Syllabus - Sites

Mrs. Neesemann
AP Environmental Science
Bay Ridge Prep
Teaching Philosophy:
The goal of my science classes is to expose students to enough science content and
background that they can become informed, educated citizens. In particular,
Environmental Science should facilitate student learning in such a way that students
can participate in policy discussions, vote in an informed manner and be able to feel
knowledgeable about the world around them.
Course overview:
This course is designed around the AP Environmental Science Curriculum
Framework, and is centered on 6 themes:
Science is a process.
Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes.
The Earth itself is one interconnected system.
Humans alter natural systems.
Environmental problems have a cultural and historical context.
Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve
sustainable systems.
AP Environmental Science will be taught as a full year course, with five 45-minute
periods per week. Since this course will be offered 1st period, students may be
expected to arrive before school on certain days to allow for completion of a
laboratory exercise in the allotted time. Students will have the option of taking the
AP exam on May 5th.
The primary textbook used in this course is:
Miller, G Tyler and Spoolmanm Scott E. 2011. Living in the Environment, 16th
Edition. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning.
The course website is:
We will not be using a pre-printed laboratory manual for this course, but each week
students will be performing a laboratory activity that corresponds to the curriculum
goals for that week. Students will keep a detailed laboratory notebook in which they
document all of their work.
Course Organization and Content:
Unit 1. Themes of Environmental Science (5 days)
Lecture Topics
Major Themes of ES
Ecological Footprints
Biotic/Abiotic factors
What does it mean to create a sustainable society?
Textbook Chapters: 1 & 2
Class Activities
1) Discuss syllabus and expectations
2) Ecological Footprints activity in computer lab
3) Biodiversity of cars activity
4) Lorax film
Unit 2. Ecology (20 days)
Lecture Topics
Trophic interactions
Energy pyramids
Nutrient cycles
Terrestrial and aquatic biomes
Populations: definitions and demographics
Natural threats to biodiversity
Textbook Chapters: 3,4,5
Class Activities
1) Calculating GPP and NPP
2) Diagram a complex food web
3) Energy of a field meadow lab
4) Water quality field trip to New York Botanical Gardens
5) Biome project (including a climatogram) (p. 43 in Teachers Guide)
6) Cemetery Trip and project
Unit 3. Natural Resources - renewable (10 days)
Lecture Topics
Food production
Food security
Water cycle
Water table
Water pollution – testing
Textbook Chapters: 12, 13, 20
Class Activities
1) Soil sample dissection
2) Soil field guide creation
3) Personal water usage project
4) Water quality bio-assessment
Unit 4. Natural Resources – non renewable (8 days)
Lecture Topics
Geologic Processes
Rocks and Minerals
Mineral resources
Energy Resources – advantages and disadvantages
Textbook Chapters: 14, 15
Class Activities
1) Cookie mining activity (p. 47 in Teachers guide)
2) Oil reserves lab (p. 115 in Teachers guide)
Unit 5. Biodiversity (5 days)
Lecture Topics
Species approach to sustaining biodiversity
Ecosystem approach
Forrest and grassland sustainability
Aquatic Biodiversity – major threats
Sustaining aquatic biodiversity – oceans, wetlands, rivers, lakes, fisheries
Textbook Chapters: 9, 10, 11
Class Activities
1) Species conservation winter break project (red list endangered animal
2) Invasive species project
3) Marine Biodiversity lab (p. 116 in Teachers Guide)
4) Field Trip to fish hatchery
Unit 6. Environmental Hazards (24days)
Lecture Topics
Environmental Hazards – AIDS, Flu, chemicals
Air Pollution
Climate Change – cause and effects
Water pollution in groundwater, lakes, rivers, oceans
Solid Waste
Hazardous Waste
Textbook Chapters: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Class Activities
1) Ozone test
2) Air Pollution activity (p. 48 and 69 in Teacher Guide)
3) Mustard seeds – growth after exposure to pollutants
4) Ducks back lab (p. 49 in Teachers Guide)
5) Field Trip to Waste Water Treatment plant at Owls Head
6) Field Trip to local landfill (p. 72, 117 and 143 in Teacher’s Guide)
Unit 7. Human Impact (20 days)
Lecture Topics
Human Population and Impact
Economics and sustainability
Pest management
Agricultural runoff
Environmental policy
Sustainable practices
Textbook Chapters: 6, 22, 23, 24, 25
Class Activities
1) Census data research project (p. 65 in Teachers Guide)
2) Sustainability project – design a sustainable city (p. 139 in Teachers Guide)
3) Policty Project (p. 53 of Teachers Guide)
4) Article: A Model of Man’s Impact on Earth’s Systems
5) Movie: A Civil Action
6) Movie: Baraka
Unit 8. Review for Exam (5 days)
Unit 9. Post Exam (26 days)
Activities to be determined by student interest. Varies year to year.