Teacher Professional Development Opportunity in Neuroscience Science and Drug Addiction Funded by a NIDA grant, the Online Neuroscience Education about Drug Addiction (ONE-DA) is partnering with school districts across the Puget Sound Region to develop and implement a dual credit biology course to be offered to high school students through the UW in the High School (UWHS) program. Biology 100: Addiction and the Brain is a UW laboratory course that imparts core concepts in biology while using the effect of psychoactive drugs on the brain as a context. The course content-focus adds relevance to the learning experience by extending biological concepts into real-life applications. The effect of psychoactive drugs is approached from the perspective of molecule, cell, organ, systems and behavior. Goals: Increase student knowledge and understanding of neurobiology of drug abuse and addiction. Increase students’ science literacy and understanding of research processes. Increase teachers’ knowledge of the biology of addiction Increase teachers’ abilities and confidence to successfully teach a university level biology course with a focus on the science of drug abuse and addition. Increase teachers’ abilities and confidence to successfully teach in an online environment. Increase a district’s capacity for delivery of online learning. Create sustainable relationships between K-12 and higher education Resources: A comprehensive university level biology course, designed for high school use either as an online, hybrid, or traditional classroom class, that focuses on the biology of addiction and drug abuse. Community of UW scientists and high school teachers involved in biology education and communication. UWHS program framework, staff, and current partner schools. Teacher commitments, stipends and credits: Commitment to using the ONE-DA curriculum (Biology 100) as a way to engage high school students in science Attend a week-long, professional development summer institute focused on addiction science Stipends: $850 will be paid upon completion of attendance at the week-long summer institute, review and feedback on the online Biology 100 course, and submission of action plan for implementing teaching activities from Biology 100 course in teachers’ classrooms. Credits: 5 University of Washington credits or 50 clock–hours to be awarded upon completion of attendance at the summer institute, Biology 100 course review and feedback plus action plan for classroom instruction of teaching activities. Stipends: $500 will be paid to teachers who also (in addition to attending the summer institute, providing course review and feedback, and submitting an action plan) attend 2 half-day workshops, participate in an online community, and implement the entire Biology 100 course in their classroom, and provide a review of that course. Credits: 3 additional credits will be awarded on completion of attendance at 2 half-day workshops, participation in online professional development community discussions, and implementation and feedback on the Biology 100 course in its entirety in their classroom. Teacher eligibility: Desirable Qualifications: include BS in Biology, Chemistry, and a MS or MA Teaching or Education Desirable: Experience teaching UWHS or AP science courses Current Washington state teaching certificate Preference will be given to applicants who are considering implementing the UWHS course in their classrooms in 2012-13. How to apply: Submit your completed application and current resume to Joshua Halsey at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis, starting December 16. Application deadline is March 2, 2012. For further information: Contact Joshua Halsey at Puget Sound Educational Service District (jhalsey@psesd.org) Teacher Recruitment flyer: 2012-2013 Cohort 2