January Newsletter

January News:
Clothing – our Lost & Found is growing at a record pace – please mark your child’s clothing
to prevent losing valuable items! At the end of each month we donate all Lost & Found items
to Goodwill.
Emergency Cards – Please update any phone numbers and contact information by calling
the office and either letting us know or requesting a new emergency card to fill out – we
need to be able to reach you in case of a student emergency!
Recess – Our goal is to have students go outside as much as possible to get some fresh air
and exercise – please send your child with warm clothes (Hats, mittens, boots, ski pants etc.)
- We encourage our students to be responsible for coming to school prepared for the
weather and do NOT allow students to call home for extra clothing
Safety Procedures – You may notice a couple of safety procedures at our school have
become more consistent: 1) Buzzer System – when you visit our school you will need to be
“buzzed in” to the building, simply state your name and purpose for being at school to the
office – example “Hi I’m Joe Brown and I’m here to pick up my son James for a dentist
appointment” 2) “Red Doors” leading to the teaching/classroom wing are now locked until
8:00 AM and after school – Only students and staff are allowed beyond this point. As always,
visitors must stop in the office and check in upon entering our school.
School Website – we have a wonderful website with many links to resources and fun
activities as well as updated school information and classroom websites! Please check it out
and see all the fabulous things we are doing at Farrington School – www.augustaschools.org
Hat Day – is held the last Friday of each month. Students donate $1 for the privilege of
wearing any hat all day in school; proceeds are donated to Farrington’s American Lung
Association Trek Across Maine Team & American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team! Thanks
in advance for your support of these two great causes!
Cabin Fever Math Fun Night - will be held here at school on Thursday January 24th @ 6:00 –
please come and have fun with your children and support our school’s effort to make
learning fun! This event is for ALL students and their families
Attendance – At our monthly school-wide “Respect Assembly” time we have rewarded
students who have “100% attendance” and are at school for “100% of the time” – this is a
wonderful way to help students realize that the best way to learn is by attending school as
much as possible! We know that students do get sick and there are appointments which
cannot be scheduled outside of our school day, but we are striving to continually improve
our school-wide attendance month by month!
October – 99 Students w/100% attendance – 26% of our school
November – 125 Students w/100% attendance – 32% of our school
December – 146 Students w/100% attendance – 38% of our school
We are certainly moving in the right direction!