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Solution Incentive Program
Cisco Solution Incentive Program:
Go-to-Market Template for Cisco Developer
Network Partner Solution
This template is designed to help channel partners minimize the risk and learning curve associated with
building a solutions practice by linking them directly with a global community of ecosystem partners, the
Cisco Developer Network (CDN).
This go-to-market template outlines the required information to enable Cisco to assess whether your
business solution meets the requirements of the Cisco® Solution Incentive Program (SIP).
Instructions to Cisco Developer Network Partner
Note – CDN Partner, please complete the sections highlighted in grey starting on page 2.
Pre-requisite for submitting your CDN solution for SIP approval:
CDN solution (Name and specific release/version number if applicable) must have passed IVT and
you are eligible to use the Compatible logo
CDN solution must be published on the CDN Marketplace with your Compatible logo
Once your section is complete, please submit it to
Once submitted, the review process takes approximately 14 days. The SIP team will notify all CDN partner
applicants of the outcome once the review has been completed. If approved, the SIP team will apply a “SIP
Approved” label on your CDN Marketplace solution page under the Compatible logo and post this document
for reseller access.
Please make sure your CDN solution “storefront” on the CDN Marketplace site is complete and provides the
type of detail that will inform the Cisco partner resellers of your solution value proposition, support model
and other compelling data that promotes your offering such as product demonstrations and customer
Instructions to Cisco Reseller Partner
Note – Cisco Reseller Partner, please complete the remainder of the template highlighted in green
starting on page 6.
Once your section is complete, enroll in SIP through the Partner Program Enrollment (PPE).
Once your solution enrollment has been approved, you must register each individual opportunity, using the
Cisco Commerce Workspace Tool. Once the registration has been approved, the deal protection and special
pricing can be applied.
For more information about SIP, go to
To access the CDN Marketplace, go to
© 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This completed document is Cisco Confidential. For CDN and Channel Partner use only.
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CDN partner section to be completed (page 2 to 5)
CDN Partner Primary Contact Information:
CDN Partner Company Name: ParAccel
Contact Name, Title: Cliff Eisner, Senior Manager, Global Channel Partner Program
E-mail address, Telephone: , (408)337-0712
I. Executive Summary (Please be sure to complete this section)
Summarize the potential business opportunity for your business solution. Describe the business problem
that customers need to solve and how your combined solution with Cisco technology will create a compelling
sale. Summarize the opportunity, market, differentiation, solutions, and strategy.
In today’s global highly connected economy, enterprises are faced with a volatile business environment that
is full of unexpected risks and opportunities. With windows of opportunities short, companies that effectively
use analytic power to take advantage of data can reap rewards that are extremely lucrative.
Staying ahead of market conditions and competitors requires the capability to answer a wide range of
questions. The answers are more compelling and accurate when all available data is used. Results can be
unexpected and trigger further analysis, along with many different analytic vectors. The capability to quickly
rerun these analyses support a process of iterative and interactive data discovery as analysts start to have
deep meaningful “conversations” with their data. The conversations enable analysts to uncover insights
about the current state of the business and guide strategic decisions so that enterprises can make the
choices most likely to benefit the business in the weeks, months and years to come.
A discovery based approach requires a platform that supports open, iterative, interactive and complex
analysis of vast and diverse data sets. Results must be available in seconds and minutes rather than hours
and days. The combination of the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) and the ParAccel Analytic
Platform provides a high performance big data discovery platform. Deployed as part of comprehensive data
center architecture, the Cisco UCS with ParAccel Analytic Platform solution delivers a powerful and flexible
analytics infrastructure that increases business and IT agility, reduces total cost of ownership (TCO) and
delivers exceptional return on investment (ROI) at scale, while fundamentally transforming the way that
organizations do business.
II. CDN Solution Content
Provide the solution details requested below, including a detailed description of the solution, the unique
value to the end customer, and the end-customer business problem addressed.
A. Solution Details
Name of CDN solution (Name and specific release/version number): Cisco UCS With ParAccel Analytic
Platform Solution
Interoperability Verification Testing (IVT) completion date: March 12, 2013
Cisco product name and release/version number used in IVT: The solution is based on the Cisco big
data common platform architecture (CPA) and was built using the following components: a). Cisco UCS
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6200 Series Fabric Interconnects, b). Cisco UCS 2200 Series Fabric Extenders, c). Cisco UCS C240
M3 Rack Server, d). Cisco Virtual Interface Cards (VIC’s), e). Cisco UCS Manager.
