacher to annotate and sign in the field and attach to planning interview.
R4RR/R4SS: Shows all 407s and details such as days open, resolution, grade level, etc.
ILOG : Input all outreach with detailed numbers and names and addresses.
RSIV : Prints all ILOGs for particular student to be attached to planning interview.
RDSC : Tells you who was marked present in a period who was absent in blue daily and gives option of (F11) printing letter for teacher to provide verification of presence/absence.
RYIS : Interval ranges of attendance and number/percent of students within interval.
RRSA : Names of students who fall within each interval.
RPAL : Perfect attendance (rewards/ postings).
REVA : (After scanning salmon sheets!) Captures 3 periods of attendance and lets you reverse easily for students marked absent in daily sheets.
REIS: Lets school monitor planning interview process.
RPAC: Shows your selection of ‘percent of change’ (up or down) in attendance rate from previous month (use for incentives or target for counseling etc).
RPAR: Principal verifies and electronically signs attendance register by deadline.
RSCA: Compares weekly or monthly attendance between classes.
Schools must create Attendance Teams (ex.: administrator, guidance counselors, social workers, school level attendance coordinator, parent coordinator, pupil accounting secretary, liaison to CFN1 Manager) which meet regularly in order to:
*track attendance;
*locate missing students;
*coordinate the re-engagement of chronically absent students;
*document all activity (407 and ILOG);
*build incentives for improving attendance;
*effectively process Planning Interviews for students if discharge necessary.
Revised 10/09 CFN1 Shaw