There are two configurations; a half rack and a full rack. Each configuration consists of two fully
redundant Cisco UCS 6248UP 48-port Fabric Interconnects or Cisco UCS 6296UP 96-Port Fabric
Interconnects along with the Cisco Nexus 2232PP 10GE Fabric Extenders Per Rack and the and either
8 or 16 Cisco UCS C240 M3 Rack Servers dependent on full or half rack. Each server in the
configuration connects to the unified fabric through two active 10 Gbps links using a Cisco UCS VIC for
data traffic and Cisco Integrated management (IMC) connection for management traffic. Multi-rack
configurations include two Cisco Nexus 2232 PP fabric extenders and 16 Cisco UCS C240 M3 servers
for additional racks.
Half-rack configurations one leader and one failover node and six computing nodes.
CDN solution website:
Is the CDN solution proprietary? Yes
Describe the function of the CDN solution, why it is business-relevant, and how it helps create a solution
that solves a business problem (rather than a technical problem): The Cisco UCS with ParAccel
Analytic Platform solution combines ParAccel’s powerful, software based analytics platform with the
high performance, flexible and efficient unified infrastructure of Cisco UCS. With this tested and
validated solution, companies can accelerate analytics projects and give users the capabilities they
need to transform their business.
The solution helps organizations derive optimal value from all their data, finally delivering on the vision
of the analytics-based enterprise. This high performance, interactive platform for unconstrained
analytics allows companies to run the most sophisticated queries against the entire datasphere,
including new big data sources.
Together, Cisco and ParAccel help organizations gain new insight and get real value from all their data,
including big data. The best-in-class solution uses proven technology from industry leaders to deliver
innovative analytics capabilities that empower companies to accelerate decision making, innovate and
B. Business Solution Sales Engagement Model
1. Describe your CDN solution sales engagement model.
The ParAccel channel team manages all of our partners in the channel community. The team is
responsible for coordinating all customer opportunities/activity between the customer, partner and
ParAccel Sales Directors.
Describe your current installed base, including the number of end customers using this solution, industry
coverage, and examples of end customers, etc: We have customers in multiple markets including retail,
financial, communications, government and others (described in Section IV, question 10 of this
document). The common thread for all of these customers is their need to derive optimal value, from all
of their data, via a powerful analytics platform to create an environment of unconstrained analytics.
Examples of end customers include OfficeMax,, Royal Bank of Scotland, U.S. Department
of Defense, Merkle, and Warner Music Group.
Are any competitive Cisco technologies included in your solution? If so, please describe: We also
partner in a number of ways with Dell and HP.
Describe your company’s support model for this solution. Specifically, the planning, design,
implementation, and support services needed:
ParAccel offers customers the ParAccel Implementation Jump Start Package to help them implement
this overarching solution. This package is designed as a 3 week project and consists of a pre-defined
set of professional services designed to take the customer from purchase to value realization as quickly
© 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This completed document is Cisco Confidential. For CDN and Channel Partner use only.
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and efficiently as possible. The deliverables of ParAccel Implementation Jump Start include the
A). Kickoff
-Review and confirm a joint agenda for the Jump Start engagement
-Review hardware configuration and installation preparations
-Review database requirements and target application
B). Installation & Configuration:
-Installation and configuration planning
-Review and confirm hardware installation
-Install ParAccel
-ParAccel configuration
-Test and confirm installation
C). Database Design
-Review and deploy schema for the target application or subject area
-Load a subset of data in order to:
Determine appropriate data compression
Determine optimal data distribution
Determine appropriate data sort key
-Refine schema with preliminary recommendations regarding data distribution, sort and
D). Load & Query
-Load a subset of the customer’s data
-Execute subset of queries against ParAccel to test and confirm proper query execution
-Identify any SQL syntax refinements that may be needed for functionality and/or performance.
-Review any other functions or stored procedures as necessary to determine how to best
implement on ParAccel
E). Integration Points
-Review ETL subsystems to define optimal approach to load and update ParAccel
-Review BI subsystem and advise on front-end application integration and tuning (if needed) to
optimize overall performance
-Review any other database integration points and advise on integration approach
F). Preliminary Training
-Provides preliminary training to get started with using ParAccel
-Review basic administration and operational processes
G). Implementation Assistance
-Assists the customer’s team with starting the implementation tasks outlined from the previous steps.
Based on the knowledge gleaned from the engagement, ParAccel will assist the customer with their overall
plan to achieve full conversion or migration of their application to ParAccel.
This includes full feedback so the customer can appropriately plan:
-SQL and/or Stored Procedure conversion
-ETL subsystem development and/or integration
-BI subsystem integration
-Functional and performance testing
-Go-to-Production approach
© 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This completed document is Cisco Confidential. For CDN and Channel Partner use only.
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-Training needs
ParAccel also offers customers two levels of Customer Support and Maintenance Services: Silver and Gold.
Each of these services provides a Priority and Severity level response time with Gold providing the highest
level of service.
III. Business Relevance to Cisco
Does your solution require any unique integration with Cisco products? Does it work equivalently on
networking equipment from a vendor other than Cisco? There are two deployment options for the Cisco
UCS with ParAccel Analytic Platform:
Integrated software and hardware bundle: For the simplest sourcing and deployment,
organizations can choose a bundled solution.
Reference configurations: Alternatively, organizations can base the solution on one of the
predefined Cisco reference configurations for ParAccel. This approach offers more flexibility to
optimize the platform for specific use cases.
2. Identify the Cisco product families by technology that the business solution requires:
a. ___ Application networking services
n. ___ LAN switching
b. ___ Cable
o. ___ Multiservice WAN switching
c. _X_ Data center switching
p. ___ Networked home
d. ___ Dial
q. ___ Network management
e. ___ DSL
r. ___ Optical
f. ___ Connected building systems
s. ___ Routing
g. ___ Digital media systems
t. ___ Security
h. ___ IP interoperability and collaboration
u. ___ Service provider VoIP
i. ___ Media experience
j. ___ Physical security
k. _X_ Server virtualization
l. ___ Smart grid
v. ___ Storage
w. ___ Unified communications
x. _X_ Storage unified computing systems
y. ___ Video systems
z. ___ Wireless LAN
m. ___ Hosted small business systems
IV. Solution Positioning and Strategy
Provide an overview of the applicable markets, sales strategy, project management process, messaging,
and positioning of the business solution by answering the following questions.
What segment(s) does this business solution target? (Put a X next to all that apply)
a) _x_ Enterprise (1,500+ employees)
b) _x__ Midsize (250–1,500 employees)
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c) ___ Small/medium-sized business (fewer than 250 employees)
d) _x_ Local Government or Education business
e) _x_ Federal Sector business
Are you currently a Cisco certified reseller? No
Do you currently resell your products through Cisco certified resellers? No
Do you also sell direct? Yes
Will you continue to sell direct as well as through Cisco Reseller channel? Yes
Are you interested in working with Cisco certified resellers to reach your target customers? Yes
If yes, describe the ideal Cisco reseller characteristics that would successfully market, sell and support
your solution:
Reseller profile: The ideal Cisco reseller should be solution oriented with some experience in business
intelligence, enterprise data integration and management, and enterprise data warehousing. Ideally,
the reseller has a good understanding of reporting systems, dashboards, business analytics tools and
advanced analytics.
Vertical experience and footprint is highly desirable in the following areas:
A). Communications
-Network optimization
-Revenue Assurance
-Fraud detection
-Marketing and Campaign Optimization
B). Financial
-Risk and capital management
-Fraud and financial crime
-Finance and operations
-Customer insight
-Trading and exchanges
C). Retail
-Market basket analysis
-Inventory and store allocation
-Merchandising and planning
-Promotion optimization
-Customer insight
-Pricing Optimization
D). Government
-Defense and aerospace
E). Healthcare
-Member behavior prediction
-Electronic medical record analytics
-Medical cost trends
-Complex fraud detection and prevention
-Micro-campaign engagement option
Do competitors of Cisco currently resell your solution? Yes
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How are your sales and deployment projects managed? Specify the roles involved, key milestones,
metrics for success, escalation paths, etc: Sales are managed in the field by Regional Sales Directors
and the channel is managed by the Vice President of Channel Sales with respective Channel Account
Managers managing individual partners. Key metrics in regard to sales are new and recurring revenue
and number of new accounts.
Deployments of projects as well as escalation paths are managed in the field by a combination of the
ParAccel Sales Team (including Sales Engineers), Professional Services and Technical Support.
What are the job titles of the end-customer contacts you typically target for your solution sale? Chief
Marketing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President Information Technology, Chief Information
Officer, VP of Sales, Director Sales Operations, Chief Financial Officer
Identify and estimate the timing of each stage of the sales cycle. The sales cycle for the overall solution
ranges from four to eighteen months. There are multiple stages of each opportunity which will vary
depending on the customer requirements and environment. The stages are:
-Prospect identified
-Business need discovered
-Power sponsor and decision making process identified
-Customer Proof of Value (POV) planned
-Customer POV Implemented
-Customer POV Completed
-Technology selection made
-Legal and procurement process
-Opportunity closed
10. Which vertical market do you sell into with this solution? (If more than 1 vertical is selected, please identify in
order of preference.)
2 Financial services
___ Transportation
6 Healthcare
___ Wholesale/distribution
5 Government
___ Energy/utilities
___ Education (public/private)
___ Professional services
___ Service provider
___ Technical services
___ Manufacturing
4 Media/entertainment
1 Retail
3 Other: Communications
7 Hospitality/hotels and leisure
11. What do you hope to gain by participating in SIP?
We believe that the Cisco UCS with ParAccel Analytic Platform solution is in a strong position to drive
incremental revenue for both companies. By leveraging SIP, ParAccel expects to significantly improve
our market reach by leveraging the Cisco reseller channel while at the same time enabling Cisco to gain
a stronger foothold in the “Big Data Analytics” driven deals. As a result, we believe this will expand
Cisco’s accessibility to the TAM of this fast growing market. In short, by participating in SIP our goal is
drive incremental revenue for both companies, increase ParAccel market reach via the Cisco channel,
and provide an avenue for Cisco to gain incremental access to the Big Data Analytics market.
© 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This completed document is Cisco Confidential. For CDN and Channel Partner use only.
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12. Is your solution applicable globally? Yes
Identify the primary office in each theater geography where your company has a presence.
The Americas
United States
Europe, the Middle
East, Africa, and
Russia (EMEAR)
United Kingdom
Asia Pacific, Japan,
and Greater China
Covered out of the United States
V. Management, Sales, and Marketing Team
List company contacts, including the executive, sales, and marketing teams.
A. Company Information
Full corporate name: ParAccel
SIP contact name, job title: Cliff Eisner, Senior Manager, Global Channel Partner Program
SIP contact phone, e-mail: (408)337-0712,
SIP contact address: 655 Campbell Technology Parkway, Suite 215
SIP contact city, state, zip code: Campbell, CA 95008
Company Website:
Executive Team: 1). Chuck Berger, CEO 2). Barry Zane, CTO 3). Mike Torgensen, CIO 4). Rich Ghiossi, VP
of Marketing, 5). Rick Glick, VP Customer and Partner Development, 6). Dave Kloc, VP of International
Operations, 7). Dean Mayer, Controller, 8). John Santaferraro, VP of Solutions and Product Marketing, 9).
Cindy Cole Sauvignon, VP of Channels, 10). Alok Srivastava, VP of Engineering, 10). Tom Ulrich, VP of
North American Sales
Sales Team: See above
Marketing Team: See above
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VI. Reference Architecture
Attach a reference network diagram that shows a high level overview of the complete solution and/or sample
solution components:
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© 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This completed document is Cisco Confidential. For CDN and Channel Partner use only.
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Reseller section to be completed (page 6 to 10)
Partner Primary Contact
Company name: ________________________________________________________________________
Contact name: __________________________________________________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________________
Cisco Partner Account Manager (PAM)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________________
I. Executive Summary
Summarize the potential business opportunity for your business solution. Below you will be asked to
describe the details of the solution, including solution description, partner strategy, relevant technology, and
solution opportunity.
A. Business Solution Details
Solution name: ______________________________________________________________________
Solution description (in business terms): __________________________________________________
Solution website (if applicable):_________________________________________________________
Describe the unique value your company delivers with this solution: ____________________________
What customer problem does your business solution address? (in business terms) ________________
Describe your current installed base, including the number of end customers using this solution,
industry coverage, and examples of end customers, etc. _____________________________________
Describe the function of the proprietary or third-party applications, why they are business-relevant, and
how they create a solution that solves a business problem (rather than a technical problem). _________
B. Business Solution Components
List all components and services included in the business solution and the percentage of revenue
apportioned in a typical deal (ensure that the Cisco portion does not exceed 80 percent of the total
solution revenue).
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___% Application/software (list details for each) ____________________________________________
___% Proprietary components __________________________________________________________
___% Network ______________________________________________________________________
___% Services/support/maintenance ____________________________________________________
___% Professional services ____________________________________________________________
___% Other ________________________________________________________________________
100% TOTAL
What is the average total revenue per solution sale, and the Cisco revenue portion?________________
Are any competitive Cisco technologies included in your business solution? If so, please describe.____
II. Business Relevance to Cisco
Does your solution require any unique integration with Cisco products? Does it work in an equivalent
manner on networking equipment from a vendor other than Cisco? _____________________________
Identify the Cisco product families by technology that the business solution requires.
a. ___ Application networking services
n. ___ LAN switching
b. ___ Cable
o. ___ Multiservice WAN switching
c. ___ Data center switching
p. ___ Networked home
d. ___ Dial
q. ___ Network management
e. ___ DSL
r. ___ Optical
f. ___ Connected building systems
s. ___ Routing
g. ___ Digital media systems
t. ___ Security
h. ___ IP interoperability and collaboration
u. ___ Service provider VoIP
i. ___ Media experience
j. ___ Physical security
k. ___ Server virtualization
l. ___ Smart grid
v. ___ Storage
w. ___ Unified communications
x. ___ Storage unified computing systems
y. ___ Video systems
z. ___ Wireless LAN
m. ___ Hosted small business systems
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III. Solution Positioning and Strategy
Provide an overview of the applicable markets, sales strategy, project management process, messaging,
and positioning of the business solution by answering the following questions.
What segment(s) does this business solution target?
a) ___ Enterprise (1500+ employees)
b) ___ Midsize (250 to 1500 employees)
c) ___ Small and medium-sized business (fewer than 250 employees)
d) ___ Local Government or Education business
e) ___ Federal Sector business
Do you hold the required specialization/authorization to resell and support this solution? ____________
Describe your business solution sales strategy _____________________________________________
Describe your joint lifecycle services methodology for this solution. Specifically, describe the planning,
design, implementation, and operation support services that will be provided, and by whom, for both the
business application and networking components of the business solution, including end-customer
support model, support options, process, escalation path, and resources allocated. Attach supporting
documentation if available._____________________________________________________________
Service Support Phase
Business Application
10. Which industry do you sell into with this business solution? (If you select more than one, please
identify an order of preference.)
___ Financial services
___ Transportation
___ Healthcare
___ Wholesale/distribution
___ Government
___ Energy/utilities
___ Education (public/private)
___ Professional services
___ Service provider
___ Technical services
___ Manufacturing
___ Media/entertainment
___ Retail
___ Other
___ Hospitality/hotels and leisure
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11. What do you hope to gain by participating in SIP? __________________________________________
12. Identify the primary office in each geography where your company has a presence and is planning to
sell this solution.
The Americas
Europe, the Middle East, Africa,
and Russia (EMEAR)
Asia Pacific, Japan, and
Greater China (APJC)
IV. Solution Objectives and Forecast
Provide a one-year forecast for your target markets, sales goals, and networking, beginning with
the submission date of your SIP business plan. Assume calendar year quarters. You may modify the
“Calendar Year” row to reflect the date you are submitting your business plan.
Provide your forecast for Cisco networking products and services sold with this solution for one year.
Calendar Year
Cisco Product
Cisco Services
CDN/3rd Party
V. Management, Sales, and Marketing Team
List company contacts, including the executive, sales, and marketing teams.
Reseller Information
Reseller full corporate name: ______________________________________________________________
Reseller SIP contact name, job title: _________________________________________________________
Reseller SIP contact number: ______________________________________________________________
Reseller SIP contact address: ______________________________________________________________
Reseller SIP contact city, state, zip code: _____________________________________________________
Reseller Website: _______________________________________________________________________
Reseller Cisco PAM: _____________________________________________________________________
Reseller Cisco SE: ______________________________________________________________________
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VI. Reference Architecture
Attach a reference network diagram that shows a high level overview of the complete solution and/or a
sample Bill Of Materials.
